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The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

"Of course not! Do you take me for a fool? The smith melted it, as far as I know. And good riddance, I say." the man answers, scoffing Kagura.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

"No, of course. My apologies." were the brief last words that Kagura had to say before she thanked the two and excused herself. The smith was probably one with some little bit of information to add, so the priestess decided to head out to him and see if this man was willing to talk with her.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The familiar sound of iron against iron echoes out from the smithy, the only stone building in the village. The smith is hard at work while his apprentice pumps the bellows to get the flame hotter. Noticing the miko, he respectfully nods to her, then takes time to finish what he's working for and sets it back into the glowing fire. "Hullo priestess. What brings you here?"
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The smithery was easy to find due to it's nature as the one and only building made of stone in the area, so Kagura could make it there fairly fast. Unlike the previous two old men, the smith was a good bit less grouchy in his dealings. In fact, he was actually fairly pleasant judging from the first impression. After giving him the same pleasantries and introductions that she had given to the old men, she asked the man about the hermit, the scythe and what he thought about the fact that he had gone ill during that one time.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The smith listens patiently, his expression turning to a frown as Kagura asks about the scythe. "Taro told you about that, eh? It was a nice scythe, but I did as he asked and broke the shaft and melted the blade. Shame, really. Got a high fewer afterwards and it left me weak for months. The healer said it was bad spirits in something I ate and she ought to know. Still, an odd coincidence. Don't recall eating anything my wife didn't, too. Mayhaps it had something to do with the scythe. Mayhaps I was just unlucky."
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

"Yes, he kind of did tell me. But it does appear to be what I expected. Was it Tsuki who treated you?" Kagura would ask before taking her leave, giving out the usual goodbyes as she did not have too much to ask this time, starting to get the idea that the villagers either did not want to tell her about the hermit or did not have any real information about him. With the brief round of questions she considered done, the miko headed back towards the shrine to see what was going on there.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

"Nay, she was just apprentice, then. It was the old priestess, Takeki." the blacksmith says, and gets back to work as Kagura leaves.

As the miko gets back to the temple, she finds that Tsuki has finished with the dishes and is now sweeping the floor. "Did you find what you were looking for?"
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Getting back to the shrine after her little lookout for possible information, Kagura was not laden with too much further info than what she had already been told before. A bit disappointing maybe but it would have to do. "Not all that much really. The few people I talked to did not have the willingness to talk too much or they just did not know anything particularly useful." she would tell Tsuki who was asking her about it all. Now that she was back, the miko was ready to have some food in her, but she did not wait for it idly, opting to help Tsuki out in some way if she still had to do things before the food time.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

With the two of them working, the shrine is quickly cleaned. The fox seems amused by all the fuzz and helpfully provides a quail which Tsuki and Kagura prepare to eat along with the rise. When the food is done, Tsuke prepares the table and gives the fox his share of the quail along with a small bowl of sake.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

With the help she gave, Kagura had Tsuki clear the cleaning duty at increased speed, the whole thing making her feel a bit pleasant. The fox was helping too, providing the girls a bird to prepare for food, which they would promptly do after the cleaning. Once it was all ready, the miko would proceed to eat, having developed a healthy appetite during all that forest venturing.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The quail turns out to be fairly tasty, and both the fox and Tsuki dig into the meal with enthusiasm. After they've eaten, the fox happily curls up in Kagura's lap. "Are you going after the hermit, then?" Tsuki asks, clearing up the table.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

"The people were not all that helpful about him, but they probably have their reasons for that. I did hear about some of them having their reservations about that guy, but it won't be stopping me from going after him. That place needs to get the peace it deserves, even if the former owners might have been a lot of with a questionable moral code." Kagura confirmed that she would indeed be going out the next day to find this man of a lonely nature.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

"Well, there's still some time before sunset. Would you like a bath?" Tsuki says. "It's still some ways to go until we'll go to bed."
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

"Wouldn't mind having a cleansing dip. Did not really have the opportunity.to wash myself the last few days, for reasons." Kagura agreed to the bath, prepared to go right awaybif Tsuki wanted to.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Tsuki heads to the bathroom next to the kitchen and fills the large copper tub with water. "It'll take a while to heat the water, so-" her sentence is cut off and she gives the fox a sharp look as the water suddenly starts to release steam. "Or I guess we could go right in. You don't mind sharing, do you?"
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Seeing Tsuki go, Kagura followed her to see their bath, which was a decent looking deal. The fox appeared to be playing with them again as the supposed need for heating was gone right then, Tsuki probably realizing it too as she looked at the fox. "It shouldn't be a problem, so I believe we can go right ahead." Kagura agreed, looking for a spot where she could set her clothes down to and keep them from getting wet before getting out of them and hopping right in.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

There are a pair of chairs in one corner, as well as several nails to hang the clothes by. Tsuki hangs her robe from one of the nails, then tosses her underwear on one of the chairs, revealing her pale and girlish figure before sliding into the bath with Kagura. "Remember Father Li? He always used to talk about how it's bad for girls to bathe together." the miko says with a smirk.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Going into the bath with Tsuki, Kagura could see that her colleague had not developed quite as absurdly as she herself had a few years back, retaining a more modest form of body. It was probably good though as it got in the way less and made any silly lust towards her less of an occurrence. Kagura herself had already experienced what could happen with a more desirable form. "I do remember, a bit vaguely maybe but yes, I do remember that he had mentioned it. I might have believed it back then, but as I grew older, I know it isn't that bad a thing to do."
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Tsuki leans against the edge of the bathtub, her arms hanging outside. "That fox of yours sure is handy to have around." Raising her head, she eyes Kagura's form with a mix of admiration and curiosity.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

"Yeah, he sure does seem to know all sorts of convenient things, this one. Not completely aware of everything there is to be seen from him yet myself." Kagura admitted that there were certainly good qualities in this fox, and she was not going to hide the fact that she appreciated the things that were being done. Still, the miko harbored some doubts towards the guy as she knew of the nature of the fox spirits. The looks that she got from Tsuki were not unnoticed by any means, but Kagura saw no reason to make a number of it. It was just two young ladies in a bath after all.