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RPG Maker The Last Male [uncensored] [2016, Porn]


Mystic Girl
Mar 12, 2016
Reputation score
What is The Last Male?

Main feature : Sandbox/Freedom of choice/your decisions matter elements.

The Last Male is a RPG Maker game with erotic/porn elements combined with humor, adventure, horror and dramatic elements,in other words a bit of everything. You are the last male alive, you start off clueless about it but you slowly come to realize what is going on. The good thing for you is that you are located in a remote area, in Pine Reservation Resort, however this nice and quiet place is not what it seems. Your world comes crashing down when you discover mystical and unholy powers, there is no reason for them to stay hidden now that the Extinction Event took all the males, except you...

Complete list of features can be found here along with the latest free released version :

Direct link :

Alpha 0.6 Change Log:
- Completed Ether Island. (Content could still be added in the future)
- Advanced various quests.
- Main quests are now marked with "Main Quest" in their title.
- Added 3 new girls
- Fixed an issue where certain events would repeat after changing maps.
- More locations are now available.

The next image shows two characters you will encounter in game, one is not essential to the main story and the other one is, based on your choices it could go like this :
You can see how when it comes to Lisa most choices could lead you to an abrupt ending with her, you can not undo your choice, however choices are not tricky, just logical, as a conversation.
Check out this spoiler :



Here are some screenshots from in-game :
Please keep in mind that the game is still in early development and reporting bugs would be very appreciated! Everything can be subject to change in future versions.
The game will be completely free upon release and free versions will be released with more and more content periodically. However for the game to survive and develop further, it needs help, that's the only reason why there is a delay between patron and free releases.
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Re: The Last Male [uncensored] [2016, Porn]

The code is [ spolier ] [/ spoiler ].

Just remove the spaces.
Re: The Last Male [uncensored] [2016, Porn]

Unless those pictures are ones you got the rights for or they're stock photos that are allowed to be in commercial games, your Patreon is gonna get shut down eventually by a DMCA.
Re: The Last Male [uncensored] [2016, Porn]

It's possible he's an amateur photographer and he wrangled some models... I'm oddly confused as to whether it is more expensive then paying an artist.
Re: The Last Male [uncensored] [2016, Porn]

Looks cool, will give it a try! Nice, looks good. Have to say, looks more than decent. So far it looks good. Nice, we should have more stuff like this lol. This looks good! This game looks good. Nice, keep up the good work. Sweet, how do they get those 3d images, i see so many of them in games lately. Good to see RPG maker games are doing good.

Thanks! Keep up the good work :) Thanks, keep it up! Thanks for taking the time! Thanks a lot! Thanks and keep up the good work. There are a lot of cool jap games and hentai out there but without actually talking the language there is no way to get what's happening.
Re: The Last Male [uncensored] [2016, Porn]

Toxic are you ok
Re: The Last Male [uncensored] [2016, Porn]

Toxic are you ok

I think is is quoting me, i left those comments on some threads to reach the 15 count so i can post but it was not just random spam.
Re: The Last Male [uncensored] [2016, Porn]

Yes, for the uninformed, I literally took every post he made in other threads and put it into one message here. As for spam? Eh, some of it's pretty borderline. I mean, some threads were pretty old. Others were just general discussions about an entire circle, and yet you still said it "looks good." None of your posts quoted anyone, so we can't tell if you were actually talking to anyone at any point, and just saying "thanks" is pretty much the bare minimum of 'contributing' to a thread.

But you're human and you tried to make each one somewhat referential to something, so I'll just let whatever reputation hits you took be enough.
Re: The Last Male [uncensored] [2016, Porn]

Oh good, I just thought you were having a stroke. Or that all these games had finally broke you.
Re: The Last Male [uncensored] [2016, Porn]

Is the main character likable?

Because, if not, I'm pretty sure most girls would let humanity die off rather than sleep with him.
Re: The Last Male [uncensored] [2016, Porn]

Wait...did you just post a game in the hentai game section of a hentai forum and tag it as [Porn]? Because I'll be honest with you, I'd be disappointed if I found a game here that didn't contain porn. I'm not sure how popular a game that uses photography would be around here (from what I've seen most RPG Maker games here either have authors that can double as artists/animators or they hire one to make art for them). The plot is what you'd expect of a Meet n' Fuck game that somehow got upgraded into a dating sim, except its done in RPGMaker. It'll take some work to add more depth to the story.
However, this looks like its your first game, you've put a lot of work and effort into it, and you seem to enjoy making it, so I wish you best of luck!
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Re: The Last Male [uncensored] [2016, Porn]

I suggest, if possible, changing the title to "The Last Man Alive". That way, you could have a conversation that references the title.

"Hey, Tina, remember when you said you wouldn't fuck me if I were the last man alive?"

"Oh for God's sake...."

"Yep, looks like the day has arrived. So how 'bout it?"

"*Sigh*. Yeah, sure. But you're not allowed to tell any of your friends about this."

"...you bitch."