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Orzorg was found still naked with only her whip, overwatching a small group of militia as they were doing push ups.

"You can't even manage twenty? What is that? You have done twenty? Twenty in one go, you useless fool!" she cracked her whip...

Sera was found explaining some herbs to her new apprentice...however, Cyra noticed that Sera looked a bit blushing and awkward with the goblin girl.

"Ah...I haven't seen this one before. I know a spell to see what it does...but it needs a pearl to cast this spell, and uh...I had one but I sold it...but I can still check it out..."

"Detect Magic....hmm...ouch"

"It is an evil artifact for sure, too strong to be anything else...but I can't recognize it. It is broken and it looks like its power weakened with the distance it has with the other half...or maybe it is weakened because of some other reason. However it isn't really destroyed, and I doubt it can be...legends say that artifacts like this have specific conditions to destroy them. Maybe the Holy Church will have books about it? However they will probably want to keep it if they learn about it..."

"This hand...uh...it has transmutation magic...eh, sorry, I guess something to do with doors?"
she scratched her head awkwardly "Hey, there are thousands of magic things, and there are some not even in the books, I can't know everything!"

Cyra also passed her the letters to read.

"Ok, I will read but you will do the cooking!" she offered.

"So, it looks like he was a knight who was hunting a necromancer. He has send by the Church, because the Holy Knights couldn't deal with him."

"I suspect he has already killed the necromancer. They didn't know where the necromancer was, but they found out that the necromancer was looking for the Temple of Serendipity...and apparently he thought that our ancient shrine was that temple...so he tracked him down all the way to that cave."

"He has some identification papers here too. He was called Sir Roland Edermund and he is a Honorable Knight, appointed by the Church. I think it means he has his own lands, but he can't pass it down to his descendants. There is also an old adventuring licence...I guess that explains why he came all the way here on his own."

"I can do like.. twenty five.. thirty on a good day.. err.. glad you're fittting in and helping shape up the village-defenders!" Cyra approved.


"Evil artifact, geesh.. this bad? .. I can't catch a break now, can I?" Cyra had heard of things like this, of course.. rumours and tales, about objects of so powerful evil you had to use them as sex-toys for three different types of angels to weaken them enough.. or something like that.

"I guess I ought to take it with me.. it'd be too dangerous to leave an artifact in here.. can you guess at all what it might be used for? I'm unsure if its safe to wear..." That wasn't true, she was pretty sure it was not safe to wear..

"Hrmnn somehow I feel I know better than the church.. but I can't exactly keep this thing on me either, it actually weakens my abilities.. nasty little thing.." She pondered about what to do with the necklace for a long moment.

"I will do the cooking if you don't mind the taste.." She chuckled before.. well not doing too bad. She felt like she'd done this before. For dogs, though.

"Hmnn.. you know, if the necromancer was looking for the temple, I'm not sure if I should bring this thing to it." She mused, examining the papers whilest dishing out some simple stew.
"He found and managed to destroy the necromancer, but this nasty little thing remains. I guess I owe it to this knights quest to take care of it.." She pondered. She could also deliver the message to the church. "Adventuring.. license? blech.. I don't need a license to kick monster-butt. Well, I got a nice armor a new sword.. hrmnnn." She stared at the evil amulet and sighed. Well, Sera had brought her back to life once.

"Well, here goes nothing." She mused, poking the evil amulet, cautiously..
"....eh...for bad things...I really don't know. The Church barely tolerates us, witches, and that's only because we can heal wounds and things like that. They don't like to share their books with us...or anyone else, actually."

Cyra extended her hand, to poke the amulet....and nothing happened...until she felt her consiousness getting dragged towards the amulet! She tried resisting, but it proved just not enough!

"Oh, it looks like I have a visitor! Welcome, welcome!" a seductive voice was heard.

The whole area was a large circular room, around 60ft in diameter. The walls, the floor and the ceiling were made out of some flesh-like, crimson substance. Somehwere in the center, a female figure was sitting comfortably on the floor, that was shaped like a couch. Chains hanging from the ceiling were tied on her arms.

"You can call me 'Love'. I know what you will ask. Where you are, and all that stuff."

