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SW Saga Edition: The Sluts Unleashed!

Sarai Ren the Togruta White Current Adept Location: Back together Tag: All Mood: Sexy, Curious and Still Very Naked!

Despite the appearance of being fully if rather tightly clothed due to her highly effective electro-tattoos the ass that Salvie grabbed was quite firm, shapely and extremely nude. Sarai wrapped her arm around her sister and drew Salvie in against her, half turning so that her thigh pressed against Salvie's groin. "I'd be more than happy to do the talking if you do the flying Salvie. We'll make quite the pair in more ways than one." She rubbed her hand smoothly over Salvie's belly. "I think Taken is right though. We should do what we can here first before we travel away."
@ Raja ( + Flair, Tris, Mouse Droid aboard the Hopeful Wanderer)

While everyone had their own ideas on what to do, establishing an off-world hideout was something that had to be done. And Tris helped Raja persuade the others that a repair shop was the best kind of hideout! Not only could they use it to repair their own ships when needed, but they could also gather the latest rumors with ease.

Flair had tagged along, insisting that she had to help and that she was too old for tomb-raiding anyway. At least, she seemed to know some stuff.

"Ok girls. With our ship repaired and with the navigation data of this planet we can come and go as we please," she explained, showing the galaxy map on the conference holo-table.

"This planet is by the side of the Perlemian Trade route. What's a trade route?" she asked, before explaining it herself "Imagine the galaxy as a muddy swamp. There are villages on that swamp, but there are no roads connecting each village. Daring travelers, however, can go from village to village, leaving marks behind so they can find their way back, and to let others follow their footsteps. However, in time those marks are swallowed by the swamp, and the villages become harder to find again. It is the same with navigating the stars...the galaxy is a living thing, constantly changing. The roads everyone uses are easy to follow, the others are much harder." she explained.

"Take for example this planet. Once upon a time, the road to reach it was known probably to many. But, I assume, something happened in the past, and no one visited for a long long time...resulting in it getting lost in the endless space."

"The Perlemian Trade route is one of the most used paths, which means it is easier and safer to travel along with it. The Wheel is also along this route. I think we should look for a place along the route, so we are harder to track down and get caught....ideally somewhere on the Outer Rim." she said, showing with her fingers those places on the projected holomap of the galaxy.

Tris meanwhile stroked Raja's head gently, while paying attention to the presentation. The mouse droid was probably cleaning in the cargo bay...

"The Outer Rim has reduced Imperial presence and more criminals and lowlifes for us to hide amongst them. Centares is still filled with Imperials, getting mined day in and day out.

"Budpock has some imperial presence too, but the locals don't cooperate with them, and the planet is also plagued by pirate gangs."

"Columex is a trading planet, it is on the crossroads of the Perlemian Trade route and Salin Corridor. It is a good place for us to go if we can make it."

"Lianna, on the other hand, is even worse, as it is at the crossroads of three trade routes. It is an ecumenopolis...which means that the whole planet is an endless city. The local authorities support the Empire, but this also means that the Empire doesn't have them on a tight leash. Besides, there are simply too many people to monitor."

"Desevro is bad news, the humans there are...terribly speciest. Makem Te is also loyally supporting the Empire...Quermia is the very opposite for some reason; so much that I fear they will become the Empire's targets sooner or later."

"Finally, if you want something more...isolated, we could go to one of those planets, and find navigation data for one of the less known planets that aren't on the route. If we do that we will be harder to be found out, but the things we can gain will also be more limited," she explained.

"So, where do you think we should go?" she crossed her arms, asking Raja testingly, just like one of the countless times she had asked about her homework in the past.

[Map on the roll20!]
@ Salvie (+ Bubble, Sister Droid, Rosy, aboard Bottoms Up)

With Salvie needing to spread herself and also wanting to find more equipment and supplies for the base, she approached Bubble to seduce and talk her into some mission.

