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[Complete - Full] [不志陀羅亭]The Delta Series


Jungle Girl
Aug 21, 2016
Reputation score
Hello all, I played these games a few month ago and thought to myself, hey, these are pretty nice, simple and short. It might not be too hard to do a translation for these games. So I gave it a shot.

All of the games contain loli, be aware.

The Crimes of Delta ~Madly In Love With A Miko~ (Complete)
A man named Delta leaped from universe to universe committing crimes.
When he almost got caught, he leaped to a version of Old Japan, where he met
a miko (shrine maiden) and instantly fell in love.

Delta's new and singular desire was to have this girl.

Through nefarious means, Delta blackmailed the miko,
which in turn led to more nefarious deeds...
Delta filmed it with a device that did not yet exist in this world.
Surrounded by beauty and nature, Delta and the miko,
made the world's first AV porn.

The Indecency of Delta ~Princess Is A Pupil of Sin~ (Complete)
Description/Spoiler (from dlsite):
A man named Delta leaped from universe to universe committing crimes.
Abandoning the world of Old Japan and the miko (shrine maiden) he had deftly corrupted,
he arrived in a very different place: a European fantasy world.

Here he set his sights on a royal blue-haired beauty. With his silver tongue
Delta talked his way into her company as a swordsman, and made her his student.
Deceiving her with flowery words, he took his pleasures from the princess
without her being the wiser.

In the end, Delta got to keep exploiting the miko Amane...
The Lust of Delta ~A Warship Awash in Lust~ (Complete!)
Description/MajorSpoiler of Delta2:
A man named Delta leaped from universe to universe committing crimes.
He was now being brought to answer for them by Worldia, a league of peacekeepers.
Worldia's headquarters were currently floating over Delta's homeworld;
a space warship within which turmoil had begun to brew.

While he was in shackles, alarms sounded on the warship.
Lustful beasts rampaged and the crew begged for salvation;
a young girl appeared suddenly.

Delta was instantly taken with her pink hair, tan skin and developed body...

The series is complete! Games 1 and 2 may have some untranslated images, but none of them say anything particularly important. Game 3 had no images to translate! Hooray~

The attached .txt file contains links to the translated Data.wolf files. You'll need to find the full games elsewhere. Just drop the file into the game folder (save the original, just in case) and you should be good to go. Delete any previous saves as well, while they'll work, a lot of names and descriptions won't be translated otherwise.

I'd like to give special thanks to mathewv's wolftrans tool, which made translating the scenarios much easier.


For lurkers who don't want to create an account: ask on a certain 2+2chan's /hgg2d/. You might also find them in the ghostbin, search by RJ numbers.


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Re: [不志陀羅亭]The Delta Series

Thank for your contribution, I appreciate it very much.
Currently away attending a wedding party, i'll give it a go in 2 day.
Again, thank you very much for these translations !
Re: [不志陀羅亭]The Delta Series

The Crimes of Delta ~Madly In Love With A Miko~ (Complete)

The Indecency of Delta ~Princess Is A Pupil of Sin~ (Complete)

The Lust of Delta ~A Warship Awash in Lust~ (Just Started)

Fix'd for the sake of usability.

Thanks for the partials, checking the first one out now. <3
Re: [不志陀羅亭]The Delta Series

These look like good sprite sex. Gotta ask - any way to save? I can't figure that out...
Re: [不志陀羅亭]The Delta Series

These look like good sprite sex. Gotta ask - any way to save? I can't figure that out...

It's automatic, you don't need to do anything. Although you can go into your save folder and delete the save if you want to start over from the beginning. There's a recollection room in all games though, so you don't really need to.

Fix'd for the sake of usability.

Thanks for the partials, checking the first one out now. <3

Thanks, I'm still under the postcount for links.

I suppose technically they might qualify as partials, because most images are unedited, but all of the item names, descriptions, and story segments should be completely translated.
Re: [不志陀羅亭]The Delta Series

The 3rd game, The Lust of Delta ~A Warship Awash in Lust~, is done!

