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The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden;Sakuro)

Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Venice turned her back to Aiden. "We'll let this decide, Aiden. Choose a direction to go, and who we shall try to enlist to our cause first. All of the races nearby will likely seek to have sex with you, and none of them I mentioned will settle with simply being underneath you. Sex is apart of their culture, and if you can prove that you're fit to handle them, I'll accept you. But, Aiden..."

She glanced back at him, "You have no idea how unreasonable mamono can be. Ever since you gave up as quickly as you did with Clarice, I knew you weren't ready to be a leader. She offered a good advantage to us, and your hatred of being dominated led you to be unable to enlist her aid. As far as trust, I trusted the fact that she was just about as perverted as Ryoko. She did not attack you to get what she wanted, and among all the mamono I've seen, that is a virtue."

Turning away once more, she leaned against the door, looking out to the forest. "The mamono we shall meet in the future will be much worse.

Scratching her head, Ryoko let out a small groan of complaint. "I don't mean to side against you, Aiden... But she's right. In my line of work, taming mamono spirits has let me seen many nasty ones. Your experience so far... I honestly wish every kitsune spirit I met was as tame as Suika."

Maria shook her head. "Coexistence can't happen anyway!" she stated. "I thought Aiden had gotten over his phobia thing when he was talking about coexistence at the arena... But as I said, it's impossible. I'm just here to cart Aiden home when he finally fails."

"Fu-fu-fu~" Suika giggled as everyone voiced their opinion, a tail rose to hide her grin. "No one has faith in you, Aiden. I have nothing to say, but so long as you remain loyal to me, I shall do the same to you. For that purpose, shall I assist you in making Venice... Less of a threat to your position?" Suika offered in a whisper to him.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Before Venice got too far into her speech, Aiden interjected at the mention of Clarice. Her observations reminding him of something he had intended to voice. Since it had been brought up, now seemed a good time to address it.

"Since you brought Clarice up; Suika encouraged me to give her a second chance ... and given today's events ... it feels like a day of second chances. When we're near town again, I'd like to see if she is still interested in joining us."

Aiden didn't expect everyone to be brimming with confidence in him. He was untested in the field. He had a lot to learn. Probably worst of all, he was a man in a matriarchal society. But Aiden had hoped for more than total doubt. At least they were willing to let him try to prove himself ... which this expedition had a lot to do with. He maintained a neutral expression and made no comment as the other's shared their opinions. At least until Suika offered to help him deal with Venice. Lowering his voice to a whisper he gave the fox's arm an appreciative squeeze.

"I rather earn her confidance. Thank you though."

Finally Aiden came back to the matter of deciding who they would attempt to enlist. He didn't make a final descision right away. It wasn't a light matter, and there were things that could make it both easier and more difficult. The other's were more informed than him, so he needn't trust solely in his own basic knowledge. He looked at each of the women around him as he spoke.

"As which to try and enlist first ... I think more discussion is merited. Before setting out we should try to think of ways to approach and deal with each of them, as well as understand what is to be expected from them. I welcome your input, but here are my rough observations."

"The Dwarves are Greedy. Perhaps there is some way we can use their Greed, or make it appear there is great gain to work with us. Is there something we could aquire first that could tempt them?"

"The Salamanders are battle hungry. A fight seems inevitable. If only to test our worth. If there is an enemy we will need to face down the line, would promise of a 'great conflict' appeal to them?"

"The Slimes ... I'm not sure. Slimes are supposed to be near mindless, right? You said the Queen was intelligent, but what are her motivations?"

Going to bed.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"For the dwarves, they will wish to trade their treasures to us," Venice said, before pointing at Aiden. "For you."

"For the salamanders, they will wish to fight," Venice said, before pointing at Aiden. "You. And then of course rape you if you lose."

"For the Queen slime, she will wish to add, to her kingdom," Venice said, before pointing at Aiden. "You, as her sex slave."

"While those are most likely circumstances, it may not be the circumstance Aiden finds himself under, especially under the presence of a mamono of my caliber with claims to him."

"Such will be the case if he approaches as a male with several females under his command." Venice replied. "They will think him valuable, and will attack him relentlessly, physically or not."

"It's a good thing he won't go around declaring himself the mighty leader in enemy territory then." Suika said with a look to Aiden.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden's eyes swung back and forth between Suika and Venice as they both armed and advised him. At length he bobbed his head down and then back up, just once.

"Right. There is no reason to shout it out. Venice, you can act as our goup's mouth piece, if that will help. You are certainly more diplomatic than I am. But do not make decisions without me."

Once that concern was addressed, and giving a moment to see how the other's reacted to what he'd proposed, Aiden though over what Venice had just said some more. His eyes were a little distant as he took on an internal, thoughtful look. When he spoke again he started out slowly, his thought gradually forming into words before building momentum.

"Just the same, I think we should hold off on approaching the Salamanders until Maria has helped me to improve my martial skills. No matter what, sex is likely to be part of whatever diplomatic effort we attempt, and I've a feeling fighting and sex go hand in hand with Salamanders."

