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The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden;Sakuro)

Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden did block the vision of the slimes behind him, and he heard their distressed cries. Good for the slimes then, that once they drew closer, they saw just enough of Aiden to know where he went. When he went to another tree, each one far enough apart to require a leap, he was seen by enough slimes to keep a maintained sense of danger.

One slime seemed smarter than the others, as along his path, that slime of intellect was climbing up a tree in the direction he was heading. Holding her arms out, she smiled brightly, as if inviting him to jump into her slime. At the same time, warm liquid suddenly seized his ankle. A slime below launched it's thick goo like a rope, attaching it to his flesh. The pull wasn't very strong, but it did limit his mobility a great deal. He wouldn't be able to jump from tree to tree with that slime pulling on his leg.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

A disappointed growl came from Aiden when he took note of the Slime continued attention. The very ones he'd actually blocked sight of him, noticed the naked youth as he moved from the first tree. Wasted effort that left him stuck above ground ... and now cornered, he observed as a Slime cut him off. If that wasn't bad enough a rope of slime coiled about his ankle.

At first he tugged his leg back and gave it a little shake. That wasn't going to help. He needed to cut of scrape the slime off. Using a stick rather than his hand, he tried to removed the goo from his person. Any further movement would only tax him if he tried to move with the woman's limb attached to him ... and still her fellows closed in on him. If he escaped her grasp, where would he go? Up, further limiting his options. Down into the pool of Slimes?
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Come! Come!" Called out the slime across from him, her arms still open wide, ready to catch him. Using a twig, he made way to get the slime off of his leg. The twig was dissolved rather quickly inside of the slime, forcing him to fetch another. It would be frustrating indeed as even nature fought him. A thicker branch he'd find, and it didn't want to go easy. A few tugs and it'd snap, but still hang on by a rubbery, strong thread. Before it was too late, he managed to snap it free. Sticking it against the slime, it too began to dissolve, but he got enough off that it didn't matter. He was freed, but now... Completely surrounded by slime. There was no way of escape.

"Come! Come!" the slime across from him would call again.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

It would have been an agonizing ordeal if it weren't his plan to eventually get caught. Even worse if he didn't have friends to rescue him if things got too bad. Stick after stick melted as he tried to rid himself of the slime's ropey tendril. All the while the man hungry monsters gained ground. Primal panic threatened to choke him with indecision and freeze him, but Aiden fought through it, and attempted to take analytical outside-looking-in approach. Somehow that helped, and while hasty in his efforts, the young prey-to-be had an odd sense of calm as worked through the obstacle.

"Woman ... you .... are ... clingy. A man ... need his ... space."

By the time he had loosened the slimy tendril enough to regain some mobility to ... what ... struggle while he was eaten alive by a sea of slimes? His eyes widened when he realized how close the slow moving monsters had managed to get. A sudden sinking feeling hit him, and he wondered if he'd been evasive enough to accomplish his goal: gaining an audience with the queen.

Blinking, he looked across the way to the slime holding out it's arms. Calling to him. It was the first to actually use language. Aiden took it as a sign and made a leap of faith. Getting up and displaying a surprising measure of balance, if only for a brief time, he ran the short distance to the edge of the branch he was on and sprung from it towards the beckoning slime-woman.
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Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Ooooh!" the audience of slimes below rang out that tune as Aiden sailed above them, and towards the happy smile of the slime before him. He landed against her soft jelly before her slime wrapped around him, securing his limbs as her arms hugged around his back. His naked length was already being manipulated inside of her body, as he felt it become straight on it's own, her slime swirling around it, and stimulating him. With a lustful expression, the slime looked at Aiden directly, before gripping his back tighter, and leaning in, aiming to kiss him while holding him suspended in her slime.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Impacting with the squishy mass Aiden's arms flailed a bit trying to cling onto something, even as he was clung too. Which rather stifled his efforts. His fleeting fear of falling and breaking his fragile human body on the ground below was swatted aside as he was suddenly stimulated to erection. His body shuddered with a moment of pleasure. On a primal perverted level he would have liked to copulate with the slime, if it didn't mean loosing himself to it.


