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The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

With every breath Lani winced in pain as she rested against the damaged building. With nothing else to do whilst she waited Lani scoped out the building she was resting against, and quickly realised it was some kind of shop, a grocers judging by the scattered remains of its contents amongst the shattered glass. As the young demoness continued to scan the inside of the shop she caught the sight of a figure out of the corner of her eye, and not wanting to let someone get the jump on her in the state that she was in Lani reached for her gun. Though as her gripped tightened on one of her revolvers she saw that the body was in no fit state to do much of anything, let alone attack her. Though despite the relief that she wasn't about to be ambushed Lani couldn't help but feel immense guilt as what seemed like a child rush out towards the body and hysterically crying.

Once more Lani winced at each touch Hilda's hands made on her torso as she checked for broken bones. "The... the fight's not over," Lani rasped as the two of them made their way to the bench. "If they escaped... I gotta go put them down. It's... it's what mom would do." The fact that she failed so utterly in the defence against the bandits hurt Lani more than any of her wounds ever could. Despite her lack of experience, and her earlier insecurities, she had come to believe that she had what it took to rid Chander of the bandit menace once and for all. Lani had dreamt of following in her mother's footsteps, to cut down any injustice on her journey, and the fact that she failed on her first attempt cut the young girl deeply. And now the good people of Chander suffered for her stupidity, and what's more she felt as if she had let Eleanor down.

Lani sat in silence and only half listened as Hilda spoke, though as the remainder of her little group of demons came back she snapped back to reality. "We... we take the fight to them," Lani replied to Jandri, and as she shakily attempted to climb to her feet a sudden wave of pain washed over her. Stifling a wince the young demoness glanced at Hilda for a second before giving in to the sorceress' earlier suggestion and sat back down. After I've been... patched up."

"I...I don't think I'll be... be able to repay my part of our contract right now, but I think... I'll be needing you all here for a little bit longer anyway... if that's alright." Lani paused for a moment, partly to to allow any of them to speak their mind before she continued and partly to allow herself to catch her breath. "If any bandits have been, caught... the sheriff might need some help... interrogating them. To find out where their base is. And... I'd like all of your help, to wipe out this group. Though, for now... see what you can pick from the bodies of the bandits, and... help the townspeople however you can."
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Vanilla gave no verbal response to the sheriff’s remark, merely nodding silently before turning and heading back into town as well. With one of the bandits having seemingly been captured based on what she had seen through its eyes, she gave it the mental command to stand guard nearby him, as well as sending the mental image of Malcolm accompanied with the order for it to follow the sheriff’s commands for the time being. Now that the fighting had ended, the catgirl remembered the explosion that had sounded to kick all of this off, and the fact that Lani was still nowhere to be seen was quickly beginning to cause the young mage to worry for her new friend’s safety.

“Sheriff Malcolm, it looks like one of the bandits is being held captive in town at the moment. My elemental is nearby and will stand guard and listen to your instructions if you wanted to question him,” Vanilla said in a hurried tone. “I need to go check on Lani,” she finished before increasing her pace to that of a steady jog, moving towards the last place that she had seen the demon-girl, her house.

“Don’t worry, Vanilla. I’m sure she’s fine,” Parvani said reassuringly, sensing his master’s tensing nerves. “She may be young, but demons are pretty tough cookies.”

Evens so, the catgirl could only swallow nervously before giving her response. “I hope you’re right...”
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

HP = 3/66, PP = 42, EP = 6/40, Status = Low on Energy, Pregnant (7) Both guns on 5/5 shots, Badly Injured

Vanilla: HP = 45, PP = 70, EP = 31/95, Status = Fine, Play Possum and Oakenform on Malcolm, +22 Resistance (Radiance) on self, Upkeep = 3

NPC Stats
Vanilla's Elemental: 128 Body, 116/128 HP, 16 AV, DR 1/2, Hard Hitter, Skill with Unarmed

Hilda: Fine, spent 4 EP
Vivicka: Fine, spent 4 EP
Jandri: Fine
Trill: Fine
Fido: Fine, spent 18 EP

"The fight is over," Vivicka replied as if she were correcting Lani, sounding very much Eleanor when she got to scolding Lani but a few shades nastier, "the enemy is fled, we know not where, and to follow them with you in this state would be suicide." After her reply to Jandri, Hilda also joined in, saying; "Your wounds are too severe to heal quickly, even with magic. I need to set the bones in your wings and then they need to be given time to knit back together. Even if your wounds heal, you'll barely be stronger than you are now if you set out like this."

