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The Black March (Anonymous can't have all the fun)

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Demon Girl
Jul 11, 2011
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The subject may make you think I'm about to mention a horror game or some goth or heavy metal band.. but well that isn't what this is about..

This is about our right to have the internet remain free...

As some of you may know, the government shut down Megaupload today and arrested a few of those running it. This happened before SOPA has even passed, this happened because the Hollywood industry is coercing the government to infringe on oru freedoms.

The Black March is about us showing them how we feel about it...


All we're asking is that you do not buy an album, dvd, game, or go to see a film for four weeks. It isn't a long period of time and you can always use the time to read a book, or watch the movies you own but haven't watched in awhile, or dig out the albums you own but haven't read in awhile.

Trust me.. you won't feel any pain..

But the fascist Hollywood industry will feel the pain..

And remember, this isn't about protecting piracy, its about protecting the net so that we can freely exchange ideas without restraints.

I'd love it if a mod could sticky this.. or if those who read it could forward it around to other boards they're on. You can just use the image url I posted, its just photobucket.
Re: The Black March (Anonymous can't have all the fun)

It's a cute idea, but 4 weeks is, quite honestly, a pathetic amount of time. This won't do anything unless the time limit is extended to indefinitely. I recall an article where something like this is pointless anyway because by announcing a beginning and ending date to a boycott, you're pretty much putting a spotlight for investors to know when to buy and sell. If all you're doing is postponing your pleasure, they know you aren't serious. You still rely on their products. If you were truly serious, you would boycott it until something was actually done.

Until a REAL boycott occurs, these little protests of ours aren't going to get very far.
Re: The Black March (Anonymous can't have all the fun)

Well if enough people just do it for four weeks during the march sales quarter, it will do drastic financial damage to some studios and labels. I'm sure you are aware why some game companies rush games out, they do so to meet a sales quarter because otherwise they risk taking a loss. Well imagine what would happen if a game company took a loss on every title they released during one of the sales quarters? It would hurt and they'd take notice and maybe wake up a little. However, I do wish it could be extended until changes are actually made. But the problem is some are already saying that it'll be really difficult for them to do this for four weeks, so asking them to do it longer would just scare them off and its better to put a tiny dent in the industries armor than do nothing at all.

Besides, Anonymous and other groups aren't going to be letting up anytime soon...

And progress has been made. These bills have been floating around in one way or another since last year and the groups opposing them have continued to grow, and with the shut down of Megaupload, I think a huge increase in numbers is going to be happening very soon.
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Re: The Black March (Anonymous can't have all the fun)

*looks at video game releases in march*

Yea sorry no. can't do it.
Re: The Black March (Anonymous can't have all the fun)

Yeah you could. You could easily not buy any of the games set to release in March until April rolls around. It's not that you can't, you just don't wanna.

I have to agree with Dark on this one. Setting a date for when this will take place this far in advance will just give companies enough time to either shift their dates accordingly or prepare for the hit. Not saying it's a bad idea, it just needs to be taken further than simply one month, and it needs to happen much sooner.
Re: The Black March (Anonymous can't have all the fun)

I've been boycotting the music industry for the past... 10 years, film for a year and a half and video games for two months. I honestly couldn't help the cause more! (It doesn't matter that I'm poor and can't buy anything it still counts!!!!) :D

Though in all seriousness, if you want your message heard you're going to need to do something much more drastic. It's like a diet, you might see some short-term results but untill you honestly commit to chaning the way you eat and exercise you're not going to achieve what you want.
Re: The Black March (Anonymous can't have all the fun)

Sorry to say, but the first quarter has already started, and seeing that the start date is for March and not right this minute... that's still plenty of time for money to flow in.

Besides, there's still plenty of people who aren't going to be joining in. We have plenty of people who hardly know about much of the stuff going on across the internet. Demographics who hardly use the internet at all, and then those that support SOPA to begin with.

There's not going to be enough of a dent, and honestly I'm surprised Megaupload hasn't been shut down earlier considering how often it's used to share files between people many of which are illegal.
Re: The Black March (Anonymous can't have all the fun)

you know i think its cute that y'all are being so active about this stuff, but i'm gonna have to start the rule that all this stuff belongs in the news thread.

We aren't a group of activists, we are a hentai discussion forum. if people want to make their little groups and organise things here between themselves thats fine, but come on, hentai... not bandwagon. If this discussion doesn't wrap itself up shortly and go to those places i'ma be forced to close the thread and such similar ones, if you think you've got a worthy cause like the SOPA petition i might make an anouncement thread but as they say, if you want to keep your friends the two things you dont talk about are religion and politics.
Re: The Black March (Anonymous can't have all the fun)

So what you're saying is that SOPA is the anti-christ? :D

Ass-hattery aside, do we have a thread for this specific kind of... stuff? If not, I propose the, ahem drum roll please... Soap Box thread!!! A thread where you can try to garner support for whatever cause you happen to be in favor of!
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Re: The Black March (Anonymous can't have all the fun)

Well SOPA is dead for now, at least until they can figure out how to re-write it and get it by without any hassle.

As for this site catering to hentai and not activism, hentai is a form of pornography and pornography has been attacked by the government for years. Just a few years back the Bush administration went nuts and pushed a bill that made it possible for them to arrest a man who just had some managa comics that had characters that appeared to be underage. Hell, they wanted to take it even further and ban films like American Beauty, and charge people with a felony if they had it in their possession.