"Long story short, you are trapped in here with me. I am stuck here forever, while you are stuck here until you persuade me to eat you. Don't blame me, this is totally not my fault."

"So, what's your name, and how you got here?"
she said, as the couch-floor next to her shifted, making space for Cyra to sit.

[Cyra is naked]

"See, I instinctually knew better than to trust the church.. but we can't have this shadow-attracting thing just lying around unhindered either..." She nodded, determinedly.

Cyra.. felt disoriented, stumbling for a moment.. and then reaching for her sword... but hesitated, reaching for her stick again, to poke at the fleshy substance curiously.. only to realize she lacked her sword entirely..

She cleared her throat at the naked woman, and blushed a little, covering herself up slightly.

"... So you know what I will ask but now how I will answer, huh? .. so the thing is this is so fishy I might as well be wrestling mermaids..e rr.." she noted, covering herself up slightly.. before, looking at the woman again, giving up.. albeit not sitting down either.. Well she could try answering a bit.

"I poked one half of a very evil necklace to see what would happen.." She admitted. "How'd you get here? Also, really not sure about the eating bit, don't think I'll just let you do whatever you want." She noted, flexing a hand into a fist. Just because she was naked didn't mean she was helpless.. she hoped.
"I guess I'm just gonna get cryptic answers to the real questions anyway so...

What's the deal with pretzels?"
She asked, trying to look the woman into the eyes only.

"Ah, sorry...but I have been here too long, and I have had many visitors. Come, sit over here, I won't bite."

"Unless you ask me to!"
she giggled.

"No really, I have been here for thousands of years...I can endure bacause I am a devil. You mortals don't age here either...well only your soul is here anyway, your body outside will age just fine."

"Point is, if I want I can just eat you. However I prefer to have company. And after a hundred years or so, you will be craving so much for new experiences, that you will be begging me to eat you, and make you part of me."

"Pretzels? Uh, you will be an interesting one, I can tell. They were...are, I guess, just some human food. Their shape was inspired by humanity's first saint, who saved their butt during the first war."

"But enough of this...so...you said something about half a necklace?"

"I would come over, but I'm very shy.. have trouble making new social connections with ancient evil fiend ladies... you know." Cyra insinuated.
"So.. I'm currently passed out on Sera's desk, great, this will be emberassing to explain." She sighed, half pretending like this was her biggest concern, right now.

"Devils are the ones that can't lie, right? I am not sure your interpretation of pretzels is right.

Soo the necklace eats the users soul.. propably at least as long as they aren't evil, and then they are stuck in here.. You must be really good at games to pass the time, eh?"
She chuckled, shifting ever so slightly.. it still felt like the devil-woman was watching her very closely..

"Anyway, you misjudge me. I'm happy being me, and I'll still be happy in a hundred years or two... so I figure you're some nasty devil lady trapped in here, hmn?" She tipped her chin.
"I'm currently weighting my options, on the one hand, being imprisoned for thousands of years is a bit of an unfun fate.. on the other, preeettty sure you deserved it somehow.
But yes, I said half a necklace. So get this, prior owner of this evil thing tried to kill some pretty strong hero.. failed. The hero smashed the necklace in two, admittedly, that cost him his life, but with me carrying one of the halfs apart from the other, this is propably the weakest this prison has ever been, so if you know a way to toss me out..."
She mused.

"And have a good argument for why I shouldn't just repair the necklace and keep you safe and sound before chugging this thing into the ocean... Sorry, but, just thinking aloud."

"Deserved it? Hahahahaha..." the devil laughed "...and who do you think that created my prison, a 'good guy'?"

"No, I am not here to be kept in prison. I am here to keep this thing working."
she sighed.

"I can lie, if I want to. It's just that we don't. It feels...well, yeah we don't lie if we have an other option."

"Yes. I am sure you will be still yourself, after a few hundreds of years. So, why so eager to get out?"
she chuckled.

"If the amulet is really broken, I could try to slip you out. However, why would I do that? It sounds like I can just wait a few hundreds of years with you as company, until the amulet is weak enough so I can go out myself, right?" she mused, licking her lips.

"Oh no, if I were to wildly guess, you tried to trick or romance or.. is there a difference? The wrong higher up in devilish hierarchy.. I acknowledge that you were propably a victim yourself.. doesn't make us allies though, sorry." She shrugged.

