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The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Lani's brow furrowed slightly as Malcolm overruled much of her plan, instead putting himself up for stepping into the bandit camp and initiating the attack. While he was obviously a capable gunman he didn't show any signs of 'special' abilities, his talk of mages and others with similar powers served only to solidify this assumption. Still, he was right in that it was his town and his responsibility, even if Lani shouldered some of that responsibility herself, so she didn't let her concerns known.

With their plans set and being put into motion Lani followed silently behind Malcolm and Fido, and let the stalkers do what they thought was best. They heard the plan and so knew what was expected of them, and truth be told the young demoness found the grey skinned creatures pretty creepy and was happy to keep a fair bit of distance between her and them. She wasn't looking forward to paying off her end of the contract though, which meant keeping that... Natalia was it? Keeping her alive long enough for them to get their satisfaction from her.

Though for now Lani trailed behind the sheriff, letting him do his thing while she and Fido hid, waiting for the metaphorical shit to hit the fan so she could jump in herself.

Hide and wait a little ways off from where Malcolm enters the camp, drawing her guns for when the fighting begins.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

HP = 66, PP = 42, EP = 31/40, Status = Fine, Both guns on 5/5 shots

Vanilla: HP = 45, PP = 70, EP = 95, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Fido: Fine, Dark Armor X = 6, spent 6 EP
: Fine

Trevor: Fine, hiding with Vanilla
Girl Deputy: Fine, hiding
Fat Guy: Fine, hiding
Guy in black: Fine, hiding
Serious Woman: Fine, hiding
Fluffy Tailed Man: Fine, hiding

Stalker 1: Stealth
Stalker 2: Stealth
Stalker 3: Stealth
Stalker 4: Stealth

Stealth Rolls!
Lani: 22
Malcolm: 18
Stalker 1: 38
Stalker 2: 26
Stalker 3: 44
Stalker 4: 28
Fido: 39

Advancing along behind Malcolm with Fido in tow, the sheriff would lead the way along the side of the canyon, Fido hanging close to Lani's side. They advanced quickly and quietly, sticking out against the stone but shrouded in darkness. There was no sign of their quarry, but they did spot signs of habitation, horse droppings and tracks in the sand, even the occasional piece of garbage. The bandits didn't seem to be trying to conceal their location all that well, likely relying on the dessert to ward away would be attackers. Eventually they came upon an obviously artificial construction, a set of shaped stone stairs leading up the canyon and into a cave.

Two dead men were laid beside the doorway, their throats slashed open and their weapons lying on the ground beside them. Lani recognized one of them as one of the bandits that had robbed the bank, though the other she hadn't seen before. Malcolm would check one, first making sure that he was dead and then checking his pockets, retrieving a few coins and then taking his rifle and the ammo for it. "Stay close," he whispered, and then advanced into the cave cautiously. Lani could hear voices coming from up ahead, the walls obviously worked as well and branching off into two passages, one left and one going straight from the entrance. The one on the left sloped down slightly while the one directly forward remained mostly level until it hit another set of stairs going up, but it wouldn't be immediately clear where the voices were coming from.

If Lani listened for a moment, however, she would hear them coming from up ahead, and after doing the same Malcolm would nod his head for them to go that way. The half demon might disagree if she wanted to go down the left path first, however.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

The bodies laying beside the entryway to the cavern the bandits called their hideout were her summoned Stalker's handiwork Lani assumed, and with how little effort it took them to take the two men down and how quietly they did it the young demoness was glad she had called for their help, even if their appearance made her skin crawl. But, if she had need for a more stealthy approach at a later date Lani knew she'd have to call on them for help again, and so she'd have to get used to how they looked.

Lani continued to stalk behind Malcolm as the three of them pressed onward into the cave, noting the sound of voices coming from deeper within. She didn't notice any kind of alarmed or fearful shouting, or the sound of combat, so the young girl assumed her Stalkers hadn't started the attack yet. Hopefully they wouldn't just yet, not until the sheriff was ready at least.

She wasn't sure where the voices were coming from though, not until the trio stopped for a few moments to listen more carefully. Picking up that the voices were coming from the tunnel ahead of them, and noting that the sheriff had also picked up on that, Lani decided to stick with that path, opting to put her belief in that Malcolm knew what he was doing, though to be safe she took out her pistols.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

HP = 66, PP = 42, EP = 31/40, Status = Fine, Both guns on 5/5 shots

Vanilla: HP = 45, PP = 70, EP = 95, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Fido: Fine, Dark Armor X = 6, spent 6 EP
: Fine

Trevor: Fine, hiding with Vanilla
Girl Deputy: Fine, hiding
Fat Guy: Fine, hiding
Guy in black: Fine, hiding
Serious Woman: Fine, hiding
Fluffy Tailed Man: Fine, hiding

Stalker 1: Stealth
Stalker 2: Stealth
Stalker 3: Stealth

Perception: ??

