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SW Saga Edition: The Sluts Unleashed!


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Apr 21, 2019
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Taken(M).jpg Taken the Scouting Agent, Tag: Mission, GM, Mood: Mildly Horny (amused otherwise), Team: None, Location: Hell of a Deal

"Put it this way, would you prefer that I lie to you and say 'I found these four gang members harassing a Twilek. In a heroic act of bravery I dispatched them and released the Twilek and then took all I could carry, and spaced their bodies.' I have often found that lying is the worst pickup line. As for jobs I tend to be rather good at piloting and tracking down people and beasts. For what I would spend credits on, I have two things I am currently interested in: information, and entering the pod races." Taken is still calm and collected. He will get what he wants after all. He is not at all bothered by the shop keep, after all he has to deal with his sisters. He could also find another shop if needed, though he liked this shop-keep, she had some fire.


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Apr 21, 2019
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@ Raja

Raja felt something strange...it was as if along with the bond she was forming with Tris, her connection with the force also grew stronger - of only a little. She felt something that was weighting on her without her ever realizing it, was now leaving. Maybe she was still within the Empire's iron grip, but somehow she felt a breath of freedom. Inexplicably, the passion between her and Tris had brought her some unexpected serenity.

"Mistress...huh, this doesn't sound bad, if it comes from you. We may stay like this...I like it too." it isn't she could really leave anyway, but she wouldn't want to waste the mood with such mundane details.

Instead she kissed Raja lovingly on her forhead, deciding to forget about anything outside this speeder bike.

"...but then how should I call you?" she pondered loudly.


Raja had more than enough time to reply and relax, enjoying some quality time with Tris....but every good thing comes to an end, eventually.

"Hey....hey, is that a body over there?" she heard someone talking somewhere a distance behind the speeder.

It seems that nobody had collected the rodian's crushed body...and from all the people that could find it, it was the security patrol that walked over first.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Taken

She looked him, thinking about it for a moment.

"Information is rarely cheap, but it depends on the subject. Tell you what, usually my shift ends in 6 hours...but if I have to sell important info, I can't do it right here, can I?"

"So...if you really feel that what you seek to know is worth my time...." she paused and pressed one button under the desk that opened a door behind the counter, with stairs leading up.

"If you don't plan to waste my time, we can have a private discussion...upstairs. But I warn you, I will get paid...one way or the other."

"So. Will you go upstairs, or are we done here?" she asked, as if daring him.

She smiles at him as he moves past her.

"I am closing down here and coming...don't go through my underwear...they are in the third drawer next to my bed!" she joked (?)


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Taken(M).jpg Taken the Scouting Agent, Tag: Mission, GM, Mood: Mildly Horny (amused otherwise), Team: None, Location: Hell of a Deal 'Upstairs'

Taken goes up the stairs not saying a word nodded then headed up the stairs, taking the pistols with him. He looks around the small space nodding to himself, he then makes his way over to a chair. Setting himself down he lowers his hood, and preparing his hidden pistol so if he is attacked it is ready. He then goes about cleaning the four pistols he acquired from the dead gang members. He looks almost at home in this setting, the repetitive task, and the small cozy apartment. It was nice to be out from under Alk's watch for once, but he knew it couldn't last. Alk would find him as he had before. After all the force connects all of them.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Taken

Some time passed, and finally Taken would hear footsteps climbing up the stairs.

"Are you really cleaning this? Hmm..." she said, looking at him curiously.

"Let the gun here. Come with me, I have to check if you are really trustworthy or if you are tricking me." she motions him to follow her, leading him towards her bedroom.

Upon arriving there, she opens the third drawer, which is indeed filled with sexy underwear.

"I will count them, and check if there is one missing. If there is anything missing...I will know who took it. In the meanwhile, tell me about what information you are looking for."

She then started picking up underwear from her drawer, and one by one laying them down on her bed. There were many attention drawing designs...some were see through, others were crotchless...and many different materials too, from shiny latex to frilly lace...it was impossible not to try to imagine how they would look on her...


