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Summer's War! (Tyragor)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"Why not hon, hmhm? Don't want me to watch you feel good?" Harriet replied, chuckling at her. "And it's real hon because the way the VR machine stuff works. After a few tests prior to this, we've made it so the gel against your skin triggers your nerves and muscles to feel everything that happens, even though they won't have any lasting effects like broken bones and stuff like that. Your mind fills in the rest as those feelings are felt throughout your body, giving you an orgasm at the appropriate times, and everything like that," she went on to say, informing Alyssa of what The EGG machine did.

Lily meanwhile was beginning to increase her speed, pounding into Alyssa a bit faster and deeper with each thrust and soon enough Alyssa would feel the stirrings of climax creeping up through her. "Mmm, good girl, just keep moving with me and it'll feel so much better soon... oooh, I'm getting closer," Lily panted softly, moaning in Alyssa's ear and her tentacle buried in Alyssa's pussy beginning to tremble in preparation for release.

After another couple of minutes, Alyssa felt the tentacle suddenly give a firm deep thrust, the head of it pressing against Alyssa's cervix and the entrance to her womb, where she felt a small round object pushing into her womb, not an ounce of pain to be had, but intense pleasure, enough to send Alyssa over the edge into a very intense orgasm, one that lasted the entire time the seeds were pumped into her. Alyssa managed to count a couple of dozen of the small seedlings pump into her, and after the last one, Lily sighed softly as Alyssa's orgasm finally finished, and Alyssa's womb was filled with a strange greenish liquid that leaked out from around the tentacle, and left Alyssa panting like mad.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"I-it's not that...!" she tried to argue, head swimming with an endless supply of distractions." Her chuckle broke away any chance of her continued argument, her reply supplying the hopelessness of any case against it. The VR was hooked directly to her nerves. No wonder it felt so real, so strange so...


No! That wasn't it at all! He brain tried desperately to deal with the disparity. if it hadn't been for the watcher it would have been so easy, she could have just embraced it, turn it to her advantage where she could but no! With someone watching...it was wrong! It was embarrassing!?

Even with the conflict she couldn't help but feel the raw sensation of the act. Her nerves were on fire, synapses firing strange signals she couldn't even begin to process but began to give way to pleasure. Her sounds broke free, beginning with loud breaths but building to quiet moans. "I don't...I don't" she murmured to Lily, some halfhearted barely thought out complaint as she felt the sudden warmth burst free and so deep inside. She couldn't help it, at that moment a sudden explosion broke free off through her body causing her to squirm and writhe against the deep thrust. She tensed, insides pulling tightly against the equivalent of Lily's member as if to milk and pull it deep inside of her.

"N-n...neh..." she murmured stunned, trying desperately to pull herself together as he entranced ached pleasurably. She'd never felt anything even coming close to that before. She found her arms had clutched tightly to whatever Lily had given her. Her body, her arms, the thing inside of her, or the ground if nothing else.

She tried to gather her senses, she'd never felt anything like that before.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

Lily had indeed given Alyssa her entire body to hold onto while this happened, one hand caressing Alyssa's cheek as she sat there with the young human in her arms. "Didn't I tell you it would feel good, love?" Lily asked softly, smiling warmly at her as Alyssa recovered from the intense orgasm.

Lily didn't pull the tentacle out of Alyssa's pussy just yet though, leaving it firmly, yet gently, lodged inside to ensure none of the seedlings, or her cum, leaked out for now. She did however let go completely of Alyssa's arms and legs with her tentacles, her hands caressing her body all over to help soothe and relax her.

"Wow, I've never seen a user's bio readings skyrocket that much for an orgasm. That must have been incredibly intense, huh," Harriet said after a few moments, sounding intrigued by this.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

She was stunned, mind reeling for a long time, perhaps it was only a few minutes, she could still feel the faint waves of the orgasm roll through her body, and couldn't understand why.

"T-take it out...please," she murmured trying to writhe off of it even as they worked along her body to relax her.

"W-what?" she flushed, realizing Harriet was of course watching the whole time, a mortifying fact she'd tried to forget. "N-no! No no no, oh my god..." she complained quietly. Her hands tried to shield her face from the world, faintly trembling from the sensation still.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"Shh shh, it's okay dearie, just relax and calm down," Lily said, gently pulling the tentacle out of her slit very slowly, until it audibly popped free. "There we go, now you can just lay back for a little bit and relax," Lily then whispered in her ear, wrapping the petals closer around them so nobody could see Alyssa... well, save for Harriet at least.