Though she would strain her ears to try and make out what the voices were saying, Lani wouldn't be able to pick out enough words to string them together into anything coherent. Malcolm would pause as well, and after a few moments Lani would at least identify one of the voices simply because of its gender. The woman who had knocked her out of the air was up ahead, possibly in the very next chamber, and she was speaking to someone with a deep, rhaspy voice. "Balthazar," the sheriff grunted under his voice after listening for a moment or two, his grip tightening on the handle of the rifle he'd acquired. "I don't think we're gonna get much farther than this without getting into a fight," he announced in a whisper as he turned to Lani, shifting slowly as to not make any noise.

"I figure we start it here, maybe bring down a few of them before we lure them out. Your.... Demons can do their thing, and maybe when all is said and done you'll have your chance at revenge. Balthazar is mine though! I'm gonna split that sonnuvabitch's head open if I have to do it with my bare hands!"
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Lani's grip on her pistols tightened as she heard that woman's voice amongst the incoherent rabble coming from the cave ahead. Natalia, she thought, though kept her cool for now. It was no point rushing in, it would only end up getting herself and Malcolm captured, or worse.

"Okay, but... before we go in, that woman, Natalia, she can create barriers and some kind of energy blast. It's what she used against me, the barrier stopped my bullets from hitting the people I shot at, and the blast was what knocked me out of the sky," Lani explained in hushed tones, unsure of whether Malcolm knew of the powers Natalia had access to. "I don't know if any of his other people have powers though, the ones we didn't kill ran away before they could do anything other than shoot at us. I can try to have my demons take her out before helping us with the rest, but if they fail or can't do it before she gets a barrier up it's going to be a lot harder to fight against them."

With that Lani grew quiet for a moment, a thought coming to her. It was probably stupid and wouldn't work, but she tried mentally communicating to the three Stalkers she had summoned, asking them to take out that Natalia, but to keep her alive, only knock her out. Lani wanted some time alone with her, after which the Stalkers could take her as their payment and do whatever they wished to her. Feeling her cheeks grow warm from the foolishness of her actions she repeated her request, muttering it quietly just in case her Stalkers were lingering nearby awaiting her instructions.

Okay, I've done all I think I can do, I'm ready now. What do you want me to do?"
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

HP = 66, PP = 42, EP = 31/40, Status = Fine, Both guns on 5/5 shots

Vanilla: HP = 45, PP = 70, EP = 95, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Fido: Fine, Dark Armor X = 6, spent 6 EP
: Fine

Trevor: Fine, hiding with Vanilla
Girl Deputy: Fine, hiding
Fat Guy: Fine, hiding
Guy in black: Fine, hiding
Serious Woman: Fine, hiding
Fluffy Tailed Man: Fine, hiding

Stalker 1: Stealth
Stalker 2: Stealth
Stalker 3: Stealth

Perception: ??

"You can communicate with them?" he asked, though Lani would know that she couldn't, having no psychic abilities and unable to mentally communicate with her summons even if they did have to follow her orders. "If you can... Yeah, getting rid of Natalia would definitely make our job easier," he continued, "either way.... Take up a position in that tunnel. I'll stir the next, make 'em come through, you stay hidden and wait until you've got a clear shot. I'll turn once you open up, and we'll catch 'em in a crossfire. Then I'll cover you while you run past me, and we'll retreat out into the canyon so the rest can chip in and finish things."

As she muttered her instructions under her voice, Lani would hear a grinding sound from right beside her, and the shimmer of a stalker's claw would briefly appear. Malcolm paled at first, but then nodded, "you ready?" He had pointed down the tunnel leading down, which they hadn't explored, for her to take up her position. She would be able to take cover behind the corner, but the tunnel they had come in through offered no real cover, leaving it much more dangerous. There was a boulder on the opposite side of the room from the tunnel, one that would offer much more cover than the tunnel's corner but that would make it a longer run to get out when they had to make their retreat.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

"Well, um, I don't really know... I've never summoned these kinds of demons before, I dunno how they work, so anything's worth a try," Lani listened to Malcolm's instructions in silence as she went about giving her own instructions to her Stalkers, firstly attempting and failing to mentally communicate with them and then verbally, quietly to reduce the chances of her being overheard. The young half demon almost let out a gasp of surprise as they shifted by the side of her, letting her know that they were with her.

