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Susan (plmnko)

Re: Susan (plmnko)

"Yes. Those are what I spoke of," Grobble said, then nodding, left the two women on their own.

As the minutes passed them by, Susan felt the spores in the cavern air starting to heat her up again, and wondered at how she might get used to this feeling by the morning, or whatever passed for it in this underground world. Then she wondered if she'd even get any sleep.

Feeling herself continue to moisten and squirm, she looked upon Tess, who seemed to be much more in control of her body.

"Oh, you want us to continue helping each other now?" Tess says, somewhat huffily. "I thought you were okay by yourself before?"

But she eventually relents and lies down next to Susan. Hesitantly she begins to touch and grind herself against Susan, feeling the silver haired warrior in a similar way in which she had been treated earlier.

Susan quickly reaches climax, and then after she had recovered she returned the favor to Tess, and the two both feel completely satisfied after the experience, so much so that they felt they could fall asleep then and there.

Suddenly a broken game immersion pops in front of Susan's eyes as she lies dreamily in Tess' arms.

PLAYER, you have reached a save point. You have been playing for a while now, we recommend that you not spend more than 3 hours at a time in the EGG. Would you like to Save and Quit?
Re: Susan (plmnko)

"Sigh...Please forgive me Tess, i underestimate the spores" Said her as the signal of her arousal start to be more easily noted.

For a moment Susan believe than her friend will not forgive her, but Tess decide to have pity of her and start to caress her. The swordswoman left her do anything than she want to do with her as she try to pleasure her too, until both have completely satisfied their pleasure.

Susan hugs the red haired girl below the sheet and start to whisper her "Its just than you are a really important person to me,Tess, that's why i don't want to use you..." She stop for a moment as she rest her head close her neck and caress the back of her friend."sorry, i was useless when the tentacles attack us, i should have heard you when you want to go away of there. If these creatures were evil... it will also should have been my fault."

Just then she saw how the ambient change and a windows appear. "I cant believe it, only 3 hours? Well if they said than i must avoid to use it more, then i suppose than i must rest" Susan decide to save and quit the game.

A moment later she open her eyes and look her body like she left it before start playing the game "I'm not even wet, this game is really convenient" she thought as she go out the egg. She nearly fall when she go out the egg as her mind still remember the not existent overweight of her bosom "ahh... oh well i prefer this size" she said as she hugs herself.
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Re: Susan (plmnko)

The world went weightless and faded to black, which was just as well, because Susan was already falling asleep in-game. Everything inside the EGG was just as it had been when Susan first entered the strange world.

The same middle-aged man who had brought her to the EGG chamber at the beginning was sitting at a desk with a rather thick leather bound book in his hands, humming to himself, when he heard the door open and Susan stepped out.

"Done with your first session then?" the man smiled and marked his place in the book before setting it down. "My name is Paul, and I am on the world design team. If you don't mind, I have a few questions for you about your general experience with the game. Please," he indicated a chair on the other side of the desk, "Have a seat. This won't take long. Also if you have any questions at all, I will answer as best I can."
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Just before go out of the Egg Susan remember than she have to go to a interview with one of the staff members, she ask direction to where she must go and they show her the location .

She take a moment before go inside she try to calm her nerves, "its not like they will ask me personal questions or something like that" after make a pair of deep breaths she opened the door and saw the same man than she meet at the start.

She then heard him than she could ask her questions. "Nice to meet you again Paul. Yes it was an interesting first session" She then take the seat.
Yes, i have some questions. "First, how was settle the 3 hours session, something could happen with the overuse? another could be... could the egg be used as a school tool or to use it while someone go to sleep?"
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Re: Susan (plmnko)

"Well, we recommend three hour limits because the sensation of time passing is distorted by the EGG software," Paul said and nodded as he did so. It seemed this was a common question. "If we didn't put in reminders, we fear people might lose track of time too easily while in the game. You see, the EGG system speeds up time when your character is not engaged in active world exploring and interactions. For example, you might sleep 8 hours inside the game, but in reality that feeling of rest and rejuvination occurs in a matter of minutes. Given the right situations, game years can roll by in the course of hours in real life. And since players have to eat and get real sleep, we've built in the reminders for your own health and safety."