The demons all looked slightly discontent with her admission that she would be unable to pay her part of their contracts, but none of them spoke up in protest just then, not even Vivicka or Jandri who looked the most mutinous at the idea. "We can't stay in the mortal world forever," Trill reminded her, and Jandri nodded quickly, "aye, can't exactly leave our real bodies sitting pretty in Hell for too long. There's rules for messing with you when you've been summoned, but not everyone cares about rules back home. We can stay a few hours, maybe, but that's about it."

The other demons nodded at Jandri's statement, and then at Lani's orders to go and pick over the dead bandits and otherwise help the townsfolk. Hilda and Fido remained with her, seeing to her, while the rest scattered and did just that. The hellhound nuzzled into Lani affectionately, letting her lean on his sturdy weight, and when the others were gone Hilda opted to announce, "I didn't want to let everyone know without you knowing first.... But you're pregnant. With hellhound pups. Presumably his." She gestured towards Fido, who simply let out an acknowledging canine grunt, after which Hilda would go back to seeing to Lani's various lesser wounds.

Vanilla, in the meantime, would get little more than a short nod out of Malcolm, who shifted his path to take him where the townsfolk were gathered. "Be careful!" Travis bade her lamely before following after Malcolm, the deputy wan and frightened looking as he followed after the sheriff. Traveling through Chander at a steady jog, she would find that her long time home had seen a good bit of damage from the bandit attack, and nowhere had been as badly scarred as the very home where she had lived and worked. The explosion she had heard had clearly come from it, as more than half of it had been consumed by the destructive blast and the ensuing flame. Her shop was barely standing, and even as she drew near the shredded, charred wood creaked a threat of collapse. Someone had already put all of the fires out, however, so there at least wasn't any further damage.

Thankfully, any uncertainty she had over Lani's status would be dispelled quickly enough. The massive frame of the hellhound that had followed the young half-demon was standing only a few buildings down the street, in front of the grocery across from the bank. Lani was just past him, along with perhaps surprisingly Hilda, the demon sorceress who had been the one to enjoy the young half-demon in their victory celebration the night before. She wasn't looking too victorious now, however, as Lani was leaning against the wall and Fido, bruised and obviously injured, while the young girl's wings were bent at odd angles that unmistakably meant that the bones were broken.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

"Well, I've got to do something," Lani protested, though despite her desire to help correct the mistake she had a hand at causing she knew the words that Vivicka spoke were true, and coupled with the sorceress' tone Lani backed down.

Lani looked surprised as the demons explained the situation they put themselves in when answering to a summon. She had never summoned a demon with the intent of keeping them around for longer than a couple of hours before and never really put any thought into what it entailed to answer a call. The young demoness was disappointed that the four of them couldn't stay around for much longer, though if their actual bodies were in danger then she understood. "Well... well, maybe the townsfolk would be happy to help their saviours?" Lani suggested, though her tone suggested she was doubtful. "Though, if not... then maybe you can help yourselves to any of the bandits that might have been captured."

With that done with Lani watched as the other demons went about their business, with Hilda and Fido opting to stay and watch over her for which she was thankful for. Pregnant..?" Lani repeated, disbelief in her voice as rested against the hellhound. "But... I can't be... I shouldn't be able to, at least. I... my mother never got pregnant whenever we had sex, so... so we thought I was infertile." Lani looked down at the father of her supposed children, well puppies, and back at Hilda as she went back to work tending the young demoness' wounds.

"Are they alright at least?" She asked, concern in Lani's voice, changing positions as needed as Hilda went about her work. "They didn't get hurt in the fight, did they?"
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Vanilla froze and her eyes went wide in horror as she came within sight of her home and place of business, gasping sharply the sheer level of destruction that had consumed it. Nearly half of it seemed to just be gone, clearly the result of the explosion that the young mage had first heard when all of this began. What was left standing was more-or-less charred and broken from the ensuing flames, threatening collapse itself, leaving the catgirl's once love home and potion shop utterly in ruin. The only thing that kept her from collapsing to her knees in shock of her loss was the spike of worry that she felt for Lani that moment, who for all she knew could be lying burned and lifeless as well amidst the remains of her home.

