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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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The Dark God Of Lesbians and Memes
Jun 15, 2014
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

You could always put it in a spoiler if it's bothering people. Because sometimes it literally slows down the page and hinders people from browsing fast if they've got particularly poor net, hard to relate to when the minimum connectivity in some countries outclasses that of others by several times over, so understandable that you may not have thought of that. But just letting you know that that's a thing.
Your right I didn't think of that, I assume everyone has better internet that mine. I got a speed of 1mb, at rainy days its 779 kb. N.Y.C for you.
Got a new one *Full-retard detected. lol I hope that person feels better, cause people with low self esteem will spend the day slapping neg reps. XD
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Tentacle God
Mar 10, 2013
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I just got this rep message.
right, lets blame the victims. That always works.
If the shoe fits..

Seriously. Have you not watched any movie where the soon-to-be-next-victim confronts the killer about their crimes? And they're alone?

What about the other movies where the wife tells her wife beater husband that she is going to leave him? Instead of, you know, just leaving him when he's gone.

I'm not saying the victim is totally at fault. Far from it. Murdering idiots is still murder. Just because they're stupid doesn't make it right.

I would suggest applying the same logic to breaking up with a girlfriend/boyfriend. Do it in public if their emotional stability has ever been in question. It's not the nicest thing to do if they just end up bawling in public, but at least you'll have help if he/she decides to stick a knife in your eye. :p


The Dark God Of Lesbians and Memes
Jun 15, 2014
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I just got this rep message.

If the shoe fits..

Seriously. Have you not watched any movie where the soon-to-be-next-victim confronts the killer about their crimes? And they're alone?

What about the other movies where the wife tells her wife beater husband that she is going to leave him? Instead of, you know, just leaving him when he's gone.

I'm not saying the victim is totally at fault. Far from it. Murdering idiots is still murder. Just because they're stupid doesn't make it right.

I would suggest applying the same logic to breaking up with a girlfriend/boyfriend. Do it in public if their emotional stability has ever been in question. It's not the nicest thing to do if they just end up bawling in public, but at least you'll have help if he/she decides to stick a knife in your eye. :p
Somebody once told me "weakness is a sin", after a while of getting angry it finally sink in. Those who don't have any strength are destined to be exploited. I don't like this rule but it's true, if you don't have the ability to control your life, then it's out in the air. "Eso pasate porque tu lo buscate" my friends mother always told him that, it means "that happen cause you looked for it." , if your one of those people who go looking for trouble and expect to play the victim card, two words for you "WRONG PLANET". :cool:
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Jul 18, 2015
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Somebody once told me "weakness is a sin", after a while of getting angry it finally sink in. Those who don't have any strength are destined to be exploited. I don't like this rule but it's true, if don't have the ability to control your life, then it's out in the air. "Eso pasate porque tu lo buscate" my friends mother always told him that, it means "that happen cause you looked for it." , if your one of those people who go looking for trouble and expect to play the victim card, two words for you "WRONG PLANET". :cool:
Hmm, following that logic 'strength is a sin' as well. I always feel walking the middle ground is rather healthy... ;)
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Has a penis diamiter of 4.5cm
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Somebody once told me "weakness is a sin", after a while of getting angry it finally sink in. Those who don't have any strength are destined to be exploited. I don't like this rule but it's true, if don't have the ability to control your life, then it's out in the air. "Eso pasate porque tu lo buscate" my friends mother always told him that, it means "that happen cause you looked for it." , if your one of those people who go looking for trouble and expect to play the victim card, two words for you "WRONG PLANET". :cool:
I don't think it's a matter of "sin." I'd look into the Melian Dialogue from Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War:
For ourselves, we shall not trouble you with specious pretences--either of how we have a right to our empire because we overthrew the Mede, or are now attacking you because of wrong that you have done us--and make a long speech which would not be believed; and in return we hope that you, instead of thinking to influence us by saying that you did not join the Lacedaemonians, although their colonists, or that you have done us no wrong, will aim at what is feasible, holding in view the real sentiments of us both; since you know as well as we do that right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.
To paraphrase: in the real world, right and wrong make little difference when the strong want something from the weak.


Jul 18, 2015
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Hmm, following that logic 'strength is a sin' as well. I always feel walking the middle ground is rather healthy... ;)
Okay, that's the I got for the quoted reply above, sadly the author of the neg rep wanted to stay anonymous. :(

Anyhow, to answer your latent question, I believe in the philosophy of 'yin and yang' so for me to fully believe in one side of the spectrum is complete nonsense. :)
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Tentacle God
Mar 10, 2013
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Well often people say something "is a sin" when they feel like it is simply "wrong" or "not right". For example someone might say, "Wow, it's a real sin that all his talent is going to waste."

