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The hobgoblin indeed kept licking, reaching deeper and deeper...slowly filling Cyra with the sense of the orgasm building up...

In contrast to her rock-hard muscles, Ozorg's pussy was soft and tender...warm and inviting to Cyra's touch.

Ozrog started playing with Cyra's nipples - her rough textured fingers were perfect for the job, giving her tingling, arousing sensation.

With her working so hard, soon Cyra found herself unable to endure longer, reaching the first orgasm of her new life...Ozorg without hesitation, lapped down the paladin's sex fluids...

...and then, surprisingly, she tried to push Cyra down, and get on top of her!

"Ah...let me show you how to do the dominating..." she declared!

[Opposed str check vs DC 13!]

Cyra sighed lustfully.. her body felt nice and sensitive under the attention. In her defense, she'd not have experiences like this for quite a while. She cooed and repayed Ozrog's attention, softly caressing along those soft, smooth lips, cooing sensually as she watched her reactions.

She exhaled with a soft sighs under the fingers tugging on her hardened, pink nipples, tilting back her head and closing her eyes with a lustful sigh under the Hobgoblins tease.
"Haah.. haaah.. ahmnn.." She moaned out, clinging up against the Hobgoblin when her body began shaking with lustful climax, panting softly.. and then eeping when Ozrog suprise grabbed her with superior strength!
"Wha.. mieeep?" She made, taken by suprise in the heat of her climax.
(Str fail!)
The hobgoblin pushed Cyra down, and turned her around, closing in for a kiss! Her tongue invaded Cyra's mouth without holding back, with an unstoppable, irresistable force...

"Hmm...I underestimated you? Or maybe I overestimated you? If this is your best, maybe I should make you my bitch..."
she smiled wickedly, giving a lick at Cyra's face, as she kept Cyra's hands in place with her own hands. The paladin could feel her hard nipples rubbing against her own, with Ozorg's weight behind them...

"I will make you happy, if you just surrender..." she provoked, pushing her right leg between Cyra's.

"Or you want to try and fight back?" she continued, rubbing her hip against Cyra's pussy.

"You don't have to just be stronger...you have to mean it. You have to be superior...you have to take what you want without hesitation." she explained, humping the paladin...her own sex rubbing against Cyra, mirroring her situation...her already sensitive pussy building up heat again...

"You have to show them their place..." she spitted Cyra's face...wait, did she really do that? Cyra hadn't met someone who would dare to do that for a long, long time...maybe she should just grab the dagger and stab the hobgoblin? Then again...

"...but also you have to enjoy it..." ignoring Cyra's thoughts, her head rushed forward, licking and sucking the saliva she just spit on her.

"Hmmm...do you have what it takes? SHOW ME!" she provoked her!

[Str DC 13 again, with advantage is Cyra is really angry with the spitting, or if she really wants to push down the insolent hobgoblin!]

Cyra mieeped again, but was silenced by a lustful kiss, again blushing slightly and slightly leaning up against the hobgoblin with the tingling warmth of her climax still at the edge of her memory. "Ah err..in my defence, if I had lots of sexual experience in my prior live I don't really recall much of it.." She noted, before gasping at the pressure of that leg grinding up against her sex.. and she sighed out softly.

However, Ozrog's direct approach had her startled, squirming in her captors hand, tugging against her strong grip, and.. almost.. managing to get free, although she was more suprised than angry it seemed.
"W.. what are you doing. Listen I don't think I could ever enjoy.. mistreating people.. err..just to show them their place." She objected as she struggled, and failed to overpower the Hobgoblin. She'd been suprised.. and maybe she was ever so slightly more into submitting anyway.

"Being forceful isn't the same as being strong." She objected, finally, her soft, feminine frame rubbing up against the barbarians more muscular frame in an attempt to free herself as she gasped softly. Well... it wasn't like she was in -danger- she could just call out for assistance from Sera the villagers.. although that'd end up rather emberassing as well... so better not to do that.. no.. She'd -definitly- over the Hobgoblin at the next opportunity...

