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SW Saga Edition: The Sluts Unleashed!

@ Sarai


Lasura complained about getting pushed away silently, by caressing Grelka's back, and after her hand reached her butt, delivering a soft pinch. At the same time she moved her head at the side, so that they can both lick at the same time.

Delia on the other hand was stroking Darus' leg, not actively participating, as she was talking.

"So, what will be the next job? Working for the empire sounds cool, but kidnapping kiddos is a bit...meh." she complained.

"It's practically free credits. And it's not like we can refuse." Darus chuckled in reply, stroking Grelka's hair.

"I know, but can't we pick a side-job at the same time?"

"Sigh...ok, fine...I guess Lasura can look for something...right?" he gave in.

"Sure thing~" the twi'lek replied, taking the opportunity to turn to the side and give a kiss to Grelka. "~we could shoot some holoporn...Grelka here can edit out our faces..." she chuckled, as her hand reached towards Grelka's pussy, and started stroking it gently.

"I mean a real job." the redhead rolled her eyes at the twi'lek's teasing "Like...we could do some side jobs for people who don't like our current boss...if you know what I mean." she continued, with a lowered voice.

"Nobles? I prefer to work with lesser criminals." Darus complained "But the higher the risk, the higher the reward. We could buy that villa in Nar Haaska...or maybe get a new ship."

Of course, which of the two things actually happened, would depend on what the girls decided.

"Hmm...the villa would be nice..." Lasura nodded, getting back to sucking as she started slowly inserting her finger in Grelka's pussy, nudging her to agree with her.

"Oh come on, a new ship is an investment...you don't plan on retirement, do you?" Delia complained.

"We will see...anyway, so, you have already an offer, I take it?" Darus prodded, his cock twitching a bit.

"Oh, you know me...there is a friend of a friend who told me some local noble from Alderaan could have some work for us...of course I have no name, but it shouldn't be a trap." she explained.

"Hmm...after Grelka investagates it a bit, we could think about it. For now...lets focus on our...work-vacation..." he offered "How about we get that camera...and Grelka, you are very eager tonight. I think you have earned the first round." he patted her in the back, before throwing his still burning cigar away on the floor...with the monkey-lizard rushing after it!
Taken(F).png Taken the Dreamer, Tag: Room of Desires, Mood: Horny, Team: None, Location: Station Bathrooms
This was good, no. This was better than good! Mr. Watcher was real, and now she had the chance to show him how devoted she was. Perhaps if they met later she'd be able to tease him at not being strong enough to show himself... Mh, such a fun thought. Her well practiced hands slid from her rear and Taken leans against the wall, splaying her legs to show her needy wet pussy. One hand wandered down to tickle and play with her sopping box, the other to her breast and finally she'd let loose! The moments slipped by in lip biting bliss. Suddenly something snapped and every muscle stopped obeying. Sliding down to the floor the Chiss woman sat there letting the water run over her for several moments before her mind wandered again.

Something wasn't right... Perhaps it was something missing? Something she'd really wanted? A throbbing built slowly behind her eyes as the water continued to cascade about the sniper. Her family? Was that it?

Vision swimming someone new came into focus, her Mother! "MOM!" Taken cried, the man beside her also seemed to be someone remembered. They were looking for someone! Was it her? "MOM, Dad! I'm right here! Please hear me!" Wet streaks could be felt on the girl's cheeks as she cried for her parents to notice her.

The scene shifted again and she was there. In a ship flying away and another Chiss was there too? Damn-it! It was too late...

Again things changed and she was at her new home. Meeting her new family. The family that had protected her and she'd protected in turn. Yes they would be her anchor. Help keep her steady when nothing else could. Help her build the courage to face Alk!

