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Re: Injustice Unlimited

Geez, there's so much hate in this thread. It's like 4chan in here.

While there are a lot of patreons that are problematic *cough* *Akabur* *cough*, this guy seems totally legit. His artwork is really, really top notch. And the framework of the game is mostly in place; it seems like he just needs to draw all the art (easier compared to coding for most artists).

It's good to be wary of people making promises and asking for money, but AT LEAST google the guy and see his work before bitching him out... :(
Re: Injustice Unlimited

Ok so I guess the thing I will have to do is give a run down on my Patreon, as that seems to be everyone's main issue with my post.

My Patreon was created in June of 2015 with the whole concept of it being a tip jar rather than a pseudo paywall. I initially had $1, $5, $10 levels that involved strictly my art and pictures with some tutorials tossed in. I added a $20.00 level as I felt it wouldn't hurt. As of today I have been blown away with the support I have received. I release exclusive pictures every Wednesday as a thank you to my patrons for their generous donations to me. I feel this is the way Patreon is meant to run. Not to be used as a paywall or anything else.

The reason I promote my Patreon is I do not support myself with commissions like other digital artists. The reason for this is two fold. One most works that artists do on commission remain private, this results in less work going out to the public where the majority of the user base is located. Second when doing commissions you can almost double to triple the time it takes to do one piece of art. I'm constantly bombarded with requests, but I believe in this direction and will continue on with it.

I will be releasing the game from Free! I just figured since I lurked here and saw a couple threads that had mentioned my game that I would just start a thread dedicated to my game. If you cannot afford to or just are unwilling to support me with money that is completely fine. You can support by asking questions here or liking, or following on my other social media such as Tumblr, Hentai Foundry, Twitter. There you will get periodic game info along with art released every Tuesday, and Friday.

So I hope this clears the air with how I bolded the word Patreon and when and why I have it set up. Now can we please have questions about the game and not why I have a Patreon.

tl/dr:Let's talk about Injustice!
Re: Injustice Unlimited

Upgraded version for patrons?


you have some 200 patrons already, so I guess I might look into it once we have more material to look at.

In regards to the actual game...

Are you including Killer Frost a la "Assualt on Arkham" style?
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Re: Injustice Unlimited

You know it is just weird when someone just comes in and sets this all up... when we already have a Comprehensive patreon list for adult games

And I was already advertised this

I mean really...
In all seriousness keep up the work SSR7

PS, meh65 wants an unlockable loli wonder woman... I'm not joking its even on the Comprehensive patreon list. He even messaged me to ask you that.
Re: Injustice Unlimited

Yeah your images are so good they look like the actual cartoons. So when I heard about this a little while ago I was like why is this not done already dammit! I can't wait this should be great!

One thing though. Will you be able to corrupt the heroines so much that they will eventually become your perverted henchwomen going around committing crimes and stuff? Going around doing nasty things as a kinked up evil Wonder Woman would be just swell...
Re: Injustice Unlimited

You say it like it's the easiest thing in the world.

You could walk into your local fast food establishment and get a job around my neck of the woods. I think the application process involves the following 3 questions.

Are you living?
Are you capable of breathing?
Do you have a pulse?

If you can answer yes to all three questions, you're hired.

Not exactly the most glorious work, but certainly the $250-300 a week from working a crap job like that would not interfere with someone making games part time. I generally have no problem working my job for 20-30 hours a week and then put in some time brainstorming, programming, and failing miserably at both for another 20-30 hours.

tl/dr:Let's talk about Injustice!
In other news that is slightly more serious:

For what it is worth, the only limitation to links is that you cannot put the http tag in front of it. Basically just type out the url and then remove the http part from in front of it. If people cannot copy and paste that into their web browser, then that is certainly their problem. I just see little here that is actual information about what this particular person is doing, or why I should give them money for what inevitably would end up being a free game? At least give me something to go on like an image?
Re: Injustice Unlimited

For what it is worth, the only limitation to links is that you cannot put the http tag in front of it. Basically just type out the url and then remove the http part from in front of it. If people cannot copy and paste that into their web browser, then that is certainly their problem. I just see little here that is actual information about what this particular person is doing, or why I should give them money for what inevitably would end up being a free game? At least give me something to go on like an image?

freeko does have a point, it could help you if you edit the first page and show that promo of yours that I have been showing around here
Re: Injustice Unlimited

You know it is just weird when someone just comes in and sets this all up... when we already have a Comprehensive patreon list for adult games

And I was already advertised this

I mean really...
In all seriousness keep up the work SSR7

PS, meh65 wants an unlockable loli wonder woman... I'm not joking its even on the Comprehensive patreon list. He even messaged me to ask you that.

It seems pretty logical to me that the author of the game would want to create his own thread in which he controls the first post. So, I'm not surprised that he started a new one.

This game looks quite good! Glad to see you hear. It really does wonders to get involved in forums like these and talk to us. Really shows you care. I'm not sure what people's hangup with Patreon is. I mean it is 100% voluntary, if you don't want to contribute, then don't. But, Patreon is making it so a lot of these games are being developed and released for free. How is that not a good thing?

