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The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Vanilla nods at the demon-girl’s declaration to set off, following her out of her shop and remembering to lock up this time on the way out, placing an arcane alarm on the door set to sound if anyone besides her or Lani tries to enter. As they begin making their way out of the town, however, Lani abruptly stops and turns around, posing her question to the young mage with a confused look on her face.

“Oh, that’s right! You’re new around here, so you don’t know where Dorvin mine is, do you?” Vanilla replies, maintaining her cheerful expression. “Don’t worry, I know where it is. Just follow me!” she finishes, assuming the lead as the pair set off for the mine.

Cast Alarm on the door of Vanilla’s shop.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Lani: HP = 66, PP = 42, EP = 40, Status = Fine
Vanilla: HP = 45, PP = 75, EP = 95, Status = Fine

The Dorvin mine lay several miles to the South of Chander, Vanilla having seen it many times in her search for ingredients for her potions, and she had a fairly good idea of where it lay. That was where the spiders they both needed to kill were, but getting there would be dangerous in and of itself. The desert was inhospitable during both the day and the night, and even if the spiders themselves were likely only out at night, there were still bandits and other wildlife to worry about encountering along the way.

Two paths that Vanilla knew of would take them to the mine. The first was a simple hike across the desert itself, straight South and along the main road for most of the way, but that way was well traveled, and that meant a higher likelihood of bandits. The other way was along a canyon to the East that would take them a mile or so South of the mine, but which would provide cover and had a smaller chance of being ambushed, but if they were attacked it would likely be more difficult to fight it off if their foes had a prepared position.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

As the pair made their way out of town, Vanilla briefly considered which of the two routes that she knew of would be best for them to take to the mine. The first was more-or-less a straight shot south that followed the main road most of the way, which provided a more open and well traveled environment. The other was a more roundabout path along the canyon to the east, making it much less traveled and better suited to providing cover along the way. After weighing the pros and cons of each, Vanilla elected for the more direct path south along the main road and set off in that direction.

The catgirl then stopped for a moment, turning to face Lani. “Oh, hang on a second! I want to put a spell on us real quick to help us keep an eye out for any bandits or anything that might try to ambush us on the way. Can’t be too careful out here...” she said, closing her eyes and clutching Parvani in her hands as she built up her energy. After a moment, a soft glow formed around the moon-ornament at the top of the staff before emanating outward, enveloping both girls with a faint aura that slowly faded as the effects of the spell sank into them. Vanilla then opened her eyes, pausing as she felt her overall sense of awareness become noticeably sharper. “There, how’s that?” she asked, smiling lightly.

After the demon-girl’s response, Vanilla turned back around and started off down the road again, resuming their trek to Dorvin mine.

Cast Radiance(Light)[+22 Perception] on both Vanilla and Lani, using Quicken Spell to cast it on both of them at once.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

"Okay," Nodding to show her acceptance Lani stands there patiently waiting for Vanilla to work her magic. "Woooow, pretty~!" The young demoness stares at Parvani as the moon, her eyes growing wide and dazzling in the soft light, entranced by its beauty. Lani's sight follows the light at it envelops the two women, a look of wonderment on her face as she giggles, though Lani makes a sound of disappointment as the light show ends. "I... I feel different." Lani replies curiously as she looks herself over, wondering what had just happened.

As the two continue their trek to the mines Lani continues to hum a tune to herself for a while before stopping and turning to Vanilla. "Uh... Vanilla, what kind of spiders are we going to kill?" The young demoness asks, concern in her voice. "They're not fey, are they?"
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

“Nope!” Vanilla replied in a – perhaps somewhat surprisingly – cheerful manner. “The spiders that we’re after are Nightwalkers, the demonic kind. I’ve been near the mine a few times while out looking for ingredients for my potions, so I’ve seen them scurrying around outside sometimes... Had to kill some a few times, too,” she explained, pausing for a moment and shivering slightly as she seemed to recall one such encounter. “Ugh... I try not to get too close to them if I don’t have to, though. Those things give me the willies...”
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

