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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Wrong thread for these thoughts, cap'n. In here, you either show your rep swag, f*ck someone's ears, call Zeph a maniac, or -rep the Walf. :cool:

Ok let's talk about stuffie's ears and ninja giving us a tail job.

Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

How about we fuck your ears instead?

Bit of variety never hurts
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

How about we fuck your ears instead?

Bit of variety never hurts

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

That brings up something interesting I've been thinking about: If one studies philosophy in the current standard they must become influenced by the philosophers' viewpoints. Doesn't this mean that they cannot form a philosophy that is truly their own?

And isn't the goal of philosophy to produce your own meaning for life?

Wouldn't that mean that the act of studying philosophy excludes you from achieving the goal of philosophy?

I would say no on all counts? If you're influenced by someone, you're changed by them. That, in turn, means that the philosophy that best represents you also changes. Furthermore, just because what you do is influenced by someone else doesn't mean you can't make it your own: the core of it will still be determined by who you are. And philosophy isn't about the meaning of life, but about the love of knowledge. It's goal, if it can even be said to have one, is certainly nothing personal as giving yourself a unique meaning of life.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Originally Posted by super_slicer
That brings up something interesting I've been thinking about: If one studies philosophy in the current standard they must become influenced by the philosophers' viewpoints. Doesn't this mean that they cannot form a philosophy that is truly their own?

And isn't the goal of philosophy to produce your own meaning for life?

Wouldn't that mean that the act of studying philosophy excludes you from achieving the goal of philosophy?

I would say no on all counts? If you're influenced by someone, you're changed by them. That, in turn, means that the philosophy that best represents you also changes. Furthermore, just because what you do is influenced by someone else doesn't mean you can't make it your own: the core of it will still be determined by who you are. And philosophy isn't about the meaning of life, but about the love of knowledge. It's goal, if it can even be said to have one, is certainly nothing personal as giving yourself a unique meaning of life.

Where did this come? I like talking about philosophy since I myself am a philosopher.

You're both right, when it comes down to it.

Slicer's right about studying philosophy, in that doing so is kind of missing the point entirely, and the spider is right in that philosophy is more about a lust for knowledge, rather than merely studying things to get smarter.

A highly-experienced philosopher can still be painfully clueless about many things, merely because they haven't taken the time to figure out that specific facet of life/existence yet.

To be a philosopher, at least from my personal viewpoint, is to gain as wide a perception as possible. to look beyond what we normally see, and then look beyond that, and then beyond that as well, until your vision is metaphorically stretched so far you can see the back of your own head.

In a way, I do this as an attempt to boost the size of my net that I cast when I am dredging the plains of humanity for wisdom. If I can see whatever knowledge I acquire from such a vast and open viewpoint, I don't have to filter it for bullshit or wonder if any of it is untrue, as I can already see it from every angle possible, with x-ray vision.

Of course in my deeper studies half a decade ago, I discovered the darker and more fickle aspects of knowledge, and respectfully took a few steps back from that whole process, aiming only to absorb bite-sized chunks of wisdom at a time.

One part of knowledge I wanted to study heavily, was the ability to explain what I knew, since, at least when I was younger, I didn't feel much use in gathering so much knowledge if I couldn't show it off now and then.

But that's when I discovered what I like to call the "cultist complex". A theoretical threshold where if one simply gathers too much knowledge, and their viewpoint of humanity grows too wide, you get the human equivalent of a value overflow glitch in your brain, and you slowly lose your ability to consider them equals, and your perception of their existence slowly drifts into a darkened corner, where humans to you now look more like strange habitual creatures, and less like the thing that you are.

Because of this, you also lose your ability to properly communicate with them, and often in later stages of the cultist complex, you start acting like a cultist. Muttering off knowledge so deep that it flies past other's heads and gives the undesired side-effect of making you look like a closet psychopath.

The cultist complex is NOT to be confused for simply acting like a closet psychopath, as part of the knowledge you will passively collect on a philosopher's journey, will be that of the futility of human life and existence, as well as the vast metaphorical plains of dread every human suffers through in many moments throughout their lives.

Though, if like me, one made psychology a priority when beginning to undertake philosophy, one might have reasonable doubts about becoming what they've witnessed humanity to be, after a few years through the looking glass.

Sort've like how one might not take certain members of the forum seriously after witnessing a few of their posts in the shitposting thread.


Here, I'll end on a lighter note.. Anyone wanna see my Zepheral impression?
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

This is the nub of some sociological debates: is anyone even a person or just a construct of their social surroundings. Do we have any real agency? I've gone through classes on the subject and there's a spectrum of free will vs societal control.

I for one, think we are most constructs of societal control with enough free will to change most of it. So, to answer the question, no, you can't create something your own but that's true of everything. You didn't make anything on your own, including language, but you can always make it unique enough to claim it as your own.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

To create/differentiate the classifications of "a construct of your social surroundings" and "a person" in itself is a collective cry for help by humanity, that if it thinks what it has become has deviated a human from what humanity subconsciously thinks a human should be, then either we can confidently confess we've lost our way, or we need to pull up our pants and stop crying about it.

This, like many things, is a dead-end road when it comes to debating over, since there's only two kinds of people who would say we are still "people"... Those who've never been properly integrated into the machine that is society, or the incredibly naive.

Society will always be considered evil because as humans we crave both unity and individuality, and society is more about casting away individuality to favor unity.

