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Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

The creature rub his hurt tentacles for a while and as it do t, Sylvia managed to escape of the room, letting the creature free to do as it wish. She turn bellow and notice than her breasts and pussy were starting to get exposed thanks to the holes in her clothes.

Turning around she was in a corridor, with two doors more, the place was out of windows, so she wasunnable to see what was inside the doors, there were also some broken stairs than looks to take her to the lower floor and others stairs to the deck
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Uncomfrontable with the exposure Sylvia tries to cover her breast and pussy with her arms a little.

She decides to go back to her origional plan and climbs the stairs to the deck to check the cabin first trying to find a window to see if there is anything suspisious in there.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

As she walk, Sylvia could heard the creature moving and then a complete silence. Her eyes turned to the stairs and went to the deck with only a little problem when a stair's plank break and make her squeak by the sudden surprise, her hands reach to take the stair's Bannister and soon she reach the deck without more problems. there were a window in the door, but was a feet of distance from her max height

Sylvia 4/4
ap 2
F 70/100 W 38/100
Corruption lv1 6/100
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Noticing the window is to high for her to be able to look through she starts looking for something she can stand on to look through the window. If she can't find anything she carefully opens the door standing on the side which way it opens and she trows in the other bone that she took form the skeletons near the ship.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Using a box behind the cabin, the blue haired girl look inside the room, the light from the window make her abble to see a part of the room. There were the classic controllers to move the ship and even a desk at the left side. When she opened the door nothing was heared and she expected than there werent any moster inside
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

When she didn't hear anything after opening the door Sylvia enterred the cabin and looks around the room to see if there is anything else what she couldn't see through the window. then she start looking over the desk and depending on what kind of desk it is possibly also in it to see if there is anything usefull.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Looking everywhere, Sylvia notice a dead body with a capitan outfit, at his dead hands he have a little chest and in front of him was a map with a code to avoid than anyone could decipher it, there was also a weardrove at the left of the table and some books at the desk. all the things to drive the ship were in perfect condition, yet the big hole will stop her to drive it
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

When she saw the dead body she almost immedeatly took its clothes not caring for the smell of it because she was happy she finaly could cover her body again.

After putting on the clothes she began inspecting the little chest in the captains hands. Remembering her last encounter with a chest she decided it was better to open it where she had more space to move putting it in her bag. Next looking at the map she didn't understand it at all but thought she maybe could decipher it if she took some time to look at it, knowing that it wouldn't be a good idea to do that here she takes it with her for later.

Walking towards the desk she looks at the books not knowing which ones could have something in them that would be interesting she takes them and then turns towards the wardrobe.

When opening the wardrobe she jumps towards the door in case anything decides to jump out as soon as it opens.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Taking all the clothes and the treasure for the poor captain, Sylvia was more centered in her new clothes than what just happened when she turn to the desk.Then like any thief, she take all what was in the table and then place her sight at the wardrobe.

Giving a backstep, she tried to evade any sudden creature from the closet. However a foul breath reached her nose and in the instant someone wrap his hands around her Give... it... back, a shady voice fill her ears and without reason, she was getting weak every moment ...Its Mine!!.

Just then she turn to see the naked captain dead body grappling her

Sylvia 3/4 grappled (-1)
ap 2
F 70/100 W 38/100
Corruption lv1 6/100
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

The moment she lands Sylvia feels hands around her body. She freezes for a moment when she hears the voice and then tries to look who or what is holding her. Realising it's the dead captain she quickly begins to kick and squirm to get lose.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

12 vs 16
14 vs 18

Soon Sylvia looks her attempts to produce pain to the corpse useless, but fortunatelly her sudden moves at her struggles were the enought to avoid being let in a more sumisive position.

However the Captain press her body even more on him and this cause her to feel her energy being drained by just his touch.

