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Tentacular Threat on Rise

Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

B3. Because nothing could possibly 'go wrong' :D

Edit: In the interest of actually voting what i meant to, I change my B to an A. Still think that tailwhipping is a good idea though :p
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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

Counting the votes, it's even choice between A and B and 1 and 3

Gona need a tie breaker here
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A and 1 (counting the actions seperatly)

The tentacle beast send two tentacles towards Viki but luckily, Viki was quick enough to roll to the sides. She jumped up as the tentacle monster pullet its tentacles back from the ground, Viki prepared herself to a better stance for her next moves.

Linda took the chance as the tentacle beast was focused on Viki and send forth a nicely aimed arcane bolt. (-10 mana) The bolt flied dead on aimed right at the backside of the beast, surely this would tend it nicely..

But for Linda shock and horror, the unexpected happened. As the bolt hit the tentacle beasts shiny silvery slippy surface, it deflected! Flying to side and hitting of the rock formations instead.

What? That can't be right! Linda fired again (-10 mana) but with same results. Is this thing magic proof?!

The tentacle beast heard the mana bolts sounds as they deflect around, and took notice on Linda who was now looking at the beast baffled on what to do. Viki took a chance to take speed and roll at the beast with her tail first for a whip slashing movement, critical hitting the thing. As the beast flinched and shrieked, Viki jumped over it and ran next to Linda.

"What happened Linda?"

"I.. I don't know! It deflected my arcane bolts without even making a move.."

"Got any plans before this thing pulls itself together?"

A) Have Linda distract the beast as Viki continues to fight, she seemed to be able damage it unarmed..
B) Have Linda help Viki fight it by improvising, maybe there's a sharp rock around here..
C) GOTTAGOFAST. Haste both of the girls and try run past it.
D) Just start to dodge the thing and hope it gets bored or something else happens.

Optionall for A, B and D
1. Cast Haste on Linda
2. Cast Haste on Viki


90/110 mana

Linda is energized
Linda is not hungry.
Has consumed tentacle semen (minor). Linda has some dirty thoughts going in her head..
Peasant dress (brown). Necklace(enchanted). Energy restore ring (4 charges)
Small leather pouch tied to her waist holding 21 silver, 68 copper worth money.


Viki is somewhat energized
Viki is not hungry.
Exposed to tentacle semen recently(moderate). More sensitive and will have harder time to resist if penetration happens.
Peasant tunic and pants.
Hidden money pouch holding 56 silver, 85 copper worth money.
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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

I would prefer B, with Linda first casting haste.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise


a) Cast the haste spell on Viki (edit: derrrp, of course I meant Viki).
b) Flurry the bolts trying to distract the foe providing an opening for Viki (herp-derp, edit time).
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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise


Edit : added the 2 to my vote
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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

Haste was good point
I added optional vote for casting it to one of the girls
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise


If Viki gets caught and penetrated the fight is over for both.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise


I changed ;)
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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

Gona need a tie breaker between A and B, again. <.<
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

I have changed my vote :p
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A and 2.

Linda thinked a bit by herself.
"Do you think you could slice this thing up really good with your tail?"

"Well if I had more speed, probably."

"Well, here's the plan, I'll distract this thing, and you try get a good jump on it, okay?" Linda then moved her hands around a bit and casted Haste (-45 mana). Viki's feet glowed a bit.

"Whoa.. Got it" Viki looked at her feet that felt so light and got herself ready.

The beast had gotten back to itself and was seemingly rather angry, it started to close by the girls. Linda took gravel, little stones, anything it could find on the ground and started throwing them at it.

"Hey over here you big ugly!" As she started to strafe to her left towards the rock formations, Viki took the chance and ran past the beast, she ran suprisingly fast even! Shortly she vanished to the distance.

Linda kept pelting small stones and dodging the tentacles the beast aimed at her. She was barely able to evade the tentacles, and her luck ran out as she managed to find to have dodged herself into a rock formation that formed a small corner around her, the beast was easily able to block her possible exits.

"ze'ldce!" Linda cursed in elf language, something close to "oh fucking hell"

The tentacle creature send forth its tentacles and grapped Linda by her arms and legs, pushing her against the rock. The tentacle's that were around her legs, began spread them and a phallical tentacle began go up her dress.
"Any time now Viki.. " Linda though to herself, trying to struggle and keep her cool.

She felt the slick tentacle rub against her vagina, and starting to slowly penetrade her.. A highly pleaserable tease. It did not waste much time doing so however and went right on in. "Ah!" Linda let out a moan. The tentacle was wasting no time and started to ram itself in deeper and deeper at fast speed. Linda kept gritting her teeth and letting out small moans each time the tentacle reached deeper inside her, her body moving to the rhytmn of this tentacle's fucking.

Just as she began to feel the tentacle getting ready to ejaculate, the creature let loose its grip, pulled out the tentacle and shrieked in agony! Slime was splattering from its backside and Viki rolled on top of it, she must've really overshot taking up speed a bit there.

Viki had lost her balance though and fell right on top of Linda.
"OOF!" As she landed and the girls both slided to the ground, Viki on top and Linda by her back.

The creature, highly wounded was shrieking and shaking. It began to ran and shortly vanished to the rocky formations at the opposite direction of the girls, only leaving a slimy trail behind it, that quickly sucked in to the ground.

The girls took some breath, though Linda quickly took on notice that Viki was on top of her and pushed her aside. "Hey get off of me already!"

"Okay okay, shees, "thank you for saving me Viki!"" She smirked sarcasticly as she got back up from being pushed aside.


The girls tried to shrug this event off a bit and got ready to continue towards CrystalBlix, Linda was not too happy that the creature already got so far with her however..

Walking the road for few more miles, large crystal formations began to show up in the distance at the front of them. It must be CrystalBlix! And just in time too! It was already way past mid day and it could be evening anytime now. They'll actually still have time to do something there.

The girls finally reached the large lumber and crystal made gates, and an elf guard took on notice of em from a tower guarding the gates. The guard made a few hand signals telling Linda and Viki to wait. Bit later three more elven guards came out from the gate, all three which were finely build elf girls with guard uniforms. Two of the guards went on the side of the girls and the last was infront of em and pulled out a scroll. Linda felt this scroll had some magic going on.. The guard opened the scroll, which had weird rune writing in it.

"Please look at this scroll." The guard said. Linda Viki both looked at the scroll, blinking a bit, what is the point of this?

"Umm.. is this suppoused to do something?" Viki was bit questionable.

"It's magical but I don't feel anything either"
Linda kept tilting her head as she looked at the rune writing.

The guard put the scroll away and smirked. "Good, you're not disguised tentacle creatures. Welcome to CrystalBlix travelers!"

Linda and Viki walked in the gates and the large city unveiled before them..

A) Lets go check the local authorities and report events you've so far encounted and check for updated informations on tentacles.

B) Lets go to the market row and begin shopping for gear and supplies.

C) Been a rough day, how about spending the night at the inn and look through all of the rest of the options tomorrow.


45/110 mana

Linda is somewhat energized
Linda is bit hungry.
Has consumed tentacle semen (minor). Linda has some dirty thoughts going in her head..
Peasant dress (brown). Necklace(enchanted). Energy restore ring (4 charges)
Small leather pouch tied to her waist holding 21 silver, 68 copper worth money.


Viki is bit tired.
Viki is bit hungry.
Exposed to tentacle semen recently(moderate). More sensitive and will have harder time to resist if penetration happens.
Peasant tunic and pants.
Hidden money pouch holding 56 silver, 85 copper worth money.
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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

B, then A, then C.
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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise
