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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Yeah, most of us read that thread anyway so there's no need for him to.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

well if he's going to be making himself look like a victim by posting my reply without saying what he sayd to me before i replied to him, i'd say its worth letting you all know about it. after all.. this is The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread, and that neg is hilarious to say the least.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Oh my it seems insults have started to fly around again... does this mean you're going to force me to do my job?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I find you dredging up a week old post with a two week old neg rep insulting. If you had just left it where it was everyone would just be left with the knowledge they already had about the man from La Mancha.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

if i wanted to bring that up, i would've quoted his other post, but you totally missed my point. thats k.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

if i wanted to bring that up, i would've quoted his other post, but you totally missed my point. thats k.

> Saying Nunu's missed the point

Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

> Saying Nunu's missed the point


I'll grab the popcorn pai- I mean buc-
..... I'll go microwave a bag of popcorn.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Oni, unfortunantly I like my verbal assaults to be accurate, unstoppable and inflicted on someone who deserves it (or really funny). Currently NinjaCreep meets little to none of those criteria...

Of course this doesn't mean I wont be watching him, but then again, I'm watching all of you.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

if i wanted to bring that up, i would've quoted his other post, but you totally missed my point. thats k.

... This guy is starting to remind me of Nookie... I swear, if he starts acting more like him, my rage will flood his house like he's uninsured.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

^ No need for any raging now. That'd make this forum as typical as every other.

I mean, that's why I stay around to cause shit and fuck. Because everyone here is just so jovial, it warms the cockles of my heart.

Anyways, getting back on topic and away from... whatever the fuck you guys are talking about.

Could say, not can say.


Strangely enough, this isn't Cappy because the rep impact was way too low (like, it took off five points - not that I don't appreciate getting corrected, whoever you may be).
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Cappy gives a neg rep saying he's an illiterate bitch for mispelling a word or two.

Cappy gets a civilized neg rep saying he mispelled something and writtes a testament about it.

Lmfao, I get his point.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Cappy gives a neg rep saying he's an illiterate bitch for mispelling a word or two.

Cappy gets a civilized neg rep saying he mispelled something and writtes a testament about it.

Lmfao, I get his point.

Getting corrected isn't the issue, it's the manner in which I was corrected that's the problem. Give me a PM, or even a negrep correcting me and I won't mind. If I request that people stay on topic and they continue to barrage the thread with corrections however, then I will be somewhat annoyed.

Anyhow, on to more immediate matters: [K - K - k]. So I have received three negreps from (Probably) the same person which all say "K" without any further explanation.

I have thought it over quickly and come to two possible conclusions. Either somebody is simply spamming negreps at me without any real feedback hoping to somehow hurt my feelings (Hardly the best tactic, given that I enjoy confrontation). Or there is a conspirator from the Klu Klux Klan trying to send me a message of disapproval relating to my failure to enact upon my admitted prejudice.

In the event that you're just an unoriginal goof with nothing in your vocabulary but "K", I don't really have a worthwhile response for your lack of a worthwhile response. So I guess what I'm trying to say is: K.

If you are a member of the Klu Klux Klan, I believe that prejudice is an unavoidable fact of life, that should be kept in private. Enacting on that prejudice in an aggressive way is both immoral and frankly unintelligent, so get off my back, suck my dick, and all of those generic stock responses that I use for people not worth my originality.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Ha, I had a 'K' -rep the other day as well, for a post I made a while back so I'm assuming it's just someone looking to be able to +/-rep someone again but needs to spread more rep.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Even more hilarious is that Ninja kept it civilized and received a barrage of hate coments. This guy is allready going apeshit and no one seems to have a problem, ridiculous to say the least. I like your neg rep too, glad I hit the sweet spot to make you rage so much. Have a wonderful day, sir.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Here's hoping this thread brings great fun for you

New DG thread rep. I really hope it does. Looking good so far, if a bit bandit-y at first. This has since changed, so I won't say any further. Doesn't exactly feel like a Haf rep this, so it's possibly from that Tassydur.

fap fap fap fap fap... *later* chaff chaff chaff chaff chaff... oops. Too hawt.

Someone liked a smut post in my Touhou CYOA derp project. Remember to fap responsibly in the future.

Boobalicious. Lol.

Another DG thread rep. A random person lol'd at my choice of words for some reason.

I laughed much harder than I should have at the quotes. >.>

This I guess is a Haf rep. From the EGG game with BlueSlime, with me throwing multiple quotes of the same name being misspelled three times in a single post and raving about it.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Ha, I had a 'K' -rep the other day as well, for a post I made a while back so I'm assuming it's just someone looking to be able to +/-rep someone again but needs to spread more rep.

That's far less exciting damn it. He'd better at least be a member of a neo-nazi vampire association.

Anyways, I would assume the reason ninjacreep is stirring up so much is because I blocked him after I got bored of arguing with him in PMs. There's only so much fun I can have with somebody of a vocabulary of five derogatory words, and an IQ of even less.

I have tons of fun with Hentaispider, because he can ACTUALLY defend himself most of the time. I used to have fun every now and then with Incubus, because his attitude rubbed me the wrong way in all the right places. I even had fun with Youngmike briefly, because I found his response to forum procedure fucking hilarious. And then there's a few other forum creatures from around these parts.

But Ninjacreep? He has the debate potential of a poorly programmed project designed by dyslexic drunkards. (That's way less fun than it sounds).

Edit: @Spielhaus: lol. Post my negrep against you, before you brag about your "ZOMG 1337 TRAWLING SKEELZ1!1!!"
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

But Ninjacreep? He has the debate potential of a poorly programmed chatbot designed by dyslexic drunkards. (That's way less fun than it sounds).

You should change chatbot to something else to get full alliteration bonuses. Poseur, maybe?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Even more hilarious is that Ninja kept it civilized and received a barrage of hate coments. This guy is allready going apeshit and no one seems to have a problem, ridiculous to say the least. I like your neg rep too, glad I hit the sweet spot to make you rage so much. Have a wonderful day, sir.

I'm giving you one chance to take a step back from the extreamly stupid thing you just did.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

'He has the debate potential of a poorly programmed project designed by dyslexic drunkards. '

whoa, coming from someone who cant speak a word of my language. the critics to my poor english grammar are wellcome, you didnt criticise me at all tho.

but thats cool, trying to sound smart in a porn website is lol enough, i bet your life is a joke. i didnt even know you blocked me, all ive PM'd you was 'cool story bro' after you've left me your ridiculous logic 'if you cant writte perfect english than you cant post coments here'

and even more funny is that of all the 'inteligent' people here only one could understand what i tried to point out with my first coment. im done with every single fucking shitstorm is this site. cya rage nerds
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