This one didn't actually have any images to translate, so I didn't have to care.

The OP's attachment has been updated with the link to the third game's Data.wolf. Like before, you'll have to get the game itself elsewhere.

And with that, the series is done! I created the translation folder for the first game on June 8, so just over a month and a half for about 5 hours of content. What a terrible ratio! Good thing my time is worthless.

Well, not really. Which brings me to the 4th, non-Delta game. I won't officially be working on it, because it's longer than these 3 games combined and college is just around the corner. Even if my courses don't turn out to be as bad as they look right now, I doubt I'll want to waste my free time on it. Well, I'll try, but I make no promises.

Let me know if you guys find any bugs.
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Re: [不志陀羅亭]The Delta Series

You're a hero, good luck in college.
Re: [不志陀羅亭]The Delta Series

I just played through all 3 installments in the series (I wonder if its gonna be a 4 parter or if he's gonna do more) and these are very fun games. The comedy is good and the protag a likeable scumbag(of the worst kind). I'm really hoping he keeps the series up.
Re: [不志陀羅亭]The Delta Series

Thnx for your hard work mate, very appreciated :D

Btw, there are 4 delta games, are you planning to translate the 4th game?
Re: [不志陀羅亭]The Delta Series

Thanks for the translations.

Played the first two so far.

They're well-made games, and a refreshing change of pace from RPG maker stuff.
Re: [不志陀羅亭]The Delta Series

Thanks everyone, I'm glad you've enjoyed them.

I just played through all 3 installments in the series (I wonder if its gonna be a 4 parter or if he's gonna do more) and these are very fun games. The comedy is good and the protag a likeable scumbag(of the worst kind). I'm really hoping he keeps the series up.

I've looked through the author's DLsite blog and twitter (セバスチャン@不志陀羅亭). His next game is currently in the design stage (so it'll be a while), and from what I can tell, it seems to be similar to the 3 Sisters game, and looks like it'll be another standalone story.

Thnx for your hard work mate, very appreciated

Btw, there are 4 delta games, are you planning to translate the 4th game?

The 4th game is a standalone story that shares some characters with the Delta series, but doesn't actually feature Delta, Amane, or Nina.

I've reconsidered and am going to try to translate it, but don't expect a 2-week turnaround time like with the third game. The 4th game is longer than all 3 combined, and I'm not going to have as much free time.
Re: [不志陀羅亭]The Delta Series

The 4th game is a standalone story that shares some characters with the Delta series, but doesn't actually feature Delta, Amane, or Nina.

I've reconsidered and am going to try to translate it, but don't expect a 2-week turnaround time like with the third game. The 4th game is longer than all 3 combined, and I'm not going to have as much free time.
Oh, don't worry about that, take your time ;)
And very thanks for picking it as well :D
Re: [不志陀羅亭]The Delta Series

wow awesome :eek:
To think that the first H game that made me buy years back still getting some love, much appreaciated
Re: [不志陀羅亭]The Delta Series

Thank you for the translations, this is a good game series.
Re: [不志陀羅亭]The Delta Series

Excellent translations.

I'm having some problems fully unlocking the second game.

In the princess installment I only unlocked Handjob and Nipple Suck services. How do you unlock the other 3?

I already got all the One Touch Sexual events, and they only provided H Events, but no services.

Re: [不志陀羅亭]The Delta Series

Excellent translations.

I'm having some problems fully unlocking the second game.

In the princess installment I only unlocked Handjob and Nipple Suck services. How do you unlock the other 3?

I already got all the One Touch Sexual events, and they only provided H Events, but no services.


You have to score a certain amount of points during the training session. The numbers in the bottom right hand corner are the scores (see image). The top number is your high score, and the bottom is the target score. If you're having trouble, make sure to upgrade your cards, and try playing with only 3 sets, so you can end on combos easier. You can add or remove sets with the shift key.

I probably played through the game 3 or 4 times, but was never able to pull off a 4 combo.


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