"Oh, well that's alright then," Sounding relieved Lani smiles once more. "I wouldn't want to have to kill spiders that could be related to the little buggers back home." Lani then looks curiously at Vanilla. "Though Nightwalkers? I've heard of them before, from some of the demons I've summoned. Never seen one myself though. This'll definitely be interesting~!" The young demoness looks as if she's getting pumped for their encounter with the spiders, the excitable girl barely able to contain her energy.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Vanilla paused for a moment at Lani’s mention of having summoned demons in past, suddenly feeling nervous again. “Y-You’ve summoned demons before?” the catgirl asked hesitantly. “W-What kind of demons...? W-Why...? I mean...aren’t most of them...evil?”
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

"Yeah, I can do it whenever I want!" Lani exclaims, happy that Vanilla seems interested in her abilities. "Well, nothing too powerful I guess. I think they're beyond me at the moment. But I've summoned goblins and sorceress' and succubi before! And they're not really evil... Well, they've done nothing to me that could be considered evil I guess. The goblins are a bit dirty though, always groping and fondling and touching. But the sorceress' and succubi are nice! Well, more passionate than nice. They still want sex, but they're less filthy when it comes to it. Patient too. Even if they just end up doing my chores for me." The young demoness seems to take great pleasure from explaining her times spent with the various demons she has summoned, her voice fast and her movements exaggerated. "You... you don't like demons then..?" Lani asks after her explanation, nervousness in her voice.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Vanilla eyes widened slightly in surprise as the demon-girl explained her apparently frequent summoning of demons, amazed more than anything at the suggestion that she often summoned them for so frivolous a reason as to do her chores for her. She was also surprised at how casually – even affectionately – Lani referenced her sexual experiences with the demons, and even blushed as her mind unconsciously began picturing the demon-girl engaged in the various acts with the demons she’s summoned.

Parvani, meanwhile, couldn’t be more encouraging of his master’s new friend’s antics. “My, you’re an adventurous little thing, aren’t you? I can picture you now, surrounded by a group of goblins just waiting for their turn, or on your back with your legs spread wide with a succubus going to town between them...” the staff said, living up to the nickname that its master had given to him. “Mmm... I have to say, you’re starting to make me wish I was a demon, myself!”

“Sh-Shut up, Pervani!” Vanilla replied, her blush only deepening and earning a playful laugh from her staff.

After a moment, Lani spoke up again with a clear sense of nervousness in her voice as she asked her question, perhaps having sensed the young mage’s discomfort with the idea of interacting with demons so casually. Vanilla noticed that sudden uneasiness in the demon-girl’s voice, and immediately felt bad about her earlier comment when she remembered that Lani, herself, was actually a demon, and promptly began shaking her head in denial at the girl’s question.

“N-No, I... It’s not that...” the catgirl replied hesitantly, trying to think about what she wanted to say. “It’s just...my mom always warned me about how dangerous demons could be, and none of the ones that I’ve seen pass through Chander were ever very...friendly... It’s just...hard for me to imagine having such casual interactions with demons...” she explained, pausing for moment before refocusing her eyes on Lani again. “Y-You seem different, though... When I fell earlier, you came over to help me instead of just making fun or trying to take advantage of me. I mean...you’re probably the only nice demon I’ve ever really encountered...”
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

"W-well, I don't summon goblins all that often," Slightly blushing at her own openness about her sexuality, Lani begins to explain the Parvani, completely missing the context of his words. "Like I said, they're pretty lewd so I only really summon them when I absolutely have to, like really tough manual labour. Though most of the time they can be satisfied with a blow job, so it's not too bad. Though succubi..." Lani's eyes lose their focus for a moment as she drifts into her memories, the young demoness' face flushing a deeper red. "They really are passionate lovers. So much nicer than nasty goblins. It's no wonder my mother fell for one."

"Don't worry, not all demons are nasty," Lani attempts to reassure Vanilla, pulling the cat girl into a side hug for a moment, hanging off the girl before releasing her. "It's just, well, demons enjoy feeding off the energy of other creatures, which they often do through sex, so they're seen as evil. Though I guess some of them do enjoy hurting others... Oh, but there's a city called Acheron! It's a city run by demons that want to live together with the other races, and from what I've heard it's amazing~!" Throwing her arms up into the air Lani is once more her energetic self, giggling excitedly at the thought of Acheron. "It's where I'm going actually. Or, well, where I was heading to until I stopped in your town. B-but I'm glad I did stop! I've met some wonderful people already."