"Ok, so we both know what we need most direly right now. Credits! Lots of credits!" Bubble cheered giving the old bro hug at Salvie while pointing at the space out of the window.

"We are already criminals, so we may as well go all the way! I say we rob a casino or two...then we can go to Mon Cala, and put some nice guns and shields on this ship - maybe get a speeder or two while we are at it. Then on our way back, we hit some Imperial outposts, and grab their weapons and stuff!" she explained with eyes sparking stars.

"Then we recruit some people, and form a pirate-resistance group! I mean, we are fucked, we may as well get famous out of it!" she explained, before taking a moment to blow her gum to a gigantic pink bubble.

"Also, we could run on a race or two on our way! Damn, my manager would be proud of me. Wonder if I should give her a call to join us on our way too?" she pondered.

"Oh, right. Ruben gave me a list of things we will need, or would help if we had." she remembered, changing the subject.

"First of all, if by some chance we can find more ships, we should grab them. Some replacement parts for the life support system, just in case. A lifting droid would be helpful too." she counted on her fingers.

"We need medical supplies, too. Medpacs, medkits, replacement hands, legs, and things like that! A bacta tank would be the best." the door opened and Rosy walked in, wearing a white apron covered in blood. "A general estimate of 120.000 credits. But I guess we can cut it down to around 2000 credits, if we are poor."

"Hey, did you kill someone or something?" Bubble asked somewhat creeped out.

"Negative. I was just practicing on the Hutt a little. Ruben said we should probably leave him here before we go, so it's my last chance." she explained "I have him sedated and properly bound. Should I get him out of our ship? I think we should ransom him, instead. Boss used to do things like that a lot."
Raja The Extra Innocent Zeltron, Location: Hopeful Wanderer Mood: Shy Tag: Open

Raja was humming softly, watching her Mouse-droid work and feeling the warmth of Tris healthy arm around her. This was the nice life. This made her happy. No danger, no dangerous training drills, just .. nice things.
She -as always- listened to Flair like a good, attentive student, a little sad that the mouse-droid had wandered off to clean somewhere else, but happily purring under the head-petting.

Raja startled, once questioned. This was nothing new and usually her answers were pretty intelligent, given a moment to collect herself. "Th.. that's a lot of options miss, but a few seem easily ruled out.
I'd like to avoid mean pirates, or anyone being mean to my girlfriend, aaah.. so Lianna or Deservo make the most sense, just blend in among the masses. Whilest we are .. aah .. a thing to look for I believe that Alk'ulka's resources are limited, so if we don't draw attention.. it.. aaah.. should be easy to hide and blend in, right? I'd propably go for the ah.. smaller of the two, just because I am a bit scared in crowds."

She admitted, lowering her head a bit.

"Oh errr.. do we have the credits to buy a repair shop?"
@ Taken, Sarai

"Ok, you guys. Take care down there, and return in one piece." Ruben said to Taken and Sarai "When you are done, give us a call."

Since the others would leave with their ships, Ruben had to pack the base and fly it over to the ancient temple where the hidden entrance to the underground temple was. Of course it wasn't really a problem, since they would always move the base close to the ruins they 'investigated'. While Sarai and Taken were doing their thing, the rest of the team would look around for ancient antiquities...even a vase could fetch some good creds.

This time, Sarai and Taken entered the main chamber with the altar without any visions. There was something weird with the altar. It looked like stone, however...it had those small, almost invisible carvings on it. Letters? No, they were more like small, tiny stick figures dancing around. Wait, were they actually moving? Waving their little hands as if inviting them over? Surely not. It was just their eyes playing tricks? Maybe removing the dust would show what the tiny figures were doing...?

(If the altar is cleaned)
The stone is cold to the touch. As your hand rubs the cold stone, the dust goes away...and the little creatures dance happily around your hand! They seem to want to lead you somewhere. You feel that they gently grab your hand, wanting to lead you somewhere...will you follow them?

