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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

I receive one from ponyguy, something about a profile pic. I don't remember giving him a profile picture unfortunately.

No, that was me. He must've confused us.

No, it was for The Fuck Boy. I liked his avatar is all.

Thank you again for the pics though, Zeph.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Gonna be level with you, part of the reason is that its harder on several fronts, creativity wise, but more than that, artistry wise. Animation is hard enough to get going, but as gamemaker, unless you draw too (and rare are those that can program AND draw well, because both of those are actually skills that need some practice.), you gotta also explain to the artist what you want, they gotta make it, etc.
Few struggle with basic in and out action guy on gal., but 'loving kissing while they scissor it up' is a lot more of a bother, simple as it sounds.

Oh and to the matter at hand, anyone discouraging you from encouraging a game author can piss right off in my book, encouragements help more than most people think. :p

I commissioned a Samus n' Tentacle scene from an aspiring artist once. She made everything look GOOD
And then she disappeared.

I am so sorry. I wish Sin-Sister would continue her practice. Even if my work was discarded.

Anyway neg-rep to Sin if she ever shows up on this forum, for not even telling us what's up.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

I commissioned a Samus n' Tentacle scene from an aspiring artist once. She made everything look GOOD
And then she disappeared.

I am so sorry. I wish Sin-Sister would continue her practice. Even if my work was discarded.

Anyway neg-rep to Sin if she ever shows up on this forum, for not even telling us what's up.

Know your pain, my artist didn't drop off but messed up her wrist something serious, not that there aren't nice artists a dime a dozen, but I liked this one, did nice drawings, understood my concepts easily and gave me a lil bonus for every big comission in the tripple digits.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

in the tripple digits.

See, you actually have funds. Thus, you actually have reason to be pissed. I have impotent rage, which may be a fetish but not one I can capitalize on.

Future trademark: if you make Impotent Rage a successful main theme, please give me one dollar for every thousand you earn! I might be worth a beer or two.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

See, you actually have funds. Thus, you actually have reason to be pissed. I have impotent rage, which may be a fetish but not one I can capitalize on.

Future trademark: if you make Impotent Rage a successful main theme, please give me one dollar for every thousand you earn! I might be worth a beer or two.

Not sure how one would do that.

And gotta spent money to make money, all I can tell ya.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

comission in the tripple digits.

Man, I wish I was that rich. Oh, the art I would commission. I can see it now. It's beautiful.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version



Sounds like "Byzantine the serial slicer", but the media guy didn't get it right at the police press conference. :D
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Man, I wish I was that rich. Oh, the art I would commission. I can see it now. It's beautiful.

*chuckles* I should be clear, if I comission something in that margin for my game its usually an entire hentai scene or a couple of characters, but yeah, you can expect a good hentai scene with more than one picture and more than one character to be in the 100-200$ range.

I have comissioned one or two hugely detailed images of high quality for myself but actually kinda regret it, now they were really nice art, but I just find that its better to work with an artist that isn't big, famous, and just does their own thing, working with you.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

*chuckles* I should be clear, if I comission something in that margin for my game its usually an entire hentai scene or a couple of characters, but yeah, you can expect a good hentai scene with more than one picture and more than one character to be in the 100-200$ range.

I figured. No one's gonna charge that much for a single fully colored image of... For example a lone, naked, toned Renamon being penetrated by a multitude of tentacles. That's, like, 80 bucks at most. :D

I have comissioned one or two hugely detailed images of high quality for myself but actually kinda regret it, now they were really nice art, but I just find that its better to work with an artist that isn't big, famous, and just does their own thing, working with you.

I feel ya. I feel ya deeply. Your feeling I can feel deeply.
I, personally, find the most enjoyment when I randomly find the type of art I wanted. It fills me with that deep satisfaction of knowing that someone else had the same pervy idea I did. But sometimes you just can't find that art. No one's made it. It's at those times that I wish I had money to throw at artists. Or, y'know, had money in general. :p
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

I figured. No one's gonna charge that much for a single fully colored image of... For example a lone, naked, toned Renamon being penetrated by a multitude of tentacles. That's, like, 80 bucks at most. :D

Wrong, if you want real high quality penetration that could be 300 $ and more, art is worth what you are willing to pay for it after all, plus, art is not something done in an hour or two. Do you need complex lighting for renamon penetration? PERHAPS!

I, personally, find the most enjoyment when I randomly find the type of art I wanted. It fills me with that deep satisfaction of knowing that someone else had the same pervy idea I did. But sometimes you just can't find that art. No one's made it. It's at those times that I wish I had money to throw at artists. Or, y'know, had money in general.
Ironically, I kind of mix things, yes, I kinda create art I want and haven't seen much of, like but I also use it for ma gamestuff, obviously. That way I get to expose others to my perversities. Yey!
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Wrong, if you want real high quality penetration that could be 300 $ and more, art is worth what you are willing to pay for it after all, plus, art is not something done in an hour or two. Do you need complex lighting for renamon penetration? PERHAPS!

Whoa. That's insane. Most artists I've seen that do commissions usually charge around 60 bucks for fully colored art. But then again, none of them draw high art like the image you linked. And, honestly, I don't need that kind of quality. I'm looking for fap material. Not someone who can paint the Sistine Chapel. Michelangelo can sit this one out. Aka6, Ganassa, Yawg and the like are good enough for me.

Ironically, I kind of mix things, yes, I kinda create art I want and haven't seen much of, like but I also use it for ma gamestuff, obviously. That way I get to expose others to my perversities. Yey!

Mmm, that looks good.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

''What a unique avatar #The Fuck Boy''

Thanks. I like to stand out.
That's a lie. I'm a huge recluse. :p
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

''N/A doublepost''


EDIT: I'm guessing it's for a post I deleted shortly after posting.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Ah, art commissions. I've paid for a bunch and the results were mixed but leaning strongly to positive
I would get a whole lot more if they weren't so expensive. I understand that it costs money and takes work, but I'm not rich so that money is a pretty sizable amount of cash for me
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

if you want real high quality penetration that could be 300 $ and is not something done in an hour or two.

made me laugh so hard have a rep+^^
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

I would get a whole lot more if they weren't so expensive. I understand that it costs money and takes work, but I'm not rich so that money is a pretty sizable amount of cash for me

Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

I commissioned a Samus n' Tentacle scene from an aspiring artist once. She made everything look GOOD
And then she disappeared.

I am so sorry. I wish Sin-Sister would continue her practice. Even if my work was discarded.

Anyway neg-rep to Sin if she ever shows up on this forum, for not even telling us what's up.

We already have a user named Sin (abbreviation though) and she'll wreck your rep.

Also I think it relevant to say that good artists by nature aren't typically reliable or stable people (effect & cause perhaps?). Granted this doesn't apply to those that make their living off of regular commissions.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

I got a neg rep with an incomprehensible comment. What do you prefer in neg reps: no comment, incomprehensible comments, or disparaging comments?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

I got a neg rep with an incomprehensible comment. What do you prefer in neg reps: no comment, incomprehensible comments, or disparaging comments?

I prefer being told what they think I did wrong in a polite and concise way.

EDIT: Stuffie told me to fix this post in a neg rep. It was very ''polite''.

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Getting a little big for your britches, ain't ya?

All kidding aside, I completely forgot about those comments.
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