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Susan (plmnko)

Re: Susan (plmnko)

Unfortunately for Susan, the slime she was fighting had recovered from the previous blow, and when Balgia went to lunge forward with her spear the slime bent under the piercing strike and wrapped several tendrils around the sporen girl, who squeaked in surprise. Susan tried to attack to free her, but the slime slid to the side to avoid her blow, then lashed out and grabbed hold of the swordswoman with another tendril, engulfing both at the same time.

Tess struggled with her own slime, but didn't make any progress, only being drawn deeper into the slime, the last remnants of her clothes being dissolved.

Slime A 2/4
Slime B 3/4
Susan 4/6, AP 0/10 (engulfed, -1 attack/defense)
Tess 2/4, AP 1/10, (engulfed, -2 attack/defense)
Balgia 4/5, AP 0/10, (engulfed, -1 attack/defense)
Re: Susan (plmnko)

~Hey, thats not fair!~ Say Susan after saw how these creatures can attack two opponents at the same time. She start to use her sword trying to free herself from the jello expecting than at least one of the warriors can be free of the graple of the slime duo.
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Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan saw that Balgia's attacks were slow and that the slime was actually using large openings in the sporen princess' swings to counter her attacks before attacking Susan herself. Much the same happened again as the Slime stops both Susan and Balgia's attacks and then squeezes them tighter, drawing them deeper into its goo and removing the rest of Susan's clothes with its dissolving slime.

Susan begins to feel the arousal of the slime's aphrodisiacs penetrate her skin and the warmth begin to swell inside her.

Tess meanwhile managed to roll out of the other slime's grip, and gripped her mace tightly swinging it about her and smacking the other slime across its broad mass with a large blow.

Slime A 2/4
Slime B 2/4
Susan 3/6, AP 1/10 (engulfed -2 attack/defense)
Tess 2/4, AP 1/10
Balgia 3/5, AP 1/10 (engulfed -2 attack/defense)
Re: Susan (plmnko)

The young warrior saw angry how the slime dissolve the last remain of her clothes, she try to calm herself after saw the moves of her foe.

After that she try a diferent metod, Susan try to escape from the grip of the creature making a distance from her friend in an attemp to make him choice in wich one he should maintain his grip.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan wriggles and by concentrating on escaping she was able to get free of the slime, leaving a good distance between her and her attacker, who lets her go and concentrates on the sporen girl. Balgia tried to fight her way free, and was caught even deeper inside the creature. The slime seemed to be prodding at her sensitive areas and Susan noticed that a pair of nipples had sprouted from Balgia's breasts and a slit between her legs became visible as the slime's tendrils located and parted it, preparing to enter her.

Tess meanwhile was overtaken once again by her slime opponent, being thrown to the earth and covered up to her waist by the thing.

Slime A 2/4
Slime B 2/4
Susan 3/6, AP 1/10
Tess 1/4, AP 2 (engulfed -1 attack/defense)
Balgia 2/5, AP 2 (engulfed, can't attack, -3 to escape)
Re: Susan (plmnko)

After feel relief to be free of the creature, Susan saw than once again she have to make a choice as her two allies were in a critical situation.

First, Balgia was at the mercy of the slime and for the other side Tess was grapped as she was in her limit.

There was not time to check all the possibility and she choice to dont lost her advantage in the number.

Quickly she try to make a stealth attack at the slime of Tess.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan rushes to the aid of her friend Tess, but she arrives in front of the monster only to witness the beast growing suddenly in mass and completely enveloping the red head, holding her upside down within its goo-like body, the fight having gone out of her. Susan can see from the look on Tess' open mouthed face and by the way her two lower holes are splayed apart and being rocked hard that the creature is in the process of raping her.

With a cry of frustration, Susan tried to bring her sword down on the thing, but it recoiled out of her reach, threatening to retreat up a pillar towards the ceiling in an attempt to escape Susan's wrath.

Meanwhile Balgia can't manage to free herself from the other slime, and is slowly being engulfed completely. The slime rubs its appendages against the sporen princess' tight holes, and the fungus woman begins to shake frantically.

Slime A 2/4 (about to fuck Balgia)
Slime B 2/4 (fucking Tess)
Susan 3/6, AP 1
Tess 0/4, AP 3 (being fucked)
Balgia 2/5, AP 3 (about to be fucked)
Re: Susan (plmnko)

"It cant be... not again"some tears start to flow of her blue eyes as she note than her strength was not enough and once again her friend is raped by these creatures. No, she cant give up,the slimes need a long time to rape their victim, also she still must save the princess.

This fight is not over yet she whisper as she launch an attack to the slime of Balgia, trying to dont lost of sight the moves of her foe.