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Taken(M).jpg Taken the Scouting Agent, Tag: Mission, GM, Mood: Increasingly Horny and Very Amused, Team: None, Location: Hell of a Deal 'Upstairs'

Watching the Devaronian, Taken sits down on a chair as the shop-keep begins to go through the clothes, a perceptive observer would notice him lightly clenching his legs together to prevent anyone from noticing his swiftly stiffening member, almost forgetting to tell her what he was looking for. "Hem, right, I am looking for a man who goes by the name Ruben B. Robal, I was told he is on this station, somewhere and that he is not the most, how to put it, law abiding of citizens. That sadly is all I know right now, if you have anything I would be willing to pay in credits if I have them or services if that is what you prefer. Also I believe we haven't introduced ourselves, I go by Taken." He smiles again, he is enjoying this game, even if he won't get what he was looking for out of it.

Stealth (for hidden pistol): 10
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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Sarai Ren the Togruta White Current Adept Tag: Salvie. Mood: eager, Curious

Sarai nodded in agreement as Salvie outlined their plan. "I'll scout ahead then and keep watch while you hack the door. The Force is with us. I can feel it." She ducked in as well and grabbed a vibroblade as well. A lightsaber was a far better weapon but it was a Jedi or Force user's weapon which would compromise their cover. Sarai could use a simple blade as they had first trained on weapons of this type before being allowed to use the more elegant and deadly lightsaber.

When Salvie started her work Sarai moved to stand near her and somewhat shielding her from casual observation.

OOC: Perception 25


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Raja The Zeltronian Force-User, Location: Shady sidestreet, on a speeder Mood: Happy Tag: Tris

Raja giggled softly, a slightly unusual sound from the easily emberassed Zeltron, who now secretly enjoyed the feeling of their breasts cushioned against each other more than she should. and the feeling of Tris' cock in her. And the tender, intimate embrace of her Lekku. She felt oddly.. at peace, yes, that was the right word.

When Tris wondered what to call Raja, she just made cute-emberassed noises in response and snuggled up tighter to her lover.. perhaps Tris would come up with a sollution here herself!

Still, all good things had to come to an end and Raja noticed the guards outside, leaning up to whisper into Tri's ear, whilest handing her her lightsaber. "You know your speeder better than me.. quick, hide this so it can't be found. Ah.. uh.. let me do the talking, I can be ...k..kinda persuasive.. just back me up. Also, this has to look like an accident. Trust me."
She made sure to subtly control her lightsber, just so that Tris couldn't activate it on accident whilest she statshed it, whilest she embraced the Twi'lek.. and as soon as she'd hidden the lightsaber, Tris would feel the gentle, guiding hand of Raja, lovingly, gently, pulling her down... Her breathing slowed, her awareness of the surrounding dimmed, but still oddly there, Tris could feel Raja pull away from her, shily pulling up her own clothes, and hiding at least the Twi'leks beautiful mutation. Then, she tried her best to shift around.. failing terribly and just causing a rustling.. she'd have to act now.

"Damn it.. breathe!" She shouted, as loud as she could without being suspicious, placing her hands over the Twi'leks bare chest.

She naturally expected the speeder to open up soon, which she would greet with a not at all played blinking at the light, and a whimper of concern.
"Aaah!" She made.
"Do something! We were just making out and he was like 'y.. you're our slave now' to Tris and We got shot at and she couldn't steer with her leg so I tried to but I didn't know how and then she aaah.... " Raja made sure not to lie directly, just adjust her story a little, she also stopped her story mid-way to concernedly shake Tris (gently, of course). The only bit of persuasion she had to do was when she tensed up and whimpered a little, as if only through that shaking right now she had realized the pain in her injured arm. And to be fair, it did hurt, quite a bit, but compared to some of her training-sessions, it was still manageable.
"Where's the nearest Bacta tank o.. or something!" She demanded, fully confident in that a simple med-kit use was enough for both her, and or her lover, but she was supposed to be panicking. Tris slowed breathing would propably not look like a genuine injury induced unconsciousness to a medical expert.. but the guards weren't medical experts now, where they. Raja didn't even intend to address the body unless made to. As far as she was concerned, she'd barely been able to see where she was going whilest trying to steert the thing.. because she hadn't been. If she was lucky, the security would just accept her panicked explanation and get the two of them some needed healing.. if she wasn't, she'd just wake up Tris to verify.. well, parts of her story. Even if the guards sought to get seperate witness testimonies, thanks to the force Tris would just collaborate her.

(Use the force to put Tris into a force-trance: 18
Dex check to get into a better position -fail 3 guess we really did make out!
Persuasion, because I feel I can't take 10 under pressure here, - 26!)
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Taken

She kept placing her underwear on display on the bed with graceful moves, while replying...however she also stole a glimpse at the erection Taken was trying to hide.

