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The OOC Topic

Re: The OOC Topic

he likely won't let himself drain THAT low, but he might be coaxed into letting Mel romp him up some if she asks nicely...

And Pheonix, a track record means nothing when Sen was the only partner he's really had so far. Cept for the one time she's sucked him off this match of course.
Re: The OOC Topic

Well, the problem with Mel targeting Kaiser is a lot of her moves don't work very well on him - only two of her four "attack" moves are Normal element, and one of those requires that she be mounting him (with a Water-element mount move...).

Let's see if Kaiser drains dry of energy. Then maybe Mel will see an opening and glomp onto him properly.

Psst, Ryu. Kaiser should have 15 less Energy. Recharge occurs before Action.
Re: The OOC Topic

Well... I think it's obvious who's gunna be the first one to fall! ^^;
Re: The OOC Topic

Last post for tonight. See you guys!
Re: The OOC Topic

That worked out well then, since ULMF kept saying it had a database error after about that time.
Re: The OOC Topic

I wonder: if you're being held by multiple people, is the hold something generated by the holder or holdee? I.E. will Mel have to stop holding even if Kaiser is still holding just because her turns are up?
Re: The OOC Topic

That's a good question... my guess is the answer is Yes. Mel will have to let go when her hold-move is done with. Not that she'd continue holding on, as she'll be flat out of energy at that point.

Double-posted, just to grab more attention. Not!

-Deep Rattle-
Type: Penetration, Normal
Costs: 20
Effect: 20 Pleasure Damage, 10 Energy Damage
10 Self Inflicted Pleasure Damage
Cooldown: 1
Hrm. Keep in mind that a cooldown of 1 means that you can only use the move every second turn. Combined with Loopi's "standard" Mount move, this means that she'll only be able to use her Penetration move once per Mount.
Re: The OOC Topic

Toxic made a snakey! *bounces around in uncontrolled glee!*
Re: The OOC Topic

Oops, misread something. I thought there was another tradeoff.
I'ma up the cool to 2 just for the extra 5 energy I guess. Thanks

Random_Knight777 said:
...I'm sure Ryu will be overjoyed. =p

Toxic made a snakey! *bounces around in uncontrolled glee!*

Re: The OOC Topic

What? I have a major soft spot for the slithery folk... >///>
Re: The OOC Topic

OH WAIT... where the hell's the ass on that?
Re: The OOC Topic

Well I saw the fact there was anal penetration in your battle, so I thought of my character and realized, I mean I can arbitrarily place a vag somewhere in the front near the blend, but can I really put an ass on that? I guess if the snake bit comes in under the buttocks, but I always imagined it almost near waist, like small of the back then snake
Re: The OOC Topic

You mean like that? :3
Re: The OOC Topic

Yeah, i guess that'll do it. Though in my mind this is more mythology driven, so the top actually is human, not just humanoid, though I doubt that really makes a difference here
Re: The OOC Topic

I didn't say that was a pic of your character... Just a ref of where a butt on a snake woman would be.
Re: The OOC Topic

So, Toxic, what drove you join mah EroGame? :3 *Is le curious*
Re: The OOC Topic

Hm. Well, looking at , snakes seem to have a rectal passage... it's probably not as accessible as the equivalent on a human, given that apparently snake digestion is much more thorough and leaves very little waste behind.

Option one is Loopi has a reasonably-sized anus, hidden like her vaginal passage, located on the same side as it (that is, on the belly side of the snake part) and lower down. Option two is Loopi never gets anal.