"Alyssa, hon, relax. I was the only one who saw it all, and I'm not going to tell anyone about it, least not without your permission first," Harriet said with a smile, trying to soothe the young woman in the VR machine.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

Alyssa shuddered and gasped as it slid free. She laid back and tried to recover her senses, even that had driven her close. She was obscured, and held tight and found that it was...well...oddly comforting. She wanted nothing less than to shut herself off from the world, and it seemed she was granted her wish. She obliged and, ever so slightly relaxed.

"O-okay...fine. I only did it...to complete the quest, you understand right...?" Even then her pride demanded acknowledgement.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"I understand honey, don't worry," Harriet said in a soothing tone, not seeming to mind indulging Alyssa.

After a few minutes, Alyssa felt the feeling coming back to her legs and the rest of her body, and Lily seemed to be quite happy now and she kissed Alyssa on the cheek, and hugged her. "They should be ready to come out in a few more minutes, you're very fertile for them, hmhm," Lily said, looking even happier about this.

It wasn't long after that, that Alyssa felt the seedlings inside of her demanding she let them out, and when the time came, she felt the urge to push, and one by one the seedlings came out of her folds, the pleasure almost as good as when Lily was pounding her and pumping the eggs inside. When all was said and done, with Alyssa having several orgasms during the birthing, Lily gently laid Alyssa down just outside of her petals on the ground, though she kept her covered with as many of her tentacles as she could manage. "Would you like to help me plant them dearie? I won't make you if you'd rather not, though I would appreciate the help," Lily asked Alyssa when it looked like Alyssa had recovered enough to get back up.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"T-thank you," she murmured, and in that moment comforted by her words began to drift faintly out of consciousness only to stir moments later by Lily's words. "E-eh? What do you mean..."

Oh no. Of course.

The words, detailing what lay ahead began to become more than a little obvious to her. Alyssa panicked briefly. "T-there has to be..." a sudden pang cut her short and she drew a short breath.

None of this is real.

This is a game.

There is no need to be afraid.

There is nothing to be ashamed of.

She might have gotten a few more reassurances if not for the second pang, the overwhelming desire that hit her. She let out a shuddering desire as instinct took over and she began to push. She knew this was nothing like it would have been, instead of the pain she had always come to expect she felt waves of pleasure, so intense that it even managed to wash away her embarrassment as pleasure rocked her body one by one as they began to leave her.

How could she help it? This was sensation beyond anything she could have experienced in the outside world, even if she had pursued it. A closet shut in like her? Wasn't this what she turned to video games for? The experience she couldn't find elsewhere?

All of her resistance couldn't keep her from enjoying the final orgasm, basking in its glow as she lay panting alongside Lily.

When her senses regained her shame returned, but lessened, a thin veneer to make enjoying it okay. "H-huhn...help you...?" Her eyes traced over them...they'd been inside her? She'd carried them...?

She nodded slowly. "I-I can help...I think." Better to turn an ally to a friend, right?

"Whoever made this game...is strange," she complained to Harriet, but somehow it seemed halfhearted in a way.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"Oh splendid sweetie. And for helping me, I'll give you an extra reward too okay," Lily said, looking so happy that Alyssa was willing to help. "I'll make sure that all of my kind know that you're a friend to us," she added, kissing Alyssa on the cheek and together, with Lily digging the little holes for them, and Alyssa popping the seedlings into them, they got the work done in only a couple of minutes.

"Heh, it changes based on the users desires and several other things," Harriet chuckled to Alyssa.

After that was done, Lily beckoned Alyssa back over to her, and she handed a large leaf to Alyssa, which was wrapped around a total of 8 fruits. "These are alraune fruits, and they're very nutritious, and valuable too. Each of those fruits can sustain a person for a full day each, remember," Lily told Alyssa with a smile, giving her a parting peck on the lips and letting her go on her way unless she wished to stay any longer, even helping her get her clothes back on.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

Alyssa smiled at Lily and nodded, hoping that she would soon feel a little back to normal. "I am...happy to help of course." With a faintly burning cheek Alyssa would soon get into the flow of it and found it done quickly.

Always go for the bonus objective.

"N-no way!" she argued with Harriet. How could she have ever wanted this...!

"A-ah! Thank you Lily!" She was dragged out of her thoughts by the gift...the quest reward...! Alyssa blushed, finding herself returning the kiss ever slightly, accepting the help to get redressed as she swiftly went on her way.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

Alyssa soon made her way back to Violet, who was finishing up with her potion making, and Alyssa saw 4 small bottles, each filled up with liquid that was faintly pink. "Oh Alyssa, you're back. Do you feel alright? Was she... rough?" Violet said, hugging Alyssa when she spotted her after moving over to her.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"I-it's fine! I'm fine, it's fine, don't worry about it," Alyssa said swiftly, waving her arms to dismiss it. The hug caught her off guard but she returned it after a moment. "Are the potions all done...?"
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"Yes they're done. I promised you some of the whole thing too in exchange for helping me gather the ingredients. So here you go sweetie, and thank you again," Violet told Alyssa, smiling as she offered her two of the four potions. "There's a town not too very far from here, to the south, it's more an elven town, and the one to the north is a more human town, though both are on good terms with one another, so you shouldn't have any trouble in either town. The one south of here is closer though," she went on to say, smiling at Alyssa and pointing in the general directions of both towns.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

