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The Irrumation Society (IC)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

As they knocked on Ember's door, Lilia and Lenneth waited for a moment or two as the janitor seemed to realize that they had gotten quite that close to their target, where he whipped out a knife at Linnea just as Lilia glanced back over at him when Ember answered the door. Lilia immediately reacted and slipped her laptop bag over Lenneth's shoulder as she started towards their other companion who was being threatened with the knife.

"I'll be back in a moment, have some business to take care of, go ahead and get in there to begin the interview," Lilia said to Lenneth as she passed, watching as Linnea did her best to get away and past her so that she could deal with the situation, what with her being the muscle and all from the way it seemed at least.

Lilia motioned at Linnea to move past her and went in at the janitor, where she would wait until he thrust his knife at her like the amateur he obviously was thinking he could trick her outright, as she'd suspected him of doing something like this all along. As soon as he made an attack, Lilia would use her incredible reflexes thanks to her kung fu knowledge and training to easily swerve herself out of the way of his attack, where she'd then grab the wrist of the hand his knife was in, and with one hand she'd twist it enough to force him to drop the knife but not hard enough to break it unless he forced her to, while with her other hand she grabbed his throat in a powerful grip, only just at this point noticing the empty look in his eyes which told her he was free game and was one of those that their new boss had mentioned would attempt to stop them.

"Get the job done you two, I'll be in there in a moment. Just taking care of a little problem of mine," Lilia would call back in a sweet tone as she stared her enemy right in the eyes.

If he attempted to break the hold she had on him and began to start getting free some, Lilia would jump and swing her legs up to wrap them both around his neck, where she would squeeze until he fainted from lack of oxygen. If he wasn't able to break her hold on him though then Lilia would push him using her strength gained from training for years in martial arts, directing him into the empty room he'd been cleaning, where she would knock him out with as powerful a kick to the head as was needed to do so. Either way Lilia was confident in her abilities to defeat this paltry assailant, and should she manage to knock him out Lilia would take the bedsheets from the room, tear them into long strips and use that to tie him up and gag him should she find no rope of any kind to use for that.

She's merely trying to knock him out, but she has no qualms about breaking his wrist if he forces her to do so. If she manages to knock him out and doesn't get him into the empty room he'd been cleaning then she'll drag him into there and afterwards bring the knife and the cart too, leaving Lenneth and Linnea to handle Ember for the time being.


Tentacle God
Jan 4, 2014
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Helen looked out the window of the cab with a yawn. Cursing her director and producers for having her stay late last on a shoot. She gave a small smile though as she recalled that Mr. Roddinjam Still let join up. And after giving her some information sent her on her way. "I wonder who the rest of my team is..."

As the taxi pulled up to the apartment, she gave the driver a smile and paid him. Grabbing her a cloth wrapped budle containing her sword and purse and stepped out of the cab. She gave the cabby a wave as he drove off. She gave the file she was given on the target a third time before stuffing it into her purse. She approached the doors to the apartment, with a happy expression on her face.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Ember looked a little surprised as Lenneth tried to barge her way in but was unable to see the fight transpiring just outside her door, "Umm, okay" was her only reply as Lillia suddenly rushed off to the side. Lenneth marched straight in and Ember held the door for her.

The young lady reporter was wearing a simple greyish blue hoodie and blue jeans. She had a pretty slender body of average height with ample breast size and a very noticeably round ass. Her face looked exactly as it did in the report. She was wearing minimal make-up and was a natural beauty even without product they could tell. "Sorry, I didn't have a lot of time to prepare myself", she tells Lenneth.

Meanwhile, Linnea managed to escape a vicious slash that only managed to leave a nasty looking cut across her right forearm. There would be a little scarring but the damage itself was negligible. She called upon Lillia for help and she came in like a pouncing leopard. The janitor was just a psychotic man with a knife but Lillia was truly the "Big Dick G" of the room when it came to combat. The janitor, or more possibly, the "Adventure Killer" was clearly not used to his victims fighting back... especially this well. In a flash, he found his throat and knife-hand grabbed. "You bitch!" he sputtered.

