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The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

??? 11 vs 1
Kagura somehow manages to tear herself free from the web without causing too much damage to it, though she can feel something observing her from the darkness. As she lowers herself on the stairs and starts inching downwards, Kagura feels something brush against her back. She gets a few more steps downwards before the entire web somehow collapses on top of her, then bounces back up with her stuck under it.
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Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Without too much trouble, the webs let their grip on Kagura loose, and she makes it back to the steps and down the gap with no further trouble. "That should keep Mr Spider happy. I hope..." she thought about it all, having the idea that the spared web might keep the potential attacker off from her back. And it did, for a while at least. A few more steps go without a hitch until she feels a brush against her back, the poke warning her of what was coming but not really still making her ready for the incoming web that hoisted her back up. She still did not want to remain in the web, so the priestess went right back to struggling again, not seeing her chances in a fight being too good, considering the circumstances.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Kagura: 19 vs 20
Spider: 3 vs 11
Kagura: 4 vs 20 counter
Spider: 17 vs 18

As Kagura starts struggling against the web, she feels something large start poking and prodding her. Though Kagura manages to evade most of those prods, she still gets herself tangled up even worse.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Among the struggles, Kagura could feel something poking at as her she did. She didn't appear to get a hit just yet, if that even was the point of what was happening to begin with. But she did not want to find out, and thus went on with the struggle that was becoming the main activity of the day.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Kagura: 14 vs 16
Spider: 16 vs 3
Kagura: 2 vs 12
Spider: 2 vs 8
+about six rounds with nothing happening

Kagura's struggling doesn't help, and she finds herself being wrapped in even more webs. She discovers that she can make the maker of the webs flinch with sudden movements, but it takes long minutes until she manages to free an arm, which is promptly bound again. Suddenly something tears and Kagura finds herself swinging down, bouncing from another web and someone ending up hanging upside down. The weaver swiftly binds her the rest of the way in the soft, smooth fabric of web, leaving her covered from head to toe
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The struggle was real, taking up a good bit of pointless back and forth that really didn't do anything for neither of the involved. If something, it only made the webs into a further sticky mess that tangled Kagura further. She felt like she could actually make an impact as she frees an arm by a stroke of luck and simple brute strength, but could barely make any use of it before it was stuck right back.

Just then, something else happened as the web gave away from the constant struggles, making Kagura yelp a little as she tumbled down. She makes it down to another web, the end of the plunge somehow leaving her in an upside-down situation. Before she could recover from the scare of the drop, the web inhabitant was there, wrapping her up like a present while she was vulnerable. In her cocoon, the miko wriggled a bit, but soon quieted down. She was not sure about the intentions of the spider thing, if it even was one, but she did not want to agitate it with too much struggle now that she could not really escape.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

After being left alone for several minutes, almost as if she was being drawn again, Kagura is dragged upstairs by a monstrous spider, which she now sees for the first time. The spider, too, sees Kagura and dumps her on the floor, clearly considering what to do with her. The silk covering Kagura starts to glow softly, and the spider hurriedly flees back into the dark staircase. The thick wrapping transform into a shirt and pants, tailor-made for the miko.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Getting herself some hangtime, Kagura starts to get a little anxious, fearing that the spider might be having plans that she might not be wanting to experience going on. Eventually she feels herself getting taken back up, eventually coming face-to-face with the spider that it really was. The creature did not look quite as hostile as she had expecting it to, and she had never been the biggest fan of spiders to begin with. "Ehh... hey there..." she speaks up, somehow managing to get the words out. The spider reacts with some sort of magic as the webbing takes on a glow, forming into clothes that fit the priestess perfectly. While she was not the biggest fan of pants, Kagura would take what was offered with graciousness. Taking a brief moment, she goes back to the entry of the stairs, giving a not too loud thanks to Mr Spider for the clothing and not eating or otherwise ravaging her in the vulnerable position she had just been.

