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The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

"Is it true that the mansion is haunted? I've always wanted to check, but I'm not the adventurous type." Tsuki replies, pouring tea to Kagura and, after a moment of hesitation, pours some on a saucer and sets it in front of the fox. The fox winks at Tsuki before starting to lap it up from the saucer.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

"Oh yes, the worst kind of haunting too. Created by a demon thingy. I would know." Kagura replied as she took the offered tea, realizing that she had probably gotten the answer to her yet unasked question right there. It was a bit disappointing, but she had not expected any immediate help to come her way easily. "Hmm, yeah. That is about what I expected. My reason coming here was to look for possible aid in getting that house purified, and I did not recognize the place right away. But I wouldn't ask someone unwilling to come with me." she briefly explained what she had come for, switching the topic to uniforms as soon as she could in hopes that her compatriot would have a spare one to give out and thus let Kagura regain some of her personality back with the cloth.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

"A demon. That would be something to see." Tsuki replies, taking a sip from her own cup. "Oh, I'd love to help, but I'm not sure how much I could do, if the demon is powerful enough to influence the entire manor like that. I've never tried banishing anything bigger than an imp." She quickly gets a spare uniform for Kagura, though this one is a bit tight around her chest.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

"That's about what I expected, and it is exactly why I won't try to persuade you into coming. It just wouldn't feel right doing that." Kagura agreed about the mansion and how it was. Thankfully, Tsuki had a spare uniform to give, and slipping into it was a welcome feeling to the miko, the cloth on her body making feel a good bit better and safer even to some extend. She would need to figure out a way to thank her compatriot later for this generosity, as she had little to give at the moment. Thanks, you're a darling. I was starting to feel a bit strange and out of myself without these robes." she would say.

Taking the time to finish up tea, Kagura would ask if Tsuki knew about other, more powerful priestesses and possibly about this old man wizard who the fox had mentioned. She would need the information just as much as she had needed the clothing.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The fox makes no comment about Kagura changing her clothes, but Charlie lets out an appreciative whistle. "I don't know about the wizard, but there is a hermit living at the hills not too far from here. He used to be a priest and he could probably help. The other option would be to go all the way to the city, though I doubt you'll find it easy to get help from there."
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

There was little to be had for further information, but Tsuki did share that there was a hermit person living somewhere in the nearby wilderness, a former priest too. It looked like this would be the next order of business for Kagura and her little mission of purification. Whether this was the same man that the fox had mentioned or not was really a thing anymore as the miko had more trust towards other faithful than wizardly types.

Assuming Tsuki was willing to let her go this early, Kagura would thank her colleague for the aid she had received before asking her for possible clues towards where to find this hermit.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Tsuki shows Kagura a map of the area, and points at a point shortly before the mountains to the North, about a day's travel from this village. "He should be somewhere in this area, I think. Are you sure you don't want to stay the night?"
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Asking for the directions was easily answered by Tsuki, who pointed the location out for Kagura, who was finding herself more and more indebted to her colleague. She was even asked if she wanted to take the chance and rest for the night at the shrine. "Ah, since you are so kind to offer, I just as well might. Being here for the night would certainly beat the forest when I have no gear for camping out there." she accepted, deciding that the trip would be easier and more comfy if she had rested well before it all.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

"I'm always happy to have visitors," Tsuki replies. Finishing her tea, she sets down the cup, peering into the leaves at the bottom. "So, um. Why are you carrying a skull around?"
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

It was a bit surprising that the question about her skull had not come earlier than now, but Kagura was not above giving an answer. "Well... it was his wish basically. But I'm kinda interested to hear if there is a reason for you to want me taking you around Charlie? Something other than not wanting to be on a bed in the same room of that mansion for who knows how long." the miko answered the question, as well as having one of her own to present for the unfortunate man that was Charlie.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Tsuki raises an eyebrow at Kagura's words, but doesn't say anything. Charlie replies: "Oh, I don't have any particular goals right now. Though I suppose it would be nice to get to work with a wizard again."
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

"I think that could be a thing to look out for. Have to try and remember it along the way." Kagura took note of her skull companion's words, thinking that it might be better for him in the long run than staying as her partner. Maybe a wizardly type would benefit from his presence more than she. "And that there is the reason for me to have a skull around. As odd and possibly disturbing it might look to most." the miko would tell Tsuki afterwards as well.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Tsuki nods thoughtfully, and the fox curls up on her lap. The miko starts idly petting it. "A spirit of knowledge, unless I miss my guess?" she asks. "You got it, boss." Charlie replies. "Well, we have some time before we need to make dinner and I don't have any pressing chores right now. What would you like to do?"
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

There was still a little time to be had according to Tsuki's words, so Kagura would be able to do something before they made food for themselves. "I suppose I could go out to the village and see if there is anyone who knows about this hermit, see if I could find some further information about him." she proposed, going out on her own unless either of the companions wanted to come along for a walk.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

"Good luck," Tsuki says and goes to take care of the dishes.

It's the afternoon, so most people would probably still be at work. Kagura can see a pair of old-timers sitting on a porch, a herbalist's shop, a teahouse and other shops and houses one would expect in a small village.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

With apparently no companionship going with her, Kagura made it outside to the village areas by herself, having a few options present to ask around in. While she thought there might have been some possibilities for info around the stores, the miko was feeling a little too courteous to go into them without money and buying something. So, she used the one good option present, going to the old-timers. She would introduce herself to them if they gave her the time of day, going into a question or two about the hermit man if they had something to tell about him, remembering to stay in her best manners like usual.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

One of the two men - a grey bearded fellow with a polished cane and tidy once-fine clothes - huffs as the miko introduces herself. "The hermit? Fah! There's something shady about him, that's for sure. Comes here every few months, not that he lets anyone know that it's him! There he lurks in the woods and Regu's daughter goes to visit him. No doubt running a smuggling ring or something else unwholesome. And whenever he comes, things go missing! Why, just five years ago my favourite scythe vanished into thin air the very day he came here! And next time he visits, it turns up again! I gave it to the blacksmith and told him to get rid of it, for who knows what he had done with it! And you know what happened to the blacksmith soon after that, don't you?"
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

After getting through the introduction and the usual small pleasantries, Kagura was met with some rather unpleasant information about this hermit guy. It was starting to sound like a bad idea to go looking for him, but she was not completely persuaded to stop at this point. "Did he die? Go missing? This all sounds fairly bad."
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The man seems slightly startled by Kagura not knowing what happened while his friend rolls his eyes. "Why, he got sick as a dog! Couldn't get out of his bed for two months. And in the middle of the harvest, too. It caused no end of trouble! Oh, the healer said it was something he ate, but if so, how come no-one else got sick? It was something the hermit did to my scythe, I say!"
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

"Well I wouldn't know that, I'm not from this village." Kagura cleared that little point that did not appear to be known for the two. While she was not sure about the entire thing, the scythe did interest her a bit, even though she was fairly sure that the healer person was in the right with their estimation. "Can I see your scythe? If you still have it that is." she would ask, probably being able to make out any spiritual wrongness if there was something like that present in the farming tool.