"The Slime Queen's motivation is to expand her kingdom? Perhaps there is a way we can accommodate that, such as having one or more of her Slimes accompany us so I could help them multiply. Both personally, and show any divisions they have to potential male partners."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Sexual energy is the life force of many mamono, such as the slimes." Ryoko chipped in. "They engulf their victims, and pleasure them with their feminine form while draining them of their energy."

Venice nodded. "You are correct in thinking that sex will be apart of most of our exchanges. It's almost unavoidable. The real challenge will be trying to avoid getting you pinned under a mamono."

"One or more, Aiden? Do you truly wish to put your body under such stress? Fufufu~" Suika giggled.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

A short 'hm' came from Aiden when Ryoko chimed in with the bit of information about Slimes.

"I thought Slimes fed on things like semen and sweat. Thanks for clearing that up."

A light 'heh' followed as Suika commented about stress on his body. 'One or more' probably sounded overboard, given Suika's need to consider as well.

"The idea was to have one with us, and the rest to seed around the community. But you have a point. Given what Ryoko mentioned about their needing spirit energy too, one would probably be enough."

After a little more silent thought on his part Aiden finally came to a decision, and straightened up as he voiced it.

"Lets go to the Slimes. I'll need to give more thought to the Dwarves."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Slimes will digest just about anything, including sweat and semen." Ryoko added. "But their main source of food is men. When they devour a woman, the woman turns into a fellow slime."

"Very well then, we will try the slimes first." Venice announced, "If everyone is ready, let's not waste the daylight available to us." she said, before making her way outside. Maria followed, along with Ryoko and Suika. All that was left was for Aiden to decide if he was ready too.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden didn't have anything left to run down cabin that he couldn't do walking. Following the women outside he tended to something he didn't have too a good opertunity to do earlier. Stepping up alongside the kitsune he gave her a quick smile.

"Beofre I forget, thank you Suika, for creating the spring I'm sure we all apreciated the chance to get clean."

After voicing his gratitude, Aiden looked between Suika, Ryoko, and Venice.

"Now, if it comes down to a conflict, what is a good way to deal with a Slime? I doubt conventional physical attacks would do much to detour them."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"I would have created it for myself, regardless of your presence. Twas no favor." Suika responded to Aiden.

Then, Venice looked about to answer, before Ryoko chimed over her. "Magic! Pure and simple! Fire, and lightning are effective! Don't use water or summon rocks though, unless you summon a huge rock! And that would be hard, and not worth the effort! The best way to beat a slime is to damage her enough so that she doesn't have the energy to fight. Slimes don't really know fear either, so... We may have to kill them." Ryoko said slowly.

"Oi-oi," Suika rose in complaint. "Let's not become murderers so soon. In fact, if we hand over Aiden right away, he will likely be taken to the queen. Should be the easiest way of finding her."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden's lips pursed together at Ryoko's informative response. As he mused over what she had said, he spoke aloud.

"Unfortunately I was never trained to use magic. I've never seen Maria use it either. Maybe the two of us can use torches, like I did back in the forest."

Suika's idea earned the kitsune a leery look from Aiden. The thought of being at the mercy of slimy creatures whose primary instinctive drive would be to rape him .... No, he didn't seem all that pleased with it

"Hand me over? That means I'll be separated from the four of you, with no support. In the meantime, the Slimes might decide to feed on me quite a bit before dragging me off to the Queen."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"On the contrary," Venice answered Aiden. "If we do not disturb the slime, and allow it to capture you, then I have little doubt she will carry you straight to her queen and ignore us. They're rather simple creatures." Venice offered.

"I don't think Aiden will want to be... Fed upon." Ryoko offered with a nervous chuckle. "After all... He has already expressed distaste for being on bottom."

"Why ask for clarifications on theories towards Aiden's disposition on the matter when Aiden himself stands here?" Suika inquires. "And Aiden as well, you should make it more clear why you do not like the idea, if such is the case, regarding your... Distaste."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden listened to the woman as they talked. Venice's initial comment supporting Suika's plan didn't seem to convince him. But two voices agreeing did add a little more weight, if not appeal. Ryoko's nervous laughter earned the shrine maiden a small smile, and at Suika's request for clarification on the issue of 'tops and feeding' Aiden took a breath before explaining his stance.

"In a literal, physical sense, I don't mind a woman being on top. 'Cowgirl' is actually one of my favorite sexual positions. I don't have a problem with being fed on either, as long as the choice is mine, and I am not being coerced. There is something very intimate about giving your energy to another and knowing you are both sustaining them and that you will be part of that person. What I don't like is control being taken away from me. Being vulnerable, bound, subject to another's will, or treated as lesser. That is what I don't like."

Dark eyes moved between Ryoko and Suika as he spoke. Then pausing a couple of beats he thought more on the idea Suika had proposed. Aiden still didn't seem optimistic about it. He didn't like the idea that they might need to seriously injure simple minded slimes otherwise, either.

