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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Ella is at her most vulnerable state, you are offered several chances to concede to the tentacles throughout the story. once Ella gets another sword and starts down the long road to ruin, the she will have few allies, and characters like Olivia, who treat her like just another woman will start seeing her as a threat, especially if she decides to go to the south and start causing trouble for blue and pink.

Either way, it is your story, and if you want to become a victim who is stuffed with tentacles throughout the story against her will -OR- if you want to become the swift hammer of justice and cover yourself with the blood-slime of the overlords, i wont get in your way, but it is unlikely that Ella would find quality armaments in the decrepit ruins of the dark forest, so until she does, she must endure and persevere.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

B. ok this time i'm POSITIVE we will find something useful...
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Intermission 10: Morrow

Richard Morrow walked along the beach, his tattered laboratory was dirtied and covered with sand and his glasses were cracked on the left side, yet he continued to adjust them with regularity, if only to continue to demonstrate his elegance to the sands around him.

Out of the corner of his eye appeared a purple tentacle, which raced towards him with full speed, tentacles raised and prepared to murder him, but as morrow continued to walk along at his own programmed speed, he allowed the tentacle to leap toward him before he grabbed the creature while it was midair and with unmatched power, ripped 3 tentacles from the creature, spilling its slime-blood onto the sand.

the purple tentacle creature was mortally wounded and lied there covered in its own juices, its tentacles weakly twitching as it died an embarassing death.

Morrow picked up his glasses from the sand of the beach, which had been knocked off during the fight, with mechanical movements, tilted its head and put the glasses back on, adjusting them once again as sand covered the right side lens

Covered in the blood-slime of the tentacle, morrow continued onward as if nothing happened, continuing to survey the field in front of the pack.

100 yards behind morrow was a large pack of red tentacles, who carried their women on their backs as they fed them their specially formulated tentacle slime, created by their overlord, Xozz, a living-machine who had designed the entire red tentacle race right down to the last atom.

25 more Morrow units followed the pack, as worse for wear as the one in front, some missing arms, or patches of synthetic skin, at the back was one morrow unit in pristine condition, his suit pressed and straight, his lab coat white and his glasses shiny and reflecting the sunlight which beamed down on him, This unit had Xozz's consciousness imbedded into it.

The group walked along the beach, determined to find a new lair to set up in the middle of the continent, it was time to initiate Xozz's grand plan.

Morrow Prime, the Morrow unit adjusted his glasses and took his note pad out of his coat-pocket, clicking a pen in his hand and writing down more thoughts or calculations.

If all things went as planned, the entire world would be under Xozz's control by the end of the month, and according to Xozz, had a 99.57% chance for success.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

B. Time to arm up and not let our conviction falter. The blues may seem benevolent but are really only addicting you to their enslavement in a far more insidious manner.

It would be cool if we found some ancient angel artifacts or an angel that survived the war to power us up to take on monsters like the Matriarchs and that succubus whose been empire building. Then start smiting bitches with cleansing fire.

Failing that find a doomsday device to destroy the world.
They may take our lives and our women; BUT THEY WILL NEVER TAKE OUR FREEDOM!
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Given that Olivia told us "Find a place to rest in the forest, you'll need your strength", I vote A.

Going B(l)ack would probably mean running into some other tentacles and getting another abortion and impregnation which would just weaken us further (for example if we bump into green they might take us to the lair never to see the light of day or if we bump into purple we will get really badly tortured).
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

hurmm...i dunno...search the jungle for makeshift weapons? sounds like somthing id do, but i saw what happened to jungle girl Dx ima have to go with B as well. but i dunno how well getting weapons and clothing in a town is gunna go, considering were naked,broke, and pregnant xD

plus considering how weak we are, with the whole grudge, stacked on top of the scent that attracts tentacles, we might be safer inside the town than we would be wandering the forest near a black tentacle lair o.0
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

hurmm...i dunno...search the jungle for makeshift weapons? sounds like somthing id do, but i saw what happened to jungle girl Dx ima have to go with B as well. but i dunno how well getting weapons and clothing in a town is gunna go, considering were naked,broke, and pregnant xD

plus considering how weak we are, with the whole grudge, stacked on top of the scent that attracts tentacles, we might be safer inside the town than we would be wandering the forest near a black tentacle lair o.0