She know than this could be the last chance than she will have to control once again the fight.
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Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan charges the other slime and hews a large chunk out of its side, spilling a large amount of un-solidified ooze and loosening the thing's grip on the Sporen who spills out of it huffing and puffing and spitting out gobs of the blue stuff that had gotten into her mouth.

The slime reeled and went to launch itself once again on the princess, but at the last moment Balgia grabbed her spear and spun, bracing the butt of the lance against the ground and skewering the slime on its tip. The last of its strength ebbing from it, the slime lost all consistency and splashed to the ground, no longer able to reform.

Above them, now hanging from the ceiling, the other slime was out of reach and able to concentrate fully on its prey. The two companions on the ground heard the muffled cries of pain and ecstasy coming from Tess, but could do nothing but wait for the slime to get bored. It was over an hour later that the slime deposited its final round of seed inside Tess, and let her seep to the floor gently along the pillar before the slime scooted back up to the ceiling to avoid justice.

Tess was nude and slimed, and her belly was distended and rumbling. Placing a hand on her belly, Susan could feel something moving inside and realized that her friend had once again been impregnated.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

The warrior start to calm down after see than Balgia defeated one of her opponents. But, she cannot taste the flavor of their victory, after saw how she cant do nothing to stop the slime who was above raping her friend. "RELEASE HER, YOU ..." She nearly start to shout but stop at the moment as she realize the possibility to call the attention of another monster than in their actual state easily could defeat both girls.

Susan look around trying to find a way to attack the creature and save her friend, impotent to find a way to do it. Susan just launch some stones to the slime as she look to the princess, trying to heard a solution. The moans start to try to turn her on without success as her frustration and anger domain her mind. Then she start to think than she should have rescue her instead of Balgia or if they have a bow they could have save her.

The time passed and Susan can not longer resist to hear the lewd sounds of Tess and just sit down trying to start a conversation with the princess ¨ I cant believe than we must wait until that thing finish,i cant resist this situation anymore, can we talk a little that will help me to distract myself. First sorry to cannot save you before and i also lament to have lost the cultist clothes, we could have need them in another moment. do you know if in this cave are others not raper creatures?¨

An hour later the slime free the red hair girl from her torture. Quickly the swordswoman try to reach the creature, but stop after saw him retread. Changing her attention to Tess "Shit, that damn creature impregnate her, we must wait until she give birth" the girl says a little blushed after remember than the princess Balgia was there. Susan put the archer in a better rest position as she try to clean the face of Tess.
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Re: Susan (plmnko)

Balgia shook her head. "I...I don't think this tunnel is used by any civilized creatures, at least not for some while. Something far more fierce than these monsters is lurking ahead. I worry what might happen if we keep going this way.."

Meanwhile Tess groaned and clutched at her belly, adopting a now all-too-familiar birthing position while she waited for the newborn slime to make its way out of her. The birth took about ten minutes, and Tess bore it as best she could. The fresh pale blue of the slime dripped slowly from Tess' canal, like frozen yogurt from a dispenser, until it lay pooled between her legs. Taking one last touch of its mother with a small tendril, the slime scooted away towards a nearby pillar.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

The swordswoman wait until she finished to talk and then said to the princess"We don't have another choice than continue, the others two paths are also dangerous, maybe even more than this one. Another option is return to your village but maybe Tess and i cant enter once again". Susan really don't want to return as she is curious of what kind of creature is the Boss.

Then she help her friend when the birth of the creature start, it was another disgusting moment like when she help her to give birth to the tentacles the first time, then she saw how the creature start to retreat "No!!, i will don't let you free to rape another woman" She said as she start to pursue the fast newborn creature, just when she was close enough send a slash attack trying to finish his life.

After success or fail the silver hair girl will wait until Tess finish to restore her strength, then if Balgia don't suggest another option they will continue the path with caution trying to have time to prepare a tactic before the next battle start
Re: Susan (plmnko)

"No!" Balgia protested. "I won't go back to the Sporen City. Not until I've seen more of the world. They'd never let me go out again if they knew what has already happened. We can keep going this way or one of the other paths, but I won't be going back to the caverns."

Susan had little trouble killing off the newborn slime, which wailed pitifully as its short life was ended. Tess was too tired to care one way or the other what happened to her 'child' and simply lay back and closed her eyes, trying to calm her breathing.

When at last they had rested enough the three picked up their weapons and traveled onward, naked, through the darkness of the place, which continued to resemble more and more the stonework of craftsman's hands. People must have once dwelt in this place, for there were many chambers around them and stair cases that led to higher levels were yet more chambers lay cloaked in shadow.

