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The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden;Sakuro)

Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"From what I understand," Venice began to answer. "A Queen Slime comes into existence when slimes in high enough population come together, and form together into a larger slime altogether. The Queen Slime is significantly more powerful than each of the slimes would have been alone. By linking together, the Queen absorbs all of their memories, and becomes one of the most intelligent species of slime commonly known. The Queen herself, after becoming a queen, seems to attract other, smaller slimes to her. The queen does not become larger once she has become Queen, however. All of the slimes that merge to her simply become apart of her slimy base. The more slimes that attach to her, the larger field the queen covers, until she can be spotted as easily as an entire city. This gives the slime fields, our location, it's name. It's a single plain covered in slime. And through all of this slime, other slimes that connect to it, become connected to the queen herself..."

Maria squinted an eye at Venice. "What is that? Some kind of slime kingdom?" she asks with disbelief.

"That's not far from the truth." Venice replied.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden quietly listened to Venice's explanation, as she tried to enlighten the less informed about what she thought they would be dealing with. He was quiet throughout her commentary, though the part about the Queen's base growing to cover large areas seemed to draw special attention, but he waited until Venice had finished talking before interjecting a question.

"If her slime base expands, does that mean her awareness grows as well? Either way, It's going to be really ... different ... seeing something like that."

Venice would hardly have time to respond the question before Aiden suddenly pointed in a general South Easterly direction. A realization suddenly coming upon him.

"Hey, we're going to be crossing through Order territory to get to the Slime Fields, aren't we? This is the direction their capital is in. We're going to have to be real careful sandwiched between Slimes and the Order. That might pose a problem in the long run too, having the Order between our city and the Slimes"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Indeed, Aiden." Venice responded. "Do you realize what's eventually going to happen?" she asks.

"The order will get mad when they figure out who we sided with, so..." Maria responded, before thinking for a moment with worry.

Suika giggled. "There will be war."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden bobbed his head in answer to all three statements. Their city was in a precarious position, one that couldn't last long. Not with so much hostility on the island. Not with so many factions trying to grab at land, bodies, and resources.

"Our neutrality has been the only thing keeping us out of the conflicts taking place."

Now that someone had said it, it was hard to ignore the fact. They were on a knife's edge. It was only a matter of time before blood was spilled. Aiden didn't seem as worried as Maria, or amused as Suika. But rather, brooding, or deeply thoughtful.

"I wonder how long it'll be till our talk of negotiation strategies turns to battle plans."

With that statement he raised his slingshot and snapped off a rock at a squirrel that was munching on something nearby. This time Aiden's stone hit home. There wasn't even a squeak of alarm from the rodent. Just the dull thud of the rock hitting followed by the collapse of the squirel. The hunter parted from his companions long enough to collect his kill. His slingshot was traded for his dagger as Aiden paused to skin and clean the animal.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Not too long." Venice replied. "We should keep our voices down. We'll need to stay relatively quiet to hide from both he order and surrounding monsters." Venice announced to Aiden as she snatched a rabbit with sudden speed, from where she stood to 20 feet away in a split second. Able to see her method of feeding, Venice's eyes glowed red, before she bit into the rabbit savagely, drinking it's blood, until it was an inanimate corpse.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

When he saw Venice's method of feeding Aiden mused on how much more productive it would have been for him to let her feed from the squirrel before he cleaned it. Then again, maybe she needed the animal to be alive for it to be satisfying. Regardless, he make quick word of the cleanup; keeping the meat, emptied stomach, and hide. Wrapping everything up he tucked the carcass away to be cooked later.

Heeding Venice's advice, Aiden remained silent. He was an opportunistic hunter and forager though. When they came across an edible plant, he harvested it. When they came across some small prey animal, he took a shot at it. At least until he had enough food collected to feed them when they stopped to rest, make a fire, and eat.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

They continued throughout the day, until night came, and they made camp. "I'll be sharing a tent with Aiden." Suika decided on her own. "Should he ever have a buildup of energy... I'll gladly tame his urges so our more pure companions may rest easy." she giggled.

Around a fire which Venice lit, no one had any complaints, except for Ryoko who was torn between staying angry at Aiden and leaping into Aiden's bed.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"That is a sound idea. It'll help discourage sneaky mamono from trying to wiggle into my tent as well."

Aiden agreed with the fox as she voiced their sleeping arrangement. The youth meanwhile stuffed animal carcasses with herbs and berries, then wrapped them up in big leaves along with some of the roots he had foraged. These bundles were then placed on the fire Venice had made. Noticing the mixture of anger and lust in Ryoko's demeanor, Aiden sat back while the food cooked for a while.