Relief from those terrible thoughts was thankfully quick to be received as she rushed there and found Lani resting nearby against a wall with Fido, still very much alive – but unfortunately not unscathed, as evidenced by the clearly broken state of her wings. Even so, seeing the young half-demon alive was enough to bring joyful tears to Vanilla's eyes as she approached, calling out to her friend. “Lani!!! Lani! I'm so glad you're okay!” she exclaimed as she instinctively took the demon-girl in a hugging embrace, careful not to squeeze too hard or to disturb her damaged wings.

After a moment she pulled away and looked around, only feeling mildly surprised to see Hilda once again. “What can I do?” she asked the demoness. “I can help heal with my magic and I know a little about how to care for broken bones, but...that's mostly just with regular limbs. I don't have any experience with how to handle wings,” Vanilla said, letting the magics that she had cast on herself and Malcolm fade so that she would have her full concentration if she needed it, eager to help her new friend but unsure of exactly how or what to do.

Release the buffs on Vanilla and Malcolm, but keep the summon.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

HP = 3/66, PP = 42, EP = 6/40, Status = Low on Energy, Pregnant (7) Both guns on 5/5 shots, Badly Injured

Vanilla: HP = 45, PP = 70, EP = 31/95, Status = Fine, Play Possum and Oakenform on Malcolm, +22 Resistance (Radiance) on self, Upkeep = 3

NPC Stats
Vanilla's Elemental: 128 Body, 116/128 HP, 16 AV, DR 1/2, Hard Hitter, Skill with Unarmed

Hilda: Fine, spent 4 EP
Vivicka: Fine, spent 4 EP
Jandri: Fine
Trill: Fine
Fido: Fine, spent 18 EP

"It'll get resolved," Vivicka replied simply on the subject of their payment, her tone a mix of reassurance and command and with a definite note of finality to it. After the others had departed but before Vanilla had arrived, Hilda would pat Lani reassuringly about her worries regarding the hellhounds that she carried in her womb. "They're alright, yes. I checked with the same spell that told me that you were pregnant... And your body probably automatically avoids siring any children that might be deformed, as the products of incest among mortals can sometimes be," she explained, "we can control whether we have children or not, and you probably inherited that ability but don't control it consciously yet. I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually."

Later, when Vanilla had arrived and surveyed the damage done to Lani's wings, Hilda would reply; "I can reset the bones, but you can probably heal them better than I could. Restorative magics were never really my forte. Lani, think you could handle a bit of pain?" Assuming that Lani approved, she would sit the half-demon down and go about setting the bones in her wings, an agonizing process that had to be done slowly lest she caused more damage to the already delicate tissue. Magical jelly would be conjured that hardened at Hilda's command, acting like casts, and when she was finished she would nod to Vanilla, allowing the half-nymph to cast spells in order to cause Lani's various broken bones to heal once more.

The villagers had mostly gathered where Vanilla had left Malcolm by that point, though they were too far from the gathering to tell what was going on. The half-nymph could see her golem standing in the middle of the crowd, as well as the easily identifiable figure of Vivicka among the crowd, but the voices wouldn't carry that far to let on to what might be going on.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

"That's good to know, I'd be sad if they were hurt or worse thanks to my recklessness," Lani smiled weakly, relief on her face as she looked to Fido and once more petted the demonic hound. And that's a handy ability to have. Though, if that was what was keeping me from getting my mother pregnant why didn't Vanilla get me pregnant..?" Lani thought aloud to herself, before sudden realisation dawned on the young demoness that she had completely forgotten about her original plan of tracking Vanilla down after her attempt at stopping the bandits from robbing the town of its gold. Dark thoughts rushed through the young girl's mind as she wondered upon the fate of her new friend.

Though Lani didn't have to worry for too long as the catgirl came rushing to the trio of demons and, gently, took Lani into her arms. "V-Vanilla! I was so worried about you," Tears formed in the corners of Lani's eyes as the two girls embraced, partly from relief and partly from the renewed pain coursing through the half demon's damaged body. We... we tried saving your house and the other buildings around it, b-but... we had to try and deal with the bandits as well. They ran off with most of the towns gold as well, we tried stopping them, but..." Lani trailed off as the two parted and signalled to her body, the result of her effort at trying to stop the bandits from leaving with the gold. "But I'm really glad you're fine, I dunno what I would've done if something happened to you because I wasn't there..."

