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Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"More Ashotur crap" Vance says, sighing as he closes his eyes and thinks ".....Here's hoping we can get some info on our specimen's strength" he says, his arms crossed as he looks at the symbols speeding across the screen "Good thing you guys are doing that. I stink with technology. Biology is my forte, thank you very much"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Crap? No no. Letters. The Ashotur concerned themselves very little with fecal matters. You could say they don't give a crap." Thall has stopped his hopping and waving to study the screen again.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"You don't get it." Vance says, chuckling at Thall's lack of human understanding "Just.....Forget it" he says, still chuckling "Human language and phrases are hard for other cultures to understand" he says, his arms still crossed as he watches the data stream by "Maybe when HQ gets done examining the Ashotur while it's alive, they'll let me perform an autopsy on it. I'd love to know all the weak points of an Ashotur in case I meet one again"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Thall turns around to Vance and tilts his head. "You are not familiar with the law, are you? We can't experiment on a prisoner of war. The Directorate would court martial us so hard that our collective heads would explode - p! HAH!"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"After it dies, though. If it dies, then can I look at it's insides? I need to know that things weak points" Vance says flatly "Three letters. forty-nine to go" he says, smiling as he looks around at the ship, then diverts his attention to the screen "Looks like a child's scribbles to me"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Thall keeps on looking at Vance, unblinking due to his lack of eyelids. "If it dies? SHOTGUN. Ha, there. Now I have first right to cut open our fishy friend."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Well then, can I at least observe?" Vance says, pissed at Thall "Besides, it'll be a good thing to rub in my father's face" he says, smiling as he thinks back and turns around "Guess the old fart couldn't even keep up with his own son" he says, breaking into laughter
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Draven shakes his head at the antics of the two, and continues to input letters and symbols as they come up, having to manually code the Ashotur symbols for their letters. In the time he has between them popping up, he begins constructing some kind of code on a separate part of the pad, spitting out lines of code at a rate that no human could possibly manage. It might even give them a headache or eye strain trying to just watch it be written. It would be clear fairly fast that this was something Draven was used to doing regularly.

"Thall, I have to interject on that point. In the unlikely event our 'guest' does die on us, having several people who have been present during the autopsy and who can take detailed notes, faster than most others would be able to manage would be a valuable thing to have. I'm not saying he WILL die, but on the off chance, I would see no harm with Vance being there, though I too would like to join if not for anything more than note taking and diagram sketch."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Thank you. I only want to see his insides so I can develop a fighting style to take it down with." Vance says, his arms dropping to his sides "Of course, I won't interfere if Thall doesn't want me to be there" he says, turning back around and smiling "Here's hoping that Science can get a close look at that bastards insides"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Actually, come to think of it, he may not even have to die at all for us to do that. And we wouldn't have to break any of the laws either. All you would have to do Thall is put in a formal request later for a specific item."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Thall has not taken his eyes off Vance. "I concur, Draven. I just want to be the one that cuts him open." His facial features makes it very hard to read him as he still watches Vance.

Only as the item is mentioned he turns. "Item? What item?"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"An Ingrali medical scanning device. It was originally designed long ago before we realized what we truly were. It works in same principle as a human xray machine, only it can map out the entire body structure, and in some cases if enough is known about the species, hazard a guess as to some of the genetic DNA make up and scan that as well. It is an attachment that would fit over one of the medical beds. If someone were to... request such a device, I'm fairly certain that one could be brought wherever you, or the general wanted it. Of course it will help since I'll be having to write off on it too, and since I'll ask for it as part of helping with the mission here..."

He trails off, the implications behind that in his mind, clear. "Best part, it won't harm our prisoner any at all. In fact, it may tell us exactly how much damage was done to him by the blast and give Krysta something more useful."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Thall tilts his head on to the other side. "I don't know. In the end this IS the Alliance's mission, and up to now two thirds of the Alliance haven't even HEARD of your race. We'll have to ask the General about that."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"I'll get to that then. One second."

He moves slightly out of the way then keys his comm. "Nadia, this is Draven, two quick things for you. As of this second we have three letters translated. Secondly, I got to thinking about how we can learn more about our prisoner, with a bit of help from Vance. If you would mention to the general when you speak to him that my people have a device capable of scanning the muscle and most parts of any body, tell him to talk to me about it and I can arrange to have one brought wherever he wants it, if he wants it."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Vance begins to chuckle quietly to himself, a smile still plastered on his face as he holds his chin in his right hand and looks down "Even better. I actually would prefer to not kill him. I want the chance to learn how to fight him in physical combat" he says, his right hand releasing his chin and forming a fist, which he promptly slams into his left palm "Of course, with the Alliance holding him, I can't do a thing, now, can I?"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"No, you can't."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Understood. I'll be sure to mention it. I was about to call him anyway - so, if you don't mind, no disturbances for the next 15 minutes."
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

Kars strolls out from the maintenance hatch, heaving it shut as he exits. The journey back like this was three times longer than the journey going in. He'd always found artificial gravity an impractical novelty. It was the first system he sabotaged when invading another ship. Life support came second, along with an atmosphere dump. The confused crew never fared well stuck in their second grade vac suits. A good full siege of a pirate frigate could take a week or two, but it was thoroughly entertaining, and always had good booty to collect afterwards.

Anyway, time to unload some cargo. Kars scoped out the hanger facilitys, looking for cranes or loading robots of any kind, and proceeded to go about removing the two ammunition crates secured to the sides of his ship. Finding a fitting place to store them. Should there be somewhere secure he would remove a few unessential cargo items to free up space in the ships small hold.

Having a home base of sorts again would be handy. Ever since his last stolen frigate got blasted apart he had been missing the ability to actually keep the loot he gained.
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Copy that Nadia. I'll keep that on my end, can't promise for anyone who isn't able to hear this though. Thank you, Draven out."

He turns to Thall and Vance again. "OK, let's get back to work shall we?"
Re: Tarum III - Space Station The Dividing Line

"Here's hoping I can learn how to call that bastard a piece of crap" Vance says, smiling slightly as he tilts his head to the right, grabbing it with his left hand "Thall, what do you think will happen when we hand over the Ashotur to the Alliance? I personally think it's going to live a long, painful life as a research specimen" he says, rubbing the left side of his neck and groaning, remembering his father once again "Piece of shit father. Glad he's six feet under. He can't ruin anymore lives from there"