Good luck man! I love to see more English developers. More games to play for me! :D
Re: Injustice Unlimited

.I mean really...
In all seriousness keep up the work SSR7

PS, meh65 wants an unlockable loli wonder woman... I'm not joking its even on the Comprehensive patreon list. He even messaged me to ask you that.

LOL. There will be unlockable characters, but I will not be drawing any loli sorry.

Yeah your images are so good they look like the actual cartoons. So when I heard about this a little while ago I was like why is this not done already dammit! I can't wait this should be great!

One thing though. Will you be able to corrupt the heroines so much that they will eventually become your perverted henchwomen going around committing crimes and stuff? Going around doing nasty things as a kinked up evil Wonder Woman would be just swell...

I do have a heist system in place where you gain threat the more risky heists you try to pull off. If your threat gets to high the the JLU comes in and causes some trouble for you.

In other news that is slightly more serious:

For what it is worth, the only limitation to links is that you cannot put the http tag in front of it. Basically just type out the url and then remove the http part from in front of it. If people cannot copy and paste that into their web browser, then that is certainly their problem. I just see little here that is actual information about what this particular person is doing, or why I should give them money for what inevitably would end up being a free game? At least give me something to go on like an image?

Freeko thank you for your concern. I will update the main post with my 16th post I promise. It won't take long. As for now there are a few links from others in this thread that may help people find some info. I literally had a bunch of images and links in that write up, went to post and got the whole 15 posts pop up. I'm very busy with little extra time (as I work full time and create in my spare time) and pretty much said fuck it, and posted.

It seems pretty logical to me that the author of the game would want to create his own thread in which he controls the first post. So, I'm not surprised that he started a new one.

This game looks quite good! Glad to see you hear. It really does wonders to get involved in forums like these and talk to us. Really shows you care. I'm not sure what people's hangup with Patreon is. I mean it is 100% voluntary, if you don't want to contribute, then don't. But, Patreon is making it so a lot of these games are being developed and released for free. How is that not a good thing?

Good luck man! I love to see more English developers. More games to play for me! :D

I have been lurking for awhile. There is really to my knowledge only two real forums on H-Games. As for Patreon I can totally see where people are coming from. Speaking to other artists, we are just waiting for the moment someone starts a Patreon with stolen material. Run it till you get shut down, walking away with hundreds if not thousands of dollars. Aside from that I believe Patreon is being built to be sold, and right now I also believe a very large portion of their income comes from NSFW content. In another companies hands they could just shut down the NSFW and boom artists are back to exchanging money in the back alleys of the internet hoping not to get caught. So the problem we have is if fans do not endorse Patreons then that % of income to Patreon remains small and in jeopardy, on the other hand if fans contribute (small amounts, like just $1/month) we can keep artists from disappearing or going dark and possibly keep Patreon up for a while.
Re: Injustice Unlimited

Upgraded version for patrons?


you have some 200 patrons already, so I guess I might look into it once we have more material to look at.

In regards to the actual game...

Are you including Killer Frost a la "Assualt on Arkham" style?

In the end the whole game will be released all versions. Also by upgraded I mean that there will be maybe another area, possibly more unlockables. The majority of the game will be free. If people support I need to say thank you with more than just words right. You don't have to support if your uncomfortable, just being here and contributing to this thread has helped more people see it. As for characters in the game I will say that if she isn't in the first release I can almost guarantee she will be in at some point.
Re: Injustice Unlimited

In the end the whole game will be released all versions. Also by upgraded I mean that there will be maybe another area, possibly more unlockables. The majority of the game will be free. If people support I need to say thank you with more than just words right. You don't have to support if your uncomfortable, just being here and contributing to this thread has helped more people see it. As for characters in the game I will say that if she isn't in the first release I can almost guarantee she will be in at some point.

Eh, it works for some. I've become bitter with Patreon save for a few artists and developers.

Minus points for Killer Frost not being a shoe-in, especially in her latest redesign.
Re: Injustice Unlimited

Eh, it works for some. I've become bitter with Patreon save for a few artists and developers.

Like I said I don't blame you, Patreons acceptance, and use is quite new (although it is a year old now). I really don't like new artists who post their first picture with a Patreon attached without developing a following. I myself have been active (on and off) since 2007 and that is the only reason I felt comfortable opening a Patreon.
Re: Injustice Unlimited

...I really don't like new artists who post their first picture with a Patreon attached without developing a following. I myself have been active (on and off) since 2007 and that is the only reason I felt comfortable opening a Patreon.

And that is why people are questionable about Patreon, "what is the difference between paying a fee on Patreon, to an Adult pay site to see the work?"

Though I am curious about why you got into the gaming aspect though
Re: Injustice Unlimited

"what is the difference between paying a fee on Patreon, to an Adult pay site to see the work?"

