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The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

"Sure thing, boss. That way." Charlie says, nodding to the direction of the village. "Gotta get some more experience before getting back at the demodand, eh?"
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

"Well yes. I am not the one for defeating that thing, not in my current condition at least. I need a weapon to fight with anything that resembles effectiveness. And I'd like to find myself a set of proper attire again. I miss my robes... Kagura would tell as they headed to the indicated direction.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

"Well, I might be able to help with the weapon a bit. Just find a suitable haft for me, will ya?" Charlie says as Kagura starts walking through the forest. A fox dashes past her path as Kagura spots a suitable young tree she would just have to uproot and limb.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

"Really now? I suppose I could try that out. Having something is better than no weapon." Kagura agreed to the proposition of Charlie's, wanting to have a bit more of a safe feeling going on as they were still in the wilderness. There was a suitable tree present nearby, so that would have do it for now. Going up to the tree, the miko offered an apology to it, as she did find it a bit bad that she was going to tear it out. But she did eventually do it, not having much of another option to go with.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Charlie watches Kagura tear up the tree without a word. Muttering some strange words, the skull breathes out a swarm of black spots that linger on the tree, slowly starting to mould it into the right shape. "This'll take a while. Of course, we'll probably have to spend the night - or most of it at any rate - in the forest anyway, unless you want to run all the way." Indeed, the sun is getting quite close to the horizon, though the twilight hour is not here yet.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

"I'd rather not run, I just am not cut out for something like taking a marathon of that caliber out of the blue." Kagura disagreed with the notion of running who knew how long. But with that said, she would need to get them into a decent site for a little camp. Moving along for now, she would take them forward a bit further and looking for a potential camp site all the while, hoping to find one with natural cover for the possible case there was rain.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The swarm - or whatever it really is - keeps working on the tree and shaping it into a staff, while Charlie occasionally mutters more strange words. Kagura soon finds a suitable campsite: a pair of trees the branches of which provide a fair bit of cover if it starts to rain, as well as soft moss covering underneath. Soft, of course, being a relative term.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

A suitable spot presented itself soon enough, maybe not the most ideal of locations but good enough to not make Kagura look for another one. Spending a little while to make things better suited for herself, the miko looked around for some additional branches and such to add onto the already present natural cover, making it a little bit better. She also looked to make herself less visible while she was inside there, adding some other natural pieces to mask herself while she would be sleeping. While the weapon was not ready, she would still take it within reach if there was an emergency, setting Charlie up in a spot near the thing so he could carry on with the magic that he was doing. With everything is a somewhat better state of being, the priestess would settle herself down on the moss bed, hoping to pass the night without interruption.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Though softer than the surrounding ground, the moss offers no great comfort, and sleep takes its time, arriving only after sunset. The morning she wakes to is cool and damp, her silky garments offering little comfort, but at least Charlie has finished his work and there is a naginata with a ghostly blade laying on the ground next to her.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The night was thankfully one without an interruption, and Kagura could catch herself some needed rest, even if it was a little uncomfy to sleep on the moss. The morning eventually did come, but it was not as pleasant with the chilly atmosphere and the fact that the miko's clothes were not all that protective against the elements. Another layer or more thickness on them would certainly have helped. There was something positive though as Charlie had apparently finished what he was doing with the weapon, a spirit blade now taking up the top section of the wooden shaft. "That looks fairly nice to be honest. Thanks Charlie, I'll try to take care of it." she would thank the skull fellow for his job as she picked the weapon up and tried swinging it a few times to get used to the weight. There was probably a difference between this and her previous blade, after all.

Once the trying out had passed, Kagura would pick Charlie up too so they could be ahead on their way back towards the suggested village.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

"You're welcome. It should work quite well if you find more haunted places." As Kagura starts training with the new weapon, she finds it quite pleasant to work with, though the blade doesn't have much if any weight to it, making it swing more like a quarterstaff than a naginata. As she is getting herself used to the different balance point, the miko spots a fox again. It dashes away as soon as Kagura notices it, but she can't help thinking that it was looking at her.

Starting to walk, the miko soon notices a sweet scent lingering in the air. It seems to try and draw her towards the source. Whatever its cause would probably be tasty and fun... or maybe the scent was just trying to lure her towards the source.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The weapon appeared to be good, if a little unusual with the weightless head. But Kagura did not see that as too big a problem, knowing that she would adjust to it soon enough. And it appeared to have the ability to help her against the spirit beings, which was a nice addition to the weapon.

The unorthodox duo get along the trails a bit, a scent of odd sweetness soon catching Kagura's attention. She was curious about it, but had some concerns as to what might be waiting on the other end of the scent trail. Possibly going against her better judgement, shd decided to follow along, making careful observation of the surroundings as she went.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The source of the scent turns out to be a large flower, with several delicious looking fruit hanging over it. Kagura is reminded that she hasn't eaten anything since yesterday morning.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The trail of scent eventually reached the end, that end being a somewhat obvious large flower. The flower was suspicious, but that was a little overshadowed by the fact that Kagura had missed out on eating for a good while now and there were fruit present. Not wanting to go too close, the miko tried to bap a fruit or two out from the hanging position with her weapon, remaining as far as she could from the flower while doing that.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Kagura: 4 vs 2: 1 fruit
Plant: 10 vs 10
Kagura: 19 vs 8: 3 fruits
Plant: 9 vs 11
Kagura: 1 vs 14
Plant: 21 vs 9
Kagura: 5/5 grappled: -1 to attack

Kagura manages to knock off a few fruits before tendrils reaching out from the flower suddenly grab her leg. If she wanted more fruit, she'd have to either let the flower have its way with her or fight, it would seem.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Proceeding on with the swatting of fruit, Kagura manages to get some of them down. While she might have been ready to just go with the ones she had already knocked down, her attention was shifted soon as the plant revealed it's true nature and grabbing at her. The shrine maiden brought her weapon down, using it to cut at the limb grabbing her in an effort to free herself and maybe find an opening to slip out of reach with her food.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Kagura: 14 vs 9
Plant: 1 vs 4

As Kagura swipes at the offending tentacle, she finds herself suddenly freed and stumbling away from the plant as the ghostly blade does something to the offending vine and causes it to recoil away from her. The gathered fruit smell sweet and practically beg to be eaten.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Finding success again, Kagura fends off the tendrils grasping at her, taking note of the reaction that was happening after her new blade has landed home on them. She might want to ask about that, Charlie probably knowing what the deal was. But more importantly, she wanted to ease her hunger, so the the questioning would happen after she had enjoyed the fruit, now a safe distance away from any immediate and visible hostilities.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The fruit are, in a word, delicious. If she starts feeling warm after eating them, well, it is morning and the air must be warming up. At any rate, other than maybe making her feel a bit warm the fruit do not appear to have any appreciable side-effects and Kagura finds herself desiring for more.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Going through her morning snack, Kagura finds it good eating, if a little suspicious with a very slight noticeable effect. Even as she has some desire to get a few more fruits to eat, the miko decides against it as there are the risks associated with eating too many and something unexpected happening, in addition to the ongoing hostilities of the fruit-bearing vines that might end badly. Having taken the most of the hunger away, the shrine maiden opts to get back to moving onward. Maybe some less risky food would come her way if she got lucky.