"Ryoko, we need to forgive each other. How about a peace offering? I know you wanted to have sex with Clarice and I, but it'll be a while before we talk with her again. What about a threesome with Suika and myself?"

A hopeful smile was offered to the shrine maiden as well. Hopeful that he could mend the cuts and kinks their relationship had suffered since their visit to Clarice's church. He also gave Suika a look to see how she reacted to the idea.
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Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Aiden, you adorable dummyyyyy~!" Ryoko cried out, before launching her bountiful body at Aiden, a sobbing pervert and large pair of breasts seeking to slam into Aiden. And she may have succeeded, before Suika's tail grabbed Aiden's belt of his pants, and slid him back along the ground, just out of the collision of Ryoko's body, causing her to slam into the ground with a squeak.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden found himself evading the assault even before his body could react. Thanks to the kitsun'e snatching tails. Blinking he glanced to the tail that saved him from being tackled, and gave it a thankful stroke. He still managed to see Ryoko impact with the ground, and winced emapthetically when he heard her squeak. Reaching his arms out to the subbing mess of a woman he dragged her over to him and wrapped Ryoko up in his arms. Even if she got tears, snot, and drool on his adventuring gear.

"You're such an passionate woman Ryoko. We're going to be alright though, right?"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

As Aiden pulled her up, Ryoko threw her arms around him, hugging the back of his head as she pressed her chest to his face. "It hurts where I landed, Aiden! Please, lick my wounds~!" she asked him with enthusiasm, putting his lips to where a slight red mark was on her skin.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Ryoko, you're going to smother me. Besides, I'm in the middle of cooking. You don't want the food to burn, do you?"

Is what Aiden tried to say. But with his face pressed into Ryoko's cleavage his voices was both muffled and distorted by the flesh that his lips and tounge brushed against in an effort to form words. What come out sounded a lot more like:

"Rhmrho, uhr gong uh mothar mm. buhmhm, hm nnn mh mhul hu bu-hn. Yuh mnt hom uh huhbuh hu bubhun wuh hu?"

After Aiden heard himself, he rolled his eyes. That made no sense at all, but did have the side effect of causing his lips to and tongue to massage over Ryoko's red skin. So instead of perusing dialog, he lowered his eyes to the red mark and parted his lips. Sticking out his tongue he lapped at the damaged skin, lightly rubbing his warm and moist organ over it in an effort to balm the pain Ryoko felt. Meanwhile his hands kneaded at muscles around her shoulder blades in an affectionate fashion.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Nyaaaa~" Ryoko made a noise similar to the feline Mamono of the world in response to his licking. "It stings so good~" she moaned with excitement, the pain seeming to turn her on.

"... I'm losing my appetite, I can't tell if the meat is above the fire or in Aiden's face." Maria groaned.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

When Ryoko voiced how she enjoyed the sting, Aiden gave her little red wound a a love bite. Not enough to draw blood or break the skin, but when she pulled away, there would likely be a mark for a little while. Then, as if to make up for the pain he purposefully inflicted, Aiden kissed at licked at the red bite mark.

Maria's complaints were initially ignored. Though he eventually remembered that they were in the middle of camp, right in front of everyone, with Ryoko's breasts smashed into his face. Hooking his finers around Ryoko's elbow joints he tugged her arms from around his head and tried to get enough room to speak.

"Lets eat dinner Ryoko. Then I'll give your breasts some more love in private."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Iyaaan~" Ryoko moaned, unphased, but highly enjoying the pain of his bite. Aiden may recall giving Ryoko an elbow when she took his virginity and became quite zealous in riding him. In other words, dominating him with her perverse desire to forever mark his memory with her own work. Though whether or not he would have struck her, if he did, he would recall pain only seeming to drive her even more sexually berserk.

The same would likely repeat if Aiden applied to her masochistic nature. She'd only become more and more sadistic as a result. "I eat good and healthy to ensure my breasts are large and firm!" Ryoko announced, eating up her food, while still remaining in Aiden's lap, squishing her butt up against his crotch.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden's arms hooked around Ryoko's waist as he took the food out of the fire with a pair of sticks, and passed out the leaf wrapped meals to anyone who looked hungry. His own meal ways laid in Ryoko's laps on a bed of leaves, as he ate around her with no intention of trying to remove her from his lap. In fact he seemed rather comfortable to have her seated there. The woman's shapely rump pressing against his crotch did serve to stir his loins, and his rising erection could soon be felt.