He smiled and then listened to her other questions. "Use in schools or at home? Well, perhaps the software we use could be turned to such endeavors, though I wouldn't recommend the EGG as a sleep aid. The brain is very much active during the game and even though you may feel like you're resting in game, you're actually awake while playing it. Also, in its current state, the technology is rather impractical to use in anywhere but our own facilities. Not to mention the nature of our program is geared towards more mature gamers.

"Now," he said, adjusting his papers, "just a few standard questions. First, how would you rate your overall experience in the EGG? Would you say it was enjoyable? Were there any bugs or defects with the programming that you ran into? Did you have a best or worst experience? And do you intend to try another session?"

After Susan answered, Paul would remind her that it was lunchtime and that the company had a cafe open for all testers and employees. And also he told her that she should check in with the resident nurse after she had eaten and before she came back to the EGG.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

She nods after heard the words of Paul and take a moment before answer. At the start i have a bad experience after lost my first battle and other when i lost again, but i enjoy the AI, the realism of the graphics,... and how you can make nearly the story. After play the full session i think than i really like the game.

"About bugs i think than i haven't saw any" Of course than Susan believe than the bust change and her dreams were normal in the game " Of course, i want to play another session".

After say good bye to him, she went to eat something and she not leave to thing about if she really want to play again as she eat her lunch. "Its just a game, i just need to grin more or find another weapon for Tess"she dont leave to think this and another game things . The time passed and before she know she have end to eat her lunch.

Then she proceed to see the nurse.
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Re: Susan (plmnko)

Paul seemed happy about her response and told her that generally the experience was best if played fully through to a natural stopping point. He was glad to hear that she wanted to continue as well, and mentioned that he would likely see her very soon.

Her lunch tasted good, and she saw many other employees and girls who looked like other testers in the lunch room. Most everyone had stopped for lunch it seemed, as the cafe appeared quite busy.

After lunch, Susan followed the signs in the hallway to the nurses office, which was clearly marked and glowed bright from within.

Inside, she met a tall, attractive looking woman with waist length black hair and a pair of glasses that perched on her small nose.

"Hello," she said in a polite tone, "You must have just finished your first EGG session. Please come in and have a seat."

The nurse indicated a chair which had a mechanical instrument fixed at head level. "For safety reasons, we're going to make sure that your body is reacting well to the EGG experience and that there are no unexpected difficulties."
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan walk toward the nursery as she does she try see if she know any of the testers, but after not found anyone she proceed her path.

When she reach the nursery she saw the girl in charge. "Hello. im Susan Summers"Said as she pass and look the nurse, for her she is good looking, she through than maybe that's why she earn the job. Then she follow the instructions of the nurse and take the seat.
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Re: Susan (plmnko)

"It's nice to meet you Miss Summers," the nurse said professionally, and then sat down on the other side of the desk where the machinery was set up. She had a read-out monitor displaying various numbers and graphs next to her.

She instructs Susan to put a headband apparatus that was hooked up to the machinery on top of her head.

"Now I'm just going to start this neural scan here and I'll be asking a few questions while it's all being processed," the nurse said, crossing her legs over one another and propping up her clip board.

"I'd like to make it clear that everything that you say in this room is confidential and protected under the strictest policies by the contract you agreed to in your application. Anything you say to me will not be repeated." She looked across the table at Susan to make sure that the younger woman had understood her.

"First, I'd like you to describe your feelings as the game progressed, and how they changed, including what changed them and...how, it changed them."
Re: Susan (plmnko)

This was so easy compared to what Susan have think, as she now know than nobody will know what she will say.

