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The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Three more games pass, then Kagura gets unlucky again and loses a hand. The gag rises into the air, hovering in front of Kagura and waiting for her to open her mouth so it can slip in. The cards also wait for her, and the next stake appears to be a rather beautiful black corset of silk and leather, matching her new boots.
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Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Going into the new game, Kagura finds herself quickly beaten by the more fortunate ghost person trio. The floating gag coming at her makes the priestess' awkward levels rise a bit more, but she would have to deal with it. Opening her mouth wide, she allowed the floating ball to muffle her, hoping that there would be no need to converse with anything around the place as she might not be in her best conversational ability while gagged.

The next punishment item appeared soon, this one being a little less hampering than the gag as it was a corset. The ghosts were basically playing her at that moment, she realized, using her desire to be nice for their own lewd ends. Of course, there was some fault on her end too, with the valuables attracting her to the game. The cards were down, so she would play more.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The gag muffles Kagura quite effectively as it pulls tight around her head, and then the game is on again. Next game sees Kagura having victory practically snatched from her hands by poor luck, and then she loses again. An eerie wind pulls Kagura's robe over her head, leaving her naked save for the boots, and then the corset laces itself over her mid-section, augmenting her already shapely body without actually covering anything that needs to be covered.

Perhaps out of some deeply hidden sense of decency or perhaps merely wishing to tantalize her further, a pair of deep red silk panties is added to sweeten the pot. On the other side of the table, a fluffy tail is added, though except for a strange rubbery shape, there doesn't seem to be anything with which to attach it to her...
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Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

With another victory quickly escaping her, Kagura was left feeling rather disappointed at her luck being what it had turned out to be in this series of games. While she had been ready to get up and make the space needed for the corset, a ghastly wind made it all happen, somehow removing both her hakama skirt and robe, leaving the shrine maiden naked and covering herself as best she could with the corset coming onto her as well. But the garment was soon on her like expected, and it did not really make her feel any more comfortable. Thankfully there was some mercy to be had as an addition was made, some actually nice panties which she could be thankful of.

The next piece of kit was as dubious as the rest of them, and it felt like this one might make an impact in more ways than one. Even then, Kagura felt like she had come too far to quit without collecting at least some additional winnings, so she kept on playing, a little slower this time as she had to play with one arm on her breasts to keep herself covered.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Kagura easily wins the next hand, gaining a pair of panties and an emerald ring. They are replaced with a tiara set with amethysts and a brassiere to match her new panties.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Scoring a win for a change, Kagura is given a brief breather from the strange, kinky items. Setting the gained items into her clothing on the side, she prepares for the next round after getting the panties on, hoping to gain the other part of the undies so she would not need to be covering herself up constantly as it was fairly bothersome to do.
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Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

While Kagura stops to put her new panties on, the losing phantom already deals the next hand, which she promptly goes on to lose.

The fluffy tail slowly rises into the air, circling the miko once before dipping down behind her. Something pulls her panties out of the way and then the rubbery end, suddenly slick with some sort of oil, slowly presses against her pucker, persistently increasing the pressure until smoothly sliding inside, the wide bulb in the middle sending a shocking mix of pain and pleasure through Kagura body as it passes into her anus, lodging firmly inside as Kagura's own muscles prevent it from being pulled out easily.

When Kagura gets through her shock, the next stake is already on the table: A set of long leather gloves that seem to end in some sort of paws. This must be the final stake, for there is no way she could keep playing with those on - or do much else to help herself, for that matter.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Just like that, Kagura goes from winning to losing in one game as her luck decides to leave again, the fickle thing it was. Having some idea as to what might be coming, she tensed up as the panties went down. "No... not there..." she mentally tried to ward the tail off, but it was of no use. The plug part of the thing pushed itself into her without too much ceremony, and the disrobed miko let out a muffled yelp as her rear was filled. It was far less pleasant than the slime had been when it raped her, but that one had not poked itself into her untouched butt. It would take some getting used to, this tail thing. Hopefully she would not need to keep it on for too long a time.

Now being red like a pile of strawberries, the priestess sat back down onto her spot properly, avoiding poking the plug as much as she could. There was some finality in the air with the punishment that appeared, but Kagura would play along, being sure that she could at least somehow carry her weapon if the gloves would stay on for longer.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Unfortunately Kagura's bad luck continues, and as she lays the last card on the crate, the pair of gloves worms their way through the air, sliding over her hands and snuggly fitting over her elbows while forcibly squeezing her hands into fists. The three phantoms fade away from the view, and suddenly the bands on her boots become attached via short chains, making it impossible for her to stand up.

Then the miko feels a pair of strong hands squeezing her ass before traversing upwards to squeeze her orbs while invisible lips kiss her neck. It would seem that the costume isn't the only price she's going to pay.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Fully expecting to lose at this point, Kagura is not wrong about her game ending like she is thinking. The cards quickly let her down again, and with that, the gloves too find their way onto her arms and hands. While she had been somewhat positive with the gloves initially, the forced fists took that away. The mitt-like paw structure of them might have allowed for some success, but there was no wielding weapons with her hands like this.