(12 str.. almost!)
Ozorg seemed to think about it for a moment...

"Mistreating? Hmmm...do you want me to strop?" she asked, releasing Cyra's left hand, moving it to grope her butt-cheek.

"You could be right. Mistress could crush me to nothing with one of her magics, even if she is lacking the physical strength. But she still gets what she wants.....uhh...this is complicated." she contemplated of a few moments.

"Ok, Cyra...I will let you show me your way. But if I don't like it, you will owe me a proper fuck." she warned her, releasing her strength.

"Hmnn.." She nodded. "I could have crushed you.. err.. with my sword, not a lot of spells, but still, if I subscribed to this sorceress approach.. would we still be talking?" She posed, leaning back and exhaling a litlte relieved when released from the strong grip and chuckling in agreement.

"Plus when I recover my abilities I feel like I can handle some evil sorceress. And you can help watch my back until then.

It is my believe that, you know.. restraining strength is harder than unleashing it, but.. first I got to travel through some dangerous forest and find a magical sword."
She nodded. She couldn't ask one of the villagers to accompany her.. although using it as a safe-haven sounded like a good idea.
"Uh...I was too aggressive? I appologize. I tried to show you my way...ah, I guess no more fun then." Ozrog said as Cyra showed her intentions.

"Mistress isn't evil. I can come with you, if you want. Or I can go back to Mistress...but I think it is better to stay with you."

After the encounter with the hobgoblin, Cyra decided to stay for a few days in the village, to prepare for the journey, and read the book. However, there were some things she had to deal with, before that.
First, Ozorg rejected wearing any kind of clothes, saying that she doesn't need them anyway, and since you won over her she doesn't deserve them (Persuasion DC 15 to persuade her wear witch clothes, DC 10 for other clothes) She also had 10 silver and 19 copper pieces with her, as well as a dagger and her whip. She gave everything to Cyra, asking only for the whip.

The second problem was that the village elder wouldn't just let her stay the night. Cyra could try to persuade them to make an exception however (Persuasion DC 15 with advantage). If she failed, he would agree only for a few days, and on the condition that they would have someone guard outside of the witches house.

The third problem was finding how to fit Sera, Cyra, Ozrog, and Grunu (Seras new apprentice!) inside a small hut with a single bed...

The following days Cyra would learn few more things about the village, Studwood. It was a small village that relied mostly on cutting wood, and crafting it or selling it directly to the nearby village.
She would meet Sera's two apprentices, who were not really important - except that one of them was the innkeeper's son, and he was running the general store for his father. Of course it was a secret from his old man. He promised Cyra that he would offer her a discount if she wanted to buy anything from the general store, as long as she kept it secret.

Finally, Cyra had finished reading the book, and was ready to go for the quest for the lost knight, and hopefully, his sword...

"Sorry.. also, she sounds kinda evil to me.. perhaps she just needs a good ass-kickin to fix up her attitude." She shrugged.

She tried to persuade Ozrog to wear the witches clothes.. and almost ended up getting persuaded she needn't wear any instead! Cyra kept the dagger and gave Sera the copper to pay for foods.. as well as .. repairs to her current dress-stock after Cyra picked a new one. And a bedroll or three, she figured she needed one anyway, and they could work in the witched hud too.. although Cyra found herself struggling to find sleep with so many people in one tight spot, actually sleeping outside for a while. It wasn't -that- cold. -at a discount too!- And a cloak! Even if that cost her some silver. A proper warrior needed a cloak and some hairstyling!


"Way better like this.. now I just need a proper sword and holy symbol and I feel less.. naked." She had noted, sideglancing the hobgoblin and chuckling slightly. Even if their.. interests were different, the naked woman was still kind of.. distracting.

Despite Ozrog's nudity, she barely managed to convince the villager elder to let Ozrog stay, for how could she respect the civilized if they kicked her out?

Either way, with the danger to the village at bay and a brief questioning of Sera's to get directions, she'd start on her journey into the dangerous wildernis...

