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Susan (plmnko)

Re: Susan (plmnko)

"I highly doubt you know where the other pieces are. They are scattered all over the world," Aurumel said. "And if you're referring to those slimes, the spell that keeps me trapped in here also protects this armor. It won't be dissolved. As for this armor, I think it will offer you protection. Combined with the helm and boots the protection will greatly increase. The sword is powerful as well.. but if you can find all four I think I could break the spell and may be able to break free... at least, I hope I shall be able to. If not, then at the very least I will see the one who trapped me be killed by my own sword."

Susan felt a feeling of anger fill her, and realized that not only the thoughts but also the strong emotions of Aurumel could be felt through wearing the armor.

Tess and Balgia rounded the corner.

"Who are you talking to?" asked Tess, then she stopped and her eyes widened. "Where did you find that armor? And the gold... where did all this come from?"

"It's my treasure. Don't let them touch it! Leave it here." Aurumel said, stubbornly.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan was amazed by the words of Aurumel after all she was expecting than all the others parts were inside this cave in the temple and the toglodite town, not in the worse parts of the world. But for some reason the idea than she have to go were nobody has been in the world really excited her.

She left the spirit continue her talk, she was glad to heard than she don't need to worry about walk naked always than a creature destroy her clothes. Then she feels how the anger fill her when Aurumel talk about the wizard than curse her. "So, these are the cons and pros of wield this armor".

Just in that moment her friends appear, at least the swordswoman enjoy the funny expression of the red haired girl. "Thanks Tess, i was trying to surprise both of you, that's why i put this armor. Hm... i have checked this place and looks like there aren't any kind of trap, anyway take caution and before you touch the gold i have something to say to both of you" Susan take a time to decide the way of how to explain all to the girls

"Maybe i should explain all. Lets see, this is the treasure of Aurumel, she was... no, maybe i should say she is a warrior from ancient times who was sealed inside this armor. Yes, maybe sound weird but she still have consciousness and can send me her thoughts and feelings to my mind. To free her we must find the others parts of her armor than consist in her boots, helm and sword than were scatter by that wizard around the whole world, the only clue than she give me is than the places are all where humans and decent creatures fear to go."

The young warrior wait the answer of her friends and even if they don't believe her , she proceed her talk"Also, she don't want than we take her treasure, but we don't another choice, in order to travel and earn information we need money and we don't have any. Sorry Aurumel, anyway we don't have more than this backpack to carry it and if i take to much it will bother me when i have to fight, i promise than we only will use it on important things for our journey".

Taking out nearly all the shining greengems and her rations, she invite her friends to help her to take the gold, then she put her rations on the top inside her backpack for a easy access to them.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

A feeling of cold distrust entered into Susan's mind, and the glow of the armor dimmed dramatically, causing the shining chamber to plummet into near dark. The weight of the mail rings became as heavy as though she were overburdened with gold, and slowly Susan began to sink to her knees under the encumbrance.

"Perhaps I was wrong about you." Aurumel's voice, which had been patient and proud before, was now devoid of any warmth, and hidden behind it was a menace. Fear and doubt - not Aurumel's but Susan's own feelings - began to creep into the silver-haired girl's mind. "Perhaps you shall not be my bearer. Perhaps instead I shall wear you down to the earth, and tighten about you, and leave you to the mercies of the monsters you have feared. I am not some mere trinket to be ignored at your leisure. I have not waited ages upon ages in the dark, only to serve a thief - not even a thief in need. This is MY treasure. If you would dare to take from it, you will ASK my leave. And you shall return in full whatever you take, if I grant it to you."

The weight of the armor was now crushing, and Susan was forced onto her belly. The armor's straps and inner padding constricted about her, tightening about her soft flesh, as if she were dough in a baker's grip. Susan feared that if she did not convince Aurumel that she meant no harm, and tell her friends to stop taking the treasure that she would be in serious trouble.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

The subit change of the spirit take the warrior out of guard. "What is happening?..." she was sink on her kness before finish to say her words.

The darkness feelings and words of Aurumel start to affect the mind of her owner, but even when the mind of her was filled by fear she use her remain courage and try to persuade the armor spirit even when she was now in the floor unable to move.

THIEF!! im not any kind of thief in need, i dont have any bad intention toward your treasure, i know than my way to talk is very realistic and direct but i cant change it, maybe my unique sin was to dont ask you, even when i was right about than we will need a little part of your treasure to travel around the world and pay for the information... i dont travel for money, my desire is to have adventures, make the world better. Even when i want to help you i certainly will die of age before find them all, in the best of my chances of course. You can have my word than i could have returned all and even more and when you have recover your body we could have travel together

then after said that with tears in her eyes she wispher to her armor "I hope than you can take out that curse. If this is the cost to pay for defend my way to be and have lend a hand to the needed i accept it"[/b]
Re: Susan (plmnko)

The weight of the armor stopped crushing her further, but it still remained heavy.

