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Patreon SIM Active [T Valle] Some Modeling Agency


Jungle Girl
Aug 19, 2010
Reputation score

By T Valle

announcement: This is not my game, and most of the tips and tricks were taken from the tread about this game over on F95Zone, so please go have a look at the tread posted on that site aswell :)

i can provide an easy save game aswell if anyone wants to use it, it will give you a relativly easy female to work with, tip, dont just touch! talk to her first, also arms is the soft spot
Save game goes into C:\Users\username\Dokuments\TValle Games\Some Modeling Agency\Save\v0.003

You play the roll of a maneger and reviwer of new female hopefulls that want to gain a place at your model industry, and everyday you get to rate 2 new females, you rate them based on looks and personality,
And the more you rate good qualities the more those qualitites will appear, the same goes for personality, so if you rate a very slutty female hige on personality then that personality has a greater chance to appear again,
The same goes for looks, so if you rate a big breasted female higely on her large breasts then large breasted females are more likely to appear
Right now the game is rather bare bones,so there isent much to do, yet at the same time it's DIFFICULT, to actually get the girls to undress and even allow you to have sex with them, but with enough trial and error it is possible to do

physics based movement and touch

random or semi random creation of charactors
oral sex
Veginal sex
Anal sex
cloth removal

WASD - Move
Press 1 to make hand appear
shift and alt for speed control,

Hold CTRL to reoriantate hand
P and Shift + P to remove pants and top of male charactor
Mouse wheel to trust pelvis back and forth
CTRL + Mouse wheel to change elevation of male charactor

Guide and tips:
Game is VERY difficult in it's current itteration, developer is aware and working on it

-every single part of their body has a different sensibility and erogenous, and every single female is different, so you have to try it out.
-hold alt, so your hand moves slower and doesn't hurt them, still, there are some extra sensible body-part/females.
-if she starts to complain about you being too soft with her, just hold shit, careful, you may touch her where she doesn't want to be touched.
-if she says she won't go any further (shield icon under the green bar), try to make her come (yes I know it sound ridiculous it's just a game), it will increase her favorability and horniness temporarily, and permanently. (the increased amount is different for every single female)

you will get favorability for every time you raise her pleasure! the more pleasure you accumulate in a single interaction more favorability you gain. Every female has her own favorability limits. (the shield icon)

About levels
you level 0.1 up for every "impossible to improve" (fiscally speaking) females, so they are move to a queue and then used on a higher interview Level (this is shown in the title of the form when you click the pc on the desk) that is why the higher the interview level the better they look to you.
They become "impossible to improve" because in a group of 10 they all start to look alike (they are ignored so don't worry about it), and they start to look alike because your inputs had a Pattern (you always going to like big breast or smaller, you won't change your mind about what you like). it's pretty much a genetic algorithm.
So at level 1, you have 10 females, and at level 10 you have a 25 cm cock and 100 females, 2 groups per day of 10 females, 1 at morning 1 at afternoon. (don't mind this honestly)

About the bars

There are 5 different bars, you can see a few of them in the screen shots,
green bar: is your favourability, How much the girl likes you, it is random how much this is filled with each new girl, sometimes it's empty, sometimes if you're lucky it's even full at the start, the higer it is, the more the girl will do for you - Remove cloths, get in poses and such, the green bar locks at one point, but it can still be increased with orgasmes

Pink bar
is how horny the girl is, fill it up and the girl orgasmes, each orgasme fills up the sensitivity bar and gives a permenent boost to favourability

Secondary Pink bar, the one behinde the first, look at screenshots
How sensitive the girl is, the higer it is the easier it is to make the girl orgasm, it increases by making the girl orgamse

Red bar
this is the anger bar, it fills up when you do something that the girl dosent like. if it fills completly the girl becomes angry and may leave so try to avoid filling it. this bar is abit fickle, an also one of the things that will change is future updates,

Blue bar
This is the pain bar, it fills up when you do something that is painfull to the girl, touching her to hard or to fast. This bar is also somewhat fickle, as it sometimes fills up comepletly just by breathing on the girl, if it fills up the girl might leave

Gray bar
you can mainly ignoor this bar, as it only fills up if you bore the girl, and there's a much greater chance of either making her angry or hurting her then filling this, to fill it either do a touching motion to slowly, or simply keep your hand on one spot on her body


Finishing note, Dont give up! this game is actually pretty damn good! even if it's barebones​



  • Savegame.zip
    826.4 KB · Views: 670
Last edited:
The game just got an update, and now has cheats to make it MUCH easier to do anything
Save game editor, Everytings done localy on your browser, just copy paste link, then drag and drop save game in the opened browser page smaeditor.netlify.app
All credits go to (smaeditor) over on F95zone forum
Edited save game attached, first girl will do anything without you having to work for it


  • Default.zip
    1.9 MB · Views: 485