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SW Saga Edition: The Sluts Unleashed!

26581 Taken the Scouting Agent, Tag: Mission, Hel, Mood: Curious, Team: Nexus Hunters, Location: The Nexus
A little surprised by Hel's disagreement, Taken took the moment to consider as well. Yes attempting to contact the others was good, so he gave her Flair's number and Raja's, just in case. Though he had a sneaking suspicion it wouldn't work. Bubble was another matter, he tried to explain what the force was as best he could, knowing she would probably realize he and Sarai can use it. He handed her a bag of supplies as well, along with an environmental suit. He decided that disconnecting the mask would be enough for himself and put that in his equipment as well. "Considering that no-one has found this place before, I wouldn't be surprised if no signals can even see it. Whatever happens, stay close and don't let yourself be separated. I'm not sure if we'll ever be able to find each other again if we do." With that he opens the exit door and makes his way out into the swamp, carefully testing the air before deciding not to use the mask for now.

This planet was beautiful, even in the dark it had many sights Taken had never seen before, nor could have imagined. Once or twice he had to steer the group around quicksand, but other than that they were undisturbed. Finally they found... something. For a moment in the early light it seemed there was a figure on the path to the ancient monument, then he blinked and it resolved itself to some orange flowers, blowing in the breeze. Turning to the others with excitement plain to see, "I think we found where the feeling is coming from. That is probably a Jedi temple if I've ever seen one. Come on!" He then works to help everyone up onto the path where the orange flowers grow to push deeper into the magnificent temple.

>Note for helvorn, if you want to react to the previous post I will respond in the next one. I did this so when Aenon is up for it we can hopefully get another.
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Raja The Extra Innocent Zeltron, Location: Unkonwn planet, jungleside Mood: Shy Tag: SNAKES!

"Uh err.. ok!" Raja scuttled along carefully. "Li..li.. licking me?"
She blushed.. and tensed up a little.. glancing over to the snake, intently.. the woman was joking.. right?

"Uuh.. thanks.. I got my clothes err.. for training lots.."
She shrugsmiled.. "Good job on finding the young one.. and me! You are super brave!"
She encouraged, trying not to think about snakes licking over her pheromone-enhanced body..

The temple seemed.. well everything seemed to call her towards this temple. "Wait I'm allowed but you not.. err.. best.. skin. changing to you too!"
She cleared her throat. propably just a tribal snake-culture thing..

She stepped into the fascinating, abandoned temple.. and found an elevator. She tilted her head at the juxtaposition, before extending a finger.. she hoped there was music... She'd propably just go for the first ground floor. Unless someone greeted her on the way.

"Hmnn not working.. this one either and.. uh.. oh.. guess we are going down a lot.. s... spooky.."
She gulped, as she pressed the number -10, kind of wishing for a cloak to pull closer around herself and.. no! She couldn't be scared.. for Tris and her friends, plus, she had the force with her, always!

( )
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Sarai Ren the Togruta White Current Adept Location: Escape Pod Tag: Taken Mood: Scared and Naked!

Sarai shook her head to Taken even as she took the pack with supplies and a mask from an environmental suit. "My people are hunters in forests, jungles and plains. I am used to wearing little in such hunting and indeed with this heat I don't really need to wear anything. I can best manipulate my body tattoos when nude to blend into the surroundings." She smiled at his obvious interest in her sleek, feminine form. "As long as I am not too much of a distraction." She nodded at his offer to help remove the markings however and stood quietly, muffled moans escaping her lips as he scrubbed in a particularly sensitive spot now and then.

Moving easily through the forest Sarai adjusted her tattoos to match the surrounding forest colors and patterns as best she could. She ghosted alongside Taken, sniffing and glancing around as she used her native echolocation through her head tails to help scan for nearby threats. When they reached the massive, overgrown pile of buildings she shook her head. "Truly the Masters have wrought mighty works. This must be what we have sought. Surely the others will be drawn here as well." She paused for a moment looking about and drawing on the Force to see if anyone or anything lurked in the ruins.

OOC: UtF Sense Surroundings DC 15 Ignore cover and concealment in perception roll of 31! Also try to conceal herself with body tattoos.
@ Raja

Once Raja pressed the button, the door of the elevator immediatly slammed close!

However, almost at the same time, a blue-ish light from the ceiling illuminated the small room. The elevator started going down, playing a calming tune...

