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ADV RPG Maker Loli [テイル・アキ]レナのお仕事! / Lena's Work (RJ231439)


Feb 27, 2009
Reputation score

So despite using RPG Maker, the game basically have no combat and would be closer to puzzle solving game (admittedly it's not puzzle-puzzle, but more of 'X have Y trouble, you can do A or B' adventuring thing)

You play as a mailwoman who need to deliver 10 items. Depending on how you handle things, there's 10 endings, though the blurp say that after finishing your job you'll get to pick from the endings that you satisfied the conditions for.

An example of a 'puzzle' in the demo
You go to a miner's house, find a note saying he's in the mine.

When you try to head outside, the guard will tell you that it's dangerous to go alone, and recommending finding a guy in the restaurant to help you.

You can go there, and will be met with 'I'm eating, wait til I'm done, unless you wanna hurry me up with your body' (choice pop up between NOPE and do it that require 10 lewdness to choose)
You can keep trying to leave again, the guard will then demand you take off your panty.
Then when you go out alone you get tentacle raped and sent back to town.

Some event seem to be unable to progress until you deliver more items.

You can also help the townspeople out which will raise your reputation.
There's lewdness value, virgin status, 'achievement' system (one of which is to clear the game as virgin)