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Taffy (Katie Mc'Derpaderp)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Taffy woke to a dimly lit room. Shakily standing, she took note of her clothing, or lack of rather. She was completely nude, no sign of her clothing anywhere and a note was taped to her left breast. Taking it off, she read the following.

"Welcome Taffy, to the Citadel of Corruption. I have brought you here to amuse myself as you struggle to escape from here. Know that you must defeat a total of five bosses in these caves to reach my city. Once there you must defeat another five bosses. If you manage to get past all of them, you will face ME in the flesh. I guard your only way back to your home, your own planet. Let the fun begin!"

Try as she might, she couldn't remember anything before waking up here, save that she had been on her way home before blacking out.

The room seemed to be lit by about eighteen torches, and it appeared to be part of some kind of cave network. With three exits before her, and nothing else of interest in the room, there was a decision to make. Should she choose to leave and try this challenge, or stick around here in the slim hopes of someone rescuing her? It didn't seem like she'd get home without trying, so was there really any option?

Available Actions:

Stay in the room.
Take the left exit door.
Take the center exit door.
Take the right exit door.
Re: Taffy (Katie Mc'Derpaderp)

Taffy simply bit her lip, clutching her arm nervously and looking around, her long sleek black hair tossing around with her quick, tense head movements. After she had gotten over the shock of awakening naked, she finally felt the gravity of her situation, and the connotations of what the chilling note said. Deciding to steel her resolve for the moment, convinced that this was either a dream or some elaborate scare conjured up by someone out to see her humiliated or worse, Taffy just sighed and decided, no time like the present.
She boldly strode towards and exited through the right exit door.
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Re: Taffy (Katie Mc'Derpaderp)

Name: Taffy
Stats: 0/500 XP, 0/500 KP

Strength: 25
Dexterity: 35
Vitality: 35
Energy: 35
Intelligence: 20

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 105/105

Trap check

Taffy:20+40=60 vs. Trap: 69

(ouch, due to her low intel the trap was able to make her orgasm twice over the three turns it had her for 18 stamina 86 pleasure and 206 KP)

As soon as she stepped in the next room Taffy heard a light click and before she could react something had attatched to both her breasts and her pussy and began to suck on them like a milking machine. The sudden jolt of pleasure made her legs quiver and she quickly orgasmed and reveled in the glow of it before managing to snap out of it and pull the devices off leaving her breasts a little sore with two round marks on them. The sound of a giggle caused her to look back up and see...herself. "Hi Taffy, looks like you're already having fun. If you stay here we can keep each other company and I can teach you even more about this place!" Taffy watched her copy rock back and forth on her heels smiling.

Altered stats:

0/500 XP, 206/500 KP

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 87/105


(Don't take any chances and kill yourself!.....The other one.)

(Take Taffy up on her offer and spend some time with her)

(Oh god it's just like the 6th Day! RUN! Get to da door!)
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Re: Taffy (Katie Mc'Derpaderp)

Taffy barely had time to shake off the earthshaking, disorienting orgasm that she was suddenly worked and milked and suckled into, her body and mind a little thrown off by how suddenly she had been caught by the first trap of these caverns. Once she had caught her breath though, she wasn't around for long after seeing the strange doppelganger, just as naked as she, appear. Shivering a little, she darted for the exit, focusing on nothing else to maximise her speed outta there!
Re: Taffy (Katie Mc'Derpaderp)

Name: Taffy
Stats: 0/500 XP, 206/500 KP

Strength: 25
Dexterity: 35
Vitality: 35
Energy: 35
Intelligence: 20

HP: 105/105
Stamina: 87/105

(Taffy gets so incredibly lucky.....)

As Taffy charges across the room her double lunges for her and barely misses as she darts out the exit, when she runs into the next room she feels a tile depress and on pure adrenaline and instinct flips over the trap door in front of her as it opens. Down in the pit a mass of slime with tentacles flailing around inside tries reaching up for her futily. The rest of the room seems empty, a staircase nearby leading further up into whatever this perverted place is.....
Re: Taffy (Katie Mc'Derpaderp)

Taffy felt the wind whip behind her as her doppelganger made her desperate lunge, and though part of her was somewhat surprised at her luck and/or talent in escaping her grasp, she didn't have time to doubt herself, not if she was gonna get some answers as to what this place was, how she got here and why, and her way home. She had never been more grateful for being consecutive track and field gold medal winner over all those years in High School.
After leaping over the trap, making up for her humiliating restraint and orgasm received from the previous trap, Taffy held a hand to the ground, before rising and raising a fist to the air.
"Damn I'm good!" She exclaimed. She took a quick gander down at the eerie slime down in the pit, cringing a little, glad to have avoided it. "Phew... This is a little weird, though I doubt that's the last time I'll come across an interesting little creature like that. Almost makes me wanna examine it further. But gotta keep my priorities straight."
She said to herself, before taking the staircase up to whatever was above.
Re: Taffy (Katie Mc'Derpaderp)

(starting out slow for you it seems, pretty uneventful)

At the top of the stairs Taffy finds an empty room thankfully no traps seem to be set in this one and she happens upon a sword mounted on the wall, with a bit of coaxing it comes free. It's a bit heavy but after the run in with...herself....it might be valuable to keep on hand. The only other thing to see in the room are two doors, one carries a hint of perfume, the other sounds like water is dripping behind it.
Re: Taffy (Katie Mc'Derpaderp)

After wrestling the sword from the wall she gave it a few practice swings, getting used to the heft of it and carrying it firmly in her right hand, while she gazed at the two doors. After a moment of consideration, clearing her head before proceeding, Taffy strode towards the door that emanated with an intense sweet fragrance. She wasn't good in water, and it wasn't like the blade would be of any use if she was submerged!
She took a whiff of the perfume as she opened the door.