This went on for a while...a closer investigation now, with proper light and with enoug time to do nothing better would reveal that the walls of the elevator was in fact made out of durasteel...just so dirty, one could hardly tell.

Finally, the elevator stopped.

A moment passed, where the door remained closed. And then, it opened, to reveal....darkness. However, a couple of seconds later, lights started opening, as if someone turned on a switch...


On the wall, close to the elevator, that was the "you are here" map huge ships had! From the general shape of the map, it looked something like....

And Raja was somewhere in the middle of the ship. Sadly, the language of the map was unknown...

But she didn't need to look at the map. There was the force that was guiding her somewhere...she just had to go through the dusty metal corridors....
@ Taken, Sarai

The group cautiously approached the ancient temple...the obvious entrance was on the rock at the right, and it was also where the path led.

You have a weird feeling that someone is watching you....

However, before the team had a chance to rest, or take a look around, the sound of a bell was heard, from somewhere above. It only rung once, but for some reason it lasted so long...

@ Taken, Sarai (each of them alone)

26626 Looking around, you realize that the others aren't with you any longer. You are alone...or almost alone. You can see someone walking out of the door of the temple.

"I welcome you, blessed child. You need not be confused, or worried. You may not be of our race, but you are blessed."

"Thus, you have the right to enter. In here, you can find what you truly desire." t
he woman continued.

"However, be warned...for there is always a price to pay." she warned.

You felt a bit unsure...but then again, you were sure that you would find inside the temple what you really, secretly wanted...

[Feel free to note what you think your character would desire.]
Raja The Extra Innocent Zeltron, Location: Unkonwn planet, underground elevator Mood: Calmed Tag: DM#+

"Du di du du di di du du du..."
Raja hummed. She liked this. All she really wanted was a calm time, Tris to be alright, the others too of course. Maybe a cute mousedroid.. hadn't they said something about one? Everything had gone to chaos.. she didn't like chaos, it made her feel worried and bad and made it harder to use the force which she liked..

"Huh.. a ship.. crashed or burried.. perhaps someone repaired it.. someone hiding deep underground? How mysterious!"
Raja mused. It seemed it was time for DETECTIVE RAJA! to return.

"Oh it's ah uh.. Mini pew pew star destroyer wing.. thing.."
Detective Raja did not know her spacecrafts well.

Although the language didn't help her, oh well, with the help of the nice soothing music from earlier, she could easily relax and just let the force guide her.. to wherever! On the way she mused if this was a kind of test.. someone not sensitive could propably easily get lost down here. Someone wanted to be left alone? (21 random utf!)
@ Salvie

"You Are My Incubator. You Are Not Of Flesh. You Are...Superior."

"But You Need To Adapt To Your New Body."

"You, And Me, Are One Now. You Will Spread. So We Will Become Eternal."

Yes, spreading felt so hot...just the thought of it made her wet...and right then, a flood of data filled her mind, giving her a mental orgasm.

Her body was an exact replica of her old body. However, it really wasn't. She wasn't human any more. She was many...she was a swarm of tiny nano-machines, stuck together. They all connected together mentally, forming a hivemind that was her. Even her memories had been preserved...and her connection to the force. However, some of the nanites were Master. They were still her, but they were him too. In time, perhaps they could merge...

But her purpose was to spread. She could infect organics with her nanites...through any type of fluids. To droids she couldn't spread...but she could still slice them.

She didn't have to spread to everyone. No...that would just make them get noticed, and hunted down. She just needed to spread to enough people, to ensure they would have a backup copy of themselves.

If she went to the droid...she could try to slice it through the force. If she went for the Hutt...she could try to infect it.
Taken the Scouting Agent, Tag: Mission, Hel
, Mood: Curious and Cautious, Team: Nexus Hunters, Location: The Nexus

Taken just shrugged and smiled as Sarai refused the clothes offer. Chuckling he responded, "With how often you forgot your clothes in the bathroom after a shower and some of the, erm, training sessions, I'm sure I have plenty of practice focusing with 'distractions' around. I am glad to have you watching our backs though, I'm not sure how the other two would handle in these environs." Taken then went about scrubbing Sarai down. His hands firm but gentle as they pulled the rough clothe over each marking. His movements were of one who was doing a duty, but his eyes were lit from his desire and a noticeable bulge by his crotch gave away his appreciation of her form and reactions. He didn't say anything, and when the marks were washed off to the best of his ability he stood up and hugged her, "There you go. I think you always are more pretty clean." He set off then into the jungle, leading his companions to whatever was calling them.