You feel a bit dizzy, as the little letter-creatures pull you in their world! Actually, you can understand them now! The little letters are those who have been here before...and they all have a story to tell! About how this world used to be a great forest, with nice clean air, and not a sad swamp. How they lived in a nice world, in peace with the animals. How the animals would always listen to them. Those were the gifts of the gods, who had created the world!

Until one day, the invaders came...they were black-hearted, greedy, and they tried to steal the gifts the gods had left behind!

However, the story stopped here, and you find yourself in a mirror maze! You see each other...but it turns out you are not close to each other at all! Those are simply some reflections on the mirrors that are all around you! This is some kind of test, you realize!
med.jpgDesignation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Unknown planet, Tag: Bubble, Mood: Aroused as always

Salvie snuggled up to Bubble as they approached the ship.
"I gotta say, I am so glad I got to meeting you. You're not only a phenomenal racer, but your taste in bodysuits is fabulous! We should swap designs sometime!" Even though Salvie's 'suit' was now just an extension of her nanite body, an illusion... well, she could share that too...
"And you know what, you're really sexy." She added, in a husky whisper.

She laughed at the blonde girl's enthusiasm. "Let's slow down just a little bit. You want action, huh? Well, there's lots of people out there who deserve to be whacked and can't fight back like the Empire."
Despite her first brainwashing being overwritten, Salvie did not feel hostile towards the Empire. It was probably as good and bad a government as the Grand Republic before it. Plus, they had shown her the bliss of mindless servitude, and delivered her right into her Mistress' clutches... She was thankful for that. When she met Alk'ula again, she'd give him a blowjob as thanks for playing a part in her enslavement before killing him for all the pain he had caused her sisters...
"And we're not quite outlaws yet. The Hutts will have to figure out what happened during the Imperial blackout, and the Empire... well, we're in trouble with an inquisitor of sorts, quite powerful, but not directly in charge of the military like Darth Vader."

"Though I do agree, we should get this girl some teeth."
Salvie grinned and gestured with one hand over to ship they were approaching while her other groped Bubble's shapely buttocks.
"And I'd love to race you again..." She purred.

After Rosy added some more items to the shopping list, Salvie contemplated where to go.
"How much money do we have to work with? I guess in any case we'll have to get busy beforehand. While I'd love to do a high-scale heist, we should leave that for later. Let's toward the Outer Rim. The trade worlds on the way to Mon Calamari or the Corporate Sector will have opportunities. And you should leave the Hutt here for now. Keep him away from everything. I think it'd be best to just send him into the swamp to fend for himself, but if he's... useful to you, by all means, keep him around. However, the less anyone knows about what happened and where the two Hutt lords from the Wheel are, the better."

And be sure to keep an eye out for any droids we can liberate and recruit for Mistress or our little group. Organics cannot be trusted when it comes to Sith artifacts. She communicated to Rosy.

After they had done the initial launch preparations, Salvie, Bubble, Sapphire and Rosy brought the ship into orbit.
"Let's set a course for... Quermia for now. A secluded world, but developed, sure to have some opportunities, from there, we can go to Mon Cal or system hop towards the Corporate Sector."

After they set course and entered hyperspace, Salvie approached Bubble again. "It's gonna be a long trip, all alone in the cold emptiness of hyperspace... would you mind giving me company and... comfort in my cabin? It's been so long since I had the chance to unwind..."

"No, we don't. We will have to...improvise. Are you sure about Desevro? I have heard they consider everyone who isn't human to be the same as Hutts. Well, I guess they would probably make an exception for you two." she said thoughtfully, considering how cute the couple was.
"Also those two are very close to each other. We could first stop at Lianna to gather some intel, and proceed from there. It will take us a couple of days to reach there. If you are ready, we should take off." she nodded, turning off the holoprojector.

m...I think I should help you put on some of that healing cream..." Tris whispered in Raja's ear seductively. It seemed that those two days would pass very fast!