"What was this place?" Tess wondered aloud, but received no answer for none of them knew.

After many minutes of journeying, Susan spotted a strange golden glow coming from off to the left of the main path, in one of the many side chambers. It seemed to cut through the dark of the place, and she wondered if it might be worth investigating.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan feels great after destroy the seed of the coward creature and heard than Balgia will stay with the group, even when they could have problems in the future thanks to the disappearance of the princess at the same moment when they depart from her kingdown.

The path was easy, thanks to the null presence of creatures then a bright call the attention of the silver hair warrior, whit whispers she say to her allies "take caution, i will check that" whit stealth moves she procedd to check it, with her sword ready in her hand just in case than that bright result be a trap.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

The two companions look to each other then back to the silver haired girl they agree to stay back and wait until she explores the chamber - but it turned out that it was not a chamber at all, but a long hallway that only appeared to have the same doorway as a chamber. The hall glowed with gold and it was obvious that the glow was coming from down around the corner where the hallway bent left.

Holding her sword before her, Susan continued to approach, and was amazed when she rounded the corner to see a glowing suit of golden ring mail, designed for the shape of a female warrior, sitting on a stand in the center of a room that had piles of gold scattered around it.

Susan stood on the threshold of the room, her eyes taking in the beauty and wonder of it all. She looked about quickly to see if any enemy guarded this place, or perhaps some kind of trap would close about her if she entered the room. But as hard as she peered, she could not see anything that looked perilous. No suspicious gaps in the doorway... no holes in the wall or tricky looking stones... It seemed safe enough.

"Susan! Are you all right?" Tess' voice trailed down the hallway.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

"Wow..." Susan remain speechless after saw the beautifull armor surrounded by gold like the Indiana Jones movies, taking some time to examine the room she don't find any danger or trap. Just when she nearly take the armor the voice of Tess surprise her stopping her at the instant.

She take the armor first just in case than this activate any unnoticeable trap and respond to the red haired girl, "I'm fine just give me a minute". Expecting to see the faces of her allies when they saw her wearing this, she proceed to return using the same path were her friends were, then she will guide them to the golden room.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Giving her friend a reassuring yell, Susan put her hand on the armor. Nothing happened, and the armor felt strong and real. She lifted it, and found that despite it appearing to be made of gold rings it was amazingly light weight, and found that it was padded with a silky material on the inside and would cover her body from shoulder to upper thigh if she put it on. Most amazingly, it seemed to be just her size.

She looked around, once again expecting at any moment to be set upon by some evil hazard, but none came. It seemed that there was nothing left to chance except to put the golden armor on.

It was set about in three separate parts, first the waist straps that would cover her waist and upper thighs, and thankfully included a thong to hide her womanhood. She shimmied into it, then put on the undercoat and ring mail, and finally put on the ornate shoulder guards, strapping and buckling everything into place.

"So finally, I have a bearer... I would have preferred a blonde, but silver is a noble color as well I suppose." A strong feminine voice appeared out of no where, seemingly coming from within Susan's mind.
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Re: Susan (plmnko)

Just when Susan was checking how well she look with her new size made armor a voice appear from nowhere, the young warrior look around trying to spot the source. Then she notice than it was coming from her mind "it cant be im not crazy, she said something about new owner... No way, it cant be the armor? She through to herself as she make a second sight to her new possession "Hi, can you introduce yourself, please?" Said the swordswoman still without believe than the armor was talking to her.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

"Introduce myself? Well. Yes, I suppose that is a reasonable request." The voice said. "My name is Aurumel. And before you jump to a conclusion, I'm not the armor. I'm trapped inside the armor. And there's a helmet, and some boots, and a sword as well... but they're not here. The being that trapped me in them wanted me to stay trapped, so he's keeping them in different places, all where humans and decent creatures fear to go. I've waited a long time for someone like you to happen by..."
Re: Susan (plmnko)

"Nice to meet you Aurumel. Hm... so you are a soul trapped in an armor, that sound better than a usual talkative enchanted armor." She said to the programers or the Ai of the game after all she always enjoy than their games have a side quest or similar to have more time value. She decide than this was the last time than she act like a game tester inside the game, trying to dont damage the atmosphere again she will be just an adventurer female warrior.

The warrior continued hearing her until she notice something weird in the introduction of Aurumel, exactly what will happen when she reunite all the parts, it will make appear the body of the soul or the body of Susan will be taken by the soul of Aurumel? " I think than i know where could be the others parts, but i doubt than you can resist until i reunite them all. You'll see in this moment we must fight a unknown creature close here to get out of this cave, certainly this armor will be destroyed in that fight. So could you say me more information about you and this armor, if it have some specials abilities or disadvantages?"
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