Taken was a little distracted, nodding in agreement to Sarai's assessment. He felt something, or someone, watching them and he turned only for the bell to ring. He looked around and found himself nearly alone, panic began to rise in his throat. Whatever had done this took not only Hel from him but also Sarai! Then he noticed the figure at the door, his hands itched to grab his rifle or pistol, but it was too dangerous to start without knowing his enemy just a little. The woman approaching was beautiful, her form matching a classical definition of beauty. Once more Taken let himself succumb to baser instincts, watching her hips move and the silk swish about her legs. The adorned stomach ripple and those barely covered boobs sway. The red lips caught his attention for a moment then her eyes held his. They were intelligent and dangerous, eyes to fall in love with and to fear. She spoke and though he understood the words he was confused by why they were directed at him. He wasn't that special, all of the others trained were more talented in the force than he, at least so he thought. Also, he wondered what was meant by his true desire, wasn't that just to be safe with his family? Was that too much to ask? He tried to ask her, "Miss, where are the others? My companions." He would continue to question her, but when that proved fruitless he stepped into the temple, hoping to find them.

> Will edit this later, part of the question I asked (Family Safe/Knowledge)
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Portrait1.jpgDesignation: Unknown, Location: Unknown planet, Tag: Abducted and brainwashed again, Mood: Strongly aroused, excited

She almost laughed maniacally as she felt the rush. Her body was still sexy, still soft to the touch, but so much more, so much harder, better, faster, stronger...
It felt wonderful, arousing. Such a beautiful chassis, and her directive... to spread herself and master... to infect, to assimilate... She almost sunk to her knees, her "bodysuit," now a nanite armor, dissolved, her hands rubbing over her new, synthetic flesh. Over herself. She was them. She somehow she had always dismissed dualism, even when confronted and familiarized with the force. She never had a body, she always was a body. But this was different. A new height of integration, mind and matter connected by a billion currents, pleasure shooting along in electric tingles, growing in strength with each leap, the burning desire becoming hotter and hotter, filling every part of her being as she kept exploring, stroking fondling herself. It felt incredible. Better than her organic body ever could.

But something was wrong. Master had given her a purpose, but not a new a identity. She was still confused. Who was she now? Why hadn't master brainwashed her? He had to know how much she desired to be controlled? She felt his presence, but not his touch on her mind. It was like she was... free... She recoiled, her arousal suddenly ebbing, hands freezing in terror.
No! No! NO!
I need to be controlled! To be brainwashed! I don't want to be free!

Her mind panicked, searching for any hint of control, anything she could anchor herself to, anything to stay the advance of free will. This was too good to give up! She needed to be a tool, a slave, a droid-slut! She found something, deep inside her, and unleashed it on her mind. She felt the comforting embrace of a robotic mistress on her mind, and her body sank to the ground, gushing in orgasm as she remembered her brainwashing, as she felt it all over again.
Between moans and cries of ecstasy as her mind convulsed over and over, she sighed in relief. She knew she was enslaved, brainwashed, mind controlled. She was complete. Again.

Salvie 3.0 recovered from her conversion cumming and stood up, marveling at her new self.
"Oh damn, I will have to upgrade my defense matrix, I can't have any piece of software I come across infect me." She said out loud.
"Though I gotta admit, this is pretty amazing. Maybe it was worth it? I can't let you, and myself, harm my Mistress though. Don't pout, you had the chance to enslave me to your will completely, make me your creature, your slut, but you didn't. So here I am. And thanks to you, I'm an even better slut for Mistress now. Mhhh, I can't wait to properly break this body in with my siblings...
But first, I have a few questions. So I think I got some of your memories, but why don't you spell it out for me again? What is this place? What was with the ship's computer? Did Ruben do this to you? What planet are we on? Where are the others? And you wouldn't happen to have a lightsaber lying around? I think I won't get to grab mine from the training facility. So you're a Sith, a real one? Why me, and not one of the others? They are connected far deeper to the force. Oh, and before I forget, were you a man or a woman, before hitching a ride with me. I won't call you master any more. That's a male title, and I don't want any men inside of me, anywhere. Except Taken, he's fine. Plus I already have a Mistress."