Well, Patreon takes roughly 10% where a paywall on an adult site would take around 40%. If I were taking in $100 I would certainly want to actually see $90 instead of $60. Though in all fairness both are essentially the same thing since its a paywall either way under most cases.

I want to say something about the game here, but I still do not see anything to even comment on. Ideas are great and all, but until something is actually implemented and brought forward in the way of a real thing or a early beta concept demo. I cannot be interested in hype alone.
Re: Injustice Unlimited

Well, Patreon takes roughly 10% where a paywall on an adult site would take around 40%. If I were taking in $100 I would certainly want to actually see $90 instead of $60. Though in all fairness both are essentially the same thing since its a paywall either way under most cases.

I want to say something about the game here, but I still do not see anything to even comment on. Ideas are great and all, but until something is actually implemented and brought forward in the way of a real thing or a early beta concept demo. I cannot be interested in hype alone.

Your numbers for Patreon and paysites are off (both come in around 75-80%). The real difference for both are in the way you run your Patreon. Take KindaFunny they release videos a week early on Patreon (that is it) and receive 50K+/month over two Patreons. Patreon is designed to be a donation tool for creators (hence why your total is in big bold letters). With creators giving supporters a thank you reward. A paysite/wall on the other hand is saying you need to pay to see content. Generally on paywall services to maintain a strong subscription rate you need to provide much more content as there is zero options on price for the user. Freeko I have been in development of this game for roughly 7 weeks now. There will not be a public demo as I feel they do nothing but hurt this type of game (iris quest, korra trainer). If you don't want to support the development that is perfectly fine (you are in the majority). But at this point words are all I have. Check out my other game Bend or Break (made in two weeks) if your interested (over on my tumblr sunsetriders7.tumblr.com). Lastly I didn't come here to sell you my Patreon, came here because the community seemed cool and I want to be a part of it. Please don't scare creators away, they never come back if you do.

And that is why people are questionable about Patreon, "what is the difference between paying a fee on Patreon, to an Adult pay site to see the work?"

Though I am curious about why you got into the gaming aspect though

Let's look at two Patreons Sakimichan, and Akabur. Sakimichan will only send you rewards once you have actually followed through with a pledge (paywall), Akabur doesn't. Patreon should be used as a donation tool. With early access given to supporters (thats the way I feel). In the end what really matters is that there is a bunch of small devs and dev teams that wouldn't exist without Patreon.

As for why I got into games. I played Akaburs games (all of them) and really enjoyed Princess Trainer. I however wasn't a fan of the grind that was in his other games. I also have been making small platformers on Unity in my spare time for about two years now, and this led me to making an H-game. I like the idea of H-games as a delivery system for my art. Allows it to get into hands that may have never looked at rule34 or H before. Also when I release a picture it gets lots of views in the first week but fizzles out then you don't see it anymore. With an H-game that is completely different, princess trainer is always bringing in new fans.
Re: Injustice Unlimited

No public demos, huh.

Well, good luck with that. Pretty much every H-game I've put my hands on had at least a short teaser. Stokes up your fanbase, yeah?
Re: Injustice Unlimited

No public demos, huh.

Well, good luck with that. Pretty much every H-game I've put my hands on had at least a short teaser. Stokes up your fanbase, yeah?

Head over to the Future Fragments thread and let me know if handing out a public demo is worth it. Hentai Writer is doing nothing but defending himself against constant criticisms over his choices and delays in his project. Not really stoking a fan base. How would a public demo help? Well if this was say an OC game and I was releasing it for a set price then an accompanying demo could help (upon release). It could also hurt. Lastly if you were to look at SFW game companies, how many of them put out public demos to say stoke up the fan base. Take Hello Games (Makers of No Man's Sky), have faced tons of skepticism over what they are doing. No public demo. Just a wait and see model. The day and age of the demo is gone. Lastly as a one man dev and artist, I must use my time very wisely. That being said I want this game out in a few months, and for that to happen I can't spend a month building a demo. Much rather put that time into putting more content into the actual game. In the end I will be releasing a fully functioning, content packed game for FREE, so a FREE demo is kinda pointless.
Re: Injustice Unlimited

While I enjoy SS7's works, I believe there was a saying that you continually don't finish the comic.

While I'm fine with the idea of the game, I(just like the first response) will wait till the finished product to support.
Re: Injustice Unlimited

While I enjoy SS7's works, I believe there was a saying that you continually don't finish the comic.

While I'm fine with the idea of the game, I(just like the first response) will wait till the finished product to support.

Hahaha yes I've been known to not finish comics. With the exception of Vandalized (my newest project over on my Tumblr and HF) which has been finished since I have shown the cover. What a lot of my fans don't know is that when I would release comic pages before it would be the minute they were finished. I would spend upwards of 4-6 hrs a day doing the page, and the responses were so great I would immediately feel the need to finish the next. After 10 pages and 12 hrs of drawing a day I would burnout. Never to want to touch those comics again. I now will only release comics once they are finished. One page a week as to give me time to work on the next. The next comic will have my fans really excited (hint a very requested old comic will be next).