Pain was not a big deal to him, the man was willing to hurt himself to hurt Lillia. He dropped the knife into his other hand, not caring whether it broke or not. His face was turning red from her choking grip on his throat but he powered through it with a crazed look in his eyes. As the martial arts expert hopped her way onto his back to choke him out with her legs, he flipped the knife over and attempted to drive the blade into her leg.

... Meanwhile, from the foot of the apartment building...

The doorman held the door open for Helen as she stepped into the warm lobby of the apartment building. A good change of pace compared to the brisk and cold night air outside. She currently did not know where her team was or what they were up to. The lobby was quite clean and she saw the same view the other girls saw. To the front of was a hall of elevators and adjacent to that hall was a security guard at this desk, enjoying a cup of joe and reading the newspaper.

The security guard eyed the young Helen for moment... saw nothing suspicious about a pretty young white woman until his eyes wandered over to her "sword shaped bundle". He stood up, "Excuse me err... miss? Can I help you with something?".

Adventure Killer 2nd-Tier Skill revealed: Madness
Adventure Killer has taken a minor wound.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

As the man struggled back against her, just like Lilia thought he would, she noticed him flipping the knife around to his other hand as she swung her legs around his neck to choke him out. He was obviously not worried about getting hurt so long as he hurt her, which meant that she needn't worry about going soft on him to keep from killing him. Letting go of his neck with her hand that wasn't holding the hand that had the knife in it and leaving just her legs around it, Lilia flung her free hand out to catch his other hand where she'd twist it until she heard it snap while at the same time tightening her grip around his neck with her legs to choke him out the rest of the way. If his other hand she had grabbed tried to give her any trouble throughout this whole attempt to get free she'd twist it enough to snap it too to keep him from putting up anymore resistance against her before he was knocked out.

"Picked the wrong bitch to mess with eh? Isn't so easy when people fight back better than you is it? So how about I do... this," Lilia asked him tauntingly, grunting as she twisted his wrist that held the knife currently as the bone snapped. Once she had him out cold, Lilia would do what she'd planned and drag him into the room he'd apparently been cleaning and would bind and gag him, using the bedsheets if no sort of rope or anything was available.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Thinking quick, Linnea scanned the janitorial cart for a rag - a layer of cloth should provide some measure of protection against cuts from the knifeblade, if not a driving stab. Lin then went for the man's wrist, to try and immobilize him.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Unsure of what to do next, Lenneth needed so baddly to continue with her plan, she could notice the beauty in front of her, but she havent tried never to had a quick rush with someone, even less a woman... Maybe she could need to drink something to calm herself.

Dont worry Miss Ember, you are perfectly dressed for this. Anyway, we still have some time before the interview, i will sugest than we get all ready in place and let me serve you a warm tea to calm you before the questions.

Said this Lenneth tried to buy time, as she tried to check if the laptop have a password, if not then she could try to find the camera program. If Ember accept to drink something, then the young woman will get up and leaving all she will stop her to do it herself. I will be glad to serve your drink, i had heard of you and personaly im dying to know what will come at your future. Between the little talk than could come, Lenneth will try to find the right moment to place something at the drink than Ember will take, the unnoticiable drug will gradualy calm down the woman so also increase the Dopamine in this way Ember could accept to make a more friendly talk, but of course than also avoid than a noise form the outside could call her attention.

Drug preparation then Hide Action


Tentacle God
Jan 4, 2014
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Helen gave the guard a small smile as she approached his desk and leaned against it. Putting her cleavage on display for guard."I think you might..." Eyeing him over and giving a quick glance towards the elevators. "I am wondering if you might direct me to a Miss Strange's apartment. My producers sent me here for an article to promote our upcoming movie....Nordic Maidens... I think was the name.... " Leaning over just a bit more, her face giving the guard a warm and carefree smile. "Think you could help a gal out?"