Salvie's voice was chipper and lively again, her mindless stupor replaced by eagerness, though she would occasionally moan as she continued to fondle her body.

"Don't get me wrong, I love this. And spreading myself is so hot, I don't mind If I spread you along with me. Seems like a fair trade. Though I'll call the targets."
Whatever happened, Salvie could not let this pick-up endanger her Mistress and her cause. However, she could not speak to others of it, so she had to trust Chance to realize what has happened to her. For a split-second, she relaxed. Mistress knew everything about her. She'd figure it out.
Then, the myriad of other thoughts forced their way to the fore again.
"Yes, I think I'll take this new swarm for a test-drive. Didn't you say you'd leave my brain intact? Is there still an organic brain at my core, or am I just nanomachines now?"
She focused her thoughts, feeling them jump from part to part, every nanite part of her mind, to be sculpted according to her will.
Salvie imagined herself as a digital being, like an AI-adjutant. Her skin began to glow blue, the charges jumping between nanites increasing until they became partially visible, her body feeling less dense, almost incorporeal.

3190576 - Cortana Halo animated vempire.gif

"Mhhh, that feels good. I wonder if I can remotely upload my brain into sliced droids..."
She rearranged herself again, this time into a more normal shape, letting areas of mechanical design shift over her skin, like Sarai's nano-tattoo.
Maybe I should infect Sarai... Embed my own nanites within her tattooed skin...


Salvie pranced around, feeling her current cyborg body up and down, her fingers sliding over skin and metal, feeling a difference but knowing there was none. She felt elated. She could be anything, anyone now!
Next she made her outer shell more robotic, but left her face free, as if she was trapped inside a living droid armor. The thought made her arousal trickle faster, adding to the puddle of wet desire under her.

Hmm, I like the more robotic look... I'll experiment a bit with this. If I'm going to have a comfort form, it should be a droid-like body. I can look like Salvie when I have to camouflage myself as organic.

ddgxdqa-74008375-f451-4475-aaa0-64fe991e19b0.png dd6ovf1-70f51306-270c-4687-b0a7-4c0e755b724b.jpg dc5tetk-52b8b9f8-6c74-468e-af87-6e7dedb488aa.jpg aurora_0x01_by_cyborgfactory_d9txkbx-fullview.png

Shifting her body from form to form, she made her shell more smooth and glossy, then more pronounced, then more visibly robotic, then more subdued. She changed her hair color, eyes, facial structure, from obviously inhuman to innocuous and indistinguishable.
I really like this new body. I can't wait to see what else it can do!

Trying a more exotic approach, Salvie shifted masses of nanites around, to change her basic form, her hair growing longer and luminescent, while her body grew slender and metallic decorations formed around her, her entire "head" covered in nanites, areas glowing as if she was illuminated from within.


Mhh, this one feels good. So undeniably robotic, yet so feminine... Let's try this again, but in white!


Mmmhhh, looks and feels good as well.
She shifted back into her human form, though this time she made her "bodysuit" more glossy.


"Ooh, this control! It makes me so horny! I am finally the machine I ever dreamed of!"
Salvie half-yelled, half moaned out. This body was wonderful, but the sweetest part was knowing that she was still obedient to Mistress, that she would use her new abilities for Chance's sake. She wasn't just a droid, she was a droid slut. Obeying made her wet, knowing that she was enslaved put her at ease, thinking about serving Mistress, making love to her, made her horny. Masturbating to those feelings made her feel whole. Her hands were between her legs again, stroking her sensitive delta, cum being secreted by the nanites that made her suit/shell, as if she was cumming through her suit...

After catching her breath, Salvie steadied herself. "Oh right, the next test. I'll seek out that droid and make it my companion. Mhhh, how much I would love to grind against some hard shell right now..."
She closed her eyes, but dark thoughts soon drove away the pleasant reverie.
"The Hutt isn't worthy being infected. Or anything other than a slow death. They hurt my sister."
Sarai is as big a slut as you. She probably enjoyed it.
Not enough to make her want mercy for them.
Salvie's face darkened. "She should be the one to kill him, but I guess in her absence, we should either kill him ourselves, or leave him to rot. I'll make it up to Sarai later."
"So show me the way to this droid, then let's get out of here."

Salvie would, however, take her time searching this place and the ship for anything of use. (Take 20 on perception, +2)
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Sarai Ren the Togruta White Current Adept Location: Escape Pod Tag: Taken Mood: Scared and Naked!

