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The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

As the disciplinary action fails, both the whip and the dick vanish. Then a small, silvery stud appears, and as Kagura's mouth is forced open, it slides inside, embedding itself into her tongue with a sharp flash of pain. The pain vanishes completely as soon as it appeared and as Kagura's head is let go of, she can feel the stud extruding from the top and bottom of her tongue. There doesn't seem to be any blood, though.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Going against the desires of the dick made it go away along with the whip, and it was replaced with a silvery thing. The thing was then inserted into Kagura's forcibly opened mouth and embedded into her tongue by some means that she could not really make out, but the sting was very real and made her flinch. The decoration or whatever it was got stuck in there pretty good, the feeling of it fairly awkward to someone not used to things like it. But she was going to be stuck with this too for a while at at least, so the priestess would just have to make do, not that she was liking it much.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

A closet opens and a mattress is laid out next to the food and water dishes. Then a pillow and a blanket are added. Finally, the food bowl is filled with some kind of gruel, the tail is pulled out, and the door to the room slams shut, the presence of the phantoms fading as it does so. It looks like Kagura would spend her night here.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Apparently there was no further punishment to be had as the surroundings started to move on their own again, a bed of a passable type coming out from the nearby closet and setting itself up. A pile of something that could probably be eaten was set into the bowl as well, Kagura noticing these things but her attention from them soon going away as the removal of the tail happened. the departure of the device not being particularly pleasant. The ghosts faded away afterwards, leaving the miko to herself in the room. "What are these things... I've never encountered such spirits..." she spoke out aloud, maybe just to calm herself down in this weird situation.

With how things were, Kagura had fairly little to do in her captivity. She tried to make best of her dinner time, which was hard given that she had to eat like a dog, the gloves making it impossible to eat more normally. Same went to the water, the drinking operation being as messy as the eating. Making herself as clean as she could afterwards, the priestess went ahead and decided to try and sleep in her assigned bed.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

As Kagura starts speaking, only barks and whines come out. It would seem that some of her new gear is enchanted, at least, though probably not in a way she would have chosen. Eating and drinking also makes surprisingly little mess, as everything she doesn't manage to eat simply vanishes, whether from her face or from the floor. As Kagura finishes drinking, the water dish fills itself again.

As Kagura lays down on the mattress, the lights in the room fade away. Though it's not exactly cold, the blanket is needed, and sleep evades her for some time, as her attire takes getting used to, despite being surprisingly comfortable for what it is. Finally sleep comes, and she dreams of being made to go back home as a bitch, wagging her tail whenever anyone pays attention to her.

Kagura wakes up as the door opens and the lights light-up again. How she would greet her owners might well set the tone for the rest of the morning.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

With the enchantments making themselves known to her, Kagura could realize that the dog part of this captivity was a very real thing, down to the most minute details. She could not get sleep to come right away, but eventually it did, and she could really use the rest as everything that had happened in the past half a day was just so weird that it took a lot out of her.

Coming out from a dream that she did not really agree with, Kagura was awakened by the lights turning on and the phantoms returning to see her. The gear she was wearing apparently had at least a subconscious effect on her besides the physical one of bark sounds, given that dream. She would try to be strong. With the ghost being there though, she would probably need to give them a good impression to not make the coming days as bad as they might get. Even though she was a terrible early morning person, the miko got up as best as she could to greet the apparent owners instead of laying down and probably getting punished for it.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

As Kagura gets up, she gets her head patted like a good dog. Then the three phantoms manifest visible bodies from the neck down, completely naked of course. Kagura finds three thick members rising up at her head level, and she can feel the spooks waiting for her reaction.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The approach method appeared to be the correct one as the phantoms patted Kagura's head upon her arrival, the gesture making her feel better than she should have in that situation. But as the bodies manifested themselves, she got her reservations back, the sight of the steadily erecting dicks making her tense as she realized what would be happening next. Remaining where she was, the blushing Kagura prepared for the inevitable, not taking any initiative herself as she just had no confidence to act on her own in the face of the situation she was in. This probably disappointed the ghosts, but she could not do much better and would probably need to take some punishment for it.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