"As for letting a Slime capture me; it seems like it may be the least complicated, time consuming, and violent method of finding the Queen Slime. I'm willing to go along with it, as long you ladies agree to step in if I seem to be in distress."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Of course! Don't act like we won't!" Maria was the first to step forth and voice her willingness to save Aiden. "I think the very idea of just... Letting a monster feed off of you is dumb, but... If something doesn't look right, even a little, I'll aim to cut their cores." she warned.

"Well," Venice shrugged. "Since you have no complaints about the plan, Aiden, that means no one does. In all honesty, I suggest presenting yourself nude. Let us carry your things so the slime doesn't digest it, and she WILL digest ANYTHING you might have on you." Venice warned him.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

He wordlessly regarded Maria when she stepped up to voice how readily she would come to his aid. Aiden let it pass that, just last night, she was setting bait to lure monsters to him. After she finished Venice held his gaze next. Of course none of them would object to him being bait. He wondered though, if that though be the case if one of them were required to be in a similar position. Aiden mused on that for a while, leaving Venice's suggestion that he disrobe unanswered for a minute or two. At length he nodded.

"Once we get close to Slime territory. I rather enjoy the protection against things like thorn bushes. You said it was far to the South East. How far? I'm wonder if we'll need to make camp before getting there."

As they walked along Aiden stopped every so often to forage. He collected edible fruits, grasses, roots, bugs, and herbs that they came upon when he saw them. He had some experience foraging with the woodsmen and woman and had some idea what to look for. But he stay clear of mushrooms. He didn't have enough experience to tell the good from the bad. The items he collected he offered up to his companions, munched on as he walked, or in some cases stored for later.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"We'll spend a good week in travel." Venice announced. "The slime fields where the queen is said to exist is far. When we start seeing slimes fairly frequently, there will be little doubt that we are close."

"I will not waste my energy gathering food for you all. I will need to feed from Aiden in the long run if I must." Suika announced.

"We'll be fine." Maria replied.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden blinked, some surprise leaking into his expression when Venice informed him it'd be a week before they reached the Slime Fields. But the talk of food between Maria and Suika drew his attention first. An army marched on it's stomach after all.

"It'd be nice if we had a sling shot or blowgun. We could take out small game like squirrels or birds as we traveled."

At the mention of a slingshot Aiden started looking for suitable materials for constructing one. Some good wood and a vine with some give might work. Though he kept walking with the group he paused a few second to inspect some vines that didn't look to be attached to a Mamono every now and again.

"Do you know if any merchants or caravans go by the Slime Fields?"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"If there were, they'd be human, and if they're human, one look at Maria, me, and especially Suika, and they'll go running." Venice replied.

"Suika's species can go into disguise, to hide among humans, but... Venice will likely be what scares humans who are afraid of monsters away." Ryoko added.

"We'll just let Aiden and Ryoko do the talking with the merchants then." Venice suggested.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"The reason I asked is: merchants usually travel faster than people typically do on foot. Right now we're looking at about half a month travel time to our destination and back home. We could possibly hitch a ride in return for offering them protection from bandits and hostile Mamono."

As he talked Aiden was working with some vines and wood he'd collected. Using his knife he trimmed down one 'y' branch and cut groves into it. Then some vine wand wrapped into the groves and he tested the tension, and even fired off a few rock at a tree to gauge the right amount. Finally satisfied, he cut off the excess cordage. With a hunting tool made, Alister kept an eye out for an easy target that might make a good lunch.

"We can look into the viability if the opportunity presents itself."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"I hear the sound of a wagon close by." Venice announced. "Let's get this out of the way." Venice announced.

The group did approach the wagon as it came along the path. As either Aiden or Ryoko waved the merchants down. The merchants gave rise to panic before shouting for their guards as a pair of men with bows appeared from the back, firing from the wagon at the group, before the horses rapidly pulled the wagon quickly away, down the path.

Revealing her tails from where she had hidden them, Suika let out a sigh. "Our paths were going in opposite directions. But the message is still the same. Humans of the Order fear mamono."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

After dodging arrows Aiden pursed his lips together in withheld aggravation. Part of it was that everyone came out into the open, even after they just talked about Venice and Maria scaring people. He offered a small shake of the head in response to Suika's statement. Not from disagreement, but disapproval.

"It may have gone better if you three had stayed back and let us talk first. We could have felt things out and at least avoided being shot at. Though ... if the only traders are from an Order city, we don't want to draw further attention. Suika was being chased by the Order after all."

But with his last statement he relented, ceding to Suika's observation. So they would walk. Two weeks of walking ... in the woods. If they were fortunate, it would be boring and tedious, but Aiden doubted that. They were bound to encounter other Mamono. Perhaps the merchant would inform on their presence and Suika's description would get back to the people that had chased her away.

While he thought on these things Aiden had resumed walking the course they had previously set. Out of the corner of his eye he say a bird perched in a tree, calling to others of it's kind in the distance. Setting a stone into his slingshot he sighted on the bird ... then loosed the stone. With a 'thwink' it his the branch at the bird's talons and scared it away. Aiden stared a moment, then started walking again.

"What exactly is the relationship between the Queen Slime and the other Slimes?"