He had called out, surprised by the swirling embrace his manhood had received so readily. Rather than try to pull his limbs away or struggle to get free he pressed his hands forwards, trying to delve into the slime body and search for it's core even as he spoke to halt her attack on him. Meanwhile his head turned and to the side to try and evade the kiss long enough to speak.

"Wait. I only have sex with my friends or for trade. Which are you after, friendship or a trade?"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

As Aiden dipped his hands into her body to fish for her core, he drew a moan from the slime, apparently causing her pleasure by moving around in her body. He found her core rather quickly, but it was incredibly slippery and without solid form, as when his hand closed around it before he knew what he was grabbing, it slipped right out like a bubble that wouldn't pop, which also seemed to make her moan, and stimulate his manhood more as a result, apparently getting turned on.

When he asked the question, the slime looked up at him curiously. Friendship or Trade? The slime gave her answer, "Food!" she announced with a happy smile, wrapping her arms tighter around his waist, encouraging him to move around in her slime and pleasure himself.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

He was surprised to see how easily turned on the slime was ... and he actually liked that. A lot. Her moan stirred the lust in the young man. The auditory stimulation synergizing with the slime's handling of his erect manhood. His body shuddered and cock throbbed. Aiden restrained himself though, keeping himself from giving into his passion and want.

"Ooh-lright. You don't need to hold me so tight. I'll feed you. Afterwards you bring me to the queen. Deal?"

As if to demonstrate his willingness to hold up his end Aiden complied with her physically expressed desire for him to enjoy the slime's body. His hips rolled forwards, then rocked back in a slow pendulum motion as he explored the new and alien sensation of stroking his penis through a see of living slime. Groaning out he continued to move his hands through the jelly searching for that elusive core. No, he didn't want to hold it captive or hurt the slime. The reaction he'd gotten when he'd found it briefly was what he'd been after fro the start.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden's only answer to his request was a request of the slime's own. "Give lots!" she announced, before moaning as Aiden ended up with most of his body inside of slime, who began to twist and slime her body all over Aiden, basically stimulating his whole body as her slime held them up in the tree, and a pair of slime 'legs' came out and wrapped around Aiden's waist as his hip motions would be thrusting into what would have been her nether if she were human, but in reality, any part he touched and moved around inside of both brought forth a pleasurable tingling sensation, and a moan from the slime in question. His hands could barely move within the slime, it was a prison and a pleasure hell. Sticky and thick, being inside her 'vagina' was a totally different experience altogether. When he touched her core again, this time all he could do was glance over it, causing the slime to moan once more and encase him further in her slime, as if she were eating him. And she was, in a way.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

A string of unintelligible moaning sounds rolled out of Aiden's mouth as the slime digested him. It felt like their entire bodies were involved in the sex act. Not just dedicated organs. After a while he stopped questing for the slime core and wallowed in the pool of jelly that surrounded him, enjoying himself. He wiggled and swam in her, armed and hands exploring he ooze that entrapped him.

It wasn't long before he was nearing climax and instinct drove him. his hands moved towards where hips would hand been near the tip of her 'thigh', and he gripped into the slime there. His hips drove harder fast, driving out glops of white goo that spurted from his cock into the blue slime in bursts. His head lolled back and he let out a signing groan of ecstatic release as his seed and spirit fed into the monster devouring him. Aiden continued rolling his hips forward and back in that comfortable practice, intend on milking himself off in the slime.

"There you go. Are you happy?"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Rather than answer, the only answer Aiden received was a delighted jiggle from the slime as he came inside her. His cum moved rather quickly through her body as if she were in an absolute rush to digest it, and once she did he only found her clinging to him again, asking for "More! More!" as she embraced him, and her body worked around his length again, trying to spur it to full life again so that she could milk it.

