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Susan (plmnko)

Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan walked off into the woods beyond the camp in search of some dry wood. It must have rained recently in this valley, as the ground was damp and her search was difficult, taking her further and further away from the camp in search of some decent branches.

Suddenly, a low growl sounded off from a nearby bush, and when Susan looked up she saw a pair of golden eyes staring back at her from the encroaching shadows. It was a large black wolf - many times larger than it should have been. It stood on all fours, but still it was nearly as tall as her.

It watched her for a moment and then started forward, moving in her direction.

"A dire wolf," Aurumel said. "Also known as Wargs. They are intelligent, but dangerous creatures. Some can speak."
Re: Susan (plmnko)

"sigh... i was dont expecting than this could take to much time" Said to herself as she continue looking for dry branches. Then a low growl call her attention and she see the eyes of the night creature "could be a bear" she think first as she note the height of the figure.

The moonlight show her than it was a big wolf, she nearly take her sword until the words of Aurumel make her believe than she could avoid a unnecessary fight "Hi, i dont want to fight, i just come here for dry wood, can we talk?" Say Susan trying to maintain her courage as she know than these creatures can feel the fear. At the same time she was ready to evade any attack of the creature
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Re: Susan (plmnko)

The creature bared its teeth in what seemed like a malicious grin as it continued to pad slowly forward. Its feet seemed to end in sharp claws, and its fangs were like the rows of a large saw. In the cool evening air, its breath came out of its mouth like a miniature fog.

"Talk?" Came a grated voice, half speech and half growl. "Why does it talk?"

It stepped closer, its tail swaying behind it and its muscles in its hindquarters tense as if it could spring at her in any moment. "Your armor is shiny, Warg eyes spot it easy. Warg nose smell first, scent of human, scent of woman."
Re: Susan (plmnko)

The last words of the wolf make her start to think wich could be the intention of this creature.

"Well a time later i heard some howls in the distance, even when i was expecting than i could find any of your race it was neccesary to find the dry wood for my group. We only will stay tonight and then we will continue to our jorney to a town close here" Say Susan pointing the direction of the town of Tess
Re: Susan (plmnko)

The creature seemed to laugh under its breath in a mocking, staggered growl.

"No, you won't leave."

With that another growl came from behind her and a sudden weight fell on Susan, throwing her harshly to the earth in surprise. Before the full weight of whatever it was that was on top of her could be brought to bear, Susan rolled and kicked away at the aggressor, landing her heel into a soft belly and producing a yelp of pain as a smaller, gray dire wolf was kicked off of her.

Rolling upward and drawing her sword in one fluid motion, Susan rises to see that she is surrounded by three dire wolves now, though the new comers are nowhere near as big or as dark as the pack alpha.

Susan 6/7

Dire Wolf Leader 8/8
Dire Wolf A 3/5
Dire Wolf B 4/4
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Just before she end the laugh of the warg make her note than she loss her time trying to talk to this creature, then she feels how a weight make her fall to the floor, instinctively she struggle and successfully she was once rise up and prepared to fight with the three dire wolf.

The young girl note than she was surrounded, certainly she will be tackled by any wolf if she try to run or attack"HELP, IM FIGHTING SOME WARGS. TESS, BALGIA, COME HERE PLEASE!!"She shout making her voice echoe in the silent forest, as she maintain a completely defensive stance, expecting than she can resist until her friends come to help her.
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Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan can't be sure if her friends heard her or not, and the dire wolves begin to circle and surround her completely, so that she as to spin around constantly to make certain the one most behind her doesn't suddenly spring into action.

"They are stronger when using pack tactics,"
Aurumel's voice said. "Concentrate on thinning their numbers. You can defeat them!"
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan follow the suggestion of the spirit and after that she start to look for the wolf damaged the last turn. she suddenly attack him trying to take it unprepared . The warrior then get prepared herself for an attack of the others two.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan lashes out against the weakened wolf, only her practiced skill with a blade allowing her to adjust to its dodging leap and nick it in the hind leg.

The other lesser wolf leaped at Susan, using the distraction to snap at her unprotected legs, latching onto her with its jaws and biting down hard.

The pack alpha snarled at the silver-haired warrior. "Moon hair woman is strong fighter. Waste to eat strong fighter. Good breeder perhaps? Produce strong pups. You give in, we not cripple you, and hunt other prey."

The beast seemed confident that his pack would overwhelm Susan, especially now that one of his packmates had its jaws locked around her leg.

Susan 5/7, (grappled by Dire Wolf B, -3 to attacking others, -1 to attacking Wolf B)

Dire Wolf Leader 8/8
Dire Wolf A 2/5
Dire Wolf B 4/4

(Pack tactics in effect, one wolf will attack per turn, but gains an attack bonus based on the number of pack mates still in the fight.)
Re: Susan (plmnko)

"It will not be so easily Mr Warg." Said Susan as she hit the wolf of than is bitting her leg "i only will accept that if you defeat me"

The warrior try to make time,as maybe her friends are coming to help her
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan swipes with her sword at the dire wolf clutching her leg, but it leaps back growling before her swipe lands. Then the other young wolf snaps at Susan, trying to attack her throat, but its teeth strike the shoulder guard of Arumel's armor and there is a flash of golden light as the beast is repelled. Susan makes her way to her feet. Holding up her sword again.

