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The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Kagura finds a patch of wild strawberries nearby, and soon she has eaten her fill of the sweet berries, leaving her with little to do except continue onwards. The rest of the day is fairly uneventful, and as sun begins to set, she's in the area where the hermit should be, yet there is no sign of him that she can see. There are hills all around her and a few miles further would see the terrain turn mountainous, but the rolling hills offer little in the way of shelter, save for a few small groves of trees that she can see, though she could always try to find a cave as well.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Having a fairly easy time with the berries and finding them, Kagura had soon made herself a decent dessert and eaten it. With that stuff done, she could move on with the trip through the wilderness to maybe find this hermit guy in time before it went dark.

Yet she did not seem to catch too much luck as the promising areas only came within reach once the dark began to bring itself around. Making it a point to look for a possible cave, the miko would settle for a grove if she did not find a cave that was not immediately hostile to her camping attempt.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

It takes a while, but Kagura manages to find a cave before it gets dark. The entrance is quite narrow, forcing her to crawl to get in, but inside it's spacious enough to be comfortable, and there's a softly glowing crystal near the back providing enough light to navigate by, if not quite as much as a torch would.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

With some looking around, Kagura finds a neat-looking cave, maybe one with a smaller entrance but it looked good enough for her needs in any other aspect. There was good space past the tight entrance and a small light source, so it looked that she would be spending her night there. Settling herself in, the miko would seek sleep as soon as possible.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

As Kagura sets out to go to sleep, she starts feeling warm for some reason. The fox eyes the crystal as if fascinated by it, its tail swishing from side to side.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Getting herself ready to sleep, Kagura noticed some increase in temperature happening. She would quickly reason that the crystal was probably the reason here, and the fox looking at it pretty much confirmed it being the reason. "Something you know about that thing?" she would ask as she laid down, looking at the fox and the crystal as she did.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The fox seems quite amused for some reason. "Perhaps. I'll tell you about it in the morning." he replies, sounding smug and tricksy as he walks over to Kagura and snuggles his fuzzy body against her.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

"Hmph, if you have coy about it." Kagura puffed, not being quite sure how to take the reply. Yet she would let it go, opting to drift off into sleep instead as she was not really feeling up to starting an interrogation on her assumed partner being.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Kagura's dreams linger on the mansion and the lewd situations she encountered there.

She wakes up shortly before dawn, though she can't seem to get her mind off of the dreams. Her flower is wet and her breaths come heavy, while her hands wander along her body seemingly on their own, teasing more sensations out of it as lust clouds her mind. The fox seems to have found his way back into human form, though he appears to slumber still.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Catching sleep rather quickly, Kagura drifted off to rest despite the uncertainty that the suspicious crystal and the fox brought to her.

But that sleep was not quite what she had been looking for, as the dreams the miko experienced were living out the lewd and questionable acts of the haunted mansion in replay yet again. Even as she woke up from her slumber, the thoughts did not leave, still lingering strong in her mind and making Kagura act in rather undesirable ways as she was molesting herself without thinking about it. And all of that stuff had not gone without effects on her body as well, the arousal fairly heavy on her already. "Just had to keep it to yourself, huh..." Kagura mentally cursed her companion fox as she tried to stop what was going on, wanting to maintain control of herself in the face of such wanton lewdness. Whatever it would take, even going out if she could make it out of the cave for a while to hopefully regain full control.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

With a great deal of mental effort, Kagura manages to get to her hands and knees, but the denial of her baser instincts only seems to kindle the fire burning within as her treacherous memory continues working against her with reminder of the last time she was crawling around on her hands and knees. The miko is quite certain that if she tries to lift her hands to move, they would not go where she told them to. As she is left with this dilemma, the fox slowly blinks his eyes open, stretching as he sits up. "Good morning, beautiful."
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Going against her lust, Kagura just barely managed to get to a moving position, but not much more than that. Just as she was about to try moving on, she noticed yer "partner recover from sleep as well, the annoyingly chipper tone of voice only making the miko more determined to clear it out of the cave. "You could have told me about this! I hate you..." she would state her disapproval as she pushed herself against the compulsion to remain in the lewd crystal cave.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

"You really need to learn to relax." the fox replies now in a serious tone as he easily rolls to his feet and crouches next to Kagura. "Need help?" As Kagura lifts up her hand, it naturally drifts towards her chest, the merest brush against her orbs clouding her mind even more than it already is.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Finding herself unable to get any progress, Kagura was starting to get frustrated at her situation. "This isn't my idea of relaxation! And yes, I could use some help, as you might see..." she would reply to the snarky fox's words, gasping as she touched herself against her will. The miko was usually one who wanted to go through her trials on her own, but she knew when to ask for help, and this was certainly one of those times.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The fox stares at Kagura for a moment, clearly disappointed. With a barked word, he shatters the crystal, causing a blinding flash and leaving her in the dark as the effects of the crystal immediately vanish. Once Kagura can see again by the dim light coming from the entrance, the fox is gone.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

With her need being fairly clear, Kagura was a little surprised to see that the fox did not get up to further shenanigans, instead simply doing what he should have to begin with and taking that cursed crystal out. Gathering herself in both the mental and physical capacities, she would get a move on once she was recovered, gathering her equipment and moving out of the cave. The fox was probably waiting outside, most likely having experienced disappointment as they could not get the miko to go along with their ideas of fun. She would go carefully, keeping an eye out and not coming to the open straight away if she saw or heard something potentially hostile out there.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

By the time Kagura gets out of the cave, the fox seems to have vanished. The entire area seems to be vacant, with only a few trees offering variety in the hilly landscape. It would seem that Kagura would have to find the hermit by herself.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Not getting the sense of anything bad lurking around, Kagura made it out of the cave without futher delay. She found herself alone, the fox having slinked away for whatever things such spirits enjoyed. But she did not dwell on it too long, starting the search by herself as she did not really have an option to go with someone else.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

About an hour after the sunrise, Kagura notices a herd of goats atop a nearby hill. Soon after, she spots the hermit - or at least, a hermit - taking care of them. He appears to be an old man with thoroughly unkempt appearance, walking with a staff for support.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Despite her initial thoughts about the fox coming up sooner or later, Kagura managed to hike on by herself through the entire day without seeing him again. Maybe they were done with each other after all. Might be for the best, though the miko was feeling a little less safe in the wilderness by herself. Regardless of her feelings, she still managed to make it around without anything hassling her for the duration of the walk until a development happened.

There was something to be found before it got too dark though, a person with some goats in a herd. Kagura would make her way towards the man, not doing it too fast or sudden to avoid any sort of misunderstanding that might occur from such behaviour, introducing herself and telling what she was after, assuming she had gotten to speaking terms with them just like that.