"Hoh.. interesting.. so I guess freeing you also destroys the necklace and vice versa.." This was a proper dilemma, but perhaps it was better to release the devil...
not that she could trust her that much.

"I got things to do, I can't spent my literal life hanging out in flesh-prison. If I get out soon, it's only mildly emberassing.

You could wait, yes. But that's a pretty big gamble too. I wasn't in some big church, and the other half is barely two days away. If you give it a few hundred, chances are some upstart necromancer combines the two amulet halfs again and then you don't have a powerful holy warrior -with a body of her own in the real world- To stop him.

Or worse, that hero that smacked the necklace apart? That was a church-sanctioned guy. Now I'm not really into the church myself, so who knows what I'll do, but I'm pretty sure you can let your imagination wander better than I could for what the church'll do when they get their hands onto this amulet and trust me, if I don't pop out and give the 'all good' to the folks outside, fair chance the church will come snooping sooner rather than later.

Now I have a feeling they might cause me a headache too after pulling me out, if they even can or bother to, but..."
She wandered over, to poke one of the chains about, smacking her lips.
"So yeah, I'm all up for placing bets. Or you can tell me why I should help you after getting out, because I'm propably the most reasonable person you're going to find involved here. Or we could play the time-waste and bargaining game." She finally stepped up to the sofa, hopping down, albeit a little stiffly.

"I spy with my little eye.. something red." She noted.. before looking around..
"... alright I admit this is super boring.. would a 'please' help at all?"
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The devil slowly opened her legs, to reveal her red haired pussy...before starting slowly stroking it with it with her finger.

"Hmm...the church won't pull you out, even if they do find the amulet. And your body will be dead long before that. And yes, it is a bet for me, as is trusting you."

"Let's not bargain then. You want to go out, I want to go out. It is a perfectly equal trade, isn't it?"

"The only reason you don't like it, is because you want to keep me trapped. Now, who is the naughty one?"
she smiled, as a big, erect cock started growing from her pussy, with balls and everything

"If you do want to bargain...I have an offer. I will go out, and stay in your body, with you. I will get to use your body during the night, and you use it during the day. I will swear not to harm mortals from now on, and you will swear to find me a new body."

"Or we can go back to the basic, we-both-get-out thing, if you don't like bargains..."
she said, as she slowly stroked her cock, precum already dripping from the tip...

"Ah.. uh... " Cyra made, shifting on the sofa, her eyes inevitably drawn to the devil playing with her flower, and the red tuft of hair crowning it, a slight flush meeting her cheeks at the display.

"I mean I'm incredibly trustworthy in my opinion. Can we focus on the topic though?" She requested.
"I don't want to keep you trapped, necessarily, but it .. uh..." She blinked, and watched the red-hed demoness shift before her eyes. Well.. a part of her, anyway. Instinctually, Cyra's legs crossed subtly at the sight. "You using my body sounds like a very bad idea, why'd I want a bargain like that!" She opposed, narrowing her eyes, although the distraction at the glistening from that devilish shaft did admittedly soften the harshness in her voice pretty quickly. Well, not harming mortals sounded pretty good, perhaps she could even help redeem the devil,.. she must not feel all that loyal to her kind, after all this time. Plus, getting her out of the prison would deal with the amulet right quick as well...

"Wh.. what are you doing?!" Cyra insisted finally, with a deepening blush in her cheeks and her leaning backwards, watching the succubus stroking with shocked mesmerization. The devil -was- unnaturally sensual and beautiful, no suprise there...

"Well, you are a holy warrior, right? So I guessed that you would prefer keeping me with you, rather than letting me roam as I please, and hope that I won't harm others."

"If you are trustworthy, you can swear an oath that you will get me out too, and I will help you get out straight away."

"But what I would do after I got out would be my business. And you will also have to swear no tricks, like freeing me just to trap me somewhere else. But we will discuss those details later..."

"As for using your body...well, I want to get out to be free, and have fun. Besides, if I am left without a body I will get dragged back to hell, and I think I don't want to get enlisted for a stupid war or something just when I finally find my freedom. But yeah, if you aren't willing to share your body with me, I will have to pick someone else."
she shrugged, still stroking her cock.