Obviously society's got its perks, but there are aspects of humanity that can only shine when individuality is considered as well, and it is near-impossible to create something unique when you function as but a cog in a well-oiled machine consisting of dozens of other cogs.

This is why there were far more significant inventions back in the pioneering days of humanity, because back then, there was nearly no unity at all, and a single man could shape the destiny of an entire town if he so wished.

Nowadays, with the amount of paperwork and classes one would have to take just to be qualified in a field enough to even consider inventing something that would benefit humanity, nobody has the will try anymore. Because we are so unified and everything regulated, nobody can freely pursue a specific set of skills, without first being buried under the knowledge the law requires they learn, and being forcibly inserted into the machine to function as a cog long enough to support themselves, let alone their ideals.

But where individuality reins with unity in the back seat, we end up with far more chaos, where that same man could instead decide to murder about 50 people, and get away with it scot-free.

We try our best to keep a balance between the two, but as humanity has grown, it's shown itself to be a bit of an egotistical control freak, so unity is always initially favored over individuality.

Unity begets justice, as individuality begets chaos. Just another label for the foundations of the realm we live in, which crave balance all the less.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Wow, you sure do like to talk a lot. But let's wade through this swamp of words, shall we?

To create/differentiate the classifications of "a construct of your social surroundings" and "a person" in itself is a collective cry for help by humanity, that if it thinks what it has become has deviated a human from what humanity subconsciously thinks a human should be, then either we can confidently confess we've lost our way, or we need to pull up our pants and stop crying about it.

This, like many things, is a dead-end road when it comes to debating over, since there's only two kinds of people who would say we are still "people"... Those who've never been properly integrated into the machine that is society, or the incredibly naive.
Odd opinion that I've never heard of before

Society will always be considered evil because as humans we crave both unity and individuality, and society is more about casting away individuality to favor unity.
Err... so it favors one thing we crave, therefore evil? Not exactly sterling logic unless you think we need individuality more than unity.

Obviously society's got its perks, but there are aspects of humanity that can only shine when individuality is considered as well, and it is near-impossible to create something unique when you function as but a cog in a well-oiled machine consisting of dozens of other cogs.
What era do you consider this correct? Because in any era in which we've had significant communication, an idea spreads.

This is why there were far more significant inventions back in the pioneering days of humanity, because back then, there was nearly no unity at all, and a single man could shape the destiny of an entire town if he so wished.

Nowadays, with the amount of paperwork and classes one would have to take just to be qualified in a field enough to even consider inventing something that would benefit humanity, nobody has the will try anymore. Because we are so unified and everything regulated, nobody can freely pursue a specific set of skills, without first being buried under the knowledge the law requires they learn, and being forcibly inserted into the machine to function as a cog long enough to support themselves, let alone their ideals.
I'm going to have to disagree with you HARD on that. People are still trying to make strides all the time, whether that is curing HIV or cancer or figuring out how to colonize Mars.

But where individuality reins with unity in the back seat, we end up with far more chaos, where that same man could instead decide to murder about 50 people, and get away with it scot-free.
Err... I'm going to need a source on that idea because unity creates protection.

We try our best to keep a balance between the two, but as humanity has grown, it's shown itself to be a bit of an egotistical control freak, so unity is always initially favored over individuality.
Yeah, we established that.

Unity begets justice, as individuality begets chaos. Just another label for the foundations of the realm we live in, which crave balance all the less.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

I actually find alot of what AL's saying about the downsides of society mirroring my own feelings on the subject. Of course I've spent most of my life as a rather anti-social person. Not because I dislike socializing but instead the customary activities one partakes in doing so, I have no desire to be packed into a small area with overly loud music and far too many people in physical contact with me.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

I actually find alot of what AL's saying about the downsides of society mirroring my own feelings on the subject. Of course I've spent most of my life as a rather anti-social person. Not because I dislike socializing but instead the customary activities one partakes in doing so, I have no desire to be packed into a small area with overly loud music and far too many people in physical contact with me.

Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

kuwabara lookin mothafucka
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Well then...

Walf Raid Alpha is now taking applications for new members!

Who are we? We are the foremost offensive force against the forum raid boss!

There are a few requirements to joining however:
70+ posts, the more the better, if you're below 70 don't even bother as you don't have access to the rep system.
15000+ rep points, this number is negotiable to some extent.
Log into the forum at least 4 times a week. The more active you are the better chance you have! We'll take more active members over those with higher rep points even.
And finally you MUST participate in group activities, this is a fight we can only win TOGETHER! If you're not participating there's no reason for you to be in the group.

Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Well then...

Walf Raid Alpha is now taking applications for new members!

Who are we? We are the foremost offensive force against the forum raid boss!

There are a few requirements to joining however:
70+ posts, the more the better, if you're below 70 don't even bother as you don't have access to the rep system.
15000+ rep points, this number is negotiable to some extent.
Log into the forum at least 4 times a week. The more active you are the better chance you have! We'll take more active members over those with higher rep points even.
And finally you MUST participate in group activities, this is a fight we can only win TOGETHER! If you're not participating there's no reason for you to be in the group.
15000+ rep points
*checks his rep points*
It's not like I wanted to join whatever this is in the first place, so whatever.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Walf Raid Alpha is now taking applications for new members!

Not every day a Raid Boss declares war against another Raid Boss while pretending to be a regular joe... Unless you're from SAO, you're not from SAO are you?
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