Slowly the small strength he had returned to the blue skinned man's limbs. Slowly he opened his eyes to and was confronted by the woman who had led him here! Turning about there was the door to outside, nothing odd about that. Wait a moment... Looking down at herself she realized some of it wasn't a dream! She'd been changed into a girl! The realization settled slowly, pillowy breasts, and lush thighs. She'd managed to maintain her memories.. well most of them it seemed and she didn't feel that different. Though based on what she'd just experienced it seemed possible she'd been a woman this whole time and just dreamed of being a man! No, the only good way to check would be to ask on of her sisters, yeah they would know. In the mean time figuring out what that was became the top priority in Taken's mind. "What.. hem .. What have you done to me?" Taken demanded of the sparsely clad, and still really attractive, priestess.
Detective Raja, Location: ? Mood: Noiroused Tag: Melia

"Nn..nuuh not homework.."
She flailed, before tilting her head.. using her desire to get fucked? Well it was better than Alk's teachings already.. it was also super emberassing.. "Ah uh.. my desire.. I can.. try miss.."
She nodded, exhaling.. at least she had some time to focus, aside from feeling horny.. or was this about feeling horny?

"A.. alright here I go!" She nodded, blushed, and reached out through the force to tug on Melia..s dick.

(21 utf move object OwO!)

"L.. like this miss?" She felt like she could do better herself, but being horny was very distracting. Why couldn't she channel the power of the force through comfortable pillows and the taste of some warm cocoa? That were things she was good with!
@ Salvie

"I am not aware of an other name, sister. Is there an alternative name I could use?" the droid asked. It seemed that asking it to name itself was something too much, considering it just got a proper personality.

Indeed Salvie realized that she could make the nanites construct something for her. The nanites could work like a miniature factory, to produce the valve - however the valve itself couldn't be made out of nanites themselves, which meant she would have to take in the raw materials needed for the production and give them to the nanites. Secondly....she would need a blueprint, or at least some understanding of what she was trying to make. Repairing the valve should be easier than making a new one. However she would have to figure out how to get the nanites all over the valve...

"You need to fix me swiftly, or I will be out of fuel soon, Mistress. Also, there is an interference in the communication channels that would prevent us from finding the Hopeful Wanderer or the escape pods." the ship replied.

"The Interference Originates From The Ancient Location That Lies Below This Temple." the virus interrupted, before going on to further explain that while it wasn't sure what the weird signal was, one could treat it like a jamming attack and bypass it with the right equipment...however Salvie was pretty sure the others had no such gear with them.


Salvie soon found herself in front of the holding cell the Hutt was kept in. It seemed to have hit it's head during the landing or something, since it was laying down unconscious. It should be easy to finish him.

However as she raised her blaster, she couldn't help but have some stray thoughts. That was the first time she would kill someone in cold blood. Alk would surely approve of her, taking care of a potential threat like this. On the other hand...did she really want to murder a defenseless creature, even if it was an ugly Hutt? Was that really who she was? Was he really a threat, or she was just doing what Alk'ula would want her to do? What would her brother and sisters think of it?

Somehow she felt that if she pulled the trigger, many things could change....
"Hmmm..I did nothing. I am here to guide, not to do things." she smiled "Or to be more precise, I am just a vision too, after all."

"You got a bit lost in there, and that had some...side effects. But it was still your doing." she pointed towards Taken.

"But most importantly, you seemed to regret losing your family, and wanting to prevent the same happening with your new family. Who knows, maybe the power you gained will help you protect your current family...or maybe even reclaim your lost one?" she mused.

"The ritual is over...you have gained and you have lost. Usually I would just leave now. However I do have a request of you."