"Sure, lets see, at the start i was impressed of how real all was...until i lost a fight. I really was not prepared to that, it was an hard experience, then i feel great when i rescue a NPC from some monsters. I think than after that all was an harsh experience until i start to enjoy the style of the game" Said as she start to blush when she remember the night with Tess.
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Re: Susan (plmnko)

"I see," said the nurse as she scribbled down a note on her clipboard, "Do you believe that you've changed in any major way because of this game experience?"

The monitor at the nurse's side beeped and a paper with many lines of numbers began to print out.

"The scan is complete," she said after Susan had given her an answer to the previous quesiton. "Would you care to hear the results?"
Re: Susan (plmnko)

"Hm...maybe i start to be more open minded and i think than im starting to know more of myself". Said a little ashamed as the sound of the machine call her attention.

"Sure, what said? all is right?"
Re: Susan (plmnko)

The nurse smiled reassuringly at Susan.

"Don't worry, everything in the read out is perfectly within normal limits," she said. "You have an elevated state of arousal and sexual activity, along with reduced inhibition, which is natural considering the content of the game, but it will recede back to normal levels in time. You'll find that you'll learn what you really like and don't like in time, with more play."

She marked a few things off on her clipboard.

"That's really all there is to this. You're perfectly healthy and clear to return to the game if you wish. Just please stop by Paul's office on the way back, he's informed me that he has something to tell you."

She smiled and stood up.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

The words of the nurse make echo in the head of Susan when she heard high arousal, sexual activity reduced inhibition. even when the nurse said than that was normal.Could be true than they will return to the normality with the time? Susan decide to dont think more unnecessary questions than will be answered by the time and focus her attention in the moment.

"Thanks, these are good news, i guess. im go to see Paul, it was pleasure to meet you."

She left waiting than that was the last time than she need to talk about that. Then she go to the office of Paul wondering what he need of her. "I hope than nothing wrong have happened in my game, i will hate to start over again" Say to herself inside of her mind before pass to Paul's office.
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Re: Susan (plmnko)

"Hi again," Paul said, putting down his book again. "I just wanted to let you know that I've officially been assigned to you as an adviser. So if you ever have any questions or concerns, I'm here to answer them. Also if you have suggestions as to how the game could be made better, I am also certainly glad to listen to them. We pride ourselves on giving our players the best experience we can offer."

He smiled.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

"Glad to heard that, Paul.well i have a little question. How was made the AI of the NPC and the avatar of the player?"

Susan take a moment to heard the answer of him as she try to think about any suggestion in vain. "About sugestions i dont have any for the moment, maybe when i finish my second sesion."
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Paul chuckles a little at Susan's question. "I'm certainly not an expert on the AI, if you want a more in depth answer, you'd have to ask our lead AI programmer, Max, but I do know that it is a very complex and ground-breaking development in AI that our team has been pursuing. The AI is capable of learning and adapting to the player as the game goes on, creating a more suitable experience for each individual. It's why practically all of our repeat testers have said they continue to enjoy the experience.

"As for the Avatar, well, your avatar is designed by your mental image of yourself when you enter the game. Why? Is there something you don't like about your current avatar?"
Re: Susan (plmnko)

The fascinated blue eyes of the silver haired girl stare at Paul just after he finish to answer her first question "Wow amazing. So, the AI evolves as the player use the game, that's why they act like if they were real and as they were made by the mind of the player they easily can make a emotional connection."

Then Susan heard about how her avatar was created and saw than the alteration and any problem of the game was her fault. Maybe her inner self always wanted to have an ample bosom after play to much video games, some of them from H-Sites "So...it was my fault than my avatar have that clothes and a little different...cup size... I see, then i don't have a problem with it. Well i will try to give me best to enjoy the game and try to make suggestion to make it better "
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Re: Susan (plmnko)

"If you want to change your avatar, we can do that manually for you," Paul said helpfully. "Other than that, you're free to go back into the game anytime you want."
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan nod, even when the tentacles have also part of the fault. "Sure, i prefer than my avatar have the same figure as me"

"Thanks for you help Mr. Paul, i will to she you after end the sesion." Then she decide to go to play again.