"Well. I guess I could settle for less than fully controlling your body. Maybe having access to it few hours per day? If you think something fun, we can discuss it." she smiled at Cyra.

"I am a succubus, so my powers are related to sex. What did you think, that I would pull out a spellbook, cast a spell and get you out of here?" she giggled.

"Don't be shy...I can see in your eyes what you want. And it isn't like you have an other option if you want to get out..."

"Come...touch it. It is so hard just for you."
she gave a tantalizing smile to Cyra.

"You raise so good a point I'm not sure if I'm being played.." Cyra noted, shifting ever so slightly again. .. admittedly, she was not that trustworthy, she was certain of that.. if it seemed like the lesser evil, she'd happily break her promise..

She could.. somewhat emphatize with the devil, sure.. still, making any kind of bargain soundd.. dangerous.

".. I.. I'm not sure.. uh.." She bit her lip, ever so slightly, watching the fiery cock of 'Love' and sighing.. she had to admit, something about the devils tone of voice, the throbbing of her cock.. it made Cyra feel all.. tingly and off and warm inside and.. she gulped ever so slightly, reaching out, hesitantly.. well it wasn't like anyone could see her, right?.. and she had to do this to get out... propably.. well she had to appease the lust-devil somehow..

She extended her hands, one feeling the long, hard throbbing thickness of the devilish shaft, the other curiously cupping those heavy balls, feeling the lustful seed churning within as the demoness kept stroking herself...

"I.. I guess I get wanting to be free.. and if its not at the harm or expense of another.. I don't have much of a problem.. grmnn.. but I'm still not sure so uh.. you want to have fun.. and with my body?" She asked, feeling along the length of that cock, giving it a stroke of her own.
"I guess you'd be.. motivated to keep my body mostly unharmed too.." She shifted again, looking at that cock and hesitating.. she really shouldn't, but she also felt a blossoming arousal in between her legs, her pulse quickening, soft, voluptous breasts rising with her quickened breath, her nipples engorging.
"I.. haah.. really shouldn't do this.. I mean.. uh.. for starters, I need to do things during the day.. and my body needs to rest during the night... .. and no stealing my soul whilest at it!" She insisted, even whilest leaning towards and.. taking in the exotic beauty of Love.

"Yes...no one can see you...it is what you have to do..." the demoness patted her head, after she removed her hands from her cock, to leave it totally in Cyra's care.

"But those are just excuses...deep down you crave to try it...you just needed a little push, didn't you?" she mused with a soothing voice.

"You can speak your true desires with me. I understand. I will never tell to anyone else...this is a great opportunity, you know. Many would risk their lives to be in your position..."

"So, tell, me...what do you desire? The best sex of your life? Getting fucked with two cocks? Trying a dog, or maybe a horse cock? I can do anything for you, holy warrior...you only need to be honest..."
her melodious voice sounded again.

"As for the deal, lets do it like this. We will leave together, and I will stay in your body, sharing it with you. You shall not try to remove me by force or otherwise harm me. I will swear not to harm any mortals, unless they want to hurt me first. You will swear to try to find me a new body. A living one, not a construct or an undead. Also, for one hour per day, your body will be mine to control. I can choose when that hour will be, and you won't try to trick me out of it. You can deny me my free hour if you need it, but in return you will have to obey one command I will give you." she explained, lifting up her right leg and resting it over the paladin's shoulder.

"The deal will be sealed with me, breeding you. Are you willing?" she offered in a low voice, her cock growing even harder.

Cyra, if asked, would have blamed the devils expert seduction skills, or somesuch, for her actions.. and, well, there was -technically- no harm to them, was there? No one was watching, she'd be having fun, just having fun didn't corrupt her, of course. She was not one of the boring stuck up codex-holy knight guys. Having fun was part of her thing, even. The devil was into it, she was..

She also was blushing at the patting... it felt patronizing but also arousing, in an odd way. Well, odd to someone not an expert in BDSM, at all. Cyra was not a virgin by any means, but with much of her memory being rather foggy, she examined the exotic beauty of the devil before her with an intense curiosity..
"To be fair, not sure if I like your or a confession-booths decorations more.. I guess you have the more comfortable chairs.." She deflected her situation with a bit of humor.