"I- yeah, I can do that," Lani replied after a moments hesitation, and after being sat down she leant forward, exposing her wings to give Hilda better access to them. Though Lani braced herself for the pain that was to come she hadn't expected it to be so intense. As Hilda set the first couple of bones in place an explosion of pain burst in Lani's wings, causing the young girl to curl up and cry loudly, tears streaming down her cheeks. Biting down on her arm Lani would urge Hilda to continue if she happened to stop due to Lani's reaction, and as the sorceress continued Lani would sit there, stifling her cries of pain until it was over with.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Although she didn't show it, Vanilla's heart sank a little bit at Lani's reminding of her now destroyed home, but more so at the mention that the bandits had made off with a large portion of the towns gold, which likely meant most of her own savings as well. Even so, there was nothing that she could do about it right now, and she paused a moment before shaking her head. “No, don't worry about the house. Those are just...things. I can deal with all that later, what matters is that you and everyone else is okay,” she said reassuringly, moving to the side a few moments later to allow Hilda to do her thing.

With Hilda's work on Lani's wings done, the catgirl set about utilizing her own magics to begin the process of healing the damaged appendages, focusing the majority of her efforts on mending the bones themselves as well as dulling the pain as best she could. Vanilla had never suffered a broken bone herself before, so she could only imagine what the pain must be like for the demon-girl with the closest thing that she could compare it to being a badly sprained ankle.

While she let her magic work, Vanilla shifted part of her concentration back to her golem, which was now standing amidst a group of the townspeople as they gathered around Sheriff Malcolm and the bandit that had been captured. They were all too far off to hear what was going on themselves, but the linked consciousness that she shared with her summoned elemental would allow the young mage to keep informed of what was happening.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

HP = 66, PP = 42, EP = 40, Status = Fine, Pregnant (7) Both guns on 5/5 shots

Vanilla: HP = 45, PP = 70, EP = 95, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Vanilla's Elemental: 128 Body, 116/128 HP, 16 AV, DR 1/2, Hard Hitter, Skill with Unarmed

Hilda: Fine, spent 4 EP
Vivicka: Fine, spent 4 EP
Jandri: Fine
Trill: Fine
Fido: Fine, spent 18 EP

With her wounds healed and her pain mostly removed, Lani would be left feeling incredibly tired, exhaustion from the use of her summoning magic, the injuries she'd suffered and their subsequent rapid healing, and the retreat of the adrenaline that had been pumping through her system since the bandit attack had begun. It had turned out somewhat worse for the well armed outlaws than it might have, but they had still done quite a bit of damage and managed to steal the majority of the town's wealth, which Vanilla would hear through the ears of her elemental as a bank worker who had hidden during the robbery rushed up to report that more than half of the deposit boxes and all of the bank's own loose capital had been stolen. The sole remaining bandit was quickly dragged away to the jail and locked up after Travis searched him and confiscated his weapons, and Vanilla was able to see Lani's demons arriving to help tend to the wounded and reconstruct the town.

While the two sorceresses did what they could to help people who were wounded and put out the remaining fires, the two goblins aided Travis and Malcolm in scouring the town for any stray bandits or people too injured to call for help or move on their own, turning up a few people who would otherwise be missed. Vanilla's house was a total wash, the structure completely destroyed by the time the fire had been put out and all of its contents lost. The bandit still needed to be interrogated, though Malcolm had gone in to do just that already, and Lani's summons would still need to be paid. No one was exactly in the mood to entertain the demons, and Malcolm wouldn't allow them near the prisoner unless Vanilla or Lani spoke to him directly. The two had a few hours before dusk, in which they could do as they chose, and while both were understandably exhausted there was a lot they could do to prepare for the next day, when they would be free to go after the men who had caused such devastation. Fido would remain loyally by Lani's side, but the hellhound would undoubtedly be missed back home, and the young demoness could choose at any point to force him to return to the ranch back in Crolia.

(In the interests of saving time and making glorious progress, I'm going to time skip to the next day in my next post. Lani will be giving birth to her puppies, both of your characters will be put up in the sheriff's house, and the demons will be paid off screen one way or another. If you want to ask the sheriff or the deputy for anything, now's the time to do it. Basically, vague descriptions for actions are enough here.)
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Exhausted from the battle and the subsequent pain and rapid healing afterwards Lani had to fight off sleep as she spent the rest of the day in shame at her own ineptitude in protecting the town from the raiding bandits. With little else to do she insisted on watching the interrogation of whatever bandits had been caught, the young demoness adamant that she needed to learn and know how to handle people like them. Her mother knew what do so she should know as well, was Lani's reasoning. Lani would also insist that the bandits, as part of their punishment, would be used to pay her end of their contract.

