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Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

The rest is helpful to Suri, who feels probably a bit more revitalized than she should for the short nap she took. James gives a short nod when she reponds to his query. "..'ight then..." He gratefully accepts the rations, eating hungrily but with care as to not stuff himself improperly.

Suri finishes her rations before he's half done, leaving her with a bit of energy. James finishes after a few more minutes, looking better himself, if extremely tired. He gets to his feet, requiring just a little help from Suri. "I 'hink I can walk 'self now." He mutters out, words a little incoherent but sounding stronger.
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Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri finished her rations quickly and then sat back and watched James eat his, eating a little bit fast, but slightly carefully. She felt good now, quite good. Maybe the EGG was making her feel that way despite her lack of sleep. It took him a few minutes to finish up his meal, but he looked better too, though still tired. She only had to help him a little bit when he got up, so there was a bit more strength in him, though his speech was still a little bit crazy sounding. "No, let me help you a little. It's no trouble" she replied, ready to help him onward in the direction they had been going, wanting him to get just a bit more strong before she stopped leading him like this.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

James didn't bother arguing with Suri, and just accepted her help. As they started moving, Suri noticed he was relying on her less and less, as the two of them could speed up a little, a good indication of his recovery. Night fell before too long, leaving the pair of them in the dark. Luckily though, the moon was bright this evening, and Suri was fairly sure she could see a clearing in the trees up ahead. She couldn't tell what it was from here, but it seemed the trees stopped ahead.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

The two of them continued on for some time, Suri helping James along with her arm around him, though the farther they went the less heavily he leaned on her. They started walking faster as they were able, making up for lost time somewhat, though not completely. It was an encouraging sign that James was getting stronger, finally putting that beating he had received behind him. It wasn't too long before night fell, though the moon was bright enough to light their way through the forest well enough to see. There was a clearing up ahead. Suri couldn't tell what was in the clearing, but she was pretty sure it was one, at least. "Stay here, I'm going to check up ahead" she whispered, moving on towards the clearing as quietly as she could manage, ducked down low. She wanted to see if there was any danger up ahead before she brought James closer.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

James nodded his understanding to Suri as she told him to stay put. He grumbled slightly to himself about the situation, but knew there wasn't really much he could do. He sort of took a moment to doze off when Suri moved forward.

Suri would find it simpler than expected to move quietly, or at least, simpler than she remembered. She was quickly at the clearing where the moonlight was coming through, discovering, perhaps thankfully, that it was a road. It didn't seem like a main road, but it looked well traveled enough.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri crept forward slowly and quietly, her cat-ears flicking as they listened intently for sound, her eyes darting around the forest. When she got to the clearing she found, rather happily, that it was a road. Not a main road by any stretch of the imagination, but it had been tramped down by enough feet to be clearly defined. This might be what they were looking for; big enough to make progress easy, small enough that hopefully there wouldn't be guards posted on it. She made her way back to James, finding him sleeping again, and sighed. She shook him gently awake, and then whispered "there's a road up ahead, a small one. Should we take it?"
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

It didn't take Suri too long to return to James, who was a little more awake when she returned. He was half napped, but still seemed more alert than he had before, noticing her return quickly. As Suri explains the situation he seems a little relieved, at least, she thinks so. He nods after a moment of thought, as if consulting a mental map. "Yeah, we should. Let's go."

When they reached the road, James would look up to the stars, before pointing in one direction. "We'll go that way." He declares, not giving a reason. Suri would just have to trust him.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

James seemed a little better all the time, thinking as Suri explained the situation to him, a hint of recognition crossing his face. She didn't have to help him almost any to the little road, and when they got there he looked up at the stars, thinking a bit before getting his bearings and pointing the way. "That way, huh? Works for me" the catgirl replied, following along beside him.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

*the64bitbot casts Create Undead on the topic.

The night was quiet as the two walked down the road. James didn't have too much to say. He looked better, but tired, weary and worn. Suri had the feeling he'd never received a beating this bad before. He looked like he was thinking, though about what would be a mystery.

The road continued, thankfully easier to transverse than the forest had been. James eventually asked for Suri to stop, sitting down to lean against a tree trunk, resting. "Just...a couple of minutes, a nap."
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri followed along beside James for a long time in the night, every so often staring up at the sky through the canopy of trees. It was a nice night, and quiet too, nothing at all stirring around them. Maybe everything was asleep? James seemed like he needed to be asleep, really. He looked tired and worn out, thinking deeply as he walked, and the catgirl was quite sure that he had never suffered a beating anywhere near on level with the one those guards had given him. When he finally asked her to stop she wasn't surprised, and he slumped against a tree trunk to rest for "a minute." Suri agreed, crouching next to him and waiting. She didn't want to stay here by the road for too long, but he definitely needed to get a short rest, so she would wait about 10 or 20 minutes before waking him.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

James pretty much fell asleep instantly. Apparently he trusted Suri enough to protect him, or wasn't worried much about whatever might come along the road. The night was still young, and there was a lot of it to go. The wind picked up shortly after James fell asleep, chilling Suri a bit through her dress.

The night was quiet, only crickets could be heard...except not. Suri thought she heard something far off, her ears perking a little as she instinctively turned her head. It was probably five minutes after James had clonked out...and she heard what sounded like a wagon being drawn down the road, towards them. Someone, or something was coming.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

James drifted off to sleep almost instantly upon sitting down, leaving Suri to watch intently around them. It was starting to get cool as the night progressed, and her relatively thin maid uniform wasn't protecting her fully from the stiff breeze that kicked up. Still, she was content to crouch next to her supposed master and listen to the crickets... though something made her perk her ears up about five minutes into his nap. It sounded like there was a wagon approaching from far off, which naturally worried her. She tried to wake James up quickly and get him to hide behind the huge tree he was sleeping against, not wanting to be seen by whoever was coming.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri had no luck waking up James, unfortunately. Fortunately the wagon still sounded a ways off so she had to chance to try and hide his body under the brush. It seemed to work alright, and it was better than nothing. She was just finishing up when she saw a light down the road, it was slowly growing brighter. The wagon appeared to be travelling at a slow speed.