(Persuasion dress - 3
Persuasion stay - 15

23 perception, 18 initiative. FEAR ME!)
An old shrine, dedicated to no god. An iron door that never rusts, and walls that even a pickaxe can't break.
That, and the general location of the shrine was known - however when an old shrine is descibed as such in an old book, then prehaps it would be better to call it ancient, rather than old.

Sera not only gave directions to Cyra, but also a map. Of course, they were the same directions the knight had been given back then...however if they actually led to the shrine or not, was a different matter.

Cyra walked alone. She would have to walk for two days...not because of the distance, but because of the forest's growth that hampered her movement. First, she would have to reach the Claw Peak - a mountain that as the name implied, looked very vaguely like a claw. From there, she was supposed to find the lair of the blue snake...whatever that meant.

It was almost night time, and she would have to find a place to camp...when she heard it. A goblin screams in panic....and then silence.

A goblin corpse, hanging between the brances of a large oak. It's blood was still dipping. What could have done that?

And suddenly, Cyra saw it. The tree, that looked like it had a face...and that wooden face, staring right at Cyra. Watching...waiting her to come closer...with a malevolent smile on it's face...

Realizing that it was seen through, the tree's face changes to a mask of anger...and with a loud *crack* it uproots itself, standing on its roots - as if they were countless legs!

Cyra -> Evil Tree
[The tree is 30ft away, and there is a clear path between Cyra and the tree, but the ground is difficult terrain. Going further away would get Cyra out of sight, at least for a while.]

Cyra chuckled at what seemed to be a riddle. One just had to knock nice enough. or something. She'd find the shrine either way!
Well, Cyra would make sure to look out for a knightly looking skeleton on her way.. or perhaps the knight had succeeded, just never returned to the village? Who knew.

Claws and snakes.. she hoped she wouldn't have to kill too much wildlife, it never felt right.. compared to slaying undeniably evil bandits or undead at least.

Either way, even equipped with only her limited glaive and dagger, she couldn't resist examining the screaming.. cautiously.. only to look at a hanging goblin and an unhappy tree-face.
"Well that's a tremendous suprise.

Get it.. Tree-mendous?"
She mused, before drawing her weapon. "ok.. right.. you aren't into puns, got it." She moved forward and readied her weapon.. "Hope your bark isn't worse than your bite.. hahaaa.. zing.. can't resist..."
She mused, lifting her weapon if the tree closed in on her.

(Move action closer. Readied action to attack for 13 with GWM once it does, 21 damage. Not using smite cause not sure I can plus wanting to see how Tree reacts.)
The oak, rushes forward, the goblin's bloody corpse still hanging from its branches. It is fast...too fast for a tree...

...but luckily not fast at all compared to a human. It reaches close enough for Cyra to strike it, and indeed she stabs it, the pike deflecting on it's bark, leaving a line on the tree's face.

However, Cyra realizes the problem - the spear isn't very effective against the tree...she would need an axe to do proper damage to it - or maybe a greatsword could work too.

The huge tree is close enough to Cyra to hit, but the paladin finds the time to act once again before it strikes her.

[The tree moved 20ft, and is now 10ft away from Cyra.]

"Alright if puns are not your thing, how about Irony?" She asked, extending her hands, and raising them up, focusing.. calling to the roots of -other- trees around to grasp at the tree charging at her when she realized the lack of effectiveness of her strikes.

"Haaaah.. Suffer nature's Wrath and by your own wickedness, be bound!" She declared, gripping her hands upwards with a visible effort and trying to restrain the murderous tree with twisting vines and roots of her own calling, breaking through the dark forest floor whilest she lifted her hands, cloak slightly fluttering behind her as she focused on disconcerting tree before her.

(Channel Divinity: Str or Dex check or be restrained, DC 12, repreats each turn.)
The vines are enough to restrain the tree, preventing it from moving closer...for now!

However, even so restrained, the evil tree swings it's branches, and lands a heavy strike on Cyra's shoulder, almost sending her rolling to the ground...

Pain. Maybe she broke something? No, she could still move just fine...but an other hit like this, and....

