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The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The sack is not sealed in any way, and easing it open reveals a good amount of fine flour inside it, apparently unspoilt despite the time it must have spent there in the open. As Kagura moves deeper into the room, she feels something brushing past her head followed by a sensation of fingers running up her spine, but as she turns around, there's nothing there, only the swirling of dust. The first door opens into what appears to be pantry, with stairs leading down to a cellar, but increasingly Kagura is starting to feel like she's not alone. As she turns around again, Kagura notices a faint shape behind her, outlined by the dust she kicked up walking through the kitchen.

Goast 4 vs 12 fail
Kagura: 11 vs 11 success
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Upon a brief but careful inspection, the sack reveals it's contents to be nothing out from the ordinary as the flour poofed a little. Letting the bag be, Kagura moved on to investigate the other things in the room. But it was not going to be that easy as a presence made itself known to her, undetectable at first but just barely noticeable upon closer look. Whirling her blade into readiness, the miko would see what this apparition was up to first, only turning her blade against it if there were signs of hostility towards her. She had a nagging feeling that fighting this one might get hairy if it came to that, given their almost invisible nature.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Kagura: 18 vs 7 hit
ghost: 14 vs 5 hit
Kagura HP 5/5 AP 1/10 Ghost: 4/5

The spirit reaches out to touch her, and though Kagura swings her polearm, it passes through the ghost with little resistance, only swirling up the dust as the ghost becomes a little more indistinct. She pays a dear price for her swing, as there is precious little room to dodge and the hand of the ghost passes through her, sinking briefly into her stomach and triggering a small orgasm, sending waves of pleasure through her that almost stun her for a moment.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Reacting to the attempt to touch her, a quick swing of the naginata swishes through the spectral entity, but Kagura notices that she had some kind of effect on it regardless. The attack left her open, and before she could retreat from the ghost's reach, it touched her with rather bizarre results. Experiencing a miniature climax, the miko was left feeling rather odd as this was a fairly new thing for her. Hoping to avoid any further pokes, she turned to a more defensive method in her fighting, attacking with more restraint in the hopes of keeping herself away from harm.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Kagura 18 vs 7 hit
Ghost 7 vs 21 miss
Kagura 5 vs 19
Ghost 9 vs 5
Kagura HP 5/5 AP 2/10 -1 to actions Ghost: 3/5

The ghost halts for a moment as Kagura adopts a more defensive posture, and when it tries to touch her again, it flinches as her blade again passes through it. She misses her next thrust, however, and the ghostly arm easily reaches to pass through her arm, causing another orgasm to erupt and making her legs feel weak.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The combat between Kagura and her unnamed opponent was fairly odd, the ghost actually slowing a bit as it noticed her adapt a defensive posture. They exchanged some attacks between them, their both of them meeting some success as the ghost got swiped, in return giving the miko another ecstasy poke, which was starting to leave a lasting effect. It was only minor at that point, but the strangeness was still making an impact on the chaste Kagura's physical form as well as her mind. Pushing the attack a little more, she hoped to come out on top and vanquish the lewd spirit before it made her become all weird.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Kagura 0 vs 4
Ghost 7 vs 11
Kagura 4 vs 16
Ghost 4 vs 19 counter
Kagura 5 vs 7
Ghost 19 vs 10
Kagura HP 5/5 AP 3/10 -1 to actions Ghost: 2/5

The ghost backs away a little as Kagura moves to attack. Once, then a second time Kagura swings and misses, then catches the ghost on third blow as it misjudges and gets too close, but in response the ghost manages to dodge a quick swing and its hand brushes through her leg, causing more fireworks to go off in her pleasure centers.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The fight went on, another exchange of blows moving things onward as the combatants retreated and advanced to fish out openings in the others guards. It was more successful for Kagura than it was for the lewd spirit, but that did not save her from getting another spectral touch and the following mini-orgasm. She was starting to get more and more bothered as the hits piled up, so she would need to finish this quickly, pushing up the effort to find a decisive blow with her naginata.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Kagura 15 vs 5
Ghost 14 vs 1
Kagura 2 vs 2
Kagura HP 5/5 AP 4/10 -2 to actions