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

As Linnea went to bandage herself with material from the killer janitor's cart, Lilia had her legs wrapped around the psychopath's head. With his one, unbroken hand he was attempted that he switches his knife towards, he tries to stab this woman's leg... but as strong as his stabbing hand was, Lilia was just as good at stopping him with her martial arts prowess. Suddenly, the man he was riding began to laugh mid-struggle, "I'm coming home mother!". With Lilia still on his back, he sprinted towards the large glass window at the end of the hall... the one that would lead outside into the window and down into a 13-story drop of glass and pavement. There was room for only the most narrow of escapes. It was doubtful the escape would end in the plan she had in mind of binding this man.

In that small moment, Linnea suddenly felt her phone vibrate...


Lenneth had been trying to converse with Ember, offering her a drink as they planned her interview. Ember smiled, "tea won't be necessary, it's a late night. But if you could get me a glass of water from the kitchen that would be good." She points out the kitchen to Lenneth... it wasn't hard to spot, it was just an apartment after-all. "If you'd like we can use the living room for this interview", she tells Lenneth, turning to point out the room adjacent. Using that opportunity, Lenneth hurriedly slipped some invisible drugs into a glass of water. She was just quiet and inconspicuous enough to pull this off. Ember looked a little surprised and says, "Oh... that was quick. Thank you." She brushed off Lenneth's strange panicked and fast-paced actions as simply part of her personality perhaps. Ember drinks some of the water.


The security guard nodded at Helen, "Ohhhhh so that's what you gals are all about! A movie is it?", he smiles, dropping his suspicion of Helen's sword. "The rest of your film crew is already upstairs, 13th floor, head on up". "I've never seen an all female filming crew before! Is this some sorta new feminist hippie-dippy thing you're shooting for-", he suddenly catches what he's saying, "er, uh, not that there's anything wrong with that of course! Go on ahead". He takes his seat again, a little bit of sweat on his brow.

The 'Adventure Killer' takes another wound from Lilia. He is now quite injured. He has 2 wounds left.
The 'Adventure Killer' attacks Lilila with a knife. Lilia takes no damage.
The 'Adventure Killer' 3rd-Tier Skill revealed: Endurance, (Grants him 1 extra wound.)
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Tentacle God
Jan 4, 2014
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Helen continued to smile at the guard. "Sort of. Deals with life, love and combat from a shield maiden's perspective in a male dominated world." Giving a small shrug and causing her breasts to shake and bounce a tiny bit. "Though it will most likely be dealing mainly with the life and love parts." She gave the guard a small wave and headed towards the elevators.

Helen returned a few moments later, still smiling. "Could you be a dear and unlock the elevators for me. It seems to need a key." Smiling calmly as she waited patiently for the guard. She was in no apparent rush at the moment.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

"Oh! Of course", the security guard hurriedly unlocks the elevator for Helen and returns to his seat.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Linnea, for a split second, was too astounded by the man's choice of action to do anything.

For a split second. "Are you fucking serious!?" she exclaimed, dashing after him, diving low for his legs (though not far-forward enough that she'd catapult out the window, of course). "Throw your veight backvards so he falls over!" she yelled out to her compatriot as she moved.

Linnea was... mostly sure these Americans used toughened glass on windows like these... think double-panes, plexiglass or something, probably. It was a fancy building, after all - they'd probably invest in those sorts of basic 'not-dying' sorts of things. She was pretty sure he would just bounce off the thing like he'd run into a regular wall, or something. That probably would have made sense. On the other hand, she was here by orders of a blowjob cult to save the world by cramming her schlong in someone's mouth.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Catching the man's hand when he switched hands for the grip on his knife, Lilia stopped him from stabbing her and knocked the knife away, but not before he began running for the nearby window in an attempt to dive out of it, with her still on no less. Swinging her legs around, Lilia grabbed hold of his shoulders and let go of his wrists altogether, then swung her legs downwards towards his knees in an effort to prevent him from going out the window, as that would only result in too many questions being asked, and she intended on that not happening to prevent them from finishing their work.