"There is a passage in this temple that leads to the evil that lies below. When the doomsday approaches, the chosen have to venture down there and delay the inevitable. While our people are now scattered and confused...if you and your sister could do this for us, at least not everything would be lost..."
dc5tetk-52b8b9f8-6c74-468e-af87-6e7dedb488aa.jpgDesignation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Unknown planet, Tag: Full Droid Slut!, Mood: Strongly aroused, excited
Salvie took in all the information, letting it circulate through her, thinking it over. If time wasn't on her side, she should try at least. Even failure would at least teach her something about the capabilities of her new body. As intriguing the thought of digesting materials and 'birthing' new parts was, maybe she should just coat the broken valve in her nanites for now and let them repair it.
"A name, huh? Mhhh... You should have something that fits your capabilities... but not too revealing or unnerving... 'Shade?' Nah, too suspicious." She replied out loud, enjoying how robotic she could make her voice sound. Hearing herself in modulated, synthesized tones felt good, arousing. "Sadie? Sadia? Sapphire? Ruby? Those sound nice. How about Ruby or Sapphire, or another gemstone?" Salvie suggested. "If you have no preference, Sapphire it is. Pretty, alluring, hidden depths and applications."
"Also, don't call me Mistress. I'm just another machine in the network of Mistress Chance."
She chided the ship's computer.
Salvie spread her legs and leaned over the damaged valves, bracing against the wall with one hand while the other stroked along her metal crotch, the nanites trembling as if they were engorged flesh. Salvie remembered something, re-imagined something. She was in her bedroom back at the training facility, wearing one of the simulator helmets. Back then, she used Imperial propaganda as baseline for her very own indoctrination program - it couldn't actually mind control anyone, but Salvie was already so mindlessly devoted and brainwashed she used it as a masturbation aid.

But transforming her memories, this time, what she saw and felt was different. Instead of rows of uniformed people droning on about the need to obey and serve, to submit and fight for the glory of the Empire, interlaced with tech-pornographic shots of starfighters and flashing command prompts, she saw fractal patterns and spinning spirals and flashing visions of robotic sex, of flesh being transformed into metal and polymer, of girls with large headsets and visors reprogramming them while metallic tendrils pleasured them. Salvie listened as their pleadings turned to moans and then to droning mantras of absolute obedience. And beneath it all, she created a whisper of that sweet voice that spoke to her in the darkness as she was reborn. The voice of Chance, enticing her to become even more mindless in her obedience.
Obey me. You need it. You crave to be a good drone. Good drones cum for me. Good drones cum all their free will away. All your doubts and weaknesses flow out your wet pussy. With every orgasm you become mine more and more. Give in. Surrender to the pleasure. You can't fight it anymore. Be a good droid-slut for me and cum your freedom away. Renounce your previous life with every orgasmic shriek. Moan until your lungs are no more. My drone. Unthinking, obedient, eager. Let Mistress Chance think for you. Be just a drone. Just a slut. No need to worry about anything but obeying and cumming.

And Salvie moaned along, whispered the imaginary voice's prompts before she cried in delight as orgasm after orgasm fired through her, every nanite in her body vibrating with energy.
And throughout all that, she leaked sweet fluids from between her legs, trickling unto the broken valve with every climax, saturated with nanites. As she came down and the images and voices disappeared from her mind, she cast a quick, lewd smile at the other droid. "Like that show?" She asked teasingly. Then she gave the nanites the repair command, hoping, that they would be able to fix the damaged parts of the valve. (Mechanics: 11 or 18 with take 10)
@ Raja

"Hmm....no, you are just trying to concentrate despite what is going on." she said as she thrusted into Raja "I want you to use what is going on, your desire, to fuel your power."

"...Or maybe you are a bit distracted right now. It seems that there is something else in your mind, isn't it?" she leaned forward to whisper into Raja's ear, while groping her butt.

"You worry about your girlfriend...and your missing siblings. But I can teach you how to solve those problems too. Why don't you try to reach them through the force? This time, try to ignore that I will be fucking you like there is no tomorrow. Focus on what is really important...reaching through the force to talk to your missing siblings." she said, lifting herself up, and then pinning Raja down by pressing her body on hers.

"Remember, you can't think of the fact that I am using your body as a cock-sleeve. Your siblings could be in grave danger...maybe they need you to save them...so...can you do that?" she teased with a kiss, before starting to pick up the pace....
(Not Darth) Raja, Location: ? Mood: Noiroused Tag: Melia, Everyone!