With their plans made Lani headed to the unexplored tunnel, instructing the Stalkers to hide around the corner whilst she took point behind the boulder with Fido. The Stalkers, with their natural stealth-like abilities to keep them hidden from view and so were perfect for hiding in plain sight, were instructed to hold back until Natalia, the only woman among the enemy's number, made an appearance, and to take her out as quickly as possible without killing her. And her choosing to hide behind the boulder gave the young demoness additional cover against any counterattacks from the bandits, as well as drawing any potential fire from the Stalkers' direction. Though it did mean she'd have more of a distance to cover as they fled from the cavern but she hoped that when the Stalkers did go after Natalia they'd act as a distraction for her. And so, with their positions filled and ready for action Lani awaited Malcolm's signal, readying herself to attack at a moments notice.
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Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

HP = 66, PP = 42, EP = 31/40, Status = Fine, Both guns on 5/5 shots

Vanilla: HP = 45, PP = 70, EP = 95, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Fido: Fine, Dark Armor X = 6, spent 6 EP
: Fine

Trevor: Fine, hiding with Vanilla
Girl Deputy: Fine, hiding
Fat Guy: Fine, hiding
Guy in black: Fine, hiding
Serious Woman: Fine, hiding
Fluffy Tailed Man: Fine, hiding

Stalker 1: Stealth
Stalker 2: Stealth
Stalker 3: Stealth

Malcolm has wounded two of the bandits, one for 26 damage and the other for 30 damage.
Perception: ??

Ordering her stalkers into place while taking up a position with Fido behind the boulder, Lani wouldn't have to wait long for Malcolm's signal. Two gunshots echoed through the halls a few moments after the sheriff had gone up ahead, followed by shouts and the sound of running feet. Malcolm burst through the doorway shortly after that, running down the next tunnel and then taking up the position he'd said he would. Fido growled under his breath, black armor hardening, and a few moments later another man came charging up, stopping right in Lani's sights and raising a shotgun towards Malcolm. It was neither Natalia nor the leader of the group, Balthazar, but whether Lani wanted to gun him down or order any of the waiting demons to take care of him for her she would have to make the call quickly.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Lani gripped her revolvers tightly, adrenaline pumping through her body as she awaited Malcolm's signal. As two shots rang out Lani leant out from behind her cover, guns aimed in the direction the sound of stomping feet could be heard and rested her fingers on the triggers. Lani slid a leg in front of Fido to hold him back for now as Malcolm crossed the half demon's view for a second as he took up his own position, and a moment later another planted himself right in her line of fire.

The world seemed to slow to a crawl as Lani braced herself. Breathing deeply the young girl held her breath and took aim at the bandit's back, letting loose a quick volley of shots, each blast shuddering up her arms. Once four shots had rung out, two from each revolver, Lani threw herself back behind the boulder and exhaled, breathing once more, the world resuming its regular pace.

She would hold Fido back until more bandits flooded into their line of sight.

Spirited Warrior; 5 EP for 2X to-hit bonus for an additional 10 to-hit.
Rapid Shot (2 shots from each revolver) + Rend + TWF penalty; -18 to-hit, -6 damage per shot.
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Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

HP = 66, PP = 42, EP = 26/40, Status = Fine, Both guns on 3/5 shots

Vanilla: HP = 45, PP = 70, EP = 95, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Fido: Fine, Dark Armor X = 6, spent 6 EP
: Fine

Malcolm: Fine
Trevor: Fine, hiding with Vanilla
Girl Deputy: Fine, hiding
Fat Guy: Fine, hiding
Guy in black: Fine, hiding
Serious Woman: Fine, hiding
Fluffy Tailed Man: Fine, hiding

Stalker 1: Stealth?
Stalker 2: Stealth?
Stalker 3: Stealth?

Lani guns down a dude, I don't even need to roll ye dice.