Though the location of their love making would change. After she made love with him, the slime girl drooped down with Aiden safe in her slime, and down to a horde of other slime women who all reached their arms up to receive Aiden. He was helpless in the slime, and as such, found himself embraced in a sea of affectionate and needy slime women. A slime came from behind and Aiden would find a pair of slimy breasts resting on his shoulders. His hands would be pulled away and his palms would be pressed against the breasts of two other slime women on the side. Yet another pretty blue face would lean forward, and press her lips against Aiden's, while a final slime would allow him to feel her warm slimy hand around his length, and her blue tongue caressing his tip. Meanwhile, all of the slimes would coo and giggle as they delighted in swarming him.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Curious dark eyes watched his cum get moved around the slime's body and absorbed into it. Aiden was quick to lust, and it didn't take all that much work from the slime to get him good and hard again. Her effort earned the slime a 'mmh' from the youth. As despite the fact he was being eaten alive, he enjoyed the experience. When they began to descend towards the others he looked down at the waiting arms both in anticipation and, to a more quiet lesser degree: dread.

"Oh my."

He would murmur to himself. The words half moaned de to the constant attention his erection was receiving from his lover. Then raising his voice he inquired to the blue sea.

"Would one of you mind getting me something to eat and to drink?"

His voice lowered afterwards.

"I'm going to need it."

No sooner than that he was surrounded, the tide of man hungry women enveloping him in need and want. There was a very big part of Aiden that relished in the it, the affection, the needy women wanting to pleasure him. If only to eat him. That part of Aiden loved it. But again, there was a dread. He was helpless prey. Rather than give into fear, Aiden favored his lusts and decided to enjoy himself.

He nuzzled into the breasts at his shoulders, kissing them and rubbing his cheeks against them until al lovely blue face moved close to his. Aiden didn't know if there was some ill effect from slime saliva, or injecting it, as surely a kiss would allow the mingling of slime and man fluids. An open mouth kiss even more so. But his female comrades would have warned him, right? Aiden decided not to resist ... her face was so lovely, and lips to delicious looking. Pressing his lips to her he 'mmm'ed against the slime. Though excessing some caution, he kept from parting his lips.

Aiden found his arms moving on their own. Or rather, with the assistance of two separate slimes. His eyes moved from right to left, catching sight of not only the breasts of his shoulders but the ones his hands were guided to. He was happy to grasp hold of them. Knead them. Pull and twist them. Fingers sunk into the slime and moved around as he pulled them like taffy. His humming kiss turned to a low moan when a slime began to tend to his cock. Dark eyes lowered to watch her blue tongue play at it's tip. Wantingly he moved his hips forwards. Encouraging her to take more of him into her mouth.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

More or less, Aiden was treated like a king. The slimes supported his weight and left him with no physical labor to accomplish. They loved on him as if he were a sweet treat, but not so much an actual lover. He was kissed as if his lips and saliva would quench the slime's thirst that drove them to assault him so. It was never enough. Never enough. They always wanted more. Even if Aiden did nothing, they continued to moan and coo, rubbing themselves against him to create a pleasure Hell for him to endure. A constantly flowing full-body massage that would be enough to drive any man insane with glee filled pleasure. Just like a king, he was fawned over by those around him. Just like a king, he was given the food and water he requested. Slimy tendrils reached out and fetched fruits and cupped water, feeding both to him to keep him healthy so that they could continue feeding off of his pleasure. Aiden would have heard of stories of men who died like this, trapped and made a prisoner of love and lust for the rest of their lives. Without the aid of his comrades, that was the fate that awaited him as well, as just like a king, he was not allowed to leave his station. He would serve those around him as they served him food, water, and pleasure. There was no escape from them...


Aiden was met with the constant lust of the slimes until he would eventually pass out from the exhaustion and overstimulation. In his state of near unconsciousness, he'd feel himself being taken along the plains in which he was captured. In the blink of an eye, as his consciousness faded in and out from his exhaustion, he'd realize that it had gone from daylight, to night, and to morning once more. He had traveled quite the distance, and as his vision came back to him, found himself in the middle of what used to be a grassy plain, soaked in slime. There was almost nowhere to step that was not covered in the thick slime everywhere, and on that slime, Aiden was drifting along as if on a conveyor belt, towards a slime woman that looked normal size, except until he realized she was far away. As he neared closer, he quickly began to realize that she was as huge as Rosanna's office building, easily five stories tall. She had large breasts, even larger than other slimes he had seen thus far. Her face was more firm and defined, looking much like a woman like Rosanna, royal and refined. Her slime was so firm that a crown of slime seemed to easily hold it's form on her head without a single sign of dripping. Rather than plain blue, her eyes were a color of gold. If any was the queen slime, it was her.