"I'd actually hate to have the best sex of my life. After all, after that it's all downhill, isn't it? That's a good way of getting someone into celibacy." She posed.
"I err.." Admittedly, she had no such witty remarks for the suggestion of multiple, or more bestial cocks, and her expression gave away that she wanted to ask, but hesitated... even as her curious fingers explored along that sensual shaft...

"Hrmnn.. that does sound rather reasonable.. but I have a few ammends. First off, no time limit on finding you a new body and it'll not be my one and only goal.. if I happen to find a good option, I'll try, but I wont promise you more than that. I'm not going to suckle anyones soul out to give you a good place to inhabit or anything.

s.. second off. The no harm unless they harm you first deal extends to your new body too... else I'll not be as motivated, obviously.

She grinned. "The hour a day goes the other way around as well. If.. somehow.. the situation calls for it, we can agree to have you in control for an hour longer, but in exchange.. you'll have to follow a command of mine for the hour." She nodded, before pondering on, biting her lips and looking at the devil..

"If this sounds acceptable and you are sure there's no one err.. watching and you wont tell.. ah.." She bit her lips and blushed... "Y.. you mean breed metaphorically, right... I'm just a soul, right now anyway.

And uh.."
She glanced down at the fiendish-dick, slowly stroking along its length.. with the perspective of the lewd creatures leg resting upon her shoulder she had easy access..a nd quite the sight before her, and her pussy thanke the devil with warm, soft quivers of excitement.. the idea of being in the demons control.. briefly, naturally, with no harm coming to her or others, the idea of being helpless and manipulated and made to do lewd things...
Wait was she staring and blushing? "W.. why are you even suggesting stuff like bestial cocks.. wh.. who said I'm into that!" She retreated into indignation.

"You still don't understand...you could hide your desires if you had a body, perhaps. But right now...you are like a tasty dish to me." she said, touching Cyra's chin.

Her simple touch made the paladin feel as if her heart stopped. As if she was a powerless doll at her hands...

"I can smell your perverted desires." she explained, guiding Cyra away from her cock, and towards her mouth, giving her a kiss...

It was a simple kiss, yet it felt amazing. A sense that she was just so close to fulfilling all of her desires...if only she had one more kiss...if only she was honest, and asked for what she wanted.

"You see, it is useless to lie. I can tell that you know the dangers of our deal...yet you want to be under my control. You want me to make you do things. You want me to share your body with you...you even want to leave a way to keep me with you longer...." she said, as Cyra's pussy was gently touched by her cock...that slowly started changing shape...

...and the shape it took, was exactly the shape Cyra secretly hoped, and dreaded to see...

"I will accept the terms of the deal. I will give you exactly what you crave for, and more." she promised.

"I will breed with you, just not physically. You are ready for this...push my cock inside you...and I will show you a new world...I promise." she said in a soft, enchanting voice, the tip of her cock rubbing against the paladin's pussy...

Yes...she was so close...she only had to lower her body, and the deal would be sealed. She would then share her body with a sex fiend...she would take this burden for the sake of the innocent...and maybe...maybe she had other reasons too...

[You get to pick the cock shape! It can be anything, normal, monster, or beast]
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"...." Cyra made, freezing up ever so slightly and gasping under the devilish touch.. well she was a soul, yes.. and this was an evil outsider that liked to eat souls, still..
"Grah.. hah.. I feel like you should get some food-allergies from eating heroic souls!" She opposed, well, after the kiss.. up until there she'd been too busy powerlessly gasping and well, being kissed sensually.

"Ahmnn... I.. really don't think I smell that bad.." She ponder-joked, before blushing more, gasping as she felt that cock prod against her sex, shifting from a large, flat equine prick over to a pointy, angry dog-cock... that maintained most of the equine size and girth, nonetheless. Just how Cyra had come to know and remember such.. details from her old life was anyones guess however..

Cyra moaned soflty, starting down between her legs, at that lewd bestial shaft, trying very hard not to think about her dirtier fantasies - of being taken by wild beasts.. or even domesticated creatures like a mighty stallion, of being trained and treated as a pet to a mighty dominatrix.. these secret perversions were not her fault, obviously, one had to struggle so hard to maintain image as a heroine, barely allowing any male company to begin with... one had to have fun -somehow, right?
She gasped softly at the sensation of the shaft prodding at her and silencing her distractions.