[Tree is restrained, but still strikes Cyra with disadvantage, dealing 13 bludgeoning damage to her. The tree looks barely damaged.]
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"Ow... bloody.. alright, lesson learned." She noted, once she stopped her head from ringing.. also why was her hand red when she touched the same? Yeah.. she was not messing with this rather big and sturdy and angry tree.. not yet anyway.

"Getting me holy sword, Talk to you later." She declared, twirling her pike distractingly, before hopping backwards, not without slapping her bottom tauntingly.. before making off, cloak and white hair fluttering behind her.
"..wubububububub!" She made, fleeing through the less violent trees. Guess she'd be making camp after a decent jog. Root-boy seemed slow enough. True, she could perhaps wittle it down, lure it into a trap, or a campfire.. but what had she to gain? Avenging a goblin?

(Bonus action to taunt, Disengage, Advance backwards.
Unless tree catches up, gonna continue to take a few full round move actions. Camp somewhere that doesn't look tree-accessible.)
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The tree remained ensnared for a few more seconds, before breaking out of it's bonds, rushing behind the paladin once more.

However, Cyra was without a doubt faster than the huge tree, even if she was hampered by the forest's undergrowth. After few minutes of running away, Cyra was pretty sure that she had lost the oak tree...just when she was about to stop running, suddenly she realizes that a hidden crevice was where her next step was supposed to land! Too late to take her step back, she could now only try to use the pike to keep herself from falling inside...

[Roll dexterity saving throw DC 13, and failing that, an athletics or acrobatics check to try a more graceful landing]

Cyra stopped her fall.. gracefully, whilest also determining it was time to touch herself (-15 damage). She sighed inwardly. Once, she'd been a hero feared by wicked villains and all manner of mighty creatures. Now, she was running from a tree.

Well she might as well look around where she'd landed.. and consider making camp here.

(15 dex save
same for history.)
Avoiding the fall, Cyra stood next to the crevice, and looked down.

The sun was going down, and it the last rays of sunshine couldn't easily reach all the way down - but she could still both hear and see a thick stream of water rushing in the bottom of the crevice, around 15ft below.

The water wasn't completely filling the area down below, there was enough space at the sides for someone to walk...or even set up a cramped camp. It looked like the stream used to be much, much bigger in the past...

"'Undgeround river.. or murdertrees.

Underground river.. or murdertrees."

Cyra descended into the crevice best as she could, before making camp next to the river. Bonus: Free water! She set up her little bedroll, lying back lazily and thinking about her past, pike poked by her side into the ground. Perhaps she could help out the forest if she kicked the druids butt, but for now, she was merely traveling through.
While sleeping down there had the bonus of 'free water', it also had the disadvantage of 'cold'. Luckily autumn had just begun, so the cold was still manageable as long as she stayed curled inside her bedroll.

The bottom of the crevice was totally dark, and the sound of the rushing water covered the sound of the occasional bug flying around. However, the sky was clear, and Cyra could see the starry sky, along with the full moon, straight above her. Today would be the last day the moon would be full.

According to the villagers, once every four years, there would be a second full moon within the same month. It had to be special...maybe that was how it got it's name? They called it 'the Witch Moon'.
Sera had rolled her eyes, claiming that is was just like any other full moon, according to what she knew. Then again Cyra herself had been summoned from the dead under the cold light of this moon...

Cyra woke up when a drop of water landed straight on her nose.

It was day, and from the looks of it the sky wasn't so clear any more - a light drizzle was raining down the forest...

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Cyra puffed herself up comfortably in her bedroll, until she was proper little Cyra-sushi.

She quickly fell asleep to the sound of rushing water, making soft, relaxed purring noises and ignoring the bugs, best as she could... *resting noises*

This night, there were no strange dreams.. she was half relieved only, still curious on her past as she got up and stretched.. and narrowed her eyes, ever so slightly, at the grey skies above. But she shrugged. She wasn't made of surgar, after all. Pulling her cloak tighter and rolling up her bedroll best as she could, she climbed out of the crevice, seeking to orient herself briefly with the map.. before continuing on her path onwards.