"Then you better eat every last morsel. We want to keep them that way."

With that statement pealed off a piece of meat from his leafy plate and brought it to Ryoko's mouth so she could sample the snake he had, before he ate it all. Reflecting on his earlier promise to give Ryoko's breast some more attention he glanced over at Venice.

"Are you going to be alright keeping an eye out Venice, or do we need to set-up a watch rotation?"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"I'm fine with the task. Worst case, I'll need company to stave off the boredom." Venice replied calmly.

Feeling his erection, Ryoko would be letting Aiden know as well, as he could feel moisture against his loins from where her pussy would be. She was as excited, if not more than he. Eating, Ryoko grinded her hips against Aiden that drew a definite reaction from Maria, who turned away and angrily flopped into her tent, along with her food.

"... Keep in mind who you shall take priority over, Aiden." Suika said to him, her eyes on the pair.

Ryoko giggled. "You had your fun, foxy lady~" Ryoko cooed at Suika, making a lewd gesture at the kitsune with her hips. "It's been a while before I got to warm Aiden junior in my cunt~"

"Are you taunting me with such gestures?" Suika asked, hostility suddenly flaring in her eyes.

Ryoko responded with a wink. "Oh-ho-ho~!" she laughed. "Maybe I am? I've already marked Aiden, so I think you should ask for permission to intrude." she said, touching herself, and showing where she made Aiden's crotch wet with her fluids.

Then, the two women stared at each other. It seemed a fight was going to break out.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Ryoko lewd behavior had done a fine job of distracting Aiden from his meal. He resisted the urge to grind against her, his cock twitching with excitement. He ate, but more of his attention was on Ryoko and Suika as the two women talked. Lips curled, as if to snarl or growl. The moment of hostility between the women stirring something in him. Rising he brought Ryoko up with him. One arm held her at the waist, while his other hand moved to take hold of Suika's arm.

"I want you both."

The words were half growled, in the lusty excited growl both women would now be familiar with. Food was forgotten as a sexual hunger took precedence. Unless the two women decided to resist, they find themselves dragged along with him into the tent that had been set aside for Suika and himself.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Rise they did, but at being encouraged, both resisted Aiden, at first. "Standing in the middle of a woman's fight, how unwise." Suika announced.

"Aiden, you ask for so much, but we're quite dangerous women, you know~?" Ryoko giggled.

"For tonight, I say we unite against a common enemy." Suika suggested to Ryoko.

"Girl power~" Ryoko cheered, before they were suddenly the ones leading Aiden to the tent, stopping only for a brief moment to play rock-paper-scissors. Suika won, beating Ryoko's paper with scissors.

"I win." Suika announced with a cocky chuckle, before giving Aiden's arm a harsh tug, pulling him so he'd fall into the tent, and land right on top of her, before Ryoko crawled in to follow. Grabbing at his pants, Ryoko giggled as she hastily pulled them down. Once that was out of the way, Suika's loose robe coming apart so easily meant his erection was already met with her glistening wet hole.

"I want to squish my breasts against your back, and kiss your neck, Aiden~" Ryoko cooed, eager to move into such a position that would accommodate her.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

When the two didn't immediately join him in the tent Aiden's lips pursed together in only slight annoyance. The pressure lessened when they gave their warnings, and his lips curved upwards into an amused smile.

"If you two are going to fight over me, it might as well be in the bedroom; where I can enjoy it."

But only second after their warnings they had chosen to gang up on him. His eyebrows rose just before he was the one being yanked along this time, only to stumble to a halt when they performed the ritual act of deciding who would ... what? Get his cock first? While they were doing this he started to unbuckle his belt, and he'd bearly had time to do that before Suika pulled him down to the ground with her.

Aiden let out a brief grunt from the impact. Before he realized it his pants were coming down. Once he noticed Ryoko's efforts he wiggled his hips and legs to help shed the clothing. This also sent his crotch and cock rubbing up against Suika's wetness.

"After I cum inside of you I want to watch Ryoko eat all of it out of your pussy while I'm inside her."

Quick to get his dick wet, Aiden aligned his head with Suika's hole and slid into her as Ryoko came up from behind. With one hand braced to hold onto the kitsune's hip, he reached back with his other hand and grasped for Ryoko, searching for some flesh to grip and knead. Meanwhile he ground up against Suika', stirring his cock around inside of her pussy before he started his rock in and out of her warm wet grasp.

"Let me feel those big breasts Ryoko."
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