Rising from her hiding spot at just the right moment, Lani was able to pour four rounds into the first bandit's torso, fountains of red appearing from each entry point corresponding to each bright flash of her revolvers. The shots happened in two blinks of an eye, and the man fell to the ground in a pool of his own blood, dead before he even hit the floor by the first pair of shots going through his heart. Then she was back into cover and waiting, and a few seconds later Malcolm opened fire, shooting twice with his rifle and then shouting; "Come on!" It wouldn't be clear that he'd been talking to her to the bandits, but given their plan it was likely time for Lani to get moving, though she would have to choose what she wanted to do with Fido in the meantime. Soon they would be outside, leading the remaining bandits out into an ambush where the rest of their party was waiting for them.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Rising from her hiding spot at just the right moment, Lani was able to pour four rounds into the first bandit's torso, fountains of red appearing from each entry point corresponding to each bright flash of her revolvers. The shots happened in two blinks of an eye, and the man fell to the ground in a pool of his own blood, dead before he even hit the floor by the first pair of shots going through his heart. Then she was back into cover and waiting, and a few seconds later Malcolm opened fire, shooting twice with his rifle and then shouting; "Come on!" It wouldn't be clear that he'd been talking to her to the bandits, but given their plan it was likely time for Lani to get moving, though she would have to choose what she wanted to do with Fido in the meantime. Soon they would be outside, leading the remaining bandits out into an ambush where the rest of their party was waiting for them.

Lani poked her head around her boulder as Malcolm's shots rang through the cavern before he shouted out, to her presumably, watching the sheriff sprint off back towards the entrance of the cavern. With their plan in motion Lani had to think fast about how to instruct her companions before they were overrun with bandits. The stalkers would have to hang back obviously, until Natalia reared her mug, so that just left herself and Fido.

"Fido, protect us from behind as we head back out, okay? I'll fire back to help, but don't let yourself get surrounded. Do what you have to to keep up with us." Protected not only by his shadow armour but his own supernatural toughness as well Lani thought Fido would do well defending the rear as they retreated towards the entrance, though she did worry nonetheless. But, there was no time to let her doubts take root. So with their escape plan made Lani gestured for the hellhound to head out before following quickly behind, calling to the stalkers to attack whoever lingers if Natalia doesn't show up, but she was still the priority. As the group made their way towards the entrance Lani would occasionally look back and fire a shot at the chasing bandits, less an attempt at harming them and more to throw them around and keep their aim of her and the group.

Shoot Lani's remaining bullets at the bandits in no particular order.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

HP = 66, PP = 42, EP = 26/40, Status = Fine, Both guns on 3/5 shots

Vanilla: HP = 45, PP = 70, EP = 95, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Fido: Fine, Dark Armor X = 6, spent 15 EP
: Fine

Malcolm: Fine
Trevor: Fine, hiding with Vanilla
Girl Deputy: Fine, hiding
Fat Guy: Fine, hiding
Guy in black: Fine, hiding
Serious Woman: Fine, hiding
Fluffy Tailed Man: Fine, hiding

Stalker 1: Stealth?
Stalker 2: Stealth?
Stalker 3: Stealth?

Running for the entrance as Fido held their back, dropping a ball of shadow behind them to obscure any who might be following them, they would make it back to the entrance and emerge out into the valley where the others who were waiting in ambush. Malcolm bolted immediately for a rock right next to the cave mouth and leapt behind it, and Fido quickly moved to a similar position. Lani could try to get more distance from the mouth of the cavern, taking up a position around cliffs, or do as Fido and Malcolm had and take up a position near the entrance to the bandit's lair. In the meantime, if Vanilla wished to make any more preparations, she had best do it quickly.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Lani watched as her two comrades ran for cover near the entrance of the cavern as the three of them ran back out into the canyon, them setting up position quite near to where the bandits would emerge to better launch their attack. Lani, however, aimed to take up position somewhere that'd she be reasonably safe but also able to rain a hail of gunfire at the bandits. The young demoness initially intended on setting up behind cover just past Fido and Malcolm, though as she looked around she turned her gaze back and upwards, above the opening to the cavern. With a flap of her wings Lani took to the air and flew back, intending on finding a nice little cubbyhole or natural barrier she could hide behind while firing down at the bandits.

Hide behind some decent cover, reload guns so Lani's at full ammo and ready to fire upon the bandits.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

With the silence having settled in around them as Vanilla and the deputies waited for their queue from their ambush points, when the sound of gunfire rang out from within the camp it would not go unheard by herself or the rest of the group, especially not with her own feline ears. She trusted Trevor to know what the actual signal would be for them to begin their engagement in full, but with that time obviously drawing near the young mage knew that the time to make her final preparations was now.