"And thanks~! Though I'm nothing special really," Lani replies, falling in line with Vanilla once more. "I guess my mother just raised me well. Though I was curious about you. I saw you coming out of your shop when I went to Travis' shop, and when I saw you fall I couldn't help but rush out to see if you were alright. There was something... I dunno... that just made me notice you I guess." Lani trails off as she admits her unexplained attraction to Vanilla, wondering to herself why she had taken a sudden liking to the cat girl. "Though you've got some cute panties~" Without warning Lani suddenly latches herself onto Vanilla's arm, her tongue poking out.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Lani’s brief clarification of her sexual encounters with the demons did little to diminish the blush on Vanilla’s cheeks – mostly because the demon-girl had actually gone into more specifics in regards to her acts with the goblins. At the mention of her mother having fallen for a succubus, and then at the mention and further explanation of the city of Acheron, however, the catgirl’s ears perked up slightly.

“I-I’ve heard of that place...” Vanilla replied, lowering her head slightly in thought for a moment. “I...always sort of thought it was just a rumor, though... A story to trick people into going there and falling into a trap... If what you said is true, though, then...maybe...” she trailed off, beginning to reconsider her overall stance on demons somewhat.

As Lani continued and explained her coming to the mage’s aid when she had fallen, seemingly admitting to some unexplained attraction towards her, and then followed up with a compliment about the cuteness of her panties as she abruptly latched on to the catgirl’s arm, her blush returned in full as a sudden feeling of embarrassment washed over her at the realization that the demon-girl had seen up her skirt earlier. “U-Um... Th-Th-Thank you...” Vanilla stammered, not sure what else to say in response, but somehow feeling glad that her new friend had liked them for some reason and suddenly wondering very much what her’s looked like. She refrained from actually saying so, however, content to simply focus on their trek to Dorvin mine for the time being.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

"So what about you, huh?" Lani says after a few minutes silence between the two, standing up straight once more but still clutching onto Vanilla's arm. "You must have a few stories to tell, right? You're a cute girl, I bet you've broken some hearts, eh? Was Travis one of them? How about that man that came by earlier?" Lani's words come out fast as she begins to get excited once more, a devilish expression appearing on the demon girl's face.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

“N-No... Travis has never really been...interested in me that way...and Mr. Alvarien was just a customer...” Vanilla began, blushing nervously as her new friend asked her about her own...history. “I-I...do have a fair amount of...um...experience, though... I-It’s usually just with...people passing through, though...”

“Ha-ha, yeah, I’ll say. Remember how I said earlier that she stalks almost everyone that passes through Chander?” Parvani interjected, an obviously teasing tone to his voice. “Well, let’s just say that cute little Vanilla here can be a real sex-kitten when she wants to be...” he continued, causing Vanilla simply blushed and turn her head slightly in embarrassment as her staff spoke. “Mmm... Some of the things I’ve seen her do? And some of the things she’s done it with? Hah! And that’s not even limited to just humans or fey or other intelligent races. You having sex with some of your demon summons is nothing compared to her fucking some of her animal summons on particularly lonely nights...”

As Parvani spoke, Vanilla’s cheeks continued to grow redder and redder with embarrassment. She didn’t deny anything that what was being said, however, and only seemed to blush more as her deepest fetish was revealed. After a moment, she sheepishly turned her head back towards Lani, waiting for her reaction...
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

"Wo~ow!" Lani gasps, admiration on her face at how experienced her new friend is. Having finally let go of the cat girl Lani now walks in front of her, the young demoness walking backwards so that she can look at Vanilla. "Sounds like you really know how to have fun~! I've only had the chance to play around with the demons and my mother, but you, you've played with all sorts of things! Though beasts..?" Lani's steps slow down at her question, a puzzled expression on her face. "We've got some beasts back home. Hellhounds. Though my mother said to never have sex with them."
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Vanilla’s eyes widened slightly at the demon-girl’s mention of the beasts she had back home. “H-Hellhounds...? I...I’ve never...with one of them before... A-Aren’t Hellhounds...?” she paused, remembering what Lani had said earlier about not all demons being bad, and that the girl herself was in fact one. “Although... I-I suppose it makes sense for you to have some as...pets...” the catgirl thought aloud, her blush fading slightly as she began to feel a little bit more comfortable discussing these things now that Lani didn’t seem to be put off by any of her own...unique experiences.