Another blow passes through the ghost, meeting even less resistance than the previous ones, but it touches her yet again, almost stunning her with pleasure. Nevertheless she manages a final swing that causes the spirit to disappear, though something of its presence still lingers in the air. For all appearance, the kitchen is now empty, but the miko is left hot and bothered near the door to the pantry.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

After a few more blows, Kagura's effort finally pays off as she manages to banish the spirit that had been harassing her. Now at least physically alone in the abandoned mansion, the miko was left fairly bothered by what the ghost had done during the combat. Taking a few moments for herself, she tried to get her body to calm down, the feelings within her making focusing on anything a little difficult. Even if the feelings did not pass after a certain amount of time, she would proceed to check out the other doors after offering a prayer to the departed spirit. Even as it had tried to mess with her, Kagura did not feel right banishing it without some ceremony afterwards.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Kagura manages to calm herself down in a few minutes - mostly. The second door leads straight into the mansion's large dining room, which is but a shadow of its former glory, with an unused chandelliers hanging from cobweb-covered ceiling, and dusty windows letting pale light inside to reveal once grandiose furniture, including a large central table, several smaller ones, and dozens of chairs. There's also a platform where musicians may once have performed. The whispering, forgotten in the heat of the battle, returns, only now Kagura feels as if she could almost hear the words if she only focused.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Clearing her head and body at least a little was a relief, and as it felt better that way, Kagura moved on. She found a grandiose dining area beyond the first door, the place having gone untouched for years by the looks of things. Just seeing everything was not enough though, the miko deciding to go through the room and look for anything out of place or otherwise interesting to investigate. If there was nothing, she would take a moment to see if she could hear and properly make out what the whispering voices were saying and possibly going for the other door in the kitchen that had yet gone untouched.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Kagura soon spots a silver dish that's shinier than it should be in one of the smaller tables and as she gets closer, she notices that it's full of some transparent, greenish liquid and... did something move? Turning around, she notices that at least one of the chairs has gotten knocked out of its place and towards her.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

With some initial exploration, there was fairly little to be seen, but Kagura soon noticed a plate holding some green stuff. The plate itself was actually catching her eye with it's surprising cleanliness, the green probably being the cause of that. But before she could get to closer inspection, there was a surprise bang as a chair moved towards her for some reason. Readying herself, the miko stepped back from the table, scanning the room with her vision to find any possible subjects for the sudden knock on the chair.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The moving chair slowly tilts to one side and starts spinning around. The other chairs in the room start shifting too, scraping the floor loudly as they do so, all but the ones around the table with the silver dish.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

From her position, Kagura could only really see the ongoing chaos with the chairs, with nothing else coming to her vision right away. After a bit of looking at the spinnychairs, she dropped her alertness a bit, going back to the table with the clean, green stuff-covered plate to look at that a little bit more closely. There was something obviously there as the chairs on that table did not flip out. If the chaos did not start at the table once she got back there, she would take a seat to look at the plate, but otherwise would do it from her standing position.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

As Kagura takes a seat, all the chairs in the room - except the one spinning on one leg, that is - calm down. The green stuff on the plate smells slightly of... something that would be quite expensive, probably. There were hints of expensive spices and rare flowers in that smell, and it would probably do quite well as a perfume. It must also be quite viscous, as there are several unmoving air bubbles in it. It suddenly dawns to Kagura that she isn't hearing the distant whispers any more.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

With things calming down all of a sudden, Kagura realized that she might be on the right track here. Or not. It was a bit foreboding, certainly. Inspecting the green stuff a bit more, she found out that it had a surprisingly good smell to it, especially given to how it looked. Taking a careful approach, she reached out with her hand, taking a risk and trying the stuff out with a finger to see if it was hazardous to the touch.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

The green goo wobbles like jelly, and the scent grows stronger. After a few moments, the whispering begins again.
Re: The mountains and the forests(Kagura/Guan Yu)

Noticing a reaction coming from the poke, Kagura went on to wobble the slime thing or whatever it was a little bit more to see if further movement would case something else to happen. It was a curious phenomena, and she kinda wanted to know if something could be achieved just like this.