And as if that was not bad enough, there was a bunch of other things happening too. The boots locking up with tiny chains and her playing companions vanishing. Without the use of her hands, Kagura was not too keen on trying to force herself up to her feet and most likely faceplant onto a nearby box or the floor with the restriction on her feet in place. The card buddies did not go away though, as the fondling that started suggested. In her current bindings, trying to get away from them was about equally hard as the slime had been when it had her covered. So, again, the priestess would need to go through a sexual event. This one she was a little more comfortable with, as the partner or partners were at least previously human.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The kissing and gentle groping continue, and as Kagura makes no move to resist, she feels a thick length between her legs. The phantom starts sliding his member back and forth over Kagura's clitoris while artfully teasing her breasts with his hands, the invisible fingers rubbing and groping and tweaking hungrily. Soon he judges the miko ready enough and pulls back before slowly penetrating her, the thick member sliding deep into her folds made tighter by the tail up her backside. Leaning against her back, he continues fondling her orbs and starts rolling his hips, with soft, short movements at first, then growing faster and faster until Kagura feels herself panting with pent up pleasure. It doesn't take very long until he cums, almost simultaneously pushing her over the edge as something sprays into her womb.

As the phantom pulls out, he's replaced by another. This one roughly grabs her ass and takes her like a wild animal. Squeezing and groping her ass and occasionally tugging the tail just to remind her that its still there, he moves fast and hard, soon pushing her into another orgasm. Kagura's pleasure only spurs him into riding her harder, and she's forced to lean into the crate as she quickly approaches her third orgasm. Before she reaches that, however, he pulls out, cumming over her ass.

Fortunately she isn't left frustrated, as she's spun onto the crate on her back and the third phantom spreads her legs wide, like a good whore. He leans in between her legs and soon she feels hot lips wrapping around her nipple and sucking hard while he enters her, the very act making her come again. He continues kissing and licking and sucking on her breasts while slowly moving his hips and trailing his fingers along her hips. His fury builds slowly as his hips start moving faster and his hands move up, pinning her arms on the crate. After driving her into yet another orgasm, he speeds up even more, soon cumming inside her before pulling out.

For a while Kagura is left alone, and she might almost think her payment is over, but the phantoms clearly don't agree. She's again pinned on her back over the crate and her head is pulled over the edge. The miko feels a great weight, as if someone sitting on her chest, and then both the tail and that gag are removed. She's not to wonder why, as Kagura suddenly feels a thick member enter her ass, and when she opens her mouth in shock, another is shoved deep into her throat, making her gag. The missing cock is pressed between her breasts, tightly held together by invisible hands, and then all three phantoms start fucking her hard. The pressure in her rear is almost enough to make her want to howl while the thick member hammering her throat makes her gag. The molestation of her breasts, at least, feels nice. The wild if unwelcome ride doesn't last forever, and the phantoms eventually fill her ass and mouth and cover her breasts with their seed before replacing the tail and the ballgag.

As Kagura is rolled over again, a leash is attached to her collar, and gently tugged, more a question than a command. Were she not to follow immediately, the brassiere shown earlier and a beautiful red silk dress would be dangled in front of her as additional rewards.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Showing no desire to resist, Kagura quickly got set upon by the ghosts, or ghost she assumed. There did not appear to be enough going on at the same time to make this be more than one of them. The ghost moves on in good pace, not going to a penetration right away, giving the miko a good bit of attention and preparing her for what was coming first before having any for himself. Even as she had just been introduced to the whole sex thing a couple of hours ago, the miko could not avoid getting aroused by the skilled phantom hands playing with her. Thankfully he did not take too long as Kagura was starting to get anxious for something harder after a bit, and could not really ask for him to get on with it either. This particular one from the trio appeared to be one of a considerate nature, his treatment of the shrine maiden telling as much. Enjoying herself more than she really should be, Kagura finds herself climaxing in unison with him, again getting that feeling of liquids entering her. It would be rather bizarre if this could actually result in something, considering it was a specter, a spirit of a person that had done it to her.

With the first guy finishing, Kagura felt him back off, another one taking their place. This phantom was the rude and rough one, his approach being one of a conqueror as he just came in, took what was his and used it like he wanted to. With the approach being what it was, the miko only barely managed to keep herself getting pushed face first into the ground, the box serving as her saving grace as she leaned her hands and upper body onto it. While it was unpleasant, the sheer force of this phantom was enough to make her climax twice and moan in muffled tones. And just to finish the complete jerk routine like a pro, this one did not plunge his seed into the priestess, instead sloppily spraying it onto her bare buttocks, just because he could.