So far I am under impression that towns are also pretty ravaged with not much to find except for rape-and-impregnate-happy tentacles.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Is a post apocalyptic future, what were you waiting? a party in a town? nearly all the humans are slaves now
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Intermission 11: Alumae

In the Dark town of Aluminholm the crimson glow shined through the strained glass of the dark church where large metal brazier's remained lit throughout the day and night, the dark and dim glow shined down on the citizens of the town who were gathered before the large throne of their tyrant ruler.

The Throne was a impressive and terrifying sight, towering high into the air at over 10 feet tall, its jagged top was black and glossy, the entire throne was a single piece of molded Obsidian, its beauty and magnificence matched only by its Harrowing symbolism.

Upon the thrones sat the Succubus Alumae, the lord of the town and the deity in which the town was forced to worship. Demons seldom thought themselves less than any creature and even in their own plane, secretly plotted against each other for supremacy. Succubi in particular were a vain race of demon, and perhaps none moreso than Alumae.

With 200 years of nothing but what Alumae considered nothing more than pathetic subjects to be tormented and subjugated, Alumae established herself as first a cruel mistress, then a lord and eventually a deity.

Her human subjects bowed before her on the throne, praying to themselves that Alumae be merciful and kind to them on that day.

Alumae looked on with a delighted smile on her face as she watched her terrified sheep whimper and sob, she played with her spaded tail as she sat on her throne, her legs spread open with one leg hung over an arm of the Obsidian throne, her extremely juicy pussy had left a small wet spot beneath her, but that wasent anything out of the ordinary for a succubus.

Men and women alike bowed down and reluctantly worshiped her, each of them naked and shaking in fear, some of them men couldn't hide their erections as they looked at their sultry deity before them.

Private sex was forbidden in Aluminholm, if a couple wished to have sex, they would have to do so in front of the Throne, before Alumae, who could and would at any time, choose to intervene and rape either party, forcing the other to watch.

Strange rituals became part of everyday life for the people, men were forced to ejaculate into large bronze chalices at the beginning of each ceremony, their collective jucies presented to alumae to consume throughout the ritual, it gave the succubus power to free off of the juices of a man, or so they were told.

Women were subject to all kinds of humiliation, forced to insert objects into themselves and occasionally masturbate by themselves up on the alter before the rest of the crowd of hundreds, Alumae always ensured that the person felt as humiliated as possible.

At the end of each ceremony, which lasted for hours at a time and served only to sate the Succubus's ego and vanity, she would choose a random person from the entire town and fuck them, for men, she would overpower them and force them down inside of her, for women, she used her spaded tail, which had the same dexterity and agility as a tentacle, to do it for her as she held the helpless woman down, whispering in their ear as their body was frozen in fear.

The community had endured Alumae for 200 years and almost all of them had been born into a life where this was all life was, they didn't understand the concepts of free will or personal goals outside of pleasing their demonic deity, no one in the town knew how to speak any kind of real language, only a basic, clumsy and easy to understand language, which consisted mostly of words used to describe some kind of servitude, or torment.

The People of Aluminholm were afraid, ignorant, and easily exploited, it was the perfect vision that the great demon, Sarynhalt had for the human race when he created the tentacles to oppress them.

Alumae had plans to expand her influence, but had not yet decided whether to bring the tentacles or 'Tacvi' in as allies, or crush them and put them under the same demonic heel as the humans.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse


The light dimmed as it weakly glowed down from the thick tree branches above Ella, the Dark forest was named for this in fact, the thickness of the forest above head make it difficult for any person to see, but these were the conditions in which tentacles thrived.

Tentacle creatures had no eyes or sight, they relied on simply their senses of smell and touch, however, their bodies were ultra-sensitive to changes in each of these, able to feel the warmth of a human who had been there even hours prior, their bodies could detect minor changes in the atmosphere, and pick up the pheromones of a woman from several miles away.....several hundreds of miles away when it came to Ella herself.