Once the interrogations were over with Lani would spend the rest of the day milling about and helping in whatever small way she could until dusk settled in. She was happy with Fido sticking around, especially since she'd be giving birth to his children shortly though she knew he'd have to leave eventually otherwise Eleanor would begin to worry about over his absence. Lani had no idea what was going to happen with the puppies once they were born and at the moment she wasn't particularly worried, the decision would be made once one had to be.

During the evening and early night Lani would, with assistance from the other demons and Vanilla if they were able to, write a letter to Eleanor for Fido to eventually take back with him detailing her journey thus far and the revelation of her innate selective fertility; the adventures in the desert, briefly teaming up with Michael, meeting Amunta the vampire necromancer and potentially impregnating her, the trip into Chander and meeting Vanilla, and the subsequent loss of her virginity and how it made her felt, her time with Fido, and the battle against the bandits though omitting her own loss and screw up to not worry Eleanor any more than she may be already. With the letter finished Lani would spend the rest of the evening and night resting up and eventually sleeping.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

With Lani's wounds as healed and the sheriff hauling the captured bandit off to the jail, Vanilla finally dispelled her summoned golem and stood up before setting about helping the others in their search of the rest of the town, providing whatever aid that she could to those that they found that needed it. The interrogation and whatever subsequent punishment that awaited the captured assailants she would leave to Malcolm, having no interest in being involved it such things.

With her home gone, Vanilla began to wonder what she was going to do for the night – and beyond for that matter, but the sheriff was kind enough to offer up his own residence for her and Lani to stay that night. As such, when evening came and the basic cleanup and other tasks following the attack had been completed, the young mage settled in as best she could in Malcolm's home.

The eventual news that Lani had actually ended up pregnant following her mating with Fido that morning, needless to say, came as quite the surprise for the catgirl. She also felt a fair amount of relief inside that it was not her own child, considering that Vanilla herself had had sex with the demon-girl the night before as well when they were both under the impression that she was infertile. In any case, when Lani expressed the desire to write a letter to send back home to her mother to tell of her adventure thus far, Vanilla was happy to lend her assistance if Vivika or Hilda were no longer around to do so instead.

Once complete, Vanilla would spend the rest of the evening either resting or helping sheriff Malcolm out with any menial chores he may need doing as thanks for letting them stay the night, before ultimately finding sleep herself.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

HP = 66, PP = 42, EP = 40, Status = Fine, Pregnant (7) Both guns on 5/5 shots

Vanilla: HP = 45, PP = 70, EP = 95, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Fido: Fine, spent 18 EP

(You both gain 4 exp, and may spend it now.)

Hilda and Vivicka would pass the duty of helping Lani right her letter off on Vanilla, neither of them being particularly fluent in writing Badarian. The sheriff would find Fido's presence intensely uncomfortable, but the hellhound would give the man his space just as much as he did for Vanilla, who would be able to tidy up the man's house while he was dealing with the sole bandit that they had captured. He would return as dusk fell, saying only that Lani's demons had managed the interrogation and that they had managed to extract the location of the bandit's hideout from him, and then the demons would tell Lani that their contracts were paid and that they would be leaving, with Jandri briefly feeling the battered half-demon up and demanding a proper payment next time she was summoned.

With her demons gone, Lani would finally be able to rest, though Malcolm the sheriff would insist that she at least eat something before retiring, and would cook a spicy, somewhat rough meal for them to share with Vanilla's help. She and Vanilla would be given his bed to share while he slept on a cot in another room. Come the morning, she would find her stomach swollen with Fido's puppies, and an unfamiliar pressure accompanied by steadily rising pangs of pain suggesting that it was time for her to give birth. Whether they asked for help from Malcolm or if Vanilla opted to handle it herself, Lani would soon give birth seven hellhound pups, returning her belly to its normal flat shape while Vanilla's magic would restore her to nearly full strength despite her numerous ordeals. She would still be exhausted, however, and with over a half dozen demonic puppies pawing at her for milk she would have her hands full for at least a little while.

What the two wished to do after that particular endeavor was up to them. Malcolm, unless he'd been called for help, would have left earlier to go to work on organizing the town's defense, but the bandits who had raided them were still out in the desert. They knew where, but whether they could actually navigate it on their own might be another story, as it was a barren area that Vanilla had seldom visited on her searches for the various herbs that she used in her potions.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Lani was grateful for the meal and the use of the sheriff's bed for the night, especially after the day she had. She slept comfortably enough, barely tossing in her sleep, though with the soreness still in her wings she found it difficult changing into her nightwear properly and so just slept in her underwear.