It was very, very obvious that Sarai enjoyed the touch of Taken's hands on her smooth skin. Her colors rippled and twisted as he cleaned off the markings turning a deeper red under his fingers, the colors moving with his own motions in sympathy. Sarai was far more sensitive now after her treatment and it seemed she had only imperfect control over her skin tattoos. Closing her eyes and sighing under his massage, images of Taken and Sam the tattoo artist flickered across her skin.

"Ahhh... thank you Taken," she smiled and kissed him on the cheek even as her heavy breast, filling out and aching as her flesh prepared for lactation. "You are always the best and teasing... well, I teased everyone but you were my favorite!"

Sarai moved ahead, comfortable in the ruins but nervous as she felt as if someone was watching. Her senses were keyed up and her montrals were quivering as she scanned their surroundings with both the Force and the special sensitivity of her kind. She gasped as the beautiful woman came out of the temple door. So shocked and entranced was Sarai that it took a moment for her to notice that she was standing alone without her comrades. "You are beautiful like a dream I could only hope to equal." Sarai wanted to go to her knees in offering but instead bowed her head, the full body tattoos shifting from camouflage to her own natural coloration. "I am Sarai Ren but then I am sure you know that Lady. May I ask who you are and what is this place?" Sarai knew not to ask of her comrades for surely this was a Force event where a choice would be made for each individually. "This is an opportunity of a lifetime. I will gladly pay the price to receive the blessings of the Force." She moved forward and knelt to the woman. "Bless me Lady that I may go forth into the temple in the proper attitude. I seek enlightenment and Unity that my mind and body may be attuned to the natural world and those around me in the most powerful and intimate ways. I seek to mold myself to the Force so that I can be the best of scouts and diplomats."
@ Salvie

"Foolish. I Have No Need For Names. I Have No Need For Gender."

As for her brain...Salvie could feel it. It had been split among the nanites. Each of them had a copy...and some of them worked to produce her thought. Should all of them be destroyed...she would also die. Just the thought gave her an impulse to infect others with herself...yes, she had to find someone, and fill them with her nanites...as soon as possible.

Salvie changed forms as she wished...however, soon she felt a wave of exhaustion washing over her, cutting her intented exploration short.

"You Need Energy. Or Food." the other half explained.

"Lightsabers Are For Fools. But If You Want One, We Can Make It."
a set of instructions were transmitted to Salvie.

Basically, she could either find a crystal from somewhere...or she could have the nanites create one with some effort. However, for it to be something more than a lifeless tool, it would need to be constructed from raw material that had some kind of special meaning to her. Maybe sex fluids from her partners, would be ideal...but it would take a while.

"The Past Is Pointless. What Matters Is Escaping This Prison. And Spreading."

Yes, there was nothing in this planet that could help Salvie. She had the Virus...it still had to teach her some secrets...but first she had to eat. Or recharge like a droid. It was a pity that she had no one to have sex with, she could absorb some energy that way too...

There was food and energy on the ship. The droid was also there. Virus knew it was hidden in the cargo, inside a locked container. It was currently turned off.
Portrait1.jpgDesignation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Unknown planet, Tag: Abducted but not brainwashed, but now full droid slut!, Mood: Strongly aroused, excited

I guess you can keep your secrets for now. Salvie thought, occupied with recharging herself first. She returned to the ship, looking for a droid port to slot into and tap into the remaining power to charge herself up. She would remain there until she reached full charge, before disconnecting and walking to the hangar bay, switching to a more comfortable, attractive, robotic form.


While she was charging, Salvie meditated, trying to get used to her new brain, which was now one with her body, and her mind. Perfect monism. One entity, flesh and machine and thought and electricity in perfect harmony. Connected to both the force of biology and the digital network of machinery. She was perfect.
About that crystal. If I make one from my nanites and put it into a lightsaber, can I still control the nanites? Change the structure of the crystal to change the color the blade emits? I am feeling a bit fickle at the moment. This persona is only 2 days old and has not fully consolidated yet, so I am a bit... unstable. Speaking off, I should write my diary entry for today soon. I agree that the lightsaber would not be my preferred weapon, but it is the weapon of choice for my siblings. And one thing that will never change is that I belong to them. Even if I am no longer organic. I have to find them next. I will not leave this planet without them.