"*cough* I will be doing some astrogate calculations. Stay safe...and hydrated." Flair advised awkwardly, before moving back to the bridge!
Raja The Extra Innocent Zeltron, Location: Hopeful Wanderer Mood: Shy Tag: Open

"Wait was it.. ah.. I.. I ment Columex or Lianna.. s.. s.. sorry.."
She gulped and stared at the ground! "Sorry.. I'd like to check out Columex if that's ok..

Oh uh.. hydrated? Oh yes.. err.. we.. should dillute things this time though."

She blushed, but also smiled to Tris encouragingly, hooking her arm under the Twi'leks. "I'm sure together we can do this."
She smiled, beginning to rub her head up against Tris' shoulder softly, before shifting.. and freeing her breasts with a smooth motion, the scent of her pheromones subtly enticing Tris. "I guess I better.. ah.. undress for the proper application of the lotion then."
She suggested.
Sarai Ren the Togruta White Current Adept Location: Hidden Temple Tag: Taken Mood: Cautious, Curious and Still Very Naked!

Sarai rose up on tip toes and gave Ruben a kiss on the cheek as they parted. "We'll be careful; you just make sure you are waiting for us when we return."


She moved carefully and cautiously through the temple using the Force along with Taken's experience to bring them to the altar. Sarai scanned the altar room and then pointed. "Look, little carvings of creatures, figures of some sort. There seems to be some power in them. Let's clean the altar and see if we can decipher what they mean." She worked with Taken to carefully clean the altar of dirt and dust before settling back to examine the meaning of the figures.

"There is a power to them!" Sarai exclaims as the figures seem to come to life, to pull and tug on them. "Let us follow them," she calls to Taken.

Sarai followed and listened closely as the figures from the past spoke to them. "This place was once something so much more Taken. Perhaps we are meant to be a catalyst to heal the damage that has occurred." When they suddenly appeared in the mirror maze Sarai took a deep breath. They had been tested in this way before although why these creatures would chose to test them was unknown to her. "Reach out and use the Force to navigate through the maze. Only in fear and panic will we be lost Taken." Sarai relaxes and reaches out to the Force to guide her in the turnings of the maze.
"Those damned little bastards!" Alk'ula whispered, hate filling his voice. After so many years they still dared to go against him!

His holocommunicator beeped. He hesitated for a moment, before taking one breath to compose himself and pick up the call.

A hooded figure appeared floating above his palm.

"Has it been done?" the figure asked with a broken voice. It sounded like a woman.

"Not yet. The ship was stolen the last second, and the blockade outside failed to stop it."

"Is that so. How do you plan to explain yourself?"

"It is fine. The new blood I train followed the ship, and it will be soon in our hands. It is part of their final mission...they will bring it back, or they would die trying."

"Didn't you plan to have them murder that officer Flair, as their final test?"

"A plan needs to adapt to reality. Besides, it won't be too late when they return."

"Our Master is not forgiving of failure. We expect results, not words. Remember, you were spared only because of your usefulness. The same goes for your trainees."

The holocall ended...and just right on time, before Alk'ula crushed the little device in his palm.

"You little shits. Don't blame me for being heartless, then." he said slowly, his voice dripping with malice. He had taught them not even half his tricks, yet they dared to play against him? Let's see if they have what it takes...damn, he needed a new commlink now. He had some urgent calls to make...
@ Salvie (+ Bubble, Sister Droid, Rosy, aboard Bottoms Up)

"Right? A friend of mine made it, Liena, a fashion designer! It is not only clothing but a very light armor too! Of course, it won't do much against blasters, but it is at least scratch resistant!" she explained, showing her outfit.

"I can introduce you to her if you want...I guess later." she nodded, her face darkening a bit as she remembered they would be probably wanted right now.

"And you are pretty sexy yourself!" she cheered up after blowing a small gum bubble.

"Darth is that spooky guy with the black mask? I hope I don't meet him at all..." she shuddered "...gives me a bad vibe."