Sylvia 2/4 grappled (-1)
ap 2
F 70/100 W 38/100
Corruption lv1 6/100
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

losing more of her energy Sylvia gets more determined to get lose beginning to strugle even more then before this time without kicking knowing that wouldn't work.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

1 vs 1 escape
11 vs 12 hit, grapple fail

With the sudden tactic change, the undead captain was unable to restrain her more time, her athletic little body with difficult squirm away of him, however this dont stop him and a sudden hit impact on Silvia's side taking away a part of her air and half of her remaining energy. Now between the wardrobe and the not so dead human, Sylvia should act quickly or she will lost her chance to avoid what could come.

Sylvia 1/4
ap 2
F 70/100 W 38/100
Corruption lv1 6/100
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Finaly being able to escape from the undeads grasp Sylvia finds herself between the undead captain and the wardrobe.

Luckely the desk is within reach and she tries to use it to pass the captain by jumping on it and jumping over him toward the door (knowing that he probebly can use doors to)
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

grapple fail

Using once again her great dexterity, Sylvia manage to give a quick side jump toward the desk and then other to reach the door without waste time. Her great speed was too much for the undead who only can see how the thief run with his clothes. Now outside, Sylvia take a moment to take a breath from her last esape, if this continue like this, it will be only time for use all her remain energy and turn into an easy target for a random creature
Sylvia 1/4
ap 2
F 68/100 W 36/100
Corruption lv1 6/100
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

having escaped from the room Sylvia takes a moment to catch her breath, slowly backing away from the door in case the undead captain still could use the door.

In case that happens she goes to the holes in the floor waiting a couple of inches from the hole she fell in to, if not she has decides she had explored enough for today and goes back to her tipi.
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

The captain soon started to hit and push the door, but the door is in good condition to resist this treat for some hours, Sylvia's fears about the captain being able to remember how to use the doorknocker, started to fade after some minutes of the same hit sounds at the door.

After a while Sylvia decide to return to her tiki, a now more hard task thanks to her loot collected this day.

The path feels like more large, she was start to sweat bellow her captain dirty outfit, even when the sun was staring to fade, maybe it was around the 4 or 5 of the afternoon.

Sylvia 4/4
ap 0
F 65/100 W 30/100
Corruption lv1 6/100
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

After a couple of minutes of waiting Sylvia can ease up knowing that the captain can't follow her she begins on her long walk back.

She enjoys the sunset whil walking back but she does want to be back before night time
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

With all what happened today and her body tired of the struggle and dodge than she made all this time, Sylvia by mistake take the normal path to her tipi, her steps get faster and soon she pass close the strange rock without notice it and only by luck she move away before the creature trap her toes.

With all her senses looking the beautifull view from the sun falling at the other side of the island, Sylvia soon walked all the way until her "home". Now she could rest inside after eat some fruit or make a fire to prepare the meat than she earn today. There were many others things to do and the sunlight can still help her to prepare all what she can before rest and over fall her primary needs

At this time you have the captain outfit, yet still dont know if you take also the boots and underwear, also i dunno if you take all the loot from the mimic room, who is some coins, 3 rations, a string bikini, the key, books, map or anything else who at the moment i cant remember. Oh yes and like normally the fruits have a lot of water inside them

Sylvia 4/4
ap 0
F 55/100 W 24/100
Corruption lv1 6/100
Re: Sylvia(warmen254)

Finaly being back Sylvia quickly started a fire to cook the meat from the weird creature. While the meat was being cooked she began unpacking her bag to see what she took with her. First of she takes some of the fruits and begins to squeeze out the juices.

Having quenched her thirst a little she pulls out 2 purses with within them counted up 70 coins she decides to put that in her chest until she has found a place where she can spend it.

She then finds the 2 rations and decides to leave them in her bag in case she got hungry while she is exploring. Then finding the spare clothes from the mimic room (girl sailor outfit and the string panty) she decides to also keep them in her bag in case she loses her clothes again. Noticing the rope almost at the bottem of her bag she leaves it there.

She then pulls out the books , the map and the chest she found in the cabin with the captain. First trying to decipher the map for a moment. After a few minutes she checks what's inside the chest and then she looks over the books she found for any intresting titles

I looked back to see what i exactly found along the way and saw it where the things you see mensioned here (exept for the captains clothing and the boots because Sylvia is wearing them. And the key from the mimic room cause i used that to open the chest in there)