Focusing her magicks, the catgirl immediately began conjuring a set of Earth Elementals to use as the brawn of the operation, trying to place them as far out of view or as well hidden behind their available cover as she could. Unlike with the stone doppelganger that she had made of herself the day before during the bandits attack on the town, Vanilla didn't focus too much on any sort of flair or mimicry with these summons other than to give them the basic appearance of athletic, muscular men, and to give each of them what would distinctly appear to be a cowboy hat on top of their otherwise featureless heads and bodies.

- Cast Call Earth Elemental [Lvl 5/Nature/Summon] (This creature gets the Hard Hitter, Skill with Unarmed, and Battle Hardened Talents, and the Damage Reduction ½ Special Mutation.)
- The Elementals gain an additional +4 Body per spell level from Druidic Secrets, as well as +2 Body and +1 AV per spell level from Focus in [Nature].

If this 'preparation' turn for Vanilla is still being treated as out-of-combat since they're still hiding (meaning multiple actions allowed per turn), then she will cast the spell 3 times to summon 3 Elementals.

EP Cost in this case = 24 (8*3).

If this turn is being treated as in-combat since things have technically started to get under way (meaning only one action allowed per turn), then she'll use the Quicken Spell Feat in order to cast the spell twice to summon 2 Elementals instead, using Defensive Fighting to offset the -10 Casting penalty from Quicken Spell.

EP Cost in this case = 20 (8*2 [summons] +4 [Quicken Spell]).

You can decide which of these two options you want to allow. :)
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

HP = 66, PP = 42, EP = 26/40, Status = Fine, Both guns on 4/5 shots

Vanilla: HP = 45, PP = 70, EP = 71/95, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Fido: Fine, Dark Armor X = 6, spent 19 EP
: Fine

Malcolm: Fine
Trevor: Fine, hiding with Vanilla
Girl Deputy: Fine, hiding
Fat Guy: Fine, hiding
Guy in black: Fine, hiding
Serious Woman: Fine, hiding
Fluffy Tailed Man: Fine, hiding

Stalker 1: Stealth?
Stalker 2: Stealth?
Stalker 3: Stealth?

Earth Elemental 1: Fine
Earth Elemental 2: Fine
Earth Elemental 3: Fine
Body = 80, AV = 13, Damage Reduction 1/2, Attack (+80) 2d12 + 48

Vanilla calls up 3 Earth elementals.

Lani takes a high position and fires down as another bandit runs out into the open.
Attacks: I'll say two shots so as to not waste too much ammo.

After Lani took to the air and landed up on the cliffs behind the entrance, she could easily train her guns down into the valley, creating a deadly crossfire while Vanilla's already prepared defenses, a trio of titanic stone monuments, lumbered into attack positions near the mouth of the valley, cutting off any escape as they closed in. Everyone opened fire at once as the next man charged out, a hail of individually accurate gunfire tearing into him from all directions. There was no cover to be had, and he went down in a heap of blood... But was not followed.

Silence reigned, Lani's guns smoking from the two shots she'd sent through the man's lungs, Vanilla still in full cover with Trevor at her side, and for a few moments the valley was still and silent. Then, however, flame exploded from the mouth of the cave, and the nightmare charged out of the cave with its dark rider on its back, shrouded in a curtain of fire and two mismatched guns in his hands, each already taking aim at those he could see. Behind him came a half dozen men with rifles, and behind them came Lani's target.... Natalia.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Lani watched from her vantage point as Vanilla summoned her stone behemoths, directing them to block any attempt of escape the bandits may try, and gripped her freshly reloaded revolvers in anticipation. And as the lone bandit ran out of the cavern the gun wielders acted as one, firing off a volley of shots between them, and downing the man before he even knew what happened. Though as silence fell over the canyon once more and no sign of the other bandits following behind the now dead man anxiety began to build up inside the young demoness.

She didn't have long to be anxious though as soon enough Lani found herself suddenly crying out in surprise as she threw herself backwards from the edge of her hiding place as a plume of fire burst forth from the mouth of the cavern, the roar of the explosion echoing throughout the canyon, as if a terrifying dragon was bearing down on their group. The source of the fire was made apparent a moment later though as Balthazar and his demonic steed charged through the entrance, and with him the rest of his bandit crew.