"You can call me Hel. As for that guy, no I haven't heard him, but that's hardly surprising - I would only know him if I had worked with him. But I could ask around for the right price. Are you the police or something?"

Finally finishing with all her underwear, she looked somewhat troubled.

"Hmm...there is a pair missing. I am afraid that would coclude our business then. What, don't tell me that you didn't steal it, do you think I don't know how to count?" she asked with an accusing glare. For some reason, it looked like she really believed that, not just messing with him!

"Well, you can allow me to search you, if you want to prove your 'innocence'." she declared, motioning the ' ' with her fingers for emphasis.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Portrait1.jpgSalvie Avers the Force-sensitive Agent, Location: Hangar 45 Tag: Mission, All, Partnered with: Sarai, Mood: Enthusiastic yet serious
Salvie rushed to the empty hangar's terminal, quickly unlocking it (Use Computer roll: 24) and pulling up the registry. A nearby maintenance bay actually had a medium-sized crew on standby.
"Let's see... what would make them take a lot of people with them?" Salvie opened herself up to the force for inspiration, and after a few seconds it hit her like a lightning strike.
"I got it! 'Damages: primary reactor leak, extensive damage to inner bulkheads.' If they follow standard operating/decon procedure, they'll need triple the amount of people to keep up a buddy system in an irradiated area and secure the bulkhead in case of compromised stability." (Knowledge Technology roll: 10 (5 +5 Force)
Salvie wiped all access records and logged out, then moved back to the entrance to the ring.
"Come on, Sarai, they'll be gearing up right now. Our target bay is not far in that direction. I want to be there once they move out. We don't have much time before they figure out it was a false request."
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Taken(M).jpg Taken the Scouting Agent, Tag: Mission, GM, Mood: Increasingly Horny and Slightly Confused, Team: None, Location: Hell of a Deal 'Upstairs'

Taken raised his eyebrow at the claim that he had taken this woman's panties without first bedding her, but he stood up shedding his cloak, and reaching into his hidden holster engaging the safety before laying it on the table with his rifle and cloak. As he does this he says, "Hel, lovely name for a lovely lady. As for me being police, hardly, more along the lines of a bounty hunter. I was given a name and told to bring him. You are welcome to search me, let me know if you find anything you like." He then stands at attention presenting himself for inspection, the smile still playing across his lips but confusion clear in his face.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Raja

Tris had no time to hide the lightsaber dildo, and it was still visible, resting between the machinery, next to the seat. However it didn't exactly look like a weapon so the guard didn't seem to pay attention to it.

The security guard seemed to buy the story, lowering his gun slowly.

"You gals are from the Blazers? Running down the corridors, there would be some accident sooner or later."

"We need a medic and a pickup, in our current position." the other guard would say to his earpiece.

"Try not to move, we called a medic, it will be here soon. We will need to take you in too."

Raja just had to play along, and after a while a police land speeder showed up. It was actually an older model of a box-looking landspeeder, modified for the needs of the security of the station - a turret at the top, and reinforced hull, with a nice paintjob on top of it.

A medical droid rushed forward, doing a siren sound with its vocabulator.

"IEW-IEW-IEW-IWE...medical emergency, medical emergency...IEW-IEW-IEW-IWE..." stopped next to Raja. "Please un-ride the patient."

The droid then proceeded to pull out some medical tools, to scan Tris over and over with swift movements.

"High loss of blood, patient is in critical danger. Minor infection in wound. Fluid loss. Increased heat. Reduced heart rate." his back started doing "swwssshhhh...flapflap-swooosh" sounds, as if there was something mixing back there. It then proceeded to stab/spray/apply various medicine that it pulled from his back on Tris and her wounds. Finally with a syringe it stabbed a green fluid in Tris balls, before anyone had any time to object.

"Medical emergency over!" the droid declared.

"Why is she still out?" the guard asked.

"I isn't in my medical records, but she should recover naturally!" the droid replied

"Check her too." instructed the other guard.

"IEW-IEW...." the droid called, moving towards Raja. It then run a couple of scans on her. "Overuse of pheromones, minor blaster wounds. Applying treatment!"

The droid took care of Raja's wound, and after some more mixing in his back, it handed her a plastic jar of some pink fluid. "Pheromone recovery medicine, dilute 10mg with 1 litre H2O and rub all over your body, once per day."

