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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

You do realize that since we can't -rep you anymore, we'll start calling for you to be B& right?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Slight bit of clarification, since there's been a few people think this was a sudden decision.

It was not. Disabling the rep system had been in discussion for over a month among the admins. It's just that the complaints recently reached the cut-off point, if you will. And that came from Flayer, who was the one getting the complaints.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

I'm... mildly doubting that. This conversation may have been the cause or tipping point, but I'm more inclined towards possible death threats, abuse or system or plain failure to be the killing blow, akin to the last time.

Edit: and ah, thanks for the clarification Shadow!
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Slight bit of clarification, since there's been a few people think this was a sudden decision.

It was not. Disabling the rep system had been in discussion for over a month among the admins. It's just that the complaints recently reached the cut-off point, if you will. And that came from Flayer, who was the one getting the complaints.

Patience from the poor Mind Flayer was reduced by Dark Souls 2, my most deep apologize : (
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Slight bit of clarification, since there's been a few people think this was a sudden decision.

It was not. Disabling the rep system had been in discussion for over a month among the admins. It's just that the complaints recently reached the cut-off point, if you will. And that came from Flayer, who was the one getting the complaints.

Oh well, if it was that bad then: bye rep system.
Time to move on.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Regardless if said decision to remove the rep rather suddenly was
due to my scathing comment on how useless and off-track it was...

Stop being so arrogant, world isn't about you exclusively.

Unrelatedly, rep goes in, rep goes out, can't explain that.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Reminds me of you now. :D

Oh and as I can't say it with rep: a least come up with a funny joke.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Aww, the rep system is gone. I'm kinda gonna miss it. Rest well, mighty beast. You served your purpose.
Gotta say, when I didn't see it for a minute I thought I was banned or something. Phew. :p

Oh and as I can't say it with rep: a least come up with a funny joke.

Well I thought it was pretty funny.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Your two posts regarding criticizing someone else posts just taught me
something.. Maybe that's the reason why rep exists.. Not as a deed-measuring
device, maybe not even as a dipstick for finding out how "important" someone is,
but merely as a way to help alleviate the stress of feeling offended or insulted
at something someone else said, by giving you the nice easy option of quietly
pecking at them from a far distance, as opposed to clustering up a thread
with counter-posts and angry rants.

Because it's been less than 20 or so posts after the rep is gone, and petty in-thread arguing has gone up 200%.. Because why PM someone over your distaste for what they say or how they say it, when you can publicly shame them?

Hypocrisy aside, I'm gonna step back from all this now, because the last time rep was changed and I got snarky about it on the one thread in the entire site where being snarky is basically allowed, I was temp-banned for being snarky anyway possibly just out of spite, and I don't wanna be caught with my sail open in a shit-storm.. (At least any more than I've already gotten)
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

but merely as a way to help alleviate the stress of feeling offended or insulted

You misspelled 'annoyed' and again, lets see if we can't teach you:

'perhaps the rep system does have value in alleviating conflict into indirect messages' There, one sentence, no linebreaks, not that hard.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

OMG guys! He actually PMED ME!!!!


Yeah, like I wasn't going to turn this into a shit-post?

Do you not actually know what B& stands for? Say it out loud...

P.S. That's how to properly use an ellipsis.

Edit: One thing I should note, it's not that something damages my ego, but the ATTEMPT to do so that I find just so irksome. As if you could make someone as self-absorbed as myself feel even the slightest bit less awesome :rolleyes:
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

I want to know what B& stands for, ~senpai.

Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

I also wish to know what B& stands for. First time I've ever heard of it.

EDIT: Oh wait, it's banned, isn't it? I get it now.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

haha, yoshiki knows, pony.


Banned, it stands for banned.

I've got other things to do for tonight, but somebody sent me another PM~ so we've all got something to look forward to for tomorrow.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version


Also leave all shitposting in the shitposting thread. This one isn't the place for it.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Hooray, maybe now everyone in the temp dogpiling thread will just negrep me
and get on with their lives, instead of per-longing its existence.

I definitely learned my lesson.. Rep most definitely does have a purpose, even if it's not what it
was originally intended for.. It's a vice, almost like a drug. Something a person can use to help
calm themselves down with a small but sharp stimulating sensation of self-fulfillment to counter-act
being offended or insulted by the work-a-day frustrations that being around other people induce.

I won't ever question its existence again.. I will, however, laugh profusely at it.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version


I'd rather it stay off than the spider get any power over it.

Looks like I'll be at red rep from here on out boys!
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread New version

Wasn't the rep-system gone a few hours ago? Now it's back? I might demand something impossible but please...MAKE UP YOUR MIND ffs! xD
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