The third one came shortly after, his approach immediately revealing him to be another considerate type as he actually wanted to look at her face while he did his thing instead of just going at it from behind like animals. Kagura herself might not have been able to go too far with the chains on her boots, but the ghost appeared to have the ability to manipulate them as he quite easily spread her legs out before him and went right in, with calculated slow pacing at first. This one too had eyes on the shrine maiden's heavy chest, and attacked them with his mouth, surprising her completely as the act actually climaxed her again, for the fourth time. With the slowly increasing pace in the thrusting, she almost raised her arms in to embrace the ghost person, but is thwarted as he pins her arms down onto the crate with his own. "Alright then..." she agreed to it mentally, not being sure if she could actually have hugged the spirit. The thought is cut off as another wave of pleasure hits the priestess again, leaving her with a little more time spent pleasuring her companion before they too get their rocks off, another deposit of hot sticky cum ending up in her depths.

With all three done, the exhausted Kagura is laying there and catching her breath, just about to get off the crate when a weight on her lower chest pins her back down. "Still... not enough...?" she thought as the critical components were taken off, the departure of the tail being equally as unpleasant as the entry, but thankfully far quicker. With the obstructions out of the way, the phantoms, all three of them, claim a spot on the busty young miko body that they have on display at the top of the crate. The following action is harsh but thankfully brief, the double impact on both her barely used anus and mouth making this a far harder thing to enjoy for the inexperienced shrine maiden than the previous acts. Soon enough, accompanied by a bunch of slurping moans and some slight flailing of limbs, the trio finish up their final act with a good amount of cum getting added to Kagura, mostly inside her. Just before the gag is replaced, she makes sure to spit out any excessive amounts of cum in her mouth before the chance is taken away.

Finally free from further abuse, Kagura still lies on the crate as she is spun, wanting to cry but again being in a weird state of satisfaction too. The initial tug on the leash is mostly missed by the slightly exhausted miko, but the second is noticed as the items come out. Considering that she might want to have those, as she might actually get the chance to wear them, she went along. The spirits were unpredictable, so she was not sure when she would be able to wear her robe and skirt again.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The dress and the bra are put into a sack along with Kagura's other belongings new and old. Then she is taken for a walk around the mansion. First through another floor back to the servants' entrance, then through the kitchens and the dining room into the entrance hall. All the while, a sense of being watched intensifies, and occasionally ghostly fingers brush against her. In the entrance hall, something pinches her bottom, but if the phantoms care, they aren't showing it as they then lead her down into the wine cellar. There are still some bottles of dubious contents around, as well as some large barrels. She's then taken into a rather strange-looking room with various odd implements lining the walls. Someone has also rather thoughtfully provided two dishes on the floor for someone called Bitch, one filled with clear water, the other currently empty.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

"I suppose not then..." Kagura thinks about the clothes as they are sacked along with her other items, and those would not given to her right away as she was escorted out from the back room by the hand guiding the leash. Still in her odd boots, the miko is forced to go on all fours, the balancing with chain-bound shoes still in her mind as a rather undesirable idea. The phantoms appeared to be into some bizarre forms of entertainment, the sight of her going along with them like a dog apparently amusing the trio. As she went around the few different places, the miko realized that these three were hardly the only ghosts around as she felt invisible hands brush and grab at her here and there, her pristine skin probably acting as quite a potent lure for lewd entities. The tour ended back at the wine cellar stairs, which were a number of their own to go through in her current condition, but the miko did make it eventually. Going through the cellar, she indeed notices that there are spirits of the bottle type around, along with barrels. Another room beyond that was to be the final objective, and what the priestess saw there was not the most assuring of things, the dog image coming only stronger with the bowls there. But she was there, and could not really escape, so she would have to see what was coming.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Kagura's gag and the leash are removed and hung from hooks by the floor. Then a rubber ball is provided, waved in front of her for a while, and tossed to the other side of the rather large room.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The dog part was really, REALLY going to happen apparently as the phantoms removed the gag and leash from Kagura and set them aside. Then, she saw a rubber ball coming to one of them, who proceeded to present it to her and then toss it to the other side of the room. The message was rather clear, but the miko was not going to be weird just like this. Making her way across the room to the ball, she would push the thing back with her hands, taking care to not make the ball go into strange directions. Once she made it, the priestess would attempt to grip the thing between her bound hands and offer it back.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

When Kagura brings back the ball, she is rewarded with a pat on the head and a small piece of honeycomb. After the play is repeated several times, which is not as hard on Kagura's knees as she thought it would be for the boots are truly well-padded for this sort of thing, a phantom penis manifests in front of her head instead of a piece of honeycomb.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Going along with the play for a good bit, Kagura found herself being embarassed repeatedly by the same act happening again and again, with pats and some sweet honey coming as a reward each time she did. But the miko was soon stopped as there was a dick instead of her sweet treat. Backing away a bit, she refused the penis, having had a good bit of it already within the span of the last few hours.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

As Kagura backs away, she feels the sharp touch of leather on her backside as a short whip manifests behind her. Were she to continue resisting, it would slap her a few more times, not particularly hard.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The failure to take action resulted in some whip hitting Kagura, not a pleasant thing by any stretch. But even with the multiple strikes against her, she would not approach the dick just like this.