Susan 5/7

Dire Wolf Leader 8/8
Dire Wolf A 2/5
Dire Wolf B 4/4

Reinforcements? Arrive in ?? turns.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

"Hey, that was dangerous" Susan launch another blow to the damaged creature, at least she was free now, also The swordswoman try to avoid been caught again as she know their tactics. She start to believe than maybe she could defeat them all before the others come to help her, if they heard her, of course.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan adjusts her stance, holding her sword low and turning her heel slightly, locking herself into the earth, waiting for the proper moment to strike. The wolves are still confident, and the injured one makes a move to approach her, perhaps as a bluff, but Susan moves so fast that his original intent did not matter.

The wolf's head comes to rest several yards from the rest of its body, and with a quick turn, not even stopping in her fluid motion, Susan brings down a defensive slash to ward off the attack of the second wolf.

The two remaining wolves growl and roar in anger at their fallen packmate. "Strong fighter... this one will be mine!" growls the Alpha.

Susan 5/7

Dire Wolf Leader 8/8
Dire Wolf A 0/5 (DEAD)
Dire Wolf B 4/4

Reinforcements? Arrive in ?? turns.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

a brief smile come across the face of the warrior, maybe she dont expect to be so strong in that little time "What? i said you than i dont want to fight you, i was expecting than something like this could happen" Said Susan to the angry big dire wolf, as she attack the other wolf
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Both wolves became furious and rushed at her together. Her blade sliced into the smaller direwolf, but it's momentum and disregard for its own body carried into her, bowling her over. Then she saw the jaws of the alpha wolf clasp down painfully on her side, tearing and rending at Aurumel's armor, loosening the straps a bit and causing Susan to fatigue.

It seemed that a frenzy had come over them, and Susan's confidence began to fade along with her energy.

Susan 3/7 (grappled by Dire Wolf Leader, -3 to attacking others, -1 to attacking the Leader)

Dire Wolf Leader 8/8
Dire Wolf A 0/5 (DEAD)
Dire Wolf B 3/4

Reinforcements? Arrive in ?? turns.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan left escape a brief scream as the wolf leader wound her, her vision start to be blurred and her breath start to show her than she will reach her limit with some strikes more. Trying to take away the wolf she send a slash to the body of the warg. She know than if this continue like this she will be eaten or raped by this creatures.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan is unable to wriggle free from the Alpha's harsh bite, but fortunately for her, the warg is busy trying to undress her rather than harm her further. The armor of Aurumel is not so easily undone as normal clothing might have been, for the spirit that rested within it resisted the warg's efforts, tightening and mending the straps even as the wolf tore at them with all its might.

Finally Susan's sword connects with the Alpha and it releases its bite. The other wolf is shoved away, and the golden armored warrior rolls up to her feet, standing up against the wolves again.

There is still no sign of help coming.

Susan 3/7

Dire Wolf Leader 7/8
Dire Wolf B 3/4

Reinforcements? Arrive in ?? turns.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

At least the warrior know what is trying to do her foe, not like the idea to be raped by a beast and have puppies was nice, but at least she will be not eaten. Susan try to avoid to think more of that as she know than her friends will be the prey of them if she dont defeat them.

The swordswoman decide to fight them as she move the battle to be every round more close were her friends make a camp, she go and make an strike to the little dire wolf as she try to maintain her defense ready for the big one. Just when her blade could connect her foe, Susan make a battle cry, maybe that could help her friends to find her more faster.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

Susan scored another blow against the smaller dire wolf, but the Alpha once again latched onto her, biting painfully on her hip and sinking its teeth into the armor much more solidly than it had before.

"Careful! I don't know if I can keep him from tearing me off," Aurumel's voice rang through Susan's mind.

Her fatigue growing, and her magical armor loosened and about to be removed, Susan began to fear that she might well be headed for a terrible fate with the Warg Alpha.

Then she heard in the distance some voices - her friends perhaps? Had they finally heard her?

Susan 2/7 (grappled by Dire Wolf Leader, -3 to attacking others, -1 to attacking the Leader)

Dire Wolf Leader 7/8
Dire Wolf B 2/4

Reinforcements arrive in 4 turns.
Re: Susan (plmnko)

the anguish in the face of Susan after heard the words of Aurumel vanished when she heard some voices,"HELP IM FIGHTING SOME WOLVES, PLEASE HURRY, I DONT KNOW HOW MUCH CAN I RESIST!!" Susan shout as she was sure than she will dont resist the time needed. With all her might she try to remove the big warg and decide to make a full defense stance.
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