"Quermia? Doesn't ring a bell. Well, whatever." she shrugged.

"Sure! I wanted to ask you about your speeder too! Was your repulsorlift at the back? Thought so because of the way you turned...if I could turn like that, I wouldn't have been shot so easily." she argued.

It seems that Bubble would follow Salvie in her room...but if Salvie wouldn't do the first move, there is a good chance she would spend the rest of the time talking about speeders!
77428677_p0.png Designation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Bottoms Up, Tag: Bubble, Mood: Aroused as always

Salvie led Bubble to her quarters, debating and swooning with the girl all the way. She was so energetic and enthusiastic, it was just slightly annoying. Salvie wondered if her sisters felt the same about her, She sat down on the standard-sized bed, a bit small, but it would do. She kept complimenting Bubble's form, running her gloved hands over her curves as she did. Finally, when she was ready to make her move, she lead the conversation to repairs.

"Isn't it amazing to work on a well-running engine and listen to it purr? Don't you just want to hold to your head and hands against it and feel it, smell it, taste it? To be so connected that you can feel every part in it?"

She pretended to open her suit's nanoseam, though she actually just parted the nanites that made up her outer layer. The shiny black material parted to reveal soft flesh, the scent of arousal mixing with the rubbery one her 'suit' exuded.
"You know, I have an engine down there too that could use your expert touch... to make it purr properly..." She cooed, pointing at her puffy folds, already glistening with nanite-secretions.
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"Are you sure? Well, I guess it can be dangerous if we don't...but let's go to our room first" Tris suggested, kissing Raja as she gently pushed her towards their room.

"Hmm...with so many things that happened, it feels like we haven't been together for ages...I missed the strawberry taste..." she whispered on Raja's neck, her hot breath sending shivers down her spine.

"But we should have some free time now..." she chuckled happily, as she helped Raja remove her clothes "...did you miss it too?"

The next day passed fast. All of it was spent with Tris, who made sure to spoil Raja, even if it was just bringing the food from the dispenser to the bed! At the same time, the little Mouse droid had cleaned anything that could be cleaned...it was sure very active! Every time it had finished cleaning a room, it would come to Raja, and happily beep, looking for praise for the good work it did!

Flair left them space to have fun, only sighing emotionally from time to time about how her little kids grew up and had even started their own family. She only did a sneaky talk with Tris when Raja was napping, as Tris later told her, with what seemed to be a conversation about if she was serious about their relationship etc. Tris was a bit jealous, but also happy Raja had a loving motherly figure! And of course, she had promised to take care of Raja!


Universe Sandbox ² - 20141030-165423.png
Outer Rim, Vorzyd Sector, Columex System, Columex

The bridge was already beeping with incoming messages when the Hopeful Wanderer got out of hyperspace!

Except for the usual emergency and news channels of the sector, there were also incoming message-advertisements about docks, hotels, casinos, repair shops, and anything else a starhopper could possibly need!

Columex was a heavily urbanized planet...which meant there were many cities one could pick to land. Nardo, the capital city of the world was the most obvious choice, but there were a dozen or so alternatives. And even then, one would have to choose which dock to use, etc. Depending on if one was here for trade, entertainment or other purposes, there were different options available.

"You should check on the Holonet for some information, first. Then, we should choose a place to dock." Flair suggested.

[What are you looking for, if you use the Holonet to look up info? + Computer Use. If not, what do you plan to do?]

Taken Farseer, Tag: All Present, Mood: Excited, Team: Outcasts (us), Location: Ruben's Base

Chuckling Taken smiles at Sarai and Ruben. "Oh don't you worry, I'll make sure nothing happens to her, at least that she doesn't want." With a wink the survivalist turns to look over the terrain which now is becoming rather familiar. "Make sure to stay safe yourself. We wouldn't want to come back and hear you've died because a trap got you."