Suri had plenty of time to hide herself, but unfortunately her dress caught on a bush, ripping a decent portion of it. She still had a skirt, but it had a long tear up the side, and a strip of it was caught in the bush. The wagon seemed close. Should she forget about the strip and try to hide? Or should she try to tear it off so it doesn't give away her and James' position, but risking herself being found by whoever was in the wagon...
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Of all the times to be a heavy sleeper Suri thought, now is probably one of the worst. She just couldn’t wake James no matter how hard she tried, so instead she did the next best thing that popped into her head; she frantically moved him to hide his body in the underbrush. It wasn’t terribly difficult, but it used up precious time, and by the time she had finished there was a light somewhere down the road. It was growing brighter only slowly, though, so the wagon seemed to be moving pretty slowly. Still, as the catgirl turned to find a hiding place her maid dress snagged on a bush, and as she stepped forward it tore. The wagon was closer now, closer by the second, and now there was a big strip of cloth caught in the bush. Goddammit James, making me wear some kind of fucking fetish outfit out here in the fucking forest she cursed in her thoughts, trying desperately to pick the cloth out of the bush and find a hiding place before whoever it was showed up, not wanting to give away their position.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

James snored, loudly, as in in response to her thought of him being a heavy sleeper. Perhaps the world was joking with her. He would probably be sad if he'd heard her thoughts on the outfit, so it was good thing he was asleep, and also not a mind reader.

The strip is very resistant to being tugged, Suri only manages to entangle herself as she tries to rip the strip free. The wagon slowly approaches, it's in view now. She can see two horses pulling it, and the driver. It was in fact a carriage, covered with two lanterns on the front. The driver was mostly in shadow but he seemed to wear a dark outfit, and a hat pulled low, perhaps against the weather. She had only a few moments to abandon the strip and try and hide.

She feels herself trip as she does, but luckily it looks like she landed in the underbrush. She can hear the wagon approaching, maybe she was hidden well enough, but if she tried to move she risked making noise that that driver could perhaps hear...
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

And of course he snores Suri thought in frustration as she struggled with the strip of cloth. This game is just mocking me at this point. What had once been part of her dress was so completely entangled in the bush that she was only threatening to entangle even more of herself in it. The wagon was within sight now, more of a carriage than a wagon, and it was pulled by two horses. The driver was in the shadows still, wearing a dark outfit and a very low hat, which probably guarded him against the elements when necessary. They were very close, and the catgirl had to hide, and quick. She tried to pull back, but tripped just as she did so, kicking off another round of mental cursing, but thankfully she landed in the underbrush. The carriage was getting closer with each passing second, and she decided to just lay still, hoping she was either well hid or that he just wouldn’t see her, moving and causing noise just seemed too risky.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri manages to stay quiet and still as the carriage rolls past. Unfortunately for her though her tail is not quite as obedient. It swishes just a tiny bit as a branch is crunched under the wagon. This causes the brush to move a tiny bit, making a rustling noise and casting a shadow on her dress. The strip is kind of obvious as the light falls on it and the carriage driver looks over.

A light voice rings out. "Who's there." Suri might be a bit surprised, the voice sounded female. "I know someone is there, don't try and hide, it will end badly for you." The voice sounds a slight bit scared, but the speaker is confident behind the initial fear.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri managed to keep perfectly quiet, holding her breath as the carriage passed by in order to keep from making even that much noise. It would have worked, too, if she had been as in control of her tail as she was her breath. Unfortunately she was not, and it twitched just a bit at the sudden crunching of a rather large branch by the wheels, so close that it spooked her a bit. It was just enough to make noise in the bush she was in, and she cursed mentally again as she waited to see if it would cause the passerby to notice her. And it did, a light and feminine voice calling out asking who was there, telling her not to hide. Oddly enough the voice sounded fearful. Maybe there were bandits in the area…? Slowly the catgirl rose from her bush, having to fight her way out of the stuff, hoping to keep from damaging her clothing. "I’m not dangerous" she said right off the bat, raising her arms, "don’t worry yourself about that."
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri could hear a light tearing sound as she got up, more of the strip of her dress ripping, likely. Looking at herself she could tell that while it looked good from the front, the back of her dress was more like a short skirt. Looking up to the carriage driver it was obvious now she was a female. Strands of her dark hair feel from under her hat, it looked like it was probably quite long, and a lot of it was hidden under there.

"No? Then who are you? Why are you hiding in the brush?" Her voice was a little more confident now, a hint of curiosity rather than fear. Before Suri had the chance to answer though, James gave another load snore, causing the girl to start. "...And what was that?"
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri cringed as her dress tore a little bit more, almost completely in the back. It would probably look like she was wearing a miniskirt from behind now, which annoyed her even more because of how long it still was in the front. Now that she could see, the carriage driver was definitely a woman, one who was looking at her a little less fearfully now. "Well, I'm" the catgirl started, before James let out another loud snore, alerting the girl to his presence. Suri scowled a little bit, replying "that's my master. I've hid him and myself because we've been attacked and beaten along the road already. I didn't want to risk being seen if I didn't have to."