It's a bit of a drastic downgrade from the original intent. Reminds me of how some people think all lies are sins. Refusing to admit that you ate all the candy is a far cry from getting an innocent person executed.

If you were to time travel 10 years into the future you'd probably not be able to follow all the newly redefined words. "Hey blue! Did you open 'bout that west happy? So side with that!"

So not looking forward to that. :(

There will also be new icons for homosexuality, including magnets, jelly beans, and teddy bears.


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
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Nov 24, 2008
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Well often people say something "is a sin" when they feel like it is simply "wrong" or "not right". For example someone might say, "Wow, it's a real sin that all his talent is going to waste."

It's a bit of a drastic downgrade from the original intent. Reminds me of how some people think all lies are sins. Refusing to admit that you ate all the candy is a far cry from getting an innocent person executed.

If you were to time travel 10 years into the future you'd probably not be able to follow all the newly redefined words. "Hey blue! Did you open 'bout that west happy? So side with that!"

So not looking forward to that. :(
"Sin" is just anything that removes you further from God. So... if you're actually Christian and not just pretending because it would be nice if there was an afterlife and you'd go to heaven, then all lies(at least ones that don't serve good purpose) are sins, however minor.


Tentacle God
May 13, 2014
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

That's the Judaeo-Christian/Abrahamic definition, yes.

I'm not sure if the concept of sin exists outside of that, if it exists as a concept in pre-Christian Graeco-Roman philosophy, but if it does, I'd assume it would be the opposite of virtue, which is more or less defined classically as performing well in whatever role society has put you in.

In my language, we conflate the words for "sin" and "pity", so when we say it's a sin that talents go wasted, it would probably be best translated to English as it being a pity that talents go wasted.


On the topic of victim-blaming. I think it's important to distinguish between guilt/blame/fault and responsibility. For example, it's my responsibility to stay safe, but it's not my fault if someone ends up attacking me. So, if you're in an abusive relationship, yes, you're responsible for getting out of there safely, but it's not in any way your fault if they abuse you. They're two similar, but distinct concepts.

Sadly, many people who are in abusive relationships also do have feelings for their abuser, and often go back to them in a vain hope that it will get better (and it usually does, for a limited time...). It's another example of why the real world is not black/white but highly complex and, at times, deeply heartbreaking.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Drama whore.

Why would you give fuel to somebody who you believe to be a dramawhore, when that person explicitly says they milk negreps for entertainment. I am genuinely asking you this, because I can't understand why somebody would do this. Feel free to make it another negrep or whatever, I don't mind.


The Dark God Of Lesbians and Memes
Jun 15, 2014
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Drama whore.

Why would you give fuel to somebody who you believe to be a dramawhore, when that person explicitly says they milk negreps for entertainment. I am genuinely asking you this, because I can't understand why somebody would do this. Feel free to make it another negrep or whatever, I don't mind.
Wait, what? That's messed up to be honest. Also, isn't that post a while back? D:
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Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

On the topic of victim-blaming. I think it's important to distinguish between guilt/blame/fault and responsibility. For example, it's my responsibility to stay safe, but it's not my fault if someone ends up attacking me. So, if you're in an abusive relationship, yes, you're responsible for getting out of there safely, but it's not in any way your fault if they abuse you. They're two similar, but distinct concepts.
That's a lovely way of telling people who believe the consequences of your actions belong to you are wrong. Take any situation and replace the abuser with an inanimate object, it becomes pretty hard to sympathize with someone who doesn't realize it's a time to get a new fridge after it pushes them down a flight of stairs no? Sure it's kept your food from spoiling for a long time, and buying a new one is costly, but should you really take the risk to your LIFE over that? Even if the fridge says it's sorry and it really loves you, it just lost it's cool.

Mind you I'm saying: ACT SMARTER or there will be consequences, not: it's ok if you get raped because you've only covered your body with the smallest amount of clothing you could pull off without being arrested, and got so drunk that you could barley stand, and took a short-cut through a dark alley in a seedy neighborhood.