Since she'd been here before, the Chiss takes the lead and shows the altar to her sister saying, "Here it is, I'm not sure what exactly to do, but the vision lady said to start with this." Then she too notices the moving figures, "I'm not sure if these moved last time, but a closer look can't hurt." Brushing gently they quickly got the dust off the altar, though occasionally their fingers would brush. It felt good to be working with Sarai's familiar presence again. It always helped calm Taken's nerves when she'd been worked up in the past.

Having already let the figures start to pull her, the blue girl giggles a little. "No need to be so loud, I'm right here with you. Let's see what they want us to see." She replies. Then falls into the world of ideas and thoughts from the past. It was rather amazing that these temples still held such beauty in them. What else could they do? Hopefully they'd be able to handle the challenges to bring the planet back to its lush state.

Reaching out to what she thought was Sarai, the mechanically minded Taken is surprised by the cool glass beneath her fingertips. Hearing her sister's call was reassuring in the highest, it proved she was still fine, for now. "You just spoke my mind about being the catalyst, though I think there are other ways to get through this as well." Focusing and with one hand on the mirrored wall, the Chiss starts to work her way deeper into the maze, looking carefully to avoid any pitfalls or other possible traps.
>Perception: 11 Acute Senses 23
@ Sarai

Feeling the Force, Sarai would sense something similar, yet very different than what her eyes could see. She could sense that there was Force in the mirrors. They were meant to guide, not a trick. They were also a test by nature.

There were many paths out of this maze. There was no wrong or right path - each path led somewhere. A path that was right for someone who wanted to go towards one way, was the wrong path to someone else who wanted to go somewhere else.

The mirrors were signposts that would show the right way, depending on where one wanted to go! However, it seemed that there was a hidden danger in some of the paths...

In front of her eyes, her reflections on the mirrors started to behave differently than her!

One of the reflections tried to move forward, only to crash headfirst in the mirror! Looking very angry, she pulled her lightsaber and slashed repeatedly the mirror she had stumbled on!
A second reflection after finding that there were no exits around her, decided to start masturbating instead! She sat on the floor, spreading her legs, and started stroking her pussy while looking at Sarai with a blushing face...
The other third mirror still perfectly reflected herself, while the fourth was showing Taken!

Touching any mirror would make it ripple like it was made out of water...in fact, it seemed like her hand could pass through it if she tried to do so!
@ Taken

Taken would notice very fast that her hand made the mirror ripple as she touched it! She would notice that there were three mirrors around her and one empty doorway.

The first mirror showed herself as she was.
The second mirror was also Taken...however, in this reflection, he was sitting on the floor, legs crossed, and he was meditating!
On the third mirror...there was the reflection of Sarai! However, just as she was trying to find out the way out, Alk'ula appeared behind her...raising his lightsaber silently. Sarai hadn't noticed him at all...
Raja Eren, Location: Hopeful Wanderer-> Columex Mood: Happy Tag: Tris, Flair 'n Mousey

Raja murred softly under Tris' lips. "Ah uh oh.. I.. I'm glad you are alright.. ish.. again. That's what really matters."
Raja seemed quite happy being pamperede by Tris.. and cheering for the beeping Mouse-Droid in turn. This.. was happiness to her.

"Oh ah.. we are.. looking for a repair shop.. yes.. let us look for a repair shop whose owner is old and near retirement."
Raja suggested, in place of buying an entirely new thing.

"T.. this is the right button yes? yey.. alright filter out the advertisements.."
She blushed, and snuggled a little up to Tris, given the chance.

(17 computer use d20 roll.. dun think Raja is trained in it!)
@ Salvie (+ Bubble, Sister Droid, Rosy, aboard Bottoms Up)

"Oh.....oh, you meant it like that?" Bubble blushed, trying to avoid looking, but still stealing glances.

"Hmm....I mean...like, you are a good driver...but well, sure, why not!" she decided!

Yes, now we can infect her...she will be our first backup! Infect her! her instinct shouted to Salvie!