Aiden was helpless in the slime that drew him in towards the queen. All he could do was wait, until he found the queen reaching for him to pick him up with her large hand, and lifting him into the air until the small Aiden directly faced the Queen Slime herself.

"A treat worthy of a Queen. That is all that my subjects bring me." The queen announced to Aiden. "But you came willingly and not with fire, magic, nor sword, and the words you spoke mentioned my title. Tell me, favored human, why would you dare think that you could so easily speak to me on level ground? You and I are far worlds apart."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

He thoroughly enjoyed the experience, except for the lingering dread of what his future could he: being food and only food. A slave with no grasp on his own destiny. He loved the attention however, the fawning adoration, being spoiled with food and drink while the sea of slimes pleasured him. Aiden wouldn't have any trouble admitting it either. But he did want more in life. For now, he enjoyed the experience. It was new, and there were worse trails he could endure. For as long as he could he played with the slimes as they ate him alive. More than he knew, Aiden was made for it.

Aiden's stamina was finite, and when he eventually passed out from too much his body still mimicked the actions he had performed while awake. Though drained of his strength his finger gripped or rubbed weakly. His lips moved, and hips wiggled. At least for a while. These too halted in time and fading in and out of consciousness the world became a surreal slime land with gaps in time. Vaguely, he wondered if he had left his body and become a spirit, as the world moved without him taking any material action.

Gradually he came to the realization of what was going on. When he found the he was being ferried along by slime on the ground Aiden didn't resist. Hough he did try to reposition himself into a comfortable sitting position. Curiously, he looked on at the growing slime in the distance. Or rather, the large slime he was getting closer to. Quietly he studied her physical form, and noting the solidity, and how little of her dripped, he realized she must have amazing control of her form.

He remained silent too, thinking, but also curious to see how this slime would treat him. At hearing how articulately the Queen spoke he wiggled, trying to free his arms enough to easily move them. Then raising his hands he place a fist into the other's palm and bowed his head briefly in the same sign of respect he had shown to Rosanna: the leader of his people.

"Queen, I am Aiden Black. Though at times I may think much of myself, I am no fool. You are Queen of your people. I hold no authority, except over myself. But I came hoping for an audience with you nonetheless. You see, it is my desire to bring our people closer together."

Pausing Aiden motioned from the Queen's hand to the expanse of space between himself and the ground.

"... and as you have demonstrated: with help we can speak eye to eye. The distance between us is only vast if we allow it to be."
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Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

The Queen grinned as he tried to struggle. At first Aiden would be met with firm resistance, only to be allowed freedom from the slime that captured him. Following his bow and words to follow his action, the Queen's grin widened further. "The authority over your person no longer holds water here, little man. All within my slime is mine, and you stand on the most sacred of grounds in my land. Only by the grace of being my new property are you allowed to commit what would normally be such an offense worthy of capital punishment." she announced while leaving no room for argument on the matter. She let it be known with the tone of her voice alone that if Aiden tried to sway her mind at all, his time with his audience with her would quickly come to an end. "But what you say is of intrigue to me. You are a fine servant on your own, but what is this talk of alliance? Between human and slime? No such alligence between our factions has ever been made before in history, and such is the fault of ours, perhaps. We slimes live our lives in a fairly straightforward fashion. We care not for the often destructive complications that you humans bother yourselves with needlessly. As well, you humans are delicious, so you act as a rather tasty form of food. In light of that relationship, it is funny how the prey asks to be friends with the predator." she said with a giggle.