Now a little better due to having clothes, Kagura considers her options. There were still a few doors at least that she had not seen, but the skull had been a point of interest, whatever it was. So, she moved in to investigate the skull and the room it was in, hoping to find something beneficial or informative in there. She was wary of the skull of course, but somehow she had the idea that the room needed to be looked into.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

As Kagura gets close to the bed, the skull's eyes blink to life. "Hey there. The demodand got you, too?"
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Getting into the room, Kagura initially finds little inside, but as she gets within a certain distance of the bed, the suspicious skull suddenly acts up and starts talking with her. It issued a fairly understandable question and did not appear to be hostile, at least not right then, so she decided to humor the thing with a conversation, but not without closing the door first as it might not be the best idea to keep it open. Having done that, the miko sat down on her legs near the skull, considering it a bit rude to stand and look down at them. "Well yes, that is what is happening. It was not that thing at first though, unless everything else I've seen here is working for them. Who might you be and what is your story? If it's not too much to ask..."
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

"Oh, it's been him from the time you stepped into the manor, indirectly at least. He's the one who keeps the ghosts and phantoms and other things bound here by their lust and he always watches the models carefully to draw everything that happens to them, especially the humiliating parts. Can't do much about the living things, though. Not that he cares much about anything that doesn't provide models for his art." the skull says cheerfully. "As for me, I'm just a skull. The rest of me has been dust for too many centuries to matter. You can call me Charlie. I ended up here by accident when the wizard I was advising didn't take my advice and leg it from this manor as fast as she could."
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

"That would explain a good many things I've... experienced. So it's basically getting rid of them then." Kagura was starting to catch up on the whole thing behind this once human-occupied mansion. And while the spectral occupants appeared to be under the demodand's control, the living things inside the place appeared to be there under their own will or simple desire to have a home. This could potentially provide the miko with allies, if she knew how to play her cards right.

"Anyways, my name is Kagura. I'm just a local shrine keeper who decided to take up adventuring with only some martial training. And as you might be able to make out, this is the result. Here, in this upper floor with only these spider-given clothes on me. I had a polearm with me but I lost it." she explained a bit of her situation to Charlie, finding him trustworthy despite the fact that he was a skull. "You wouldn't know anything about this floor? Is there anything here that could help me out?" she went on to ask a few more questions, hoping to get something to guide her but not expecting some sort of total info package as Charlie was still just a skull. A friendly one maybe, but he was a little limited in the mobility department, unless he had some skill that the priestess did not know.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

"Depends. Are you any good at exorcism? There are also a couple of swords, though you'll likely not find them of much use against the demodand." Charlie replies. "My advice? Grab me and climb out of a window. The demodand is a tough customer, and you don't look ready to handle him."
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

"Gone through a few basic ones. Not sure if I could handle something like that thing." Kagura admitted that she lacked both the confidence and experience to try a banishment against the demodand. "I suppose that might be for the best. A bit sad that I need to abandon my uniform and naginata to this place, but what can you do..." she went on to lament a bit, but still had no opposition against the idea of leaving. Grabbing Charlie up, she looked if their current location had a usable window to exit from. If there was, she would use it.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The window opens easily, revealing a 10-foot fall into rosebushes. There are enough handholds that with a little luck she could descend more or less safely, but there would be no avoiding the thorny roses. After that it would be clean sailing away from the manor.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

With the window opening up, the way was mostly clear for the two, but might require some careful and slow descending to not make it be a literal pain as the bottom was not looking too good with all the spiky bush there. "Right, we're going." Kagura told Charlie as she picked him up, starting the precarious descent and hoping to avoid as much of the bushes as she could.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Roses: 1 vs 18 counter
Roses: -1/?, tangled up
Kagura and Charlie get down painlessly, the cool soil feeling pleasant under her bare feet. Suddenly the bushes start moving as several thorny vines lash out at Kagura, only to get tangled with each other.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Getting down from the descent without a hassle, Kagura is relieved to feel to soil under her feet, even as she had been separated from the ground for less than a minute. She did not really get to enjoy it too long as the initially harmless-looking bushes acted up, coming at her but failing pretty spectacularly and only ending up tangled on each other. If she could help it, the miko would simply move away and escape before the sneaky bushes got themselves back into order. Fighting the things without a weapon was certainly not an idea that she fancied to try out.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Roses: 14 vs 6
Kagura: 9 vs 12
Roses: 0 vs 12
Kagura: 9 vs 3
Roses: 3 vs 9

After some struggling and a few scratches, Kagura manages to stumble out of the roses with Charlie still at hand. "Well done, sweetcheeks. Where are we going next?"
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

A little undignified flailing was enough to get Kagura and Charlie out from the rosebush and grabby thorns that occupied it. They cleared out from the immediate vicinity of the mansion, where a thoroughly appropriate question was presented. "Well... I'd like to get myself back in gear, so we should go back to a nearby village."