"You still don't understand, do you? This treasure is not to be used. That I tell you this should be enough. Do not persist in taking it. I can guide you to the other pieces of the armor. You will not have to pay for information, and I am certain that you will find basic needs without the gold. Now... I ask again. Will you let my treasure stay here, untouched?"

Tess and Balgia meanwhile have crowded around Susan, unable to hear the armor's voice, and surprised to see their friend stricken down like this.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

With her eyes closed and trying to dont sob and tremble in vain, Susan was prepared for the punishment of Aurumel, then suddenly she feel how the weight was lower and she heard the words of the spirit.

"Yes... i give you my word... than we will dont touch your treasure... But, why dont you say me than you can find them when i ask you about your powers?"

Said the warrior trying to recover herself from the hard moment, after know than this unnecessary event could have been avoided with more information of Aurumel
Re: Susan (plmnko)

"I shouldn't have to give you a reason for everything that I ask. If I tell you not to take the treasure, you shouldn't rationalize a way around it. There's a lot of things I know and could tell you - for I have seen much of the world in my time, before being trapped - but if you expect me to bother explaining everything to you, you're going to be out of luck."

The room brightened again as Aurumel's armor began to glow, and it became light in weight, just like when she had first picked it up.

"In the future, I'd ask that you will trust me. I am an honorable sort, and expect any who would bear me to be trustworthy as well. I will let this incident go by... but if you prove to be a thief in the future, you will not be able to bear me any longer. I will only fight with those who have honor."

"Are you all right now?" Tess asked, frightened and still not fully understanding the conversation or why Susan had suddenly dropped to her stomach before. "What's going on? Who are you talking to?"
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Ok, i understand said Susan as she stand up when the armor return to the normal weight.

"Dont worry Tess, it was just the spirit inside the armor, looks like we must left the treasure untouched.Susan said as she use her hand to stroke the red haired head of Tess trying to calm her So, lets go out of here and continue our path to go out of this cave"They continue their journey after take her belongings and check than all the gold was in the place were it need to be.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Tess looked from Susan to the massive piles of gold. "It's more wealth than my family could have gotten in a lifetime..." she murmured sadly.

"What sort of mean spirit is in that armor anyway! Are you sure you need it?"

Susan equipped Aurumel's Gold Armor! Provides a +2 to all defense rolls, as long as Aurumel is pleased with you. May only be equipped and un-equipped with Aurumel's permission.

The group journeyed onwards, and the golden armor dimmed itself so that it did not attract unwanted attention from monsters lurking nearby.

Balgia begins to point out great signs of erosion in the stonework up ahead.

"What could have caused all this?" Balgia wonders aloud.

A moment of broken immersion pops up on the screen:

Perilous Creature ahead, possible Bad End awaits. Do you wish to Save before proceeding?
Re: Susan (plmnko)

The warrior heard the complains of her friend and decide than there must not have more misunderstand around the group "please, Tess dont judge her, she must have her reasons. she is another victim like you, we must save her"The time passed as they walk in the peaceful path the bright of the armor subdue to avoid be an easy target and then Balgia note something in the stonework, certainly were maked by the creature than domain this place.

In that moment a signal appear breaking the moment but giving to Susan the chance to fight without the fear to lost all her work in the game

"possible bad end ahead, oh... of course than i want to save"

now with her game saved, she was ready to fight and test the strength of any creature
Re: Susan (plmnko)

With the game saved, Susan strode forward, her sword out drawn and her golden armor glittering softly in the torchlight. Behind her a naked Tess held aloft a torch while gripping a mace firmly in one hand. To her side was Balgia, who had retained her feminine form from the slime fight and appeared much more like a half human with an odd, permanent hat on her head. She was holding her spear tightly in both hands.

Status update:

Susan will also receive a +1 health bonus while wearing the armor. Also she should be at Level 2 Sword Expertise. Tess' health has gone up to 5/5.

The group passes through what must have one time been a great hall in some underground city. A circle that appeared to once have been a grand mosaic on the floor was now almost completely eroded away, as if some type of acid had scrubbed away the surface.

"Look out above you!" Aurumel's voice shouted inside Susan's head. Susan shouted "Look out!" to her friends just in time for them all to look up then dive aside.