The Queen leaned back, seemingly relaxing backwards onto nothing, before a massive throne of slime emerged to comfort her human form. There, she rested while holding up Aiden with a grin on her face. "But, how is it you humans do it again? Sealing alligences with other countries? I believe it is through marriage, yes? Have you come to marry me? I already have many husbands, but not one from another faction. I suppose I wouldn't mind seeing my tattoo on you~" she cooed.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Though Aiden, by default, respected authority his respect was not unwavering. When that authority was abused, his respect lessened. There was willfulness in the youth, and he didn't hold it back from spilling out of his eyes. Aside from this, Aiden maintained a respectful disposition and tone when addressing the giant.

"I do not intend to argue, it is my honor to speak with you and visit this sacred place. You are the authority here. However, though you are a queen, a Goddess lays claim to me already. I would invoke her ire, and you her wrath, if that were challenged. Conflict between the two of you is not something I desire. Not when she has agreed to share me with our allies, as long as I remain willing."

He paused then, gauging the Queen Slime's reaction, as well as giving her a chance to think on what he said. Then he went on, his pace slowed, somewhat cautious as he remained uncertain how she would react to his previous comments.

"Because of this too, I cannot marry you. But if it would help forge a bond between our people I could be a consort, of sorts. Though She must remain my first concern, should you have need of me, I would come to you or aid you as long as I was able to do so."
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Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

The Queen laughed aloud when Aiden mentioned belonging to a goddess. "And what an irresponsible goddess you belong to, eh? Here you are, on your own and already in the hands of another woman. Your goddess is a little lax on keeping you faithful, it seems." she said with amusement. "But it seems I am being threatened with the wrath of some woman you know. Where is she? She is not here, so I can assume that she is not the goddess you think she is. From that assumption, I can also harbor a guess that this goddess is one from Zippangu, those arrogant ancients who slowly began to disregard the rules of the world through their time alive, as any real goddess would have married property she had claim to. If you think I will hear your request out of fear of a mystic beast from those wild lands, then I am afraid that you are wrong."

With that, her tongue extended outward, before giving Aiden's whole naked body a long lick. "Or perhaps you speak of a real goddess after all. Again, where is she? Why are you all alone when you claim to have the attention of a powerful being? Little boy, I am losing my faith in you~" she giggled as one of her fingers curled down and covered up Aiden's crotch, before rubbing there slowly.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

The naked youth didn't share the Queen's amusement. The respect he'd initially shown began to slowly leak away, like wet paint dripping down a wall in a light rain. His expression turned stoic when she laughed. Though this changed as she licked him. He visibly cringed. More so because of the air the woman put off, which was decidedly unappealing to Aiden. After her tongue had left him he paused long enough to clean some slime away from his eyes and mouth before looking down at the finger that rubbed his crotch.

Though his body reacted normally Aiden didn't look pleased when he brought his eyes to bear on the Queen's face again. Placing a hand on the top of the finger he pushed it away. Or tried to. Not actually fighting, because he couldn't force her away even if he did, but to show he wasn't eager to accept the pleasuring while she mocked him and Suika.

"That she has not leashed me shows her grace and wisdom. This inspires loyalty. Is that not a greater thing to have than a servant who loathes you? Were I to be your consort ... and I would be a far more loyal ally than servant ... wouldn't you wish me to defy those who would take me from you? I do not intend to threaten, and though it remains an option I do not wish you harm. My intent was to warn and explain why you cannot claim me. Regardless of her power, I am her's. It would be good of you to respect this."

There was some steel in Aiden's voice, but it lasted only one word: cannot. As if he would not submit. That he'd fight, however futile it may be, to preserve his loyalty to Suika. It was less about the Kitsune's power, and more about Aiden's state of mind, as well as a willingness to go to extreme measures. Being creative as he was, Aiden already knew how to end his life. Even if he were watched and bound all day. Yes, he'd rather die than become some monster's toy. Amazingly Aiden managed to pack a lot of emotional cargo into that one word, with the right tone and body language. He only paused for a second before pressing on, trying to steer the conversation back to his reason for being here.