My point is that those of us who enjoy hentai, we should always be devoted to causes that go against censorship.

We should be like Robocop..

Prime directive #1 - Rally against censorship
Prime directive #2 - Enjoy Hentai
Prime directive #3 - Classified

Why? Because the same government that wants to censor the net, over the years they've shown they'd love to censor porn. California for example is trying to force some new laws on porn.

You're right the old saying is that if you want to keep friends the two things you don't talk about are religion and politics.

But if you ask me, if a friend can't handle talking about topics that interest their friend, then he or she wasn't really their friend to begin with.
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Re: The Black March (Anonymous can't have all the fun)

You're missing the point, I'm saying talk about news in the news thread.

This community was founded on one thing and one thing only, the intelligent discourse of hentai and its underlying themes. We may have become less specific over time but that is still our main and only important goal. Now you are suggesting that instead of talking and enjoying ourselves our main purpose should be to take up arms against censorship. Fuck that, there are plenty of places you can go if you want to fight against censorship, there are plenty of places here were you can redirect those who will fight to worthy causes, but I'll not tolerate all these threads inciting activism above all else.

Finaly I've seen worthy yet anciliary causes destroy more communities in my life than I would care to mention.
Re: The Black March (Anonymous can't have all the fun)

And my point is this, if it wasn't for the activists who protect the first amendment, you wouldn't even have this community.

I'm not suggesting this forum should become primarily about standing up for the first amendment and going after those who seek to take down pornography. I'm merely saying 2-3 threads that seek to get some here involved in defending their rights, it doesn't take away from this sites primary objective.

Which is discussing material that would be toast if it wasn't for those who actively defend the first amendment.
Re: The Black March (Anonymous can't have all the fun)

I think you should just let it go man. Nunu's in charge and he's right, if we let one person have a thread like this then we've got to let everyone put up a thread for their "special cause", wether it bears merit or not.
Re: The Black March (Anonymous can't have all the fun)

I love that irony, we must stand up and fight so we have the choice to wether we have to stand up and fight. He's lobying for the right to stop lobyists!

but yeah seriously, even if i wasn't in chage, I think i speak for a majority of us (and please correct me if i'm wrong lads, i don't want to put the wrong words in your mouths) when i say we don't come here to be inundated by "causes", however relivent and worth while they are to us.

But the key word there is inundated, i'm not putting a ban on talking about them, we have places for that. And if things are particuarly worthy i will make anouncements about it, but thats it.

on a personal note (which means i speak with no authority of my position or in this forum) i have to [redacted, if I'm stopping you from talking about it in this thread then i can't either].
Re: The Black March (Anonymous can't have all the fun)

Spare pre-owned copies and the occasional cheep indie game, I scarcely buy more than one DVD or game a year anyway. I either borrow all my games from a friend, or buy them 10 years after release for pocket change. Just picked up Beyond Good and Evil. Nine years late, but whatever.

So uh, sure. I guess I can join the march. Easy as pie. Though I doubt my mere continued cheapskate ways will actually be noticed.

Regarding the thread issue, I'd normally say that simply passing by threads you don't wish to comment on is straightforward and thus a non issue, since being overly fussy about accepted topics and thread justification is another good way to strangle a forum. But in this case, the news thread really is the place for it. The megaupload thread too, would be well in the bounds of the news thread. Or alternatively, keeping all related business to a single thread might make more sense.

I dunno. I'm just trying to form a sensible sounding opinion because I wanted to joke about the march being something I could do in my sleep. :V
Re: The Black March (Anonymous can't have all the fun)

I love that irony, we must stand up and fight so we have the choice to wether we have to stand up and fight. He's lobying for the right to stop lobyists!

I'd be down for that. Most, if not all lobbies, seem to simply pay off politicians, and the lobbies with the deepest pockets usually win.
In the words of Ellis, "That ain't right."
Re: The Black March (Anonymous can't have all the fun)

I do agree that threads like this belong in the news section, or perhaps a soap box section. But I don't think a mere 2-3 threads about a bill, a bill that if it had passed would have most likely have meant the end of this site is really inundation. However, as admin, you reserve the right to move or remove any thread you feel you're not in favor of. I'm quite aware this is a members only site and not a public forum and that the first amendment doesn't apply to such sites.

As for the reason I originally posted this in the hentai section, I felt that's where most of the TK17 fans were. Rumor has it, at least according to the russian sites, TK17 quit because of Sopa. So I hoped that those who miss TK17 updates would want to join in on a boycott in an attempt to shoot down the bill that allegedly did in TK17.

And yes, I am fighting to eliminate lobbyists.

Lobbyists defend corporations, not the common man and they go out of their way to violate the constitution, which is treason imo.

But shalalala....
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Re: The Black March (Anonymous can't have all the fun)

You sound like a parrot. SOPA could end this site, SOPA could end this site, SOPA could end this site.

If I give you a cracker could you learn something new to say?
Re: The Black March (Anonymous can't have all the fun)

I do agree that threads like this belong in the news section, or perhaps a soap box section...

good I'm glad you agree.

thread closed, please move to the news thread.

I should say however that a specific soap box section would be so easily passed over that it doesn't do these topics justice. that is to little exposure.
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