The Dark God Of Lesbians and Memes
Jun 15, 2014
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

ACT SMARTER or there will be consequences, not: it's ok if you get raped because you've only covered your body with the smallest amount of clothing you could pull off without being arrested, and got so drunk that you could barley stand, and took a short-cut through a dark alley in a seedy neighborhood.
There's a time and place for everything, If you gonna get wasted do it where your safe or with friends that will save your ass. Rape is never OK, if your drunk to the point you can't make up words and dressed like a whore to seek attention, congrats you got it. The wrong kind attention that can mess with head for life. The media need to stop showing that getting drunk,doing drugs and acting like a fool is cool, IT'S NOT. . >.>

( . \ (•◡•) / )
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The Dark God Of Lesbians and Memes
Jun 15, 2014
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The Dark God Of Lesbians and Memes
Jun 15, 2014
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Says a guy who changed his avatar under a little pressure :p (kidding) We assholes need to stick together
lol :D , Nah I just like this one.
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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread


Okay, I get it. Somebody criticizing a black empowerment group when all the news stations say that they're doing legitimately good things for the community, and every news story covers how there's been another travesty against the black community, and how they have always been peaceful protesters and advocates of human rights. That's what it says on the news, it's what it says on the cover when you read their materials in writing, I mean, if everyone is saying so on TV it has to be true right? Except if you actually look at livestreams and video footage on youtube, and watch some of the vlogs of the people involved, and also read up on some of their, ehehe, *cough* "Academia", the true character of BLM starts to come into focus.

Believe it or not, I support black empowerment in America, their community is poverty stricken to the extreme and they're in a cultural blackhole of violence, drugtrade, and other criminal elements, and it's all down to the mean spirited upper class people and authority figures who traded their ancestors for money or trade goods. Whether it be the African Kings who sold them, or the rich politicians and white people (and others) who bought them and subsequently treated them like subhumans. They do need help to be brought out of that situation, but do you know who isn't helping?

Black Lives Matter. Do you know why? Because of the way a large amount of them conduct themselves, and not to mention their disproportionately huge focus on ideas based around class dynamics and group psychology with barely a sliver of expertise to back it up, at least, if you look at the papers they use to qualify and graduate in sociology, I mean some of the stuff that goes through is quite seriously reminiscent of things I've seen out of a special needs school. Without regard for the individual, they will put people in boxes based on their skin colour and act out if they don't fit their expectations, and that is how they perceive people. The reason why BLM are absolute garbage, because for lack of a better phrase, they explicitly allow violent racists and anti-semites to rant and rave and even act out violently, and then they will cover up for those people in order to maintain good press. Further more, I know for a fact that when other black people distance themselves or critique BLM they're subjected to incredibly cruel treatment, and get labeled as an "Uncle Ruckus" or "Uncle Tom", which to me is far more racist than simply calling somebody "the n word" because it completely fails to account for their personal experience both as a black person and just as a person in general.

As long as BLM not only allows for this behaviour to take place, but explicitly encourages it with their overtly over emotional demonstrations and speeches in which they act as if they have personally been victim in something like a war tragedy, I will denigrate them as much as I so please, thank you very much. It's fucking pathetic to see an upper-middle class cunt from college who doesn't know what actual hardship feels like stand up on stage and scream with tears streaming down their face about how a swaztika smeared on the wall with poop ruined their lives, when those same people aren't conjuring up their own false flags to complain about. FUCK. OFF.

BLM is trash.
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Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2011
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I always felt like the group name is just a little bit off. Black Lives Matter? Well, so does every life. I mean, I guess they are just trying to raise attention to the fact that they believe people don't think black lives matter but, I dunno, it just seems a little weird. Couldn't they be "Every Life Matters"?

Yeah, I'm a wuss.


Mega Ultimate Jungle Girl 2000 Redux Z
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I always felt like the group name is just a little bit off. Black Lives Matter? Well, so does every life. I mean, I guess they are just trying to raise attention to the fact that they believe people don't think black lives matter but, I dunno, it just seems a little weird. Couldn't they be "Every Life Matters"?

Yeah, I'm a wuss.
It's a semantics thing that bugs me with some things, but I understand why it is. It is to draw attention to black people, because to them it feels as if black lives DON'T matter with all of the shootings and shit happening. It's meant to be an inclusive name and not a exclusive name. The name is supposed to be getting across the message that "black lives matter, too" Some people have been using #AllLivesMatter but thats more of a counter-tag mainly by people upset that #BlackLivesMatter even exists
"Just because someone posts #BlackLivesMatter doesn't mean blue lives don't matter, just because someone posts #BlueLivesMatter doesn't mean black lives don't matter"
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