Come the morning though a new kind of pain shook the girl awake, a pain unlike anything Lani had ever experienced before. Though with how her belly had swollen up during the night and what she had seen from the various other women that would come by the farm every so often as well as Coltia the young half demon guessed that her pregnancy was nearing an end, and with it came the birth of hers and Fido's puppies.

If Vanilla hadn't woken up already she most certainly would be by Lani shaking her. "V-Vanilla, the babies... the puppies are on their way," Not wanting to soil Malcolm's bed she climbed down onto the floor, and with some effort she pulled her underwear off and threw them to one side. Fortunately Lani had witnessed most of the births on the farm and so knew the steps to take. What Lani didn't take into account for though was the pain of the birth.

Despite her best efforts Lani found herself crying and screaming throughout the birth, and by the end of it her body glistened with sweat whilst her face was stained with tears and her legs with her bodily fluids. Though to Lani the sight of her newborn puppies was worth it, and watching them brought a weak smile to her face. "T-they're beautiful, aren't they?" She said quietly, watching the puppies while her weakened body slowly recovered. Once she had recovered some of her strength Lani would spend the rest of the morning feeding each one with her milk before letting them do whatever while she attended to herself.

Though as the morning became afternoon Lani realised she couldn't possibly look after and keep all seven of the hellhound pups. She had no idea how to train and keep an entire pack in check like he mother had managed to do, and if she tried they'd no doubt end up leaving or even try to dominate her themselves. Lani guessed she could always send them back up to her mother with Fido once he went back home, but that wasn't exactly the way Lani wanted to reveal to Eleanor how she had been made pregnant by Fido. Whatever she decided Lani had made her mind on one matter; she wanted to keep at least one of them for herself.

"Vanilla, I want to go see sheriff Malcolm, to talk to him about a couple of things," Lani said once she had spent some time cleaning herself up, dressing, and tidying up the mess she had made of Malcolm's bedroom. The look on Lani's face suggested she was determined about something and that nothing was going to stop her.

Spent 8 exp on Guardian Companion to take one of the hellhounds as a companion.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

As surprised as Vanilla had been the night before to learn that Fido had impregnated Lani with his puppies, she was even moreso the following morning when she saw how fast that it had progressed, to the point that the young demon-girl already ready to birth them. It was obviously a result of the two's combined demonic natures, but it was still a little unexpected to the catgirl to see it progress so quickly. Regardless, the young mage was quick with making the necessary preparations when the time arrived and did everything she could to help Lani through it and try to ease the obvious pain of the birthing as best she could.

Once the ordeal was over, Vanilla concentrated on cleaning things up and leaving Lani and Fido mostly to attend to their newborn pups. When the time had passed and Lani had fully recovered, stating that she wished to speak to Sheriff Malcolm about something, Vanilla nodded. “Okay. I think I'll stay here to look after the puppies, keep them from getting into things or making a mess of the sheriff's house,” she said, commenting on the likely curious nature of the new puppies and not necessarily wanting to leave them alone to 'explore' the sheriff's home.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

HP = 66, PP = 42, EP = 40, Status = Fine, Pregnant (7) Both guns on 5/5 shots

Vanilla: HP = 45, PP = 70, EP = 95, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Fido: Fine
: Fine

The young hellhounds would take turns suckling at Lani's breasts, feeding on their mother's milk, occasionally causing pinpricks of pain via their teeth as they fed. One of them was last to reach her breast, barely managed to climb all the way up, and was last to get any milk. It was smaller than the rest too, and its fur had a patch of white over one eye and looked slightly redder than the standard black that most of the newborn hellhounds were. Once they had been fed and most had started wandering around, proving extremely difficult for Vanilla to herd about without getting into mischief, the smallest of them would remain by Lani's side, napping, until she got out of bed and prepared to go see the sheriff, at which point it would try to follow her.

Either she or Vanilla could prevent it from doing so, after which Lani could depart to the sheriff's office. The people of Chander were seemingly in despair, most slowly milling about at their daily tasks and no one offering one another anything but the most frail of smiles. Few spared her much notice on her way from the sheriff's house to his workplace, where she would find Malcolm pacing back and forth while Travis and one other person, an extremely short mousy looking girl who was also in the uniform of a deputy, were sitting in chairs watching him nervously. He would spare a glance in Lani's direction as she walked in, looked away, but then did a double take and stopped in place.