She was not quite sure what to think about the trapped evil.. she certainly seemed to be less about murder and pain and more about lust and pleasure.. Cyra's pleasure.. right now.. and she earned as oft moan from the heroine with her efforts.
On the other hand, somehow getting her soul bred didn't seem like the thing a responsible adult would do.

But Cyra cared less about responsibility and more about enjoyment.. and this was enjoyable, most definitly.. it would be moreso if she impaled herself on that bestial shaft before her. Plus.. she did it to free a trapped being.. good.. and protect the innocent.. better.. why shouldn't she get a little lewd reward for that? And she still felt so helpless, in the demoness' hands..

She lowered herself, gasping as she felt the cock push into her. Gasping and admitting: "A... alright.. yes... gmnn.. I.. I want your lewd control..sh.. show me.." She panted out as she felt it thrust into her, her warm wet sex.. or the soul-image thereof quivering, yielding, accepting and taking into its wet warmth the demonic shaft as Cyra moaned out lustfully. Of course, this was not -all- she wanted, these fantasies about being taken by lewd beasts, guided by a devilish mistress.. even against her will.. if not against her desire, that was just some small, perverted urges of her.. but right now those urges felt utterly in control of her... If she submitted to the demoness touch and cock she'd give Cyra exactly what she craved for.. to do the same more. The devilish mistress, Breeding Cyra's soul with her dark control and desires.. it was dangerous. Intimidating. Arousing...

"Yes...then our deal is sealed, my little dog-loving slut..." she declared kissing Cyra and hugging her at the same time.

Wild thoughts could only appear in the paladin's mind as the succubus tongue invaded her mouth, making tears of pleasure rush out of her eyes...she had given access to her body to a succubus...a very old, and bored succubus...while knowing what she could, or rather would do. One hour was a long time...she could make her do things she would have never done otherwise...or maybe that's what she wanted? To have an excuse for behaving like a little fuck-toy? And the worst part, was that it looked like the fiend knew her deepest desires...it knew exactly what she wanted, but was afraid to do...

"You are a little bitch alright...but you don't like just the shape...no. You want to really get bred like a dog, too..." she explained, and as she had hugged her, with her canine cock in her, she stood up effortlessly, and turned Cyra to be under her.

The floor started changing shape too, and soon Cyra found herself lying down on a bed, with her fiendlish mistress over her...

"I will give you the breeding you crave for. You have watched dogs fucking before...you know what is coming..."

Yes, Cyra knew. She had watched many times...back then had she felt curiosity? Jealously? Or something else? But it didn't matter now...now it was her turn....

The devil pulled out of Cyra's wet pussy...and then she started rapidly fucking her. Not a slow, human like fucking, meant for a human...no, it was the bestial wild fucking of a dog in heat. Relentless and uncaring....however her pussy was able to take it with ease. She felt the cock reaching deep in her, as deep as it could go, and before she had a chance to get used to it, it would pull out, only to slam back in again.

Yes, here she was...a heroic paladin, fucked like a dog by a demon...a demon she would soon release, and allow her in her body...was that really who she was? A demon's willing cock-sleeve? A slutty sex-toy?Well, that was what she was about to turn herself into...and she had accepted that with little hesitation...like the good doggie she was.

"What do you think? Maybe we should find a good dog-partner for you, once we get out?" she asked, not stopping her rapid pistoning even for a moment.

"I.. ahm.. am really not sure if I appreciate of this nickname..." She managed to mumble out, before being embraced by Love and eeping softly.
Cyra's body tensed as she gasped, second guessing her decision. But what had her alternative been? Letting an ancient evil devil escape into the world? Being trapped here? THis was the best out of a bad situation.
The kinky best but she wasn't at fault if she kinda enjoyed this now, was she?
Was she really that worried, or was there also a good bit of excitement tingling along with her?

And what could she do against the evil mind.. well.. soul reading fiend.. not think lewd thoughts? Well the fiend would catch some desire for pretzels and whatnot in her mind and also... love. Monogamy, actually.. well, or at least just a very few select people.. propably? Did thinking about this help at all?