Alyssa nodded, gratefully accepting both. "Thank you for your help," she said, though a little wearied. This journey had started off...strangely, now she was determined to get it back on track. "Maybe...I'll see you around?" strange to speak to a lump of code so politely, but she found it difficult to ignore the social niceties, perhaps that was for the best. She made her way south having little preference.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"Oh it's nothing dearie, and yes, you may see me in the elven town. I go there from time to time to sell potions and the like. Be careful on the trail there," Violet said, hugging Alyssa one last time before letting her go on.

Alyssa made her way southward after that, her pack a little fuller after Lily and Violet had given her their gifts. "Well hon, how you liking it so far? Having fun?" Harriet asked as Alyssa walked along.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"Ah, it'll be good to know a friendly face, thank you Violet." She hugged her in return, marvelling at the realness of it all. She sighed and turned marching on her way. "The...system is incredible, everything is very responsive, the world is...immersive to say the least. C-can't say I'm sure about the content but...well, I haven't met a game I couldn't conquer, and I'm not starting now."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"Of course dearie. Go on ahead and I'll see you later on," Violet said before smiling to Alyssa and waving to her as she left.

"Hmhm, good, I'm glad you've got that kind of spirit. A few of the other ladies that came in quit the simulator after their first or second sexual experience in there. There's good things that can happen of course, but then there's the bad ones too, such as monsters or people getting the better of you. I've tested it myself, and personally I think it's fun as hell," Harriet told Alyssa as she walked.

After a little while, Alyssa found the main road, and was able to follow it southward of where she was. The sun was starting to lower though before the town came into sight unfortunately, leaving her with a decision. Did she try and build a quick campsite under the trees? Or did she instead try to trudge forward through the night and get into town late?


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

Alyssa found a smile in her as she departed from Violet. The walk felt good, to just travel and see new things and reflect on what was done to her since she'd arrive. Hours had passed, but in reality mere moments, how wonderous was that? How terrifying?

She loved it, all that potential and all the adventures she could have.

"W-well! I'm not like those...other ladies." One or two sexual experiences? How many of them awaited her! Hmph, she set a quiet personal goal. "Well, I have no intention of quitting, games don't conquer me, I conquer them." She said confidently with a grin, flexing a skinny right arm and patting the modest muscle that formed.

She scoffed, good-naturedly. "I'm sure someone like you found it perfectly fine. I mean...whatever, it's all just a part of it right?"

Outside of the moment it was easy to be confident.

She decided not to press her luck, travelling in the dark was just asking for trouble the even if time travelled slowly, a good chance to rest might give her a moment to collect herself. She began to make camp.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"Heh, good to hear hon. I'll monitor your situation though and if there's anything that I need to let you know, without ruining your game, then I will, okay. Unless it's an emergency of course," Harriet told her. "And yes, it is just part of it. But come on. You watch anime and stuff like that right? You can't tell me that you've never had those naughty dreams of just being held down and taken by something that wants your luscious body," Harriet went on to say, giggling softly as she spoke.

After the talk was finished and night began to fall, Alyssa decided it was better safe than sorry, and she found in her pack a flint and steel with which to get a fire started. She found some tinder easily enough, and got her camp set up in a small gathering of large rocks that would shield her good from the wing, and reflect the heat of her fire good to keep her warm. Once she had finished setting her camp up, Alyssa was able to get some warm food cooked up and into her belly, which would do wonders for her morale most likely.

"So hon, just letting you know, there are creatures in the forest, but I'm not seeing any nearby your position. So you should be able to rest up without any trouble," Harriet said cheerfully.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

Alyssa let out a chuckle. "So, the creator is the same as one of those anime and stuff? And...I-I'll have you know I'm a pure girl! A proper maiden," she stuck out her tongue, unsure if Harriet could even see it, though in truth the idea of being desired, of being wanted. Well, there was a reason why she made such as lasvicious avatar. The idea of being desire, of exploited those who lusted after her for reward? Of course she did, any advantage in a game.

Starting a fire was an interesting and tactile experience ,it didn't take too long before she curled up near the fire with a content belly and a chance to just relax.

It was an incredibly beautiful scene.

"Ah? Perhaps I should be wary of a fire, well, perhaps they'll learn their lesson if they decide to cross me," she grinned as she began to doze off.