"Do you enjoy the destructive relationship your people hold with humans? Having them run from you, hate you, and bring fire ... magic ... and angry angels against your servants? Queen, I want you to hear my request because it has merit. Because our people would be better together than apart. Think of what we could accomplish. Wouldn't your people be happier if humans didn't fear them so, and we could enjoy one another?"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

The Queen grinned and looked pleased rather than upset that Aiden's reaction lost it's respect for her. She did not seem bothered at all either that Aiden seemed adamant in refusing the idea to be the Queen's servant in order to stay loyal to Suika. With that in mind, she lifted her finger back and brushed another finger instead over his hair, grooming him with her slime. "I'm impressed that you did not throw a greater fit when within my grip. It's so easy to see the true nature, the worst nature, of human beings when you only put a little pressure on them. That is not to say that this was just a test or that I will show you greater respect towards your body and my interactions with it. No, my boy, I want to let you know that I am a slime. You think you already knew this, but did you really? Our kind enjoys licking, hugging, and generally attaching to other beings. What I want to know is whether you understand the implications of this union between slime and human. If I am to see any merit in your words, I want proof that humans are ready to handle this. Mamono are selfish creatures, my dear boy, but easy to please often enough."

After having said that, the Queen puts her lips to Aiden's body, and kissing his torso, extending what felt like her tongue out to lick his chest. "If the humans can satisfy what we desire, then there would naturally be no reason to attack them anymore. I want you to be that example, Aiden," she announced. Following her announcement, the Queen did nothing following. She didn't shrink herself, or use any other method to make Aiden's job easier. Instead, she remained huge, and tasked him with the job of pleasing her. "I wonder if you're worthy enough to please a Queen?" she asked with interest.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

He watched as the giant finger descended on him. All too easily it could squish his fragile form. Though it felt awkward, he did nothing to detour the slimy grooming he receive. Aiden was a bit taken aback when the Queen explained that she was, in part, pushing his buttons to see how he would react. But more so because of what she shared with him. For a moment he thought about what she had revealed to him, and what it meant.

"I ... can see I was in error. I was being selfish, solely pushing my own agenda. What I should have done is ask what you and your people would need and want from us. "

He seemed to be processing and revaluating things as she told him more of a slime's nature. It was clear he didn't know that much, and life was one big learning experience for the boy who was just becoming a man. Subtly his perspective on the situation shifted.

"My ignorance about Slimes, and Mamono in general, is great. Thank you for lessening it, as well as your patience. I would like to learn more about you, and your people while I am here."

This time Aiden didn't shirk away or cringe when the giant lips moved to kiss his entire body. In an effort to prove he was listening to what the Queen said, and hadn't just heard her words as sound, he tried to meet that giant kiss. Pressing his lips to part of her's, he used his arms and hands to rub at her slime and massage her lips. He was so small, he imagined he needed to use more of his body than just his mouth.

He nodded then when the Queen mentioned satisfying the desires of Mamono would remove the need for assaults on humans. He'd considered this, but hadn't actually used this knowledge during his audience with the Queen. It was something he'd have to be more mindful of in the present, and not see it as some future adaptation humans needed to develop.

Then, when she declared she wanted him to be the example for humanity, and pleasure her, he tried to look at it from a not entirely human view point. What lay before him was a trail, and a two fold honor. She had made him a champion for his cause, and granted him the honor of trying to please her. Rather than bowing, as he had initially to show respect, he hugged at the Queen's slime hoping she would appreciate that more than the human gesture.

"I am honored ... and will endeavor to meet your expectations."

Aiden had never imagine he would pleasure a giant. It was a daunting task. But his experience with her hungry servants was a boon, he hoped. If she were anything like them, her entire slime was sensitive. Still, size was an issue, and he would have a lot of slime to cover. Initially he was at a lose of where to begin.

"What part of a man do you like to taste most?"

He paused then, an idea coming to him. It seemed like it might be fun. A smile played over his lips, as without waiting for her response Aiden ran across the giant's hand. Reaching the edge of the palm he jumped, diving at the Queen's chest. Aiming himself like a human arrow he targeted her cleavage. With a slurping impact he sprawled out over her, and slide into her cleavage where he rubbed himself between the giant breasts. He kissed and massaged at her while crawling between the two massive mounds.
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