"I aah.." She gulped, hesitating to respond when the fiend insisted she wanted to be bred like a dog.. although she did not respond, neither confirming nor denying.. well, dogs.. wolves, canines were strong, loyal.. majestic... gah!
"Giah?" She gasped as the fiendish lover asserted herself above Cyra. .. altough, given by the paladins lack of resistance, perhaps she was not too opposed here either..

Cyra looked at the ground as it shifted.. well at least it was a soft bed and not some dog-kernel. It seemed that the strange, fleshy world was the resting-fantasies of the devil? She would committ that one to memory for a potential later use.
Right now, the pointy, thick dog-shaft barely sliding out of her with the positional change was.. distracting enough. Secretly, Cyra wondered if it had a knot as well..

"Y.. yes.." Cyra confirmed and blushed, startled out of her thinking she couldn't exactly not admit this one... What was to come.. her body twitched with a secret hunger.
She gasped at the sudden, wild humping, pistoning into her wet, hungry sex, moaning out loudly under the devilish assault. "Aaah.. ahmn.w... woah! h.. hey.. aah! Aaaahmnn.." She moaned out, finding her lustful body rocking against that invading shaft, closing her eyes and sighing with rising desire.
She panted, her tongue half hanging out, her body writhing in eager demand of her approaching climax, her sex wet and squishy and yielding, little silvery-white pubic hairs glistening with sweat and arousal as she .. what could she do but submit to this overwhelming, relentless fucking like a good dog.. a good bitch..

"Ahmnnn.." She sighed hotly, at the suggestion of finding her a good dog to fuck her.. not sex with strangers, but sex with.. she shook her head, but pushed herself all the more up against that invading canine shaft. Her sex warm and wet and yielding, opening up for the dog-cock even as she refused to answer the lewd prodding from Love, taking in her shaft.. alowing her into her soul, even. As much as she wanted to protest, that pointed, canine shaft kept pushing her back in line. It was just so hard to struggle or resist whilest she was being fucked like a good doggie-slut...

"Yes...what your soul craves most, is some dog cock...shouldn't your real body get a taste too?" she asked, leaning in for one more kiss, leaving Cyra breathless once more...

"It is ok. You have someone who can guide you towards your true desires now." she whispered in her ear, her merciless pounding going on, each movement bringing the paladin closer to the incoming orgasm.

"You know. This is your soul, and everything has a special meaning..." she stopped pushing, and giggled as she watched Cyra still moving back and forth, before she started fucking her again, with renewed vigor.

"You are getting closer to cumming, the more you accept your desire. So...shout loudly your desire...shout again and again that you want to get bred by a dog...that you are a good bitch...SHOUT IT!" she commanded!

Indeed, the closer Cyra came to acceptance, the closer she came to orgasming. Maybe shouting would really help...yes, why should she keep herself chained up with stupid taboos? Why not shout out loudly what she wanted? Why not free herself, and find what she desired?

"Ah.. uh..." She shifted, and tried to complain.. or object.. to something.. craving most sounded a bit.. extreme. Although the lewd, sensually overwhelming kisses left her with little time to complain.
And.. yes.. she enjoyed it, admittedly, but her true desires, that seemed a bit...
Well, Cyra struggled to argue, with the sensual whispers and the pistoning into her wanton sex.
"Hnn.. aaah.. sp.. special meaning?" She panted out, ever so slightly worried about the response..

"Ooh.. haah.. I.. I want it..." She admitted, panting, and biting her teeth.. still, with the succubus encouraging revelation she hesitated to go all out.. give all in, even with her climax threatening to tingle and overwhelm her.. yes, she wanted to be fucked by a dog... oooh .. a mighty dog making her into his bitch.. "Ahmnn.. I.. I want to be a good bitch..." She emberassedly admitted, if the demoness kept pushing and goading her on just right, her cheeks flushed with humiliation, her hand curling to grip and hold onto the blanket beneath her.

"Ohmn.. I.. I want it.. yees.." She admitted, finally, imagining a lustful hellhound enjoying her body whilest the devil watched on, .. or had her own bit of fun with the disciplined paladin.. it was so tempting... was she really cumming when she addmitted her pervy fantasies to herself?