"Dammit!" Lani cried out, infuriation in her tone as the young demoness spotted Natalia among the enemy's number. She threw out a string of curses directed at the stalkers that had seemingly failed to follow her orders as she tracked the woman along the battlefield, Lani's revolvers aimed at the back of Natalia. The girl's grip tightened on her revolvers, though she hesitated with firing. Balthazar was clearly the biggest threat, doubly so coupled with that demonic-looking stallion, and if Malcolm took him on by himself he'd clearly be killed. The deputies and Fido would easily be able to handle the half dozen bandits, she reckoned, and if the stalkers were indeed still following her orders they'd hopefully make short work of Natalia, or at least be enough of a distraction to keep her from aiding Balthazar.

No, Lani knew what she had to do. Letting her guns trail from Natalia she redirected her aim towards the bandit leader's mount. Malcolm had claimed Balthazar's life for himself, but if Lani could kill or at least injure his horse enough to hinder him and give the sheriff an advantage it would at least be better than nothing. The young demoness, focused and took aim, and emptied the chambers of her revolvers at the flaming steed, firing before the duo got too far out of her range.

Spirited Warrior - 10EP for 20 to-hit
Rapid Shot (4 from each gun) + Rend = -22 to-hit, -4 damage +2d12 damage if it hits for a total of; 74 to-hit, 4x 2d8+34 (-4) (ignores 4AV), +2d12 (that ignores AV)
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Vanilla grimaced slightly as the lone bandit to come charging out of the cave entrance was riddle with bullets from each of her group's ambush points, dropping like a stone into a bloody heap. The sight itself wasn't one that the young mage enjoyed seeing, but she had prepared herself for it, and so began gathering her magicks again in preparation of her next spell as the ensuing silence following the bandit's death filled the air. The explosion of fire that came soon after as Balthazar then came charging out of the cave entrance atop his flaming demonic steed cause the catgirl to jump slightly at the sudden wave of sound and heat, prompting her to quickly duck and ensure that she was safely hidden behind her chosen cover for a moment before peering back out, in time to see the half-dozen or so bandits following their leader out of the cave with own rifles at the ready.

With her nerves settling again and her energy prepared, she quickly gathered it into an orb of light in her hand before hurling it out from behind her cover and towards the bandits where it would then burst into a blinding bright light that filled the night sky. As it did so, Vanilla's mind was focused squarely on Balthazar and his bandits as the exited the cave, concentrating the effects of her spell solely on them in an attempt to leave them all momentarily blinded and allow the ambush party and early advantage in the battle.

- Cast Flash Grenade [Lvl 2/Light/Ball]{HF}(Deals damage as a spell one level lower. Targets affected by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or become Blinded), aiming at/in front of the group of baddies emerging from the cave.
- Use Spell Control, paying 2 EP (spell level) and taking -6 to Casting and treating its damage as a spell one level lower to double its area of effect and make it only affect the bad guys.
- The spell also gains +8 to the Resistance check to becoming Blinded from Mana Sculpter.
(It would normally also get +2 damage per level from Focus in [Light], but I don't think it's doing any damage now with Spell Control lowering its damage level again.)

EP cost = 4 (2+2)
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

HP = 35/66, PP = 42, EP = 26/40, Status = Wounded, Both guns on 0/5 shots

Vanilla: HP = 45, PP = 70, EP = 67/95, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Fido: Fine, Dark Armor X = 6, spent 19 EP
: Fine

Malcolm: Fine
Trevor: Fine, hiding with Vanilla
Girl Deputy: Fine, hiding
Fat Guy: Fine, hiding
Guy in black: Fine, hiding
Serious Woman: Fine, hiding
Fluffy Tailed Man: Fine, hiding

Stalker 1: Fine
Stalker 2: Fine
Stalker 3: Fine

Earth Elemental 1: Taken 18 damage.
Earth Elemental 2: Fine
Earth Elemental 3: Fine
Body = 80, AV = 13, Damage Reduction 1/2, Attack (+80) 2d12 + 48

Bandit 1: dead
Bandit 2: dead
Bandit 3: dead
Bandit 4: dead
Bandit 5: Down
Bandit 6: Down
Natalia: Down
Balthazar: Taken 40 damage, Psychic Shield X = 10, Fell Might X = 5
Nightmare: Down

Vanilla tries to throw a blinding grenade at the bandits who just came out of the cave.
Casting: Success.
Attack: Hits! Unsurprising.
Damage: 2 + 1 + 8 + 2 = 13 damage. 13 x 0 = 0 damage, but the effect still goes off.
Resistance: 43 vs 41, 28, 32, 31, 44, 44, 50 Bandits 1-4 are blinded, the rest are not.

