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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

"Right away miss," said the blank-eyed bartender, who would immediately turn and begin preparing drinks. "Go for the mint tea, with rum in it if you're looking for alcohol!" a voice sounded from a short ways away, and if Alex look in the direction from which the voice originated she would see the speaker, the familiar sight of the red haired angel that she'd seen in a cafe some time earlier now sitting at the bar, her wings folded behind her as she sat cross legged in a stool. Nadia had watched Alexandra walk up, naked and with signs of her time with Pale and Luciana plain to see despite her efforts to clean herself. "You were the one that Pale and Luciana were going to "punish" aren't you?" the angel said, sizing up the blushing dragoness for a moment before adding; "What did you do to her to warrant this sort of treatment?" The barman returned shortly with a plate containing four cups of steaming tea made to order, allowing Alex to answer Nadia however she wished (including not at all) and then return to her mistress immediately if such was her desire.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Hotel Bar
Alex -> Nadia
She couldn't help but freeze when she heard the voice, but when her head slowly turned toward whoever was speaking to her Alex soon found a somewhat familiar sight. The angel from before was simply sitting there, the one that ran off with the other vampire and intrigued the dragon enough to approach Pale to experience that trade mark kiss.

And now she was here, sitting as comfortably as could be, her eyes wandering over Alex before she revealed that she knew all about her punishment. And at the that the blushing dragon turned a few shades toward white. It was bad enough having to walk around soiled and embarrassed, but to have this indignity broadcast to the world... And if this got off the island... Oh hell, what was Father going to say...

But despite worrying about her standing among her peers Alex did realize a question was asked of her. And though she hesitated she felt it wouldn't be best to try and hide things from a celestial envoy, even one that was trapped on this den of depravity. "Pale and I were in a match, and I caught her. But when I 'attacked' she didn't really enjoy it. I felt like I brutalized her more than anything else even when she finally came, and I offered myself to make amends." Of course she was nervous as she answered, but once it was said and done there was a bit of relief in getting the truth out. And she even waited a bit to see how the angel would respond despite having the drinks ready. Pale wanted something, but she didn't say Alex was to bring them back immediately. And by the way the woman spoke the temporary pet figured her mistress would understand since the two knew each other.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia quirked an eyebrow at Alex's response, "That's all? I expected a greater offense than that... The nature of the battles here all but require such acts, though I suppose since you offered yourself freely it was more your own choice than her preference." The words were only half spoken to Alex, something apparently bothering the angel. She stood up suddenly and stretched her wings, "I suppose you ought to get back. Wouldn't want the tea to go cold after all, and I should be going to my own quarters anyway. What was your name? I don't think that I ever caught it from Pale or Luciana."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Hotel Bar
Alex -> THE TERROR (Nadia)
"That's all? What do you mean 'That's all'?! Just because you can accept it doesn't mean I can!" And just like that Alex's overwhelming embarrassment was soon met with a wave of indignation, and the combination left her flustered. And why not? Who would have expected an angel to appear and say, "What, you raped someone? Big deal." And it left her fuming as the angel suggested Alex take her drinks back. In fact Nadia received a rather huffy little stare before the dragon took her drinks, and as she left stopped just long enough to say, "Alexandra," before leaving. But before she rounded the corner the angel would probably hear the warrior muttering to herself. "Now I just need to run into Bakan. That's the only way this could get any worse..."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Room
Pale -> Alice/Luciana

Pale lifts her eyes from Alice and looks at the succubus. "Hmm? Oh. I suppose I don't. Thank you for the help, Luciana."

Turning back towards Alice, Pale slowly caresses her neck, watching for the girl's reactions.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia was slightly taken aback when Alex took offense to her words, but before she could quantify her statement the dragoness that she had so affronted delivered her name and took off with her drinks. She frowned after her for a moment, and then released a heavy sigh and rose from her seat. The angel followed Alexandra a ways before taking a turn and heading into her own room, gently shutting the door behind herself unless disturbed.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Room/Hallway
Luciana -> Pale/Alice

It seemed that Pale didn’t have anything else in mind for Luciana, which was nice. "Thank you, I’ll be going then. This was fun. Give Alex my regards when you’re done with her, and tell her I enjoyed her company. Maybe later we can play around on more equal terms" she said, stretching a little as she turned to leave. She waved goodbye behind her, walking out the door and closing it behind her, and quickly made her way to the room where she knew Nadia was staying. She rapped the door lightly with her knuckles, calling out quietly "Nadia, are you there?"