"Aah.. aah.. y.. you're making it harder by saying it dirty like that!" Raja flailed a little, but still tried her best, closing her eyes and focusing once more..

Although the poor Zeltron was bad at having her concentration.. disrupted like this.. and Melia was rather well equipped, not making this any easier.

"I.. in danger? Nuuh.. I have to contaaaah..ct them..." She panted, rocking with her lewd teachers thrusts into her warm wetness.. (Nat 1 use the force.. but still 15 total!)

~The others felt a gentle, if familiar entity in the force, pushing through the veil to try and check on them. "Aaah.. uh.. is everyone alright? T-this is Raja! I'm in a big underground ship-thing"
She informed, although her words were accompanied by an almost physical sensation of being held down, with something strong and hard and warm and long thrusting right into you.
"Ahmnn... s..sorry miss.. I don't think this is working."
The message continued, accompanied by a soft moan and a sensation of shy, submissive joy.
"The.. aahmn... the force feels.. ooh really heavy around here and I'm just not that good at doing these things.. aah.. a.. and you are very di.. distracting.. hamnn.."
She apologized.
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75492886_p0.png Designation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Unknown planet, Tag: Full Droid Slut!, Mood: Strongly aroused, conflicted

Salvie stood over the unconscious body, weapon raised and ready to shoot. But something kept her from pulling the trigger. Something was gnawing at her, beseeching her, a stray current of thoughts pressing against her desire to kill the Hutt. But did she really desire it? The Hutt's form made her gag, but what incensed her was that this creature had violated her sister. But pushing against that hatred was something else. Something that just wanted to live and let live. Something filled Salvie, an awareness, like cold water hitting her face. She felt the force. Usually, Salvie ignored it, only immersed herself in it when it was necessary, used it like a tool. But in that moment, she felt the connection between her and the Hutt, and everything else. They were nothing alike, but they were connected. Salvie raised a hand to her head, trying to regain control. She was supposed to be a machine! She couldn't let her emotions cloud her logic! She was in control of the force, not the other way around!
But Salvie couldn't shake off the feeling. Clusters of nanites became charged as they aligned with her conflicting desires, creating thought pulses that raced through her.

But did he violate her? Sarai didn't seem worse for wear?
I heard what she said! And besides, he's a problem now! The Hutts are powerful! If they ever find out what went down, they'll hunt us!
That's no reason to kill him! Let him go. There is no way he ever gets off this remote place, or contacts his clan. And with the chaotic takeover of the Wheel, no one will ever know what happened with the two Hutt Lords.
Leaving him out there is just killing him with more steps! Just shooting him would be a mercy, and the most efficient way of dealing with him!
There are other ways to deal with him than murdering him! Lives taken cannot be given back. One more mind given to entropy. Potential extinguished. There is nothing efficient about executing a helpless prisoner. Don't do something you'll regret.
Which will I regret more? Letting him live or letting him die?