"Medical emergencies over! IEW-IEW-IEW...." the droid called, rushing back to the ship.


Raja was then transported in the square police with the still sleeping Tris. Finally, they arrived at the security station, at the first level. It was way cleaner than the docks, and clearly less populated too. And with less distracting colors and sounds.

Raja was seated in a white interrogation room, but they hadn't even bothered to close the door - probably wanting to avoid scaring the lovely Zeltron.

An different security officer (of a higher rank, if she had to guess) was currently questioning her, with a warm gaze.

"So, could you sum up what happened, for me, again?" he asked.

--"Hey, did you check the lucky donut shop that opened? They put some lottery tickets in the donut, and if you get it...." a faint voice of a security guard on a break (?) could be heard somewhere out of the interrogation room.
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Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Raja The Zeltronian Force-User, Location: Shady sidestreet, on a speeder Mood: cocnerned Tag: Tris, Security

"A.. as long as you take care of her y-you can take us in as much as you want!" Raja responded, overacting ever so slightly. Although her overractin became quickly just a.. reaction when she heard the droids report, using the opportunity to softly touch Tris with concern. "Are.. are you alright?" She tried, fully knowing that Tris was just out in a -potentially lewd-dream filled- force-trance and would awaken in about four hours, whilest she let the droid take care of her as well.. with a deep blush at the 'overuse of pheromones'

"Sh.. she'll be alright yes?" She added before taking the mixture with an exeptionally emberassed sounding: "... thanks." And shifted to put the .. mixture away.

Raja cleared her throat at the security guard... "I.. ah.. p.. please don't lock me up.." She whimpered, first things first, before.. with her personality really not acting much, breaking down...
"S.. so.. I'm not from this station, I'm on a visit, tasked by my ma..master to find a certain someone, I already tried asking officers.." She thought for a moment... "Brandon and George earlier, and they were super nice but couldn't help me.. so.. aah.. I went on to look for information myself.. and.. ah... I m.. met this cute Twi'lek girl in a side-street and she.. ah.. well uh... " Raja stared down and fidgeted...
"She is very pretty you know...
A.. anyway.. We were just..... talking .. yeah.. but then this Rodisian came along and told her 'you're my slave now' and shot her just for resisting and he shot me too and it hurt really bad and we were on her speeder so we wanted to get away, but she was like 'my leg I can't drive this thing' So I tried but I didn't know how to refold the wing-things and she was like 'hit the button under the light switch' but I've never driven one of these things and then the thing jumped and we were closed in and .. I was so scared and Waaaaaaaah!"
She quivered.
"I .. I didn't know I had killed him! I didn't want to kill him! I just wanted to safely land this.. thing... A.. am I in t-trouble?" That much was genuinly true, if the Rodisian's had just left her after rescuing the Twi'lek...

Either way, Raja hadn't to try hard to look shy and innocent.. that was her default expression anyway.
(16 deception before you ask. :p)


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Salvie, Sarai

Salvie easily hacks the terminal, this time even managing to remove traces of her tampering - or to be more precise, making the repair request look like a system bug. Only a very skilled and careful system administrator would have chances of noticing that perhaps maybe things weren't so simple.

The report itself was simple to make, the question lied on how to keep the imaginary damages in a believable level, and at the same time hard enough that they would require lot of manpower. Adding in a generous reward and a strict time limit, it should work. However Salvie had to avoid overdoing it - if she asked more than they could do, they would deny her request.

Luckily, the request was accepted, and the first part of the plan worked.


21430 Rushing towards the repair shop, Salvie and Sarai encountered the repair team moving towards the Dock they had sent the request from. It was a bored looking human mechanic, driving a hoversled - a flat platform with repulsorlift engines keeping it afloat, with simple driving controls. It wasn't very fast, but it would carry heavy loads.

On top of it, a bored looking human was driving, along with a dozen pit droids, and lots of repair parts.

"Ugh, do this, do that..." the man could be heard complaining as the sled slowly passed forward.

If Salvie and Sarai simply passed next to the sled, they would soon find themselves next to the closed repair shop door.

Above it, there was a sign reading "E&E Mechanics, Fast-Reliable-Efficient" in basic. The sign was a slab of scap metal, with each letter carefully welded on it.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Taken

"Oh, confident on your hiding skills? Well, lets see." she smiled, approaching Taken.