As Kagura shows her reluctance, two of the phantoms vanish again, and the remaining one reaches out to scratch her behind the ears. Then someone firmly grips her behind and starts to grope and massage it.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Somehow, the reaction Kagura gave did not warrant a punishment just like that. Instead, a few of the ghosts appeared to disappear, with the remaining one approaching a little more to deliver a scratching to the miko's ear, which was strange to say the least. While it might have been that, it was not bad in any way, somewhat enjoyable instead actually. Getting a bit lost in the kind gesture, she is returned to the situation as the hands land on her rear to molest it like they had done previously. Looking behind her awkwardly, the priestess made no real moves to escape the fondling as she knew it would be basically impossible to do anyway in her current state of equipment.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

As Kagura steadfastly refuses to be the good little bitch the phantoms want, they finally lose patience. Something white and sticky is poured into her food bowl. Then Bitch's face is practically shoved into it and she can feel a thick, well-lubricated member press against her pucker before slowly sliding in.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The patience of the ghosts appeared to finally wear thin as Kagura failed to show the initiative that they were probably looking for, and she could feel it. The miko could notice something get added to her bowl, and she got introduced to it rather quick and hard as the spectral entities proceeded to shove her into the stuff face-first. Making sure to avoid that weirdness, she would not eat the stuff unless forced, and that might happen sooner than expected as one of the ghosts was starting the punishment with his dick. Again, Kagura found herself faced with the awkward and uncomfortable feelings of anal penetration, but she couldn't really fight it, so she would just have to take it and grit her teeth. She would probably end up eating some from the bowl, but she would take that as it came.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The phantom pauses, giving Kagura time to adjust - or voice a protest - before starting to thrust in and out with long, slow rhythm.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

While the ghost had appeared fairly enthusiastic about getting the punishment going at first, they went on to stop for a good bit, possibly expecting something from Kagura. Or maybe the punishment was not as hard as she expected, the pause being one to allow her some adjustment time, which was a bit strange to say the least. The phantom did eventually start what it had planned, taking it long and slow, which might have been enjoyable if they had gone into the other hole. With the action happening in her rear, Kagura just found herself being uncomfortable as the tightness of her hole made it all very unpleasant for her, maybe not as much to the assailant.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The phantom slowly picks up speed, lubricating the tight hole enough to make it painless. Slopping groping the miko from behind, he eventually cums inside, sending a pleasant shock through Kagura before pulling out. Then she is presented with another erect member, with the strong implication that this would be the last chance.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

With some effort from the thrusting phantom, the pain of the anal penetration goes away, turning into slight discomfort instead as he keeps on going for a bit, Kagura still biting her lip as she remains in a subjugated position. The act eventually passes, the final thrust actually managing to make the miko feel a little bit of good pleasure, which was surprising.

With that bit of unpleasantness behind, the situation reverts back to what it had been a few minutes ago, with the exposed dick presenting itself to Kagura again. The expectations were probably the same as before, and while she was not too keen on the idea still, the priestess was sure she should really be getting to it unless she wanted something bad to happen. Getting up with her face still somewhat covered by the white stuff in the bowl, she assumes the position, starting to gently administer attention to the waiting member.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The thick rod tastes pleasant in Kagura's mouth, and she finds herself enthusiastically pleasuring it, as the piercing in her tongue vibrates slightly. To encourage her even more, she feels a hand sliding between her thighs, gently rubbing her honeypot.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Not entirely sure why she was liking it, Kagura kept up with her gentle administrations for a good bit. The vibration of the piercing on her tongue was certainly strange as she had not been expecting it, but it probably did something for the phantom. Once she was getting rubbed, she upped the pace a little, sensing that it was indeed a good direction to take in the current situation.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The member in Kagura's mouth grows even fuller as she continues her pleasant task and she feels a thumb pressing gently against her jewel, slowly rubbing it and sending waves of pleasure through her. Then she feels first one finger then another slip inside her, gently rubbing her inner walls and making Kagura realize just how horny she is.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

With the attention Kagura was giving getting a little bit more intense, the dick got proportionally bigger and more eager, as did the groping at her other end. With the phantom taking it's advances at her further, she was starting to get uncharacteristically aroused from it all. As much as she might have liked to urge the ghost on, she knew it would result in little besides silly dog noises. Thus, she just upped the pacing on her oral effort further, starting to take the member in deeper. Maybe they would give her something back if she did.