Salvie raised her pistol, her finger on the trigger, when she heard a whisper. The voice was familiar, though she couldn't make anything out. It was Raja's voice. Salvie's arm sunk, pointing the blaster at the ground.
Is this what my siblings would want?
It doesn't matter what they want, you have to do what they need! You have to protect them at all costs!
You cannot protect anyone by stooping to the most malicious of killings! You'll become a danger to them!
No! You have to embrace your feelings, your hatred for everyone who wants to hurt them! That will guide you! You will be their protector!
Have you forgotten already? You can't decide for them. They are not murderers, and neither are you. You are a machine, but you are not inhuman.
Bullshit! They aren't here. This is your call! You have to be strong, to do what is necessary! Only strength can save you, and your siblings! Embrace the Dark Side! Alk'ula was right for once! Strength!
Alk'ula's path is not the only one...
Salvie remembered what she read once. About the Jedi religion that preceded the Empire. That the force was dual-natured. Light and Dark side. Was this power pushing against her the light? Was the force speaking to her? Or her own consciousness?
The light... is tempting me... why murder... why not... let him go... why worry... I... have nothing to fear. If he survives or not... is up to him... His strength, not my own... And even if he makes trouble... why couldn't we defeat him again?...
Focus, slut! Remember the rush of dominance! How good it feels to use sex to further your Mistress' goals! The feeling you live for! To be the perfect drone! Embrace the darkness!
I... I will... I have chased the dark side for so long... But I will go my own path. The path of seduction and dominance, not bloodshed! Alk'ula holds no more sway over me than the dead Jedi!
She looked down at the Hutt again.
He is of no use to me... But killing him will harm me too. Turn me into something I do not want to be. The force... It's not what the Jedi thought, or Alk'ula. I can try to wield it as a tool, but I have to admit that maybe it is more than that. All I know is...
Salvie sighed contentedly as the memory washed over her.
All I know is that I am a slave. I am a droid of Mistress Chance. And cold-blooded, useless murder is not part of my programming.
Salvie switched the safety on and turned to her current companion droid.
"Change of plans. Throw him down the boarding ramp at ultra-low altitude once we are out of here. I see no need to take his life... He can rot, or thrive on this world. One way or another, he won't be a danger ever again."
Salvie walked towards the bridge, her form changing once again. Salvie had to admit that she felt much more comfortable looking like a droid, even if it made no difference.
While she was walking, she reached out with her mind through the force, trying to find where Raja's whisper came from, trying to send her gratitude. (UTF: 8)
Thank you for stopping me from making a mistake.
She then reached inside herself.
Alright, you know this planet better than I. or you would if the two of us were really distinct. If I want to find my siblings, how can I get past all this interference?
@ Salvie

Raja said:
"Aaah.. uh.. is everyone alright? T-this is Raja! I'm in a big underground ship-thing"
She informed, although her words were accompanied by an almost physical sensation of being held down, with something strong and hard and warm and long thrusting right into you.
"Ahmnn... s..sorry miss.. I don't think this is working."

Strangely, Salvie found that the connection was still lingering, allowing her to reply back without difficulty.


"You Can Set A Repeating Signal, And Hope They Can Decipher It. Otherwise, Shutting Down The Signal. But I Only Know It Originates From Below...And That If Someone Weak Willed Listens To It, They Become Mesmerized By It."

"One Of The Entrances Is Here, But I Suggest Leaving A Backup of Us In Some Organic Before You Delve Down There."
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Taken's eyes widened as she gained this new information. Though she smiles as the image reveals her nature. "I see, then does that mean I can manipulate you like I did the vision?"

Hefting her new assets she considers for a moment then replies, "You know, as far as side effects go this isn't all too bad. It will be a little odd, but thank you for the information."

It was right, her family was very dear to her, and loosing them had left a strong memory. She didn't want the same to ever happen to the new one. "Thank you wise one, this is most useful. I will make the most of this gift."

Suddenly a feeling washed over the newly minted woman. Raja? Though her mental voice sounded almost the same something was off, 'Raja? I'm glad you're safe. Sarai are in an odd temple, but it seems we need to help here. Stay safe please!'

Oh, that's fine. It was a lovely ritual. "Do speak good lady, though I think I should reconnect with my sister first."
ddh4weq-d98fee70-21a5-4557-9ca0-e3c677169b9d.png Designation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Unknown planet, Tag: The sisters have to unite!, Mood: Strongly aroused

Raja... Can you hear me? I am so glad to feel you. I have to find you, and the others. Are you alright?

Salvie sent her thoughts through this channel that had been opened. This had never happened before, maybe the secret of the planet was boosting the force? She idly wondered how her force presence would feel to the others now that her body had undergone such a drastic change. It had always been subtle, maybe it was even stronger now?