“And... Y-Yes...with beasts...” Vanilla continued, answering the demon-girl’s question. “U-Usually one of my...wolf summons...to be specific... They’re just so...wild and...energetic...” she explained, her blush returning as she thought back on some of her carnal experiences.

“Ha-ha! See? What did I tell yah?” Parvani added, his voice sounding as though he had a smirk on his non-existent lips.

“A-Anyway... Why weren’t you allowed to...have sex with the Hellhounds?” the catgirl asked, ignoring her staff’s comments. She then paused as something that Lani had said crossed her mind, a curious expression appearing on her face. “A-And... You said that...you’ve...had sex with your mom...? W-Why...? I mean...my mom was a nymph, and even she...never...” Vanilla trailed off, her curiosity drifting towards what sort of person Lani’s mom might be, and what might have lead to their incestuous encounter...or encounters.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

"Pets? Oh, we've got lots of hellhounds!" Lani begins to count on her fingers, the tip of her tongue poking out between the demon girls lips as a look of concentration appears on the her face. Though it quickly becomes apparent that Lani either doesn't know exactly how many they have or cannot count up that high. "Okay... I don't know how many we have exactly, but it's definitely a lot. I do miss them sometimes though. Especially Fido. Mom says he was her very first hellhound, helped her kill the people that murdered my other mother."

"Oh, you like energetic beasts, do you?" Stopping in her tracks Lani leans in close to Vanilla, the shorter girl's face barely reaching up to the cat girls chin, a devilish expression forming. "Well, I think you'd love our hellhounds then~ While I haven't had sex with them myself I have watched other people do it with them. And boy do they ever like it rough." Standing back up straight Lani crosses her arms against her chest and tilts her head to the side. "I wouldn't have thought you to be someone that likes it rough. You look too cute. I pictured you as someone that likes it gentle and passionate." Again, Lani shows how to the point she is, either thanks to her upbringing or to her childlike personality.

"Uh, well... I'm not too sure really. Mom never really gave a reason, so I assumed it must've been down to something that happened earlier in her life, or just because they're our pets," Lani replies, uncertainty in her voice as she moves to the side of Vanilla once more. Though Lani quickly perks back up as Vanilla asks about her relationship with her mother. "Yeah, we had sex often! Though it started up mostly thanks to me I guess. One night, not long after we had moved into our farm back in Crolia, I had this... urge I guess, slowly building up inside me. I tried resisting it, but the more I did the more it would build up! And before I knew it the feeling got too much for me. In a daze I ended up stumbling around, eventually making my way to my mothers room. I dunno why, but the way the moonlight shone on her bare ass and legs... it made me desire her even more." Drawing close to Vanilla as she recalls the tale of her first sexual encounter with her mother Lani takes hold of the cat girls hand, the young demoness' breathing becoming laboured. "I stripped off my night gown as I climbed onto her bed... My eyes never leaving her naked flesh. She was asleep, my mother. I-I couldn't help myself... my hand went straight for her buttocks. I can't begin to explain how nice her body felt... My memory is foggy from there, but I do remember being shocked back to reality. Literally. My mother thought I was some raider coming in to rape her, but when she realised it was me... She just looked at me with a comforting smile and said that if I wanted to have sex with her all I had to do was ask. We... we made love for several hours, and since that night we'd been doing it almost daily." Lani goes silent after her explanation, her mind racing with images of her time with her mother, the young demoness' face flushing a brilliant red.

"And well, I guess why I did it was because we both enjoyed it. And we love each other very much, so why not?" Lani turns to face Vanilla once more, her breathing slowly returning to normal as the demon girl finishes her story. "It's not like I can get her pregnant. I've come in her dozens of times, we think I'm infertile. Which is good I guess, otherwise there'd be little demons running around the farm. And well... I've only really seen my mother happy when we spend time together, so I'm glad that I can make her happy even if it's only for a short while."
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Vanilla blushed again as Lani described what she’d witnessed regarding the energetic nature of her – apparently numerous – pet Hellhounds with the people they had sex with, swallowing nervously at the suggestion that she would enjoy them...which, if she were being honest, she probably would... She then paused as the other girl spoke again. “I-I...do like it gentle, too... But...there are different kinds of...passionate...” the catgirl then replied to Lani’s assumption about her likes in sex, her tail swaying idly behind her as a small smile tugged at her lips.

