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The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Lili led the acolytes to the left, skirting the edges of the run down hab complexes until the area opened up into a cul-de-sac space that, through an archway sporting the sign of the aquila, there rested the Templum. It was by no mean a massive complex. Perhaps big enough to house fifty or so penitents at one service, which was a paltry number for a hive building of worship.

The acolytes moved to open the main doors, but found that they were barred and locked from the inside. A wise precaution for the local priest, perhaps, but it did not suit the acolyte's purposes at that moment.

"The priest must be inside," Lili says. "If we can't get his attention from out here, there may be a back door."

"There are also windows on the side of the building that could be a possible entrance," Gallus observes. "One of us could climb in and remove the locks to the main doors, if one was so able."
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

"Breaking and entering to a place of devotion to the Emperor is... probably a bad idea," Thiopia said, and instead knocked on the door.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Gallus shrugs and looks blankly at the templum structure while Thio knocks on the door.

*thump thump thump*

Silence stretches out in the darkness. Only the stony gaze of hooded angel statues seem to recognize the noble acolyte's efforts at gaining attention.

Thio tries knocking again, determinedly.


A minute of waiting and still no response.

"Seems abandoned," Gallus comments, but Lili shakes her head.

"Someone's always inside," she says. "The cleric rarely leaves the building."
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

"Not ominous at all," Thiopia said, grimacing. "Alright, backdoor then."

Thiopia waved to Lili to lead them around. Maybe they would have better luck at the backdoor... a thought which brought Thio to recall her time in the Hetaireia Lexis, only some short time ago, when she overheard a man she'd dallied with briefly conversing with his friends.
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