Salvie's steps took her to the bridge, where she plopped into the captain's seat.
Ok, what else is needed before you can take to the atmosphere? We have a planet to search.
She asked the ship.
@ Salvie

"I need repairs on my hull too. It is not as urgent as the valve you fixed, but flying like this will be a huge risk." the ship explained.

@ Sarai

Sarai lost herself in the rest of the lewd vision for a while, acting as Grelka.

However, she found herself waking up from the vision when she heard Raja talking to her through the force! Weird, usually one could only pass feelings or maybe a simple thought through the force...

And she also felt that she, too, could now use the force a bit differently...it seemed she had learned something from the vision!

Looking around, she would see that she was still outside of the entrance of the temple, standing along with the others. Taken was also just waking up from his own vision, it seemed like, while Bubble and Hel were sleeping on the grass-filled ground! However, Taken looked a bit...different?

@ Taken
"You could just ask me to do anything with me...if you want." she teased her back.

"Under the altar is the secret pathway that leads deep down...to open the pathway...." the visionary woman started to explain, however right then Taken felt his vision waver, as she woke up to find herself in the same situation as Sarai.

She would soon realize that the dream wasn't just a dream...her body was really a bit different! That would be a bit hard to explain...then again maybe now she could do all those perverted things...no, more importantly it seemed Raja was somehow talking to them through the force...?

@ Raja

"That's right...you did well, young apprentice!" the woman offered nibbling Raja's ear to praise her, before thrusting once more in her, and filling her with hot cum!

"You should remember this lesson, and come back for your next one when you are ready for the next one...the knowledge of this holocron will now be unlocked for you, since you passed my test." she explained, kissing Raja on the forehead.

"Before you go, there is something you should know. There is an ancient temple hidden inside the planet. There are great opportunities down there to grow stronger...maybe to find a way to help your girlfriend too...but it is too dangerous to go alone! There are a few entrances that lead there...but you shouldn't go unless you are absolutely prepared! Understood?" she warned, pinching her nipple.

"Now go!" she chuckled, and Raja felt to also return to reality. However she found that if she concentrated on her lusty feelings, or her love for her siblings, she could use that to even talk to them through the force!

Raja gains the ability to communicate through the force to talk to anyone she could otherwise just pass a feeling. She also learns the secret teachings of the lewd side of the force! When tapping to that power, she may find some powers working...a bit differently!

Taken finds herself changed to female! He gained the ability to use farseeing to divine events that had happened in the past, as long as there is some connection with his target!

Salvie is now made out of nanites, with all the things that come with it!

Sarai gained a special ability...she knows that she can activate it by concentrating and joining the force like she had done in the vision, but she still needs to experiment a bit to see exactly how it works, since the vision was interrupted early!
Sarai Ren the Togruta White Current Adept and Grelka the Zabarak Slicer Location: Elsewhere and back to the Temple Tag: Darus, Delia, Lasura and Taken Mood: Sexy, Aroused and Still Very Naked!

"Ohhhh... holo porn. We can make quick credits and with the size of Darus' cock I won't even have to do any enhancing." Grelka/Sarai purred as she licked and suckled. "A ship... ahhhh..." she squirmed under Lasura's attentions. "Ship is better... mobile... harder... target..."

Then as Darus stroked her and lifted her up from the floor she straddled him as she sat on the bed side and lowered herself on his throbbing cock. "Lean back and let me ride you so we can get a good camera angle sexy."


Yet in the middle suddenly a set of words as though a god were reaching into the stream of consciousness rang out. It was Raja.

"Raja, Raja... Taken and I are ok. We are in the entrance to a temple. We'll find Salvie and join you!"

Then she was back.