"You're not going anywhere or seeing anyone just yet friend, you will submit to me, you're causing too much trouble," Lilia hissed in the man's ear as she swung her legs down at his knees to knock his legs out from under him and likely on top of her, but as soon as he was down she would wrap her legs back around him and choke him out with her arms, where she would then drag his ass into the empty room to tie up for the time being. If worse came to worse though and she simply couldn't stop him, Lilia would kick off of him and back into the hallway as he went... but only if she couldn't stop him.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Linnea and Lilia successful stopped the psycho-killer's charge with a little bit of team effort. He falls over, his skull creating a small crack in the window glass in front of him as he lurches over from his legs being taken out from under him, drawing some blood. This man was neither a kick-boxer or a soccer player and his legs were revealed to be his weak spot. With such a sudden impact, he goes unconscious the moment his head meets the glass. There's a smear of red on the cracked glass as his body simply slides awkwardly down the pane, creating that squeaking noise when flesh rubs against such reflective surfaces. He was down and out, dreaming of whatever killers dreamt of.

Inside Ember's apartment, the reporter had already taken a sip of Lenneth's spiked drink. It takes a moment, but Ember was looking more and more relaxed as she wanders over to the living room, "oof! It's getting a little hot in here", she notes. She slowly removes her hoodie... but not because she was trying to be seductive, it was the drugs making her a little slower than usual. She was now only wearing a green t-shirt and pants as she sat down on her armchair. She looked about ready to drift off into sleep-land but Lenneth knew exactly how much to give her to make sure that didn't happen, "S-so... what were we doing? Oh that's right... an inter... an interview?".


Helen enjoyed the elevator music on her ride up...

The 'Adventure' Killer has taken 2 wounds from Lilia and Linnea and is now unconscious.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

With her plan a success, Lilia got out from under the guy if he'd fallen over on top of her any and dragged him to the unoccupied room he'd been cleaning, where she'd tie him up nice and tight so he couldn't get free, then she gagged him too so he didn't scream or talk any when he woke up. Getting the key the man had to unlock the door, Lilia pushed the guy's cleaning tools and stuff into the room and shut the door after taking a rag from it, then locked it behind them, leaving him in there for the time being, but she had another idea for him... something that might help them out in the long run.

For now though, Lilia checked Linnea's arm where it'd be cut and helped her to bandage it up before heading on over to Ember's room, where they'd help Lenneth continue with their operation to make Ember suck them all off and swallow their apparently enchanted cum or whatever, which was odd enough as it was, but Lilia didn't mind too much really herself as long as they got paid in the end and weren't just being tricked here by their boss.

"You alright Linnea? We'll have Lenneth bandage you up when we get to Ember's room," Lilia said to Linnea, taking the rag over to the window and wiping it clean of any blood that'd gotten on it, and doing the same for the walls, the floor on the other hand she'd have to deal with later, but that was less likely to be noticed than the windows and walls were. Once that was taken care of, Lilia tossed the rag into any garbage cans she could see around there, then head to Ember's room with Linnea so they could get this over with.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

"And let da target see me bleeding? Not a good idea," Linnea responded. She took the man's knife and sawed off a sleeve of his shirt. She helped him drag him into the room, but batted her away from him when she went to restrain him and did it herself. She would steal the bedsheets and twisted them up until they were like rope, at which she put her experience with the stuff to good use - using clothes, blankets, or whatever else, as necessary, provided she didn't happen upon some rope in the condo. At the same time looking for who occupied - or used to occupy - the room. She made sure his gag kept him from biting down, and was good and thick and kept his mouth mostly-open, by essentially balling up one of his socks and cramming it in there. That way, he couldn't chew through it, nor could he bite and choke on his tongue. He was crazy, and could push through mere pain or strain, evidently - Linnea took this into consideration, binding his limbs such that he shouldn't be able to even move them, keeping them from getting any leverage whatsoever. Arms behind his back, together, and then lashed to his body by tying a separate thing around his waist; legs, bound together, then bent, a rope around ankles-and-thighs, after which she laid him out flat and tied his ankles to the loops around his immobilized arms.