As the demon-girl responded to Vanilla’s question regarding her relationship with her mother, the young mage became almost mesmerized as Lani recounted the first time that she felt the urge to have sex. The catgirl’s body then began to heat up as Lani took hold of her hand, the demon-girl’s own breathing getting heavy as she fondly relived her first night of passion with her mother. Her naked form lying on the bed, bathed in moonlight, the warmth and softness of her skin, and then the hours of passion that followed and have subsequently continued since that night, fueled by their uninhibited love for each other.

When Lani finished her retelling, proceeding to reference her apparent infertility, a brief look of sadness appeared in Vanilla’s eyes due to the implication that her new friend would never be able to have children of her own, but when she finally processed exactly what the demon-girl had said, her eyes widened slightly in surprise. “W-Wait... You said you...came inside of her? Then...does that mean...you have a...?” Vanilla asked, trailing off as a look of obvious curiosity appeared on her face.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

"Do I have...?" Lani repeats, confusion on her face at Vanilla's half finished question, though she quickly realises what the cat girl is asking. "Oh! A penis?" Releasing Vanilla's hand from her grip Lani stops once more, a smirk appears on the demon girl's lips. "Watch this~!" Lifting up her skirt, Lani answers Vanilla's unspoken unspoken question from earlier by revealing her pink and white striped panties, a moment later the young demoness pulls her underwear down with her free hand to reveal her most intimate parts. If Vanilla's eyes aren't locked onto the young girls lower half she'd notice Lani's eyes begin to glow red, and a second later a protrusion begins to grow between her legs, quickly taking the obvious shape of a penis. Giggling, Lani allows her manhood to quickly take on a large ten inches, looking much larger than it already is thanks to her short height before shrinking it down to a modest five, then up to seven and quickly back down to three before finally finishing up at eight inches.

"It's one of my demon powers~!" She exclaims loudly, giggling, whilst still holding her skirt up, both sets of genitals in plain sight.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Vanilla’s eyes quickly widened in surprise as her friend let go of her hand and immediately proceeded to lift up her skirt, unveiling a pair of pink and white striped panties underneath. When Lani then reached down with her other hand and pulled her panties down, the young mage’s eyes locked onto the demon-girl’s crotch as her nethers were revealed, and her cheeks turned bright red at the sudden erotic display before her, taken completely by surprise by her friend’s unexpected actions. As the protrusion began to grow from between the demon-girl’s legs, however, Vanilla’s shock was only compounded as she let out a light gasp, her eyes transfixed as the growth took shape and only continued to grow, forming one of the largest cocks that the young catgirl had ever seen.

The mage’s eyes then took on a quality of wonder as the enormous length inexplicably began to shrink...and then grow...and then repeated the process again before it finally stopped. Vanilla simply stared at the demon-girl’s impressive member for a moment, partially in awe at what she’d just witnessed.

“W-Wow...” the catgirl said, not taking her eyes off of Lani’s cock. “Y-You’re like my father, then... S-She had one, too, only her’s was natural. It’s...how they had me...” Vanilla explained, remembering her mother’s explanation from when she’d asked about why she had two mothers. She then paused for a moment as she absentmindedly began to sink down onto her knees, as if to get a better look at her new friend’s apparently magical penis. “I-I’ve...never met anyone that could...grow one before, though... Or...change it like you did...” she continued, her free hand unconsciously beginning to reach out towards Lani’s cock, as if mesmerized by the sight of it. “C-Can I...touch it...?”
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Lani watches Vanilla slowly lower herself down, a look of curiosity on the young demoness' face as it seems her new friend is entranced by her penis. "Touch it..?" Lani tilts her head at Vanilla's comment before a wide smile spreads across her face. "Sure~! And I can do this because of my demon blood."

"The succubus I mentioned earlier that my mother fell for? Well she's my 'father'," Lani explains, noting the similarities between her and Vanilla. "She was killed before I was even born though, so I never had a chance to meet her." Lani's words trails off, a hint of sadness in her voice. "Though, my mother says she was very beautiful!" Lani says quickly, back to her usual cheery self. "I do wish I could've met her. The way my mother speaks, she sounds like the most wonderful and caring person in the world. And the three of us could've had some fun together~"