Ella had learned this the hard way throughout her life, although she was just recently reached puberty, the tentacles came at her from all directions.

The original forest that her small family lived in was home to red tentacles, whom she always thought were a far more aggressive hunter than the average, but a passionate rapist. Red tentacles were the race she encountered most, they were hunt her down and no matter where she hid, they would find her, it was impossible to avoid being preyed on by them when she was younger.

The red tentacles would ease into it, making sure the woman was prepared for their tentacles, seeming to want to allow the woman to feel pleasure, more than pain, at the end, the result was always the same, Ella would feel weak shortly after her orgasm and pass out, waking hours later covered with their cum and them being nowhere to be found.

Ella had always thought originally that the red tentacles had no reason to capture her because she was such easy prey, but as she learned more and more about her predators, that only the larger tentacles within 5 miles of a lair were the ones capturing women, this wasent always the case however, if tentacles felt that a woman wouldent resist at all on their way back to their lair, a large group of tentacles could decide to carry their passive prisoner back with them.

Ella threw a rock into the stream as she held her belly. She had known more about tentacles than she knew about herself, that was the sad part, as much as she knew about tentacles, their senses, their hunting patterns, their anatomy and philosophy, she had never been impregnated before, and she felt a bit of fear about it.

The dark forest was getting darker and Ella thought that she had better find her way back to the path before she couldent see anything and was at the mercy of the black tentacles again, who thrived on ambushes.


It took almost a half hour to make it back to the path, a dark and desecrated dirt road which had been overgrown with vegetation over the past couple hundred years, much like everything else here, what little light remained was replaced by the sounds of night animals, birds and bugs chirped and buzzed in harmony which filled the air around her, she would have been afraid of such haunting sounds at an earlier age, but she knew better now, she had real predators chasing her now.

the path was barely visible and the extra heft she carried certainly didn't make anything easier.

Eventually Ella reached another town, but this one was slightly larger than the others, it had a church in the middle of the town, the steeple had been destroyed and laid on the ground beside the church, causing no structural damage outside of that, ella moved forward the structure, hoping to investigate before she saw a small glow through one of the stained windows.

someone was inside of the church.

Ella carefully sneaked inside, opening the large doors silently and ducking down low to avoid detection, she crouched down behind the backmost pew and looked over to see a woman who was sitting beside the alter with a pile of books which she was using to fuel her small fire.

The woman was small and skinny, her small breasts were barely noticeable, but her backside had a curve which was unmistakably female, her small muscles were pathetic, but a sign of either extreme malnutrition or extended tentacle captivity, Ella banked on the latter, as few women need starve with the tentacles about.

Ella rose from her crouched position and started to walk up the aisle, thinking the woman wouldent notice her.

The small woman put her hands on her sides and turned to Ella, her long black hair flipping as her neck snapped to the side.

Ella smiled "hello" she said simply.

The small woman got up and covered her breasts as she backed up against the pearly alter behind her.

"You dont have to be afraid of" Suddenly, ella heard a sound behind her.

A black tentacle grabbed her ankle and pulled as Ella turned and saw a tentacle creature behind her, which had followed her into the church.

The tentacle creature fired out another tentacle towards her wrists which Ella avoided deftly, she looked around the room desperately for something...ANYTHING she could use as a weapon.

the young woman behind her ran away, retreating into the back room behind the alter.

Ella struggled to keep herself from being pulled to the ground by the tentacle, the black tentacle creature was stronger than she was, and rooted in place in front of it, many books and pews beside her werent going to help her fight this thing.

More tentacles fired out, Ella avoided another tentacle around her arm, but couldent avoid another which grabbed her around the belly, shaping itself around the bulge she had there already.

The creature pulled Ella to the ground, her butt slamming against the carpet on the aisle, Ella had little choice but the weakly grab the carpet and desperately try to pull herself away from her predator.

Suddenly, a large rod was dropped behind her and rolled along the carpet, the girl had found a weapon ella could use.