Pale's Room
Alice -> Pale

Alice breathed a very quiet sigh of relief when she heard the demon say her goodbyes and leave, not wanting to deal with Luciana any more than she had to. She froze up almost immediately when she felt Pale caress her neck, but then with a little gasp she relaxed a little bit, still tense, but accepting of the attention. She didn’t say anything, waiting to be spoken to to speak, and not really knowing what to say anyway. She didn’t know what the vampire had planned for her, but she had a good idea of the possibilities, and she was quite afraid. Still, she felt alright right now, there wasn’t an oppressive feeling of doom hanging over her; supposedly Alex had been fed on and lived, so maybe this vampire didn’t kill her prey.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Room
Alex -> Alice/Pale
Once Alex reentered the room Pale would easily see that the half-dragon was definitely a little more lively than when she left. And more flustered. Something had happened to rile her nerves, and as the warrior came in she very nearly stomped her way over to the vampire before forcing herself to relax a little. "Drinks are ready." It was at that point that she noticed that someone had gone missing. "Where'd Luciana go?"

It took a while for her to properly notice, a clear sign of her emotional turmoil, but eventually Alex found that Alice was up and awake once again. And was being caressed by Pale. And looked like she was ready to have a heart attack. A sudden wave of concern swelled through the woman, and that helped to bring her back into the role she still needed to play. "My apologies for acting out of turn, Mistress Pale!" The tray was quickly yet carefully put down on a nearby table. "The drinks you requested are ready, my mistress. Would you care to try one now?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Room
Pale -> Alice/Alex

As Alexandra arrives, Pale yawns and stands up before pulling on a shirt and pants. "Thank you, Alex."

The vampire stretches for a bit before sitting down and pulling over a cup. "Do take drinks, both of you."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Room
Alice -> Pale/Alex

Alice didn't say anything when Alex came into the room again and Pale got up, laying on the bed quietly until told to take a drink. The thin, pale girl then brought herself to a sitting position on the side of the bed, holding her hands out in front of her to accept a cup, as she asked "what kind of drinks are they?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

In response to her knock and query, Luciana would hear a muffled shuffling noise from beyond the door, and a moment later Nadia would answer; "Yeah, hold on a minute." The angel rose from her bed, ending her brief nap and moving somewhat sluggishly over to the door, which she then opened and offered the demoness standing beyond a somewhat shaky smile. She looked fairly disheveled, her white robes somewhat askew and her hair a bit messier than usual, but she moved aside to admit the demoness. "I expected you to be a bit longer.... So I decided to take a nap!"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia's Room
Luciana -> Nadia

Luciana waited patiently, shifting her weight slightly from side to side slightly when she heard Nadia's voice. She smiled back warmly at the angel when the door was opened, almost giggling a little bit at the disheveled look she put off. "That's fine, I did cut out a little early. I'd done my part with those women I think" the demon said at the nap comment, walking into the room when Nadia stood aside, though she couldn't help but reach out and muss the angel's messy hair slightly with a hand, continuing "you look so cute like this. Girls can be so pretty when they're a little bit messed up." She had a silly grin on her face as she looked around the pretty standard hotel room, pausing for a moment. "So, are you up for this? If you're too tired that's okay with me, really" she said quietly.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Room
Alex -> Alice/Pale
"This is a mint tea." Said drink was graciously handed to the young woman. "Mixed with rum." Another was taken by the dragon. "I had no idea what to order, and an angel suggested this." A small glance was given to Pale, Alex unsure whether or not she should really mention the meeting with Nadia or not. If Pale was curious then she would ask. If she didn't then both Alex and Alice would simply have to wait to hear what Pale desired next. Either way Alex was starting to feel a little weird about recent events, and she nearly downed the cocktail in one shot. Hopefully some liquid courage would help her relax a bit.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia's Room
Luciana -> Nadia

Luciana waited patiently, shifting her weight slightly from side to side slightly when she heard Nadia's voice. She smiled back warmly at the angel when the door was opened, almost giggling a little bit at the disheveled look she put off. "That's fine, I did cut out a little early. I'd done my part with those women I think" the demon said at the nap comment, walking into the room when Nadia stood aside, though she couldn't help but reach out and muss the angel's messy hair slightly with a hand, continuing "you look so cute like this. Girls can be so pretty when they're a little bit messed up." She had a silly grin on her face as she looked around the pretty standard hotel room, pausing for a moment. "So, are you up for this? If you're too tired that's okay with me, really" she said quietly.