Trevor and the girl deputy both use full deadly aim and called shots to try and kill a bandit, so they go last.
The other three dudes open fire with full deadly aim and four shots each.
Attacks: all four from fluffy tailed man hit Bandit 1, 3 from the guy in black hit Bandit 2, 2 from the fat guy hit bandit 3.
Damage: 5 + 3 + 8 + 8 + 10 - 3 = 34 damage per shot. All three bandits die.

Lani opens fire on the nightmare.
Attacks: 78, 78, 87, and 78 for a fairly bizarre result. 3 misses and one hit on dat horse from gun one.
Attacks: 88, 75, 76, and 85 for two hits on the second gun.
Damage: 8 + 7 + 34 - 15 = 102 damage, plus 14 from the rend, for a total of 116 damage.

The Earth Elementals come forth and try to squish Balthazar, while Malcolm takes a full deadly aim called shot at him with his revolver.
Attacks: One manages to hit.
Damage: 12 + 4 + 48 - 8 - 36 = 20 damage.

Natalia casts Force Barrier.
Casting: Success.
A wall of force rises in a half dome around the bandits, leaving Lani, Malcolm, and Balthazar, Natalia, and those last two bandits cut off, thus negating the called shots from above.

Balthazar uses Defensive Fighting for 20 extra Dodge and uses rapid shot for 2 extra shots with each gun, one from each at Lani and the rest at one of Vanilla's rock golems.
Attacks: 77 and 88 vs Lani, both of which hit, and the rest are just going to hit the elemental.
Damage (Gun 1) : 5 + 6 + 4 + 8 - 2 - 4 = 13 damage. 4 damage on the elemental per hit.
Damage (Gun 2) : 6 + 6 + 12 - 2 - 4 = 18 damage. 5 damage on the elemental per hit.

Malcolm gets hit shot on Balthazar.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 6 + 6 + 13 + 10 = 35, 35 * 2 = 70, 70 - 16 - 36 = 18 damage.

The stalkers come out of the cave mouth and knock out the two bandits and Natalia. Fido murders the blind one.

8 exp for Vanilla, 4 for Lani. Gotta even up that gap somehow. And the, uhhh, fight is basically over.

The whole valley erupted in gunfire almost simultaneously, the eruption storm of bullets from the prepared ambushers tearing into the bandits before they could really take aim. Vanilla's spell hit first, a bolt of white light striking a point at the center of their formation and expanding into a globe that briefly encompassed all of them. It didn't reach Lani, Malcolm, or Balthazar, but the brief sustained flash left four of the bandits stumbling, all easy targets, though two had seemingly blocked their eyes in time and Natalia didn't seem affected either. Lani's chosen target, the bandit leader's horse, was a difficult beast to pin down, her own revolvers erupting in a storm of bullets that all seemed to weave around the demonic beast. Only when one of her bullets struck it in the flank, finally piercing the dark horse's shield of flame did it slow, stumble, allowing her last two shots to rip into its side.

It went down, taking its rider with it, but Balthazar rolled with the fall and only remained at the nightmare's side for a moment before Vanilla's elementals moved in to crush him. Two smashed down, missing the running man as he peppered one with bullets that barely seemed to phase it, but the last landed an uppercut that sent him hurling into the air... But not yet fallen. He turned to Lani, rage in his eyes, and even coming down from a fall he proved agile. Dropping to a roll, he came up and raised both of his mismatched guns. The oddly shaped su-ku-ta weapon with the oversized ammunition container fired first, the round tearing through the young half demon's side, and as she dove for cover the man proved a crack shot. His second shot went right for her head, but a luck glance off of one of her horns cracked the protruding bone but left her otherwise unharmed save for a few grazed hairs as she ducked behind a rock.

The hail of gunfire killed half of the bandits in seconds, and as their leader fell Natalia cursed and waved her palm. A barrier of force around them flashed briefly, two bullets meant for a pair of bandit heads and Vanilla's elementals bouncing away from the repelling barrier, leaving Lani seemingly alone with the remaining highwaymen... At least from their perspective.

Fido lunged from the shadows, tendrils coiling around his magically armored form and lashing at the last blinded bandit. He was buried beneath a raging demonic beast, one every bit as fierce as the nightmare that the bandit leader rode, and his gurgling scream was short but easily heard in the brief lull in gunfire. Then Lani's stalkers simply appeared, and Natalia and the last two bandits fell with dazed expressions at their feet... Leaving Balthazar alone, in the center of the valley, the protective barrier gone as quickly as it had come. Surrounded, outgunned, his mount and comrades fallen... And then Malcolm stepped into view, having taken all the time he needed to place his shot, and squeezed the trigger.