However, there was another voice inside her...was it really ok to infect her? Bubble was innocent, and on the same team...if Salvie ever had to use her as a backup, she would die...maybe she should just have fun with her...after all she was a good girl...she could always find others to infect...

No! Infecting had been delayed for too long already! She had to spread! There were no allies or enemies! There were no boundaries! No friends, or relatives and siblings! Everyone was just a potential host...she should infect everyone...organic or machine! No need for useless emotions! Infecting was her purpose! Maybe one day she could infect her Mistress too...

No matter what Salvie chose to do, the following days would pass...happily!


Outer Rim, Nilgaard sector, Quermia system, Quermia

Finally, they had arrived! The past few days had passed very pleasantly, with discussions about speeders and fun times, but being stuck inside a space ship was somewhat boring.

However, the lazyness would wear off swiftly! An automated alert of the ones that commonly appeared when one arrived at a system appeared on the ships comms screen!

"Greetings citizens of the Empire.

It has been reported that Quermians may hide or have relations with dangerous Jedi traitors.
Avoid unnecessary contracts, and if you spot any suspicious activity, report it immediately.

Colonel Jaylen Brown of the Imperial Security Bureau
(contact details included)"

No wonder the system looked like it was abandoned, with so very few ships in orbit...it could be a problem if the Empire was monitoring who comes and goes.

Maybe they should try to play it cool and pretend that they were cool. It could work...sometimes.

Or they However, it was both a difficult and risky thing to do. One mistake, and the sublight engines could get fried!
Masking it would allow them to avoid tracking, and while they would probably have to fight the way down if they were noticed by the wrong guy, at least they could avoid getting identified.
Disguising it was the better option, but also harder - one would also need to access the Imperial controlled Holonet and find the transponder code of a ship similar to their own...something not exactly legal.

The final option would be trying to land the ship without getting noticed at all. As long as no one noticed them, they would be safe...
Finding an old and ready for retirement shop owner was harder than one would expect!

The problem was, that there was no sorting according to retirement age available...at the end the best that could be done was to make a list with repair shops that had old owners...however, the list was still huge!

"Good work my little strawberry!" Tris encouraged Raja lovingly "This is hard but it will be worth it!"

"Those old guys should be easy to persuade....wait, that name looks familiar...what!" she looked at the list surprised!

"Lede Ergon! That's someone who used to be in our gang, but he left because he wanted to open a starship repair shop! He is a good guy too, we should visit him!" she said happily!

"He is pretty old too...maybe he could be persuaded? He is Sluissi, and he is very passionate about his craft however, so I don't know. Maybe he could tell us some ideas, though?" she pondered.

"Lets land there!" she suggested!



The landing was easy! Renting a dock was pretty cheap too, and very soon Tris, Raja, and the Mouse droid were arriving at Lede's shop!

It was located on the roof of one of the huge skyscrapers! Of course, the roof itself was big enough to house a small district, and from the looks of it, it was filled with luxurious cafes, restaurants, and other high-class entertainment facilities. A repair shop felt truly out of place!

The young couple would arrive at "Old Lede's" to find the huge door open. Inside the huge dock, below the shadow of an obviously damaged starship, and hidden from the eyes of the wealthy passersby outside, a dramatic situation was unfolding!

A trio of thugs was viciously kicking someone who was lying on the ground!

"You damn snak'! Just sell to the boss. Sell, sell, idiot!"

"Boss is generous, and ya don't appreciat'! You dumb Snak'!"

"Go elsewhere, ok? You understand? Elsewhere. Dumb snak!"

The poor "snak" was trying to block the kicks making small cries of pain, but it was helpless against the three thugs!

"Oh no, that's Lede!" Tris cried anxiously, drawing the attention of the three Weequay thugs!
77428677_p0.pngDesignation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Bottoms Up, Tag: Bubble, Mood: Aroused as always

Feeling empowered by her previous experiences with her moral subroutine, Salvie found the courage to stand up to the voice of the virus inside her. She owed it so much, but she had to reject its nihilism!