After charging, She went to the mess hall and grabbed a nutrition bar and a water bottle, testing out her food processing abilities.
A short while later, she stood in front of the sealed container she knew the droid was in.
Alright, how to open this thing?
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@ Raja

Detective Raja felt the Force calling her through the ship maze...towards something.

Finally, she reached a cabin...probably some important member of the crew lived here, considering it's size and how pretty it was. Sadly, it was covered with dust. 26775

Looking around, Raja would find many strange things...including a collection of dildos of various sizes all over the bed...and a weird pyramid thing on the bedside table...

26776 Raja could feel that it was the thing that was calling her...the thing that guided her all the way down here....she could feel her heart beating widly, her pheromones spreading on the air even if there was no one around to enjoy them.

She only had to reach her hand and it, and claim it as hers...
Detective Raja Unkonwn planet, underground ship Mood: Noir Tag: DM

on some planet anyway. Still, if Detective R. had a coat, she'd have drawn it closer around her. She made her way down the silver-and durasteel covered metal cage that was the ships corridors, winding forever, with only the force to guide her as her sole companion.

The dim light of purple-red plasma wafted off of the walls from Raja's ignited lightsaber, guiding the way. It was not that the ship had no working electricity, as the elevator had proven. No, Raja had simply not found the light-switch.
When she did, she turned her saber off again, a feeling of concerned emberassment rolling down her back as smoke wafted through the air in a half-circle, floating away from her de-ignited weapon like the ghosts of her past.

She looked around in the dusty, grimy appartment. Wondering what could have happened here. Was this the resting place of two lovers, or maybe the scene of a grisly crime, she had come upon.
Raja's eyes fell upon tools of lust and perversion. Tools of murder, in the wrong hands.

And then she saw it. Her velvet lips let loose a husky sigh. Her search was at an end. A slender hand reached out, embracing the pyramid shape before her, the object of her desire, as the automated quarter door slid closed behind her, hissing with half-silent joy.
"There you are."
She decided. Whatever it was, she had seen it once before, perhaps in a dream. Perhaps in a long lost memory of days gone by. It was power. She felt it, where others would feel just a sense of fascination, think it a peculiar piece of art to be put on display somewhere.
But no. This was the key, and she was the lock. A breath of hot air freed the red crystal from dust, a brush of warmth and life, within these dark, abandoned halls. The detective's search was at an end... for now, as she lifted up her pyramidal price.
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@ Taken

"You want your family to be safe?" she chuckled.

"You are confusing your desires with your fears. But it matters not..."
the priestess nodded, walking inside the temple.


Taken blinked. Where was he? Was he forgetting something?

It didn't matter. He grew up in this facility since he was small. He had been abducted when he was just four years old, and taken to be trained in this facility. He had dreams of his previous family...but everything was so faint. He couldn't even remember who abducted him...what were the chances of finding his original family?

Still, he had a new family here. His simblings...and Flair. And Memo, the droid that was his friend and mentor.

It was early in the morning. Taken knew that around this time, Flair was having a shower. With his abilities, he could easily unscrew a ventilation duct, and sneak inside to peek at her...sure, Flair was like a mother, but she was also the most developed female around...at least for now. One couldn't help but be curious about the female body...just a peek wouldn't harm anyone, right?
@ Raja

The holocron trembled...and then it floated upwards, just above her palm. The corners of the holocron rotated, and floated apart, as the pink light inside the main body of the pyramid became more intense.

Raja felt something connecting with her mind.

She was inside a black space. There was a woman there, resting in a meditative trance. She was naked...and not exactly a woman.

The woman opened her eyes, taking a look at Raja, before standing up.

26777 "Welcome, sweetie. I have been waiting for you for so long." she nodded.

"You know that it was our destiny for you to become my apprentice."

"I can guess that you are here because you need power. But also because you know that there is something wrong with the teachings others provide. I was the same as you." she nodded with some approval.

"I wish I could have met you in person...but sadly only my image could remain behind."

Raja would notice that the woman's enormous cock was slowly getting an erection...

"But some introductions. I am called Melia...I was never one for fancy names and titles." she chuckled.
@ Salvie

Salvie first went to recharge herself. She could feel the current rush from nanite to nanite, giving them the energy they needed to do things...the nanites, and by extend every cell of her body, trembled blissfully...her mind was in a constant orgasm like state, barely functioning...her face melting in an expression of pleasure....yes, getting recharged with energy was clearly superior to eating...