Even then the bandit leader wasn't finished, however, as his own protections were not to be discounted. The bullet went straight between his eyes, its path sure, but the man's psionic protection tore it aside just before it would have ended him, instead ripping a path through his cheek that left the side of his face covered in blood. Shadows began to close around him, as if they were a manifestation of his despair, but his grim expression told that he had something planned. Vanilla and Lani both could feel him gathering power, preparing to unleash something, but what it might be was impossible to say.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Distracted by her success at taking down the demonic horse and the cacophony that raged below her Lani had little time to react as she caught a glimpse of Balthazar, fury in his eyes, as he took aim at the young girl and fired two rounds at her. Lani screamed in pain as the first tore through her side, blood quickly soaking into her clothing and staining her pale skin a deep crimson, before the second shot narrowly missed ending her life and instead hit a horn just as she ducked out of sight. Lani's vision grew blurry for a few moments as a throbbing pain in her head joined the excruciating pain in her side, and for a second time in as many days the young girl felt as if she were on the verge of death. She sat there, resting against a rock as the battle continued on, breathing deeply as she gave her body a little time to recover as she slowly reloaded her guns, and as the sounds grew quieter down below she risked getting up.

Lani watched from her vantage point as Malcolm stepped up to the alone and surrounded Balthazar and fired. But despite his aim being true the shot missed its mark, tearing through the side of the bandit chief's face instead. Lani frowned, concerned that Balthazar still had the strength in him to put up as much resistance as this, though as dark shadows began to envelop the man Lani leant over the ledge she hid atop of and shouted out to her group. "Get out of there now! Shoot at him, shoot at him! Do something!" She cried out frantically, not trusting what Balthazar was up to or whether her friends would be able to withstand it, but knowing they had to put him down this very instant no matter how that happened. She too aimed her pistols at Balthazar, hoping she had time to fire a hail of bullets at him before he finished whatever he was doing.

Reload, and if Lani has the time/if it's possible;
Spirited Warrior; 10EP for 20 to-hit
Rapid Shot (five rounds from each gun) + Rend; -26 to-hit, -5 damage, +2d12 damage if a shot from each gun hits which ignores AV

10 shots - 70 to-hit per shot
2d8+29 damage that ignores 4AV each
+2d12 damage that ignores AV if at least one shot from each gun hits Balthazar
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

With the battle progressing, Vanilla looked on bandit after bandit fell to the group of deputies' gunfire leaving almost all of them either dead or otherwise downed or incapacitated. A sense of relief began to form in the back of her mind at the playout of events, and at how well their plan seemed to have worked thus far. It appeared as though only Balthazar himself – despite the downing of his demonic steed and the fall he had taken as a result – was still left in a condition to really fight following their charge out from the cave, and while the catgirl was hoping for a surrender and a quick and easy end to things, she knew better than to expect it and allow herself to lower her guard. It was an intuition that was proven right as the appearance of pure darkness and shadow began to form around the bandit leader, a sure sign that he was not at all ready to give up without a fight.

As the young mage felt the unmistakable sensation of energy and power being gathered by the bandit leader, Vanilla, too, quickly gathered her own energies, with Lani's cries in the background serving to heighten the catgirl's urgency and reminding her of the mistake she had made back in Chander that she believed allowed Balthazar to escape after his raid, by not putting everything she could behind her attempt to dispel his magical protections at the time. It was a mistake that she was not going to allow herself to make again as she focus her energies, pushing herself to her very limit as she stepped out and released her magic towards Balthazar, conjuring a set of powerful, glowing white chains manifested from pure light and energy with the intention to surround the bandit leader and binding him tightly to the ground, and hopefully to put a stop to whatever response that he was attempting to unleash.

- Cast Chains of Light [Lvl 4/Light/Utility](The character may choose a creature within line of sight of them. That creature is hit by an effect identical to the Binding Spirit Power with an effective value of X equal to 1 + Mind/6. Costs 1 EP upkeep), targeting Balthazar.
- Use Empower Spell to treat Chains of Light as if it were 3 levels higher, as well as Heighten Spell, paying 5 EP give +20 to its Resistance check. The spell also gains +8 to its Resistance check from Mana Sculptor.

EP cost = 19 (6 [Chains] +8 [Empower] +5 [Heighten])