Ella let go of the carpet and picked up the rod with a hand, its sharp head she used to slam down on one of the creature's tentacles, causing it to recoil in pain and release her ankle, Ella quickly grabbed the other side of the rod with her other hand and pushed the sharp end forward into the area where the other tentacle was from, causing it to also recoil in pain and release her.

Ella rolled backward in what was admitably a more clumsy movement because of her belly and reach her feet, getting into a stance which would allow her to strike with more power, the fire behind Ella caused a silhouette to appear on the wall in front of her in her stance with rod in hand.

the tentacle creature lunged forward and Ella stepped back, spinning her body and the staff with quick, avoiding the lunge and striking a tentacle dead in the center, severing it from the body, the creature shrieked in pain as it tried to retreat, but Ella ran forward and used the rod to vault herself over the creature, slicing once again and severing yet another tentacle.

Ella landed in front of the creature, which was bleeding its slime badly and clearly in a state of fear, Ella had blocked its escape route and stood there with a remorseless look in her eye, the creature tried to run again but with one more quick downward thrust, the creature lost two more tentacles and stopped moving entirely, its slime and semen leaked onto the floor and poured onto the aisles of the pew, the creature died in a heap.

Ella took a break and broke her stance, looking at the rod she had used to dispatch the creature. it was a long and thin bronze candlestick holder, and it was covered in the black smile of her enemy.

The girl ran up to Ella and put her hands around her, hugging her tightly, it was unexpected to say the least.

"come with me, the woman said", Ella nodded and walked back over to the fire the woman had produced.


"Thank you for helping me" Ella said as she wiping a bit of slime from her face.

"You saved me, i owe you my life"

"My name is Ella, By the way" Ella put her hand out

The woman simply put her hand out and shook "Im sorry, i dont remember my name"

"You dont remember your own name?"

The woman shook her head as she placed another book onto the weakened fire.

"I was a captive of the tentacles for almost my entire life"

"how old are you?"

she shook her head again.

"All i know is that when i was taken, people were free, they wore clothing and that was the last time i saw a man"

Ella sighed, this woman sounds like she was around for the apocalypse, the day when the tentacles all crawled out of their lairs and took the world back....at least thats how her mother told her how it happened.

"I escaped, but not before......"

"What happened to you?" Ella asked, concerned for the girl who was getting emotional.

"Id rather not talk about it right now, if its ok with you...." the nameless girl said, putting her head down.

This woman must be over 200 years old, her body looks like it hasent aged a day since she was captured, appearing to be about Ella's age of 22. Ella herself looked as young and beautiful as she ever had, being forced to consume tentacle semen regularly just years prior, it didnt take much, but the fact that it allowed This nameless woman to live so long was impressive.

"So what are you doing here?" the nameless woman asked.

"Im here to kill the overlord of this region"

the nameless woman stopped and paused for a moment "i....see"

Ella looked on and smiled "yeah, it hasent been easy to rearm so far"

"Is that why you are here in this town?" the nameless woman asked

"yea, hopefully i can find some better armaments in town"

"good luck" the woman said, placing another book on the fire.

Ella continued to wipe herself clean of the slime-blood on her body.

"looks like you are pregnant" the nameless woman said to Ella.

"Yes, unfortunately......."

"I could help you understand what you are dealing with, if you want to listen" the nameless woman said as she moved herself a bit closer to Ella.

"Can you help me get rid of it?"

"No, unfortunately the only ones who can do that are the tentacles themselves, and good luck getting one of them to do it."

This woman obviously has alot of knowledge about tentacles which may be useful to you, perhaps you should her some questions before you go to sleep and search for armaments in the morning.

What do you do?

A. Ask the nameless woman about Tentacle impregnation.

B. Ask the nameless woman about Overlords.

C. Ask the nameless woman about Communication with Tentacles.

D. Ask the nameless woman about Tentacle Captivity.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

A. Wouldn't mind Ella finding out about all of them actually, but I suppose impregnation comes first.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

Likewise : A.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

A is the most urgent information. We don't plan to be captives or communicate, and we already know a good deal about the tentacles themselves.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Apocalypse

A (then, B, then C, then D ?)