Finally, she was full. She had no idea how long she had been recharging...but clearly not long enough. But she knew, that overcharging would harm her nanites...clearly a bad idea...

26778 Next, it was the droid. Salvie found it easily. A new wave of information was transmitted to her mind.

Apparently, she could use the force to imprint herself on the droid. Doing so would allow her to 'become' the droid for a period of time.

She could also use her nanites to connect herself with the droid, if she opened its head and touched its circuits with her nanites...then she could slice it the traditional way. Finally, if the droid had an integrated commlink, she could try to hack it like before...the nanites had all the functions her previous body had.
Raja Eren, Unkonwn planet, underground ship Mood: curious-shy Tag: DM

It seemed that this was the kind of puzzle that would solve itself, Raja noted.. no need to be the detective any longer. But perhaps someday again, she'd pay a visit.

"W-wha- who turned out the lights?"
Raja looked around warily, reaching for her saber...

"Aah.. aaah!"
Raja made, quickly covering her eyes with her hands. The woman was very nude and, it had startled Raja a bit...
Then, however, she tilted her head, curiously listening in..
"Uh.. hello miss Melia.. and.. uh.. huh.. ah.. err.. I guess you are right with what you think aaah.. about. y.. you know.. stuff.."
It did not help Raja's usual emberassment that the first question on her mind was 'How can an image get an erection though?'

"Aah.. err.. s.. sorry, I'm Raja. I uh.. am uh.. I d-don't think I am the one you are waiting for though.. "
She flailed a little, emberassed at a total stranger.. powerful stranger too? Spending a lot of time to wait for -her- .. how could she measure up to that?!?
26779 Taken the Scouting Agent, Tag: Mission, Hel, Mood: Curious and Cautious, Team: Nexus Hunters, Location: The Nexus
"Er, yes I do. Though I can't do that from here." He responded still somewhat peeved by her disinterest in answering his questions.

He was about to answer when she just walked away. That woman, he was going to follow when...
What, the... something felt off for a moment, then that too faded.

The devious Chiss boy scrambled back to his room and grabbed the screwdriver he kept under his mattress. One of his sisters had found it under his pillow and he didn't want his way to disappear from chores to be taken away from him. Though its purpose this time would be rather different. With his tool in hand Taken next approached the vents and in rapid, practiced succession removed each of the bolts, and moving the grating as he had hundreds of times slid inside, pulling the grating back into place behind him. He left the bolts inside the vents, knowing if anyone looked closely they would notice the missing bolts, but no one had caught him yet, and experience made him cocky.

Following the markings he made back when he first went exploring he made his way swiftly to the shower area. Quietly sliding over the men's before crossing into the forbidden territory of the woman's. Quiet as he can he shuffles to the opening overlooking the woman who had cared for him for years, daring himself to take a peak. Finally his eyes met the light and he looked down from over her head, listening to her and the water pattering off her smooth skin.

>OOC: 16 Stealth, 8 on the die
@ Sarai

"I am the High Priestess...or was, before the end. Now I am an apparition, and the eternal keeper of the temple." the woman explained.

"You are here....so I have already blessed you, in a sense." she chuckled.

"You seek to become better at what you do...sharpening yourself over and over. But even the sharpest weapon, is useless when it has no target."

"The proper attitute would be to try and realize who you really are...what your real desire is."
she offered, leaning forward and giving a hot kiss on Sarai's lips. Sarai could feel her whole being getting focused on that kiss...she could feel it in detail, as if time stopped and it lasted for a long time. However, it was over too soon...leaving her with a burning desire for more...

The priestess however wouldn't give her more...leaving her filled with desire. Instead she turned around, walking towards the temple first.

"Follow me inside." she called, not looking behind.


Sarai found herself in a shadowy cell. How she got here? That's right...she couldn't recall exactly how, but she had been abducted by the Empire. She was now transported somewhere, locked in this prison cell. Why was she taken away? She didn't know.

However, there was a small comfort...if she closed her eyes, she could feel that even if she was alone in this cell, she wasn't really alone...there was a gentle power, flowing everywhere in the world, that embraced her...along with everything. She just had to cover herself with it, like a warm blanket on a cold day, and endure...soon things would get better.

[Feel free to describe Sarai's thoughts!]