A large gelatinous slime, larger than a small house appeared before them, and let loose a gurgling roar! Within its depths, Susan could make out several naked female figures who looked as though they were still and unmoving. They were being molested and filled by several transparent tendrils within the creature's mass.

Giant Slime ??/??

Susan 7/7, AP 0/10
Tess 5/5, AP 0/10
Balgia 6/6, AP 0/10
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan heard the advise of Aurumel and instantly she notice the biggest slime than she have seen in the game she shout without think twice "Look out" this make her friends go out of the way as the monster. images of her first dream come to her when she saw the great quantity of female shapes being raped inside the monster who could know the time than these poor women have been there, certainly this slime will dont free them if he beat them.

Susan try to focus in the fight, it will be suicide if the three attack at the same time together"How can we fight this thing? Hm maybe we only can give our best try, remember than these things can attack us all if we dont pay attention, try to dont stay in the same place, if someone is trapped other must try to free her. ill go first" Susan said to her allies as she rush toward the creature sending a direct attack in an attemp to call his attention and trying to be ready to evade the counter of his foe.
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Re: Susan (plmnko)

The three companions spread out and attacked the giant creature from both sides. Susan with her sword and Balgia with her spear struck the creature solidly, drawing ooze forth with their slashes and thrusts, but Tess, still not trained in hand to hand combat was grabbed before her blow could fall, caught in the creature's tendrils.

The creature lanced a tendril out towards Susan, but as it attempted to wrap around the golden armor, the ringed mail glowed bright, and the slime recoiled as if burned.

Giant Slime ??/??

Susan 7/7, AP 0/10
Tess 4/5, AP 1/10
Balgia 6/6, AP 0/10
Re: Susan (plmnko)

With a efective slash, Susan damage the creature making than some of the slime fall on the floor, unfornately compared to the complete mass of the jello that was a little cut. Then she notice how Tess was grapped, making the warrior lost the focus a little. The big slime noted it and try to grape her too, but thanks to the golden armor the silver hair girl have the time to evade the attack.

She then go to try to free her friend with a slash trying to cut the tendrils, she know than she must avoid be close to her, so she appart of her and use evation moves
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Tess managed to free herself quickly from the tendrils, rolling away and dodging the giant slime's determined attack against her. The slime oozed after her but was forced to divert its attention from the red headed girl when both Susan and Balgia's weapons bit into its side, causing it to grunt and bubble in annoyance. Many tendrils began to form above it.

A moment of broken immersion suddenly appeared in Susan's vision:


Giant Slime ??/?? (hit 4 times)

Susan 7/7, AP 0/10
Tess 4/5, AP 1/10
Balgia 6/6, AP 0/10
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan, Looking than Tess escape alone use the moment to focus her attention toward the slime and once again was succesfull to hit it.

Then the creature start to act weird and suddenly a 3 appear in front of the player " What try to do that thing? The swordswoman said as she send another slash to the monster.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan landed another slash, causing another blue chunk of the slime to spill across the eroded stone circle, lifeless as a puddle of rainwater. The Slime again lunged at Tess, but the nude woman ducked behind a pillar and the tendrils splashed harmlessly against the stone. Balgia was put off balance by a feint from the creature and was unable to follow up with her own attack.


Giant Slime ??/?? (hit 5 times)

Susan 7/7, AP 0/10
Tess 4/5, AP 1/10
Balgia 6/6, AP 0/10
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Once again Susan connect a hit and the fight could have been seen as at their side if it not were by the countdown. Could be a special move magic or a special condition?.

"Aurumel, do you have any information about this creature,it have any abbility?" the warrior said as she launch another blow to the slime.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

"It would seem it is preparing for some sort of attack. I would be cautious. There is only so much protection that my armor can give you," Aurumel answered.

The slime took another swipe at Tess, seeming to have acquired a taste and desire for her above the others. When one of it's tendrils wrapped around the pillar to chase after her, it met with a crushing strike from the mace in Tess' hand.

Now the creature roared and many tendrils formed in the air above it.


Giant Slime ??/?? (hit 6 times)

Susan 7/7, AP 0/10
Tess 4/5, AP 1/10
Balgia 6/6, AP 0/10
Re: Susan (plmnko)

The face of Susan reflect critical moven, now than she know than she was right.

"RUN, USE THE RUINS! HE WILL LAUNCH ALL THOSE TENTACLES AGAIN US!!" the girl shout as she try to go away with all her speed, prepared to evade the attack. If she is succesfull she will try to help her friends in case than any of them get trapped by the attack.