Nadia smirked and blew a piece of hair away from her eyes after Luciana mussed her already fairly messy hair, "Thanks... I think!" After Luciana had stepped inside, Nadia softly closed the door and momentarily leaned against it, her face tight behind the demon's back for a moment. Her smile returned before the demoness could turn and see it, however, and she shrugged in response to Luciana's question. "I'm not really tired," she said, "I just figured that I would be after we were finished!"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Room
Alice -> Pale/Alex

"Oh… Thank you" Alice replied, taking the drink carefully into her hands. She loved mint tea, but mixed with rum? She had very little experience with alcohol, and what little she had had taught her that she didn’t handle it well, small and frail as she was. Especially not on an empty stomach. Still, maybe it would be better to be tipsy for this… She began to sip the tea, finding it very pleasant. It had that wonderful mint taste, with just a hint of burn as it went down her throat. It wasn’t very long before she had downed it all, a warm glow in her mind now. The blind girl felt good, and combined with Alex being near her, maybe this wouldn’t be so bad.

Nadia's Room
Luciana -> Nadia

Luciana paused for a long moment after listening to Nadia, still staring at the bed for a while before saying "yes, the two of us will probably be quite tired, I hope." She turned to look at the angel then, taking a few steps towards her and gently placing her hands on the beautiful redhead’s shoulders. "Nadia, I want to make you feel as good as I possibly can" she started out quietly, smiling at her, "but I also want to make you feel comfortable. I want us to do this however you want it, and to know that no matter how that is, you’re safe in my arms and you can stop me whenever you want with just a word." The succubus, of course, had been taking charge all day long, and was sort of tired of it in a way. She wanted to let the angel have control, both because of that, and because she genuinely wanted Nadia to like her and enjoy their night together.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia appeared somewhat surprised by Luciana's statement, a raised eyebrow and a wariness adding onto her smirk momentarily following the demon's words before the angel seemingly got over her surprise. "Awww, you just want me to be on top again~" the crimson-haired angel replied jokingly, though she answered more seriously immediately; "I never imagined that I wasn't safe with you Luciana. This place doesn't allow us to harm one another, not really, and if I felt threatened by you I'd respond as I normally would."

For a very brief instant a dangerous little spark appears in Nadia's eye, but it passes quickly, and her smile becomes reassuring as her hands begin to roam along the demon's body. "I appreciate the gesture.... I really do, so if I'm going to be in control...." Nadia trailed off and smirked as she took a step closer to the succubus, "I believe that I'm still a little bit overdressed for the occasion... Why don't you help me fix that?" Nadia allowed the words to hang in the air for a moment before making a gentle lunge forward that planted her lips firmly over Luciana's, her own parting gently as her tongue reached out to tease at Luciana's lower lip, seeking entry and a partner with whom to dance while her hands reached around and grasped handfuls of the demon's luscious bottom.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Room
Pale -> Alice/Alex

"An angel? Was it Nadia?" Pale asks, sparing a look for Alex before turning her head to look at Alice again

Pale takes a sip from the cup and waits for Alex to answer before emptying it and putting it back on the table. "Are you two hungry? Thirsty?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Room
Alex -> Pale/Alice
"She didn't introduce herself, but it was definitely Nadia. I recognized her from the little show she put on in the Cafe with the other vampire." And there couldn't have been too many other angels wandering around. Right?

When Pale mentioned food and drink Alex stopped for a bit and gave it some serious thought. Then she gazed over toward Alice. The small girl looked tired, no surprise considering how she'd been trapped and tortured just a little earlier, and thought Alex herself wasn't exactly starving and could do more if Pale wished Alice looked like she would need something to help recover. "Refreshments would be helpful."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

((The last post in this thread was nearly half a year ago by me. This is unacceptable!))

Six -> ???

Bored and totally seeking something to do, Six once again retreated to the forest, partially thankful for the lack of any more of those... 'fights' to contend with at least. Quietly Six would hop into the trees and once again would jump between them, trying to practice the grace and agility to keep herself in shape, mulling over the past events at this place...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Lily -> Six

After her unusual and quite interesting encounter with a coffee cup, Lily finds herself wandering back into the forest. Fluttering her wings, the sidhe gets herself easily onto the upper branches that would support her weight and spots the strange scaly person she already met again. Curiously, the creature seems to be exercising on the trees. As she didn't seem too eager to talk last time, the sidhe leans against a tree and merely watches, not trying to conceal herself, but neither initiating conversation just yet.