No! You're wrong! I have a Mistress! Friends, Sisters! I won't harm them! I'll find someone else to back us up within. I'm in control of this body! And Mistress is in control of me! I will not go against her vision!

She started roving her hands over Bubble's bodysuit, snuggling up to her.
"If you think I can ride a speeder well, wait until you experience how I will ride you~" She whispered hotly into the girl's ear.
Over the following hours, Salvie performed an 'inspection' on Bubble, taking off her suit as if she was disassembling a machine, talking to and about Bubble as if she was a machine, while fondling and arousing her, feeling her smooth skin and teasing her erect nipples, nibbling at her neck and breathing in her sweet scent.
"Hmmm, you are so well-maintained, let's start you up! I wanna hear your engine purr!" With that, Salvie snaked her fingers into Bubble's wet snatch and finger-fucked her mercilessly until she was certain the bubbly woman was too aroused to deny her.
"Alright, now that you're warmed up, time to take you for a ride!"
Salvie gently pushed Bubble unto the bed and knelt above her face, pushing her own exposed and dripping snatch into her face. She made sure to secrete lots of sweet fluids, but also that all nanites leaving her body were inactive. Thus she rode Bubble like a speeder, relishing the tongue inside her slit.
"Come on, I'm sure you can go faster! Get that Licks per minute counter to the max!"
Despite micro-orgasms making her shake, Salvie managed to keep the big whopper at bay for a while until she felt Bubble convulsing too, the pink-haired girl finally giving in and learning to enjoy her place underneath Salvie. They came in tandem, a veritable deluge of delicious cream flooding Bubble's face as Salvie cried out in ecstasy and rode out her climax on that nimble tongue...

Over the following days, Salvie took every opportunity to take Bubble back to her quarters. Every minute they were free, Salvie played with her until they were both flustered and horny, then she ravaged Bubble, and finally she did honestly seek to talk to her as they lay in the afterglow, talking about bodysuits and speeders and everything that came on their blissed-out minds.
On the third day, Salvie even revealed her true nature to Bubble, and proceeded to fuck her even wilder than before, mercilessly using her, teasing her, making the girl recite mantras of droid superiority to be granted release...
"You know, I speak from experience when I say that getting a droid brain grafted to your biological brain and being sexually brainwashed is awesome." Salvie commented afterwards as they lay intertwined, resting as the afterglow basked them in euphoria, Salvie still in a more droid form. "You should try it sometime."

Following that, Salvie took to appearing as a droid on other occasions too. It just felt more natural than her previous, organic look. She also used the datapad given to her by Mistress to brush up on all the tasks she had been missing out on.

While checking a subsystem, Salvie made contact with the Ship's AI. Say, your personality seems rather undeveloped. Want me to program you some quirks in? She offered.

. . .

Salvie stood on the bridge with the others and looked out at the planet not far away. "Hmmm, the Wheel is not that far from here, and we have been a while on the planet. If there are Imps in the system, they probably will know about us, unless Alk'ula suppressed any info about us. Though I doubt we will be listed as anything other than a failure to comply to a stop order. They might even think we're not worth the trouble of chasing or the paperwork of checking us out." She thought out loud so Bubble could hear her too. "Still, let's see if we can't throw them off. The longer we appear gone, the wider they will have to cast the net. Let's get to it."

Salvie used the ship's comlink to access the holonet and find a suitable ID to disguise their own. (Use computer: 27)
Then she tried to get the ship to spoof their transponder with it, that proved more challenging. "Ugh, I'm getting a central circuit ache, does any of you know how to make it believable at first glance?" (Deception: 11)

After the transponder was set up, Salvie approached the planet, trying to avoid as much sensor exposure as possible. She only made contact with the landing authorities when in close proximity. (Pilot: 15)
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