Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)
Gallus looks up at Zieg and winces.
"The flesh is weak," he grunts as the torn bit of his red robe and hiver jacket is brushed aside to reveal a nasty bruising and slight tearing in his side, however it appears to have missed his vitals.
Zieg cannot see much else of what lies beneath the tech priest's robes, but it appears to him that what he is looking at now seems normal and human. Evidence, perhaps, that Gallus is only on the beginnings of his steps toward becoming more in harmony with his Omnisiah.
"There's not much you can do. I will tend to my own wounds as best I can, but available options are slim in this district. I do not think that we shall find a quality, practicing churgeon in a hole like this. I was not careful enough."
Lili Arbest steps away from Thio's work and with a last quizzical look at Thiopia turns to put her hands on Zieg's shoulder.
"Thank you, sir, for fighting these nightmares off. I only wish now that I could have left this all behind today. It was as though they were coming here to take me away, and if not for you and the others, it surely would have happened. Yet, I'm at a loss. I have no idea why such things would want me, but if it had anything to do with my brother... if he was caught up in something like this... oh sweet saints."
Lili begins to tear up, and she places her shaking hands in the sign of the aquila over her eyes and leans against the trooper, clearly trying to take some sort of comfort in having someone prop her up in a moment of vulnerability.
As for the noble scholar, she was quickly realizing that for all her bravado and educational know how, she had yet to complete her training in basic medicae. All that she knew about the human body at this point was guesswork and textbook theory. She would be in the dark about techniques when working with a normal human, let alone a mutated byproduct of heresy that seemed to be having some sort of strange chymical reaction unlike anything that had befallen Saul Arbest.
She worked quickly, cutting away sloughs of foul meat, exposing the spinal column until she had found what appeared to be her quarry. She worked and worked at it, neatly anticipating a foaming spray of acid near her hands and stopping her work just in time to avoid a nasty contact experience. She then resumed her cutting as the spinal column began to collapse as though it were suddenly made of gelatin.
She did her best to work competently and with haste, but a lack of practice showed. What she ended up putting into the bio tube was a signficant portion of the parasite, but she knew that there had been some damage due to exposure to the acid. Structural integrity had been compromised. However, it was a damned site better than having nothing at all, she reasoned. Maybe better - no - more specialized researchers than her could make something of it.
Gallus looked around, then muttered to Mordeci. "We had better see what all this was about. Those dregs from before weren't with those monsters, and they seemed to have a pretty easy time figuring out where we were tonight. I've a feeling we were sold out... maybe multiple times by the sound of it. Could be Argus... but I don't know that I'd trust that one to be smart enough to be involved in a heresy that could make something like... that."
He indicated the decayed body.