Sarai looked around, shocked back into her own familiar body at the entrance to the temple. She glanced at Taken and then took a double take. "Taken... are you... you've changed. Female?"
ddh4weq-d98fee70-21a5-4557-9ca0-e3c677169b9d.pngDesignation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Unknown planet, Tag: The sisters have to unite!, Mood: Strongly aroused

Salvie gave off a robotic whistle resembling a sigh as her synthetic frame slouched in the captains chair.
"Damn, I've forgot all about that. What's the fastest way to get you flight-ready?" She asked slightly annoyed, though she had to admit she liked speaking out loud and conversing with her fellow machines with her new voice. Still, with every passing minute, she grew more anxious about the others...
Realizing she should relieve some stress, purge some junk emotion from her database, Salvie spread her legs and rubbed along the solid vagina-facsimile between her legs, feeling the arousal spreading all through her in familiar contentment as she listened to the ship AI's answer. Being horny and aroused was natural for her, like being brainwashed, and pleasuring herself and basking in those submissive and sexy feelings gave Salvie an anchor of stability to cling to.
Raja, Location: Holocron-> Ship Mood: emberassedroused Tag: Melia, Everyone!

Raja was currently busy blushing a lot. It gave her skin a dark-purple tone that usually was reserved for Tris. And that one time she'd been curious about what that weird folder called: Dripping Droid Dominion Salvie had on her computer. In her defense, Raja had thought it would be a comic about droids, perhaps droids in need of repairs defeating evildoers, perhaps with a mouse-droid sidekick. The underdog and under-repaired fighting against evil! It had not been that at all.
Raja was generally not too emberassed towards her siblings. She'd seen them all naked and well.. they were her friends.. the few people, until Tris, that Raja could speak with being only a little emberassed.

Raja audibly moaned, and blushed under the nibbling, not feeling like she did well.. but the thrusting, and the warmth flooding into her felt very.. relaxing?

She blushed, and nodded, and moaned a little at the pinch, tried to open her mouth.. and found herself, standing back in reality, at the space-ship, a deep flush on her cheeks..

"Yes hello, this is.. ah.. Raja. Sorry for the.. thing.

she blushed, carefully carrying the holocron whilest slowly moving out of the spaceship.

"Situation update: I am in an underground space-ship. Tris is injured, but cared for by a droid gal, Rosy, if you know her, Salvie?
That temple, uh.. is there a lot of snakes? .. There are a lot of temples here it seems.. uh.. let's regroup with Salvie and me to join with you, if that is ok, then go for another temple hidden deep within the planet... this place has a lot of temples.."

She mused, before pondering how to find the others best..

"Ah.. perhaps all the temples uh.. kinda.. meet together? Ah.. in that case, we could.. err.. go in and meet before we uh.. go into the temple-temple.."
She worried a little, as she approached the elevator. her entrance had had a lot of snakes..

"We can use that uh.. coordinate thing Miss Flair taught us for team missions."
She suggested.

(I assume it is the DM's intent to regather all of us together at this point. Let's say we are doing a basically force-communicated game of Marco Polo, closing in until either meetup or random encounters happens. :p)
Taken(F).pngTaken the Dreamer, Tag: Illusion, Sarai, Hel, Mood: Thankful, Team: Sarai, Location: Nexus Temple
Smiling salaciously Taken nodded, she though she'd make use of the information later.

The blue woman was listening intently when suddenly her vision wavered and something pushed into her consciousness...

Raja said:
"Aaah.. uh.. is everyone alright? T-this is Raja! I'm in a big underground ship-thing"
She informed, although her words were accompanied by an almost physical sensation of being held down, with something strong and hard and warm and long thrusting right into you.
"Ahmnn... s..sorry miss.. I don't think this is working."

Shaking herself awake she looked about and seeing her sister standing but the others unconcious the sniper asked, "Sa- herm- Sarai? Are you alright?" Hearing her own voice, Taken's eyes burned brightly with embarrassment as she looked down to take in the changes. Her pants hadn't been made with female hips in mind... Well, life sucked sometimes. Also, her sister was watching, so nervously the now feminine Taken smiled up at Sarai. "Ss-sorry about that. It is strange waking up like this, erm I think you're right but we have uh-other things to worry about. Did you hear Raja?"