She went behind him, and started patting him down...a bit more aggressively than nessecary, really.

"Nothing here...or here..." she said, checking out his arms. "Oh you carry a gun with you? Naughty." she said, as she found his hidden gun holster.

"Do you always bring hidden weapons in other peoples bedrooms? Hmm...." she moved lower, her hands eventually reaching at his cock.

"What now, a stun batton? You are full of surprises aren't you?" she asked him, coming closer to him from behind - her hear right next to him as she kept feeling his cock.

"I think you are hiding too many secrets. You may have some secret pocket somewhere...why don't you undress? It would make things faster..." she whispered seductively.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Taken(M).jpg Taken the Scouting Agent, Tag: Mission, GM, Mood: Increasingly Horny and Amused, Team: None, Location: Hell of a Deal 'Upstairs'

Taken laughs openly at this point as he begins to remove his outermost clothes, revealing more of of his taught blue skin, although not packed full of muscles, he is lean and well toned from conditioning for years with Alk and Memo. It is clear that Taken is not afraid of her prodding and seems to like were this is going. "Hun.. that Baton is not set to stun." He is soon standing with his clothes in a folded pile, covered only by his smile and his member standing proudly.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Raja

"It is ok now, everything is over. You aren't in trouble, but your....friend is. The speeder bike wasn't registered, so she will have to pay a fine of 100crd, and an other 250cr for licensing the speeder."

"Luckily for you, the guy you run over is a wanted criminal. You don't have a bounty hunter permit, so we can't offer any reward, but we will wave the fine and the license fee. However we will still have to get the speeder licensed. It shouldn't take long. Should we do that, or you want to wait for your friend to wake up first? Maybe she has a license for her speeder somewhere - but I doubt that." he asked.

"Also, you should be aware that we aren't locking you up for driving without a driving license only because you are the only witness of that. Don't do that again...you might kill yourself." he warned her, somewhat concerned.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Raja The Zeltronian Force-User, Location: Guard-house, upper Ring Mood: relieved Tag: Tris, Security

"Ah.. I see. ... pfew.. yes he.. uh.. was a meanie." Raja nodded. "Let's ready the paperwork, as she's out and I don't know all her details, I'll registre it on my name, she'll consent to that when she wakes up uh .. oh and..." She raised two fingers in a Zeltron gesture of honesty. "I am -not- gonna drive on -anything- speeder-like if I can help it, I promise. That was.. woah..."
She seemed very serious about that.

"Ah uh.. a.. anyway, I know I don't have a permit.. but your folks have really helped with saving her.. I know this might come off as odd from me right now, but I want to help you uhh.. ah.. out in thanks.. I know you were just doing your job, but ah... well who knows what'd have happened if you hadn't.

I of course still need to finish my masters task, but while I have no clue looking around anyway, is there something a newcomer to the station could help you out with? Anything unusual these past few days that you can't, or don't uh.. want to send your men after?"
She offered, whilest going over the paperwork with the guard anyway.
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Taken

Hel inspected Taken very thoroughly, touching him everywhere, especially his cock and his balls. After all those were the best places for a hidden flesh-pocket.

"You seem not to have anything else hidden. Weird...where did that set of underwear go?" she pondered.

"In any case...I guess I owe you an apology. I suspected you and made you strip for no reason, as it seems." she nodded seriously.

"I guess...you can undress and search me too, if you want. It is only fair." she sighed. If anything, she had a sense of justice.

"Wait...damn! It makes sense! I am wearing that underwear...of course there would be one pair missing. Heh...oops?" she giggled, turning her back playfully towards him.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Raja

"Ah, there is...but we wouldn't want to put you in danger. Don't worry about it, we are just doing our job." the security officer assured her.

An other officer walked in, carrying a datapad.

"Boss, the license."

"The license is ready too. Take a look." he told her, passing her the datapad.

The document was few pages long, but with a cursory glance Raja noted a small problem. The license clearly stated that the bike couldn't get painted, in order to stay identifiable. There were clear pictures of it on the license, and there was clearly visible the graffiti of a naked twi'lek, and some alien letters on the other side. If she signed now, any graffiti would have to stay permanently. If she didn't...the bike would remain confiscated, until she did....and her lightsaber with it. Also, the bike was registered with some alien-sounding name that she couldn't recognize.