She handled most of this while Lils cleaned, and then when she was done, she rolled up her sleeve and wrapped her arm where she'd been cut tight with her looted cloth - she'd keep the torn bit of fabric oriented away from Ember or something, it oughtn't be too hard to keep her from noticing.

Now that the crisis was over, she also checked her phone!
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

The plan looks to had worked for the moment and if a explosion could happen now the target will be more easy to handle, at least that is what Lenneth expect as she see Ember starting to undressherself a little.

Yes... maybe we should start making some easy questions so when we start the real interview you could be prepared, hmm the others should be here soon. The little woman then take a notebook and a pen trying to earn some trust and time.

So, Miss Ember lets try some personal questions. She then take a pair of seconds giving some time to Ember to get comfortable as she get closer, looking her at her eyes as she softly sit on the bed.

Can you talk us a little about your family and how you started your career?

Do you live Alone, Miss Ember?

Lenneth's questions started to be more private, each time looking to the woman's reaction so she could go more direct to what she has come here.

Do you have someone special on your life? Lenneth then moved a little more closer and if Ember accept it she could hold her hand between this questions in an attempt to support her or make her remain awake.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 9, 2011
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Linnea and Lilia cleaned up as best they could in the hallway. Linnea checked her phone which showed one new message. It simply read, 'You should be expecting good company right about now -R' . At that moment, the elevator doors opened. The girls could see another woman come out. A woman wielding something shaped like a sword. She looked like someone from a movie they'd seen perhaps but couldn't quite put a name on it. Regardless, they had just dealt with one knife wielding maniac and suddenly another stranger carrying something potentially sharp emerges.

Helen arrived at the top and stepped out. She immediately spotted two girls who immediately saw her. Were they friend or foe? One of them looked a little ruffled.

Meanwhile, a drugged up Ember was mumbling what she thought were words as she sat in her armchair. The room was blurring and spinning a little bit. Her head felt light as a feather but she didn't feel sick. She stared at her hands... the way they warped in size and shape. She couldn't rationalize what was happening, all she knew was that she was stoned as fuck! She's started to sweat a little. She wasn't scared or happy; the "trip" she was having was relatively neutral and calming. For some reason her sofa looked like a bed that Lenneth was sitting on... strange, there was no bed in her living room. Was she hallucinating? She didn't know. Also, she didn't know what Lenneth was saying to her.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Linnea looked up from her phone to see some other chick in the elevator. Given her text, and given the sudden appearance of some woman she didn't know - holding a sword, and therefore probably a weirdo like herself and her two companions - Linnea casually pointed at the new girl, and then mimed sucking dick, poking at her cheek with her tongue in time with her hand movements. She then pointed vaguely at the new girl's lower body, and then raised an eyebrow.


Tentacle God
Jan 4, 2014
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Helen stepped out and looked about the floor seeing the two women. Raising an eyebrow at Linnea's. Walking closer and giving her a kind smile. " Aw aren't you a cute little thing, asking for a treat already." Eyeing her a brief moment while still grinning. "I take it you two also work for Mister Roddinjam?"

If the admitted they worked for the Irrumation society she would offer them each a hand to shake. "Hello, I am Helen Seward. I hope it will be a pleasure to work with you two." Giving the woman who had mimed a blowjob a little wink.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Linnea shot a weak glare at the new woman. "Is dat who you verk under? I'm vit Mr. Rogerson." She pocketed her phone, walking up to the woman for a handshake, and then a kiss against the cheek.

"No names, ya?" She said, as she was cheek-to-cheek. When she pulled away, she turned, hand on the new girl's back, and looked at Lilia. "Well, not dat ve're all here, I'm sure Ms. Strange vould like to get some sleep before her flight tomorrow, so let's make our interview quick, ya?"
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