Vanilla, in the meantime, would have the difficult task of keeping the hellhound puppies from getting into any trouble in Malcolm's house, which Fido would prove purely unhelpful in as he sat in the corner and slept.
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Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Lani, having taken an interest to the smallest and most peculiarly coloured of the hellhound puppies, decided to let it stay by her side as she left Vanilla in charge of the remainder of her 'children' and departed for the sheriff's office.

Guilt washed over the young demoness as she walked the streets of Chander towards her destination, the defeated looks on the townsfolk's faces saying everything that their few words didn't. Lani avoided the gaze of whoever looked towards her, though fortunately for the girl she had her puppy chasing after her heels to keep her relatively distracted and before long Lani found herself at Malcolm's office.

"Hello..?" Lani called out as she opened the door and entered the building before pausing and realising she must have walked into the middle of something. "Am... am I interrupting something?" She asked, noting the woman who, judging by her outfit, worked alongside Malcolm though Lani had yet to be introduced to her.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

HP = 66, PP = 42, EP = 40, Status = Fine, Pregnant (7) Both guns on 5/5 shots

Vanilla: HP = 45, PP = 70, EP = 95, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Fido: Fine
: Fine

"Huh? Oh.... No," he replied, looking at the puppy trailing along around Lani's feet with a slightly uncomfortable look. "Do you need something?" he continued, looking up at Lani's face.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

"You don't have to worry about him, you know," Lani said noticing Malcolm's uneasy glance at the hellhound puppy, trying to sound reassuring. "He's only a baby, he's not got it in him to hurt anyone yet. And hellhounds are smart too! If you wanted to you could teach them to help you! It's what my mom has done on our farm back home, we have a whole pack that helps to keep the place safe and they help with chores. You might have already seen one of them, he was the big black dog helping against the bandits. Which is why I'm here, actually." Lani paused for a moment, watching the group before she continued on.

"I've uh, managed to get my own pack. There's seven at the moment, they're all puppies, but I'm going to be keeping one for myself. This one." Lani gestured to the hellhound pup running around her feet. "But that means there's six left, and if they're left on their own they end up being killed by something bigger than themselves. Or taken in by bad people. And I can't look after all seven on my own, so I was wondering... if you were interested in taking them in? They're really easy to look after! They don't need to eat much despite their size and if they're trained they'll fight to protect your town from attacks! I don't really know how to train them, but Fido, the hellhound that was helping in the fight, he should be able to help train them for a while if I ask him to. He helps my mom train the ones we breed on the farm, at least. Though... they do need to have sex on occasion, so you would have to deal with that. But for the ones on the farm my mom hires women once a month for them, so maybe you could do that? Or some people in town would be interested in doing that? There's a woman on our farm that does that for us, too. I know they're demons, and that demons aren't well liked by everyone, but not all demons are bad, right?." Lani finished and stood there, waiting patiently for what they had to say.

(You've left Lani being pregnant in the spoiler btw.)
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

HP = 66, PP = 42, EP = 40, Status = Fine, Both guns on 5/5 shots

Vanilla: HP = 45, PP = 70, EP = 95, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Fido: Fine
: Fine


"I'll, uhhhh, just take your word on that," the sheriff replied, scratching the back of his head. Her request that he take the ones that she had just birthed took the man completely by surprise, and while he hid it well, after she'd finished it would be obvious to Lani that the answer was going to be no, but that he was trying to figure out a gentle way to say it. "I, uhhhh, don't think that'd work," he eventually said, still scratching his head in obvious discomfort at the situation that Lani had put him into.

"We don't really raise animals here. I don't think anyone in town would even know where to start... And they're demons too. People wouldn't like that, whether or not they can be trained... Let alone the, ahhh, sex thing. So... I'm afraid that I can't agree to take them, no. Why not just take them home?"
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

"O-ohh... You, don't want them..?" Despite Malcolm's obvious awkwardness of the situation Lani couldn't help but feel dejected at his words, her wings and tail hanging limply as her shoulders sagged. I suppose I could send them home if you really don't want them, though with Fido. I'm not going back yet."

"Oh, did I interrupt anything important?" Lani burst out, suddenly realising that in her excitement she had probably walked into and interrupted a meeting of sorts.