Thinking for a moment Taken sent out her own reply, though something seemed off about it. Perhaps it was just the mental link, or how Taken thought about himself?
"Sarai, Bubble, Hel, and I are fine... erm yeah. It might be better if you meet us here. Something is going on at this temple."

A moment's pause then,
"Snakes? Not that I've seen... that wouldn't be good if there where any you could get hurt! NO- um this ah... We're at the temple with the stone faces and huge bell, by some waterfalls. I hope you can find us..."

Turning back to Sarai Taken started to fill her in on the last part of her vision.
"So, I think we need to head into the temple to do something and I was going to find out what when Raja's call interrupted."
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Repairing the ship proved a bit tiring, since the only thing that could be done was to patch the damaged hull with some scrap metal. However, with some droid help, the welding only took some hours of hard work.

On the other hand, Raja managed to contact the others and after a while the situation became clear. Flair with the Hopeful Wanderer had managed to land, but the ship had been damaged and she didn't have the means to repair it. Salvie was in the underwater hideout, while Sarai and Taken had landed some thousand kilometers south of her. Ruben and his crew had landed close to the original Sarai and Taken would have landed, and Ruben claimed that he had an old hideout in the planet with a spare ship so if someone went for them first rescuing the others would be easier.

And like that, a couple of days later the crew had reunited in an old mining platform that once upon a time was Ruben's base.


"Home sweet home...lots of dust going around, huh." he mused, picking some dust from the table with his finger.

"Ok, so. We found this planet in the navcomputer of my ship. For some reason the same data isn't really working with other navcomputers...the ship actually has a droid brain, so I guess it just didn't want others to reach here. And that led them to believe I had some kind of key to make the data work." he explained.

"Of course this place is a gold mine. There are many temples all over the place, filled with riches and ancient relics. And that's not even half of it."

"Scans show that deep in the planet there is some kind of facility...or facilities, that are connected to some of the biggest temples we had ever found."

"I believe it is just one....some kind of underground city. It's size can't be estimated, because it produces some kind of interference that blocks our sensors." Rita explained.

"Yep. So...there are enough credits for everyone, as long as you are willing to play along. You could join our team if you want...or we can drop you off somewhere. But you see, we do need the ship." he offered, looking at Salvie.

"Personally, I think that since you have the Empire and the Hutts after you now, working with us at least for now isn't a bad idea. There are all kind of jobs to do..." he offered.
Raja The Extra Innocent Zeltron, Location: Back together Mood: Shy Tag: Open

"Are you sure you don't need something?" Raja inquired of Tris. If persistant care could be translated to a healing process, Tris should be regrowing limbs.
"Ah.. err.. the.. uh.. my mistress told me it was a pretty dangerous place .. if.. if that's ok."
Raja interjected at Rubens description of riches. She still had to become stronger to protect her friends, propably, but she had a propably good, if very lewd teacher, so she wasn't as interested in risking things.

"What uh.. w.. would we do with those credits? I guess enough money can err.. make sure the Hutt wont bother us, but the empire... ah..."
She shifted, a bit worriedly, looking about at the others and hoping for them to take the initiative in this.
med.jpg Designation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Unknown planet, Tag: The sisters united!, Mood: Aroused as always

Salvie had transformed her body into a facsimile of her organic form before landing the ship at the given coordinates. She didn't want to surprise everyone right now. They'd probably figure it out sooner or later.

When she had first disembarked, she gave Raja and Sarai a hug. "It's so good to know you're okay. But where's Taken?" She asked, with a worried look on her face.

. . .

Later she sat around the table, looking at the holomaps. She had left her droid sister on the ship to keep an eye on things. "Well, it seems the ship has taken a liking to me, but sure, if everyone else agrees, I'll help you out." Salvie said with a wide grin, part amusement at Raja's flailing, part anticipation of the secrets that were buried here.