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Re: Suggestions

Although I wouldn't object to powering up my spells, don't forget to take into account that the average spirit mage will have more energy than a mind mage.

These numbers didn't take into account some of Tass' updates, yes. But also don't forget Magic relies on Mind stat, which slowly makes spells stronger. While Spirit Powers only gain power by spending more energy on it. Between the two different approaches to skills, I think my suggestion is fairly balanced.

At best, maybe a point or two less DpE for spirit power, any more than that taken off and Spirit will find themselves underpowered again.
Re: Suggestions

While Spirit Powers only gain power by spending more energy on it.

And of course you gain energy... by increasing spirit. Well, after you've bought both talents, at least.
Re: Suggestions

These numbers didn't take into account some of Tass' updates, yes. But also don't forget Magic relies on Mind stat, which slowly makes spells stronger. While Spirit Powers only gain power by spending more energy on it. Between the two different approaches to skills, I think my suggestion is fairly balanced.

At best, maybe a point or two less DpE for spirit power, any more than that taken off and Spirit will find themselves underpowered again.
Ah, I keep forgetting mages can do that.

@ thetwo: a mind mage with a mind of 60 will do significantly more damage than one with a mind of 30 while a spirit mage will do the same amount of damage no matter what their spirit as long as they pay the same amount of energy.

All that increasing the energy reserves does is allow spirit mages to strengthen their spells to the same degree as mind mages.

(Consider this, if a mind mage increase mind by 4 points, they are increasing the damage of all their spells by 1-2 points where as spirit mages increasing their spirit magic either strengthen up to four spells by one degree of energy or gain the ability to cast 1-2 more spells per fight.)
Re: Suggestions

Powered up Holy Fire.

@Scrolls: Resounding Nay. Ink and paper don't hold energy very well, and the power the spells use have to come from somewhere. It would, effectively, make magic redundant so long as you found a few good scrolls. As for Spirit scrolls: equally impossible. Writing on a piece of paper how to manipulate your own soul would be ineffective, since it's a talent you have to be taught or learned naturally over the years, or have inherited it to have.

I'm working on more things to add to the shop, I threw in some new weapons and am trying to make up some armor. Since armor doesn't affect casting, making armor specifically for mages would be more for flavor than anything else. As is, we've only had one chase event, so high speed isn't all that useful. Though, if you meant armor that increases dodge instead of just damage resistance, I'm working on that too.
Re: Suggestions

(While doing revisions, you might want to include that the cone shaped form of holy fire is 40ft long, otherwise the full circle format not only has 4x the affect area, but actually includes the affected area.
Re: Suggestions

Actually, I'm decreasing the area of effect to 15 feet and making the cone 30 feet.
Re: Suggestions

Ah, well just so long as the cone isn't engulfed by the burst.
Re: Suggestions

I'm sure this has been suggested before, but some kind of change summary like Phoenix stuck on their character sheet would be appreciated. >.>

Just something like this at the end of the post you change:

10/15 - Fixed ridiculous "charge" damage.
11/20 - changed damage on most spells.
-Added "entropy" element and several utility new spells to 'storm' and 'body'.
11/23 - Fixed damage on storm 3 (gust), missed earlier.

For (only) new changes starting whenever. Keep it in spoiler tags for cleanliness, and if it gets too long even so just delete the old ones.

Basically, I know you changed *something* in the "talents" section, but I've no idea what. Just formatting? Added or removed talents? Changed one or more?
Re: Suggestions

I changed Quick to increase speed by 8 instead of 4, which I was going to say once I was done with posting for people.

I've wanted to do what you suggest for a while, but I keep not getting around to it.
Re: Suggestions

Also: I changed Skill with Weapon to increase by +12 instead of +8
Re: Suggestions

As-is, Duelist provides:
+6 to-hit with 1-handed weapons when not duel-wielding (or using a shield?)
+2 dodge

For comparison, taking "strong of body" (again, if needed) gives:
+6 to-hit with any weapon
+6 HP
+3 Spirit Energy
+3 Pleasure-to-orgasm
+3 Speed
+3 Dodge
(possibly) +3 Resistance
Re: Suggestions

And spending 6 xp on body instead of 8xp strong of body gives the exact same thing as strong of body.
Re: Suggestions

Noted. Upgrading duelist from 6/2 to 10/4.
Re: Suggestions

And spending 6 xp on body instead of 8xp strong of body gives the exact same thing as strong of body.

That one I'm putting down to the fact that you can't convert your starting talents to XP. Unless you meant that 8 XP was even *more* better then duelist, in which case it's a reasonable point. I don't think anything other then the direct stat increases is worth less then just plain XP.

(examples: "energy pool" gives 10 energy vs 8 for XP, "concentration" gives 5 vs 4 for XP, "grapple expert" gives 12 vs 8 for XP... all of which seems close to right)

Edit: quick question - can one make an unskilled attempt at stealth? You'd obviously lose the +8, but would you retain the auto-hit/double-damage if you succeeded? If not, what about "invisibility"?
Re: Suggestions

Unskilled attempts at Stealth result in a bonus to the to-hit roll rather than an auto-hit, and no bonus damage.
Re: Suggestions

Implementing a change-log from now on in this thread, starting from today. I powered up the buff abilities under the Spirit powers, after realizing that they weren't cost effective.

Happy Thanksgiving.

11/26/09 - Increased the power of Blessing, Battle Aura, Nightmarish Image, and Dark Armor
12/7/09 - Increased the power of Pressure and noted that Hard Hitter can be taken multiple times, as well as increasing the cost of Whirlwind. (All Talents.)
Last edited:
Re: Suggestions

Idea: I thought of this when you mentioned a natural ghost in my thread, would it be possible to bond with a uncorrupted spirit in some sort of symbiotic relationship? (Say, if you can persuade the spirit, it bonds with you and grants you some sort of trade off talent which gives both advantages and disadvantages?)
Re: Suggestions

Idea: I thought of this when you mentioned a natural ghost in my thread, would it be possible to bond with a uncorrupted spirit in some sort of symbiotic relationship? (Say, if you can persuade the spirit, it bonds with you and grants you some sort of trade off talent which gives both advantages and disadvantages?)

Depending on the spirits reason for still being around and how diplomatic you are RP wise, it's possible. Though I'd have to start making more of them to keep it fair for everyone.

11/26/09 - Increased the power of Blessing, Battle Aura, Nightmarish Image, and Dark Armor
12/7/09 - Increased the power of Pressure and noted that Hard Hitter can be taken multiple times, as well as increasing the cost of Whirlwind. (All Talents.)
Re: Suggestions

Having glanced at Asmodean's thread. I think armor needs a way to take damage against little attacks. That way you can't just wear tough armor and be unstoppable, but instead tiny scratches will add up and eventually the armor will be merely torn apart from casual combat.

This might make things a bit more complicated, but without this, the first good piece of magic armor anyone gets will make them all but immune to weaker enemies.
Re: Suggestions

On the one hand, being completely immune to some enemies seems a bit silly.

On the other hand, have *you* ever tried to hack through platemail with your teeth?

I suppose you could do "minimum 1 damage" or "critical hit ignores armor" or something.