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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

They had a fight, and mommy wouldn't forgive daddy... :<
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Hopefully it's referring to the almost 8 year-old post, and not self-referencing an almost 8 year-old user.

My post is linked, but yeah "2nd December 2008"
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

And we are now aware this forum has existed longer than a large amount of people have
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

When contrasted with how many people have existed and have ceased to exist for much much longer, it's no longer quite so jarring. Or maybe it's more jarring for some people, who am I Dr. Phil?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Comon, this version of the forum isn't even old enough for Oni to be interested yet.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Comon, this version of the forum isn't even old enough for Oni to be interested yet.

Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Comon, this version of the forum isn't even old enough for Oni to be interested yet.

Sure you're not mistaken about how this works?

(Also nabbing the vague chance to use this again...)
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread


10th September 2015 21:20 EUROPE FOR WHITES ONLY

I laughed
You mean...Europe for Europeans?

Countries should take care of their native populations first before giving to others from outside the borders
You're apparently making that into a race thing?
I have no problem with other races, I just don't want to have taxes raises and benefits cut so that people who lie about their origins and status as refugee can get a free house and monthly cash
Legitimate refugees can stay as long as needed, of course, as several treaties ensure happens

You are silly and seem to be really eager to call something racist. You may want to look into the issue more thoroughly. Or at least accept that there are unique cultures in Europe and that some have aspects already need active protection to not get replaced(Frisian language comes to mind)
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

From the Akabur games thread:

+rep for google skills

Either this is a misclick, or it is wonderfully trolly. :rolleyes:
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread


I laughed
You mean...Europe for Europeans?

Countries should take care of their native populations first before giving to others from outside the borders
You're apparently making that into a race thing?
I have no problem with other races, I just don't want to have taxes raises and benefits cut so that people who lie about their origins and status as refugee can get a free house and monthly cash
Legitimate refugees can stay as long as needed, of course, as several treaties ensure happens

You are silly and seem to be really eager to call something racist. You may want to look into the issue more thoroughly. Or at least accept that there are unique cultures in Europe and that some have aspects already need active protection to not get replaced(Frisian language comes to mind)

Heaven forbid somebody who isn't white actually work for a living, or have to actually pay for living benefits, my fucking word what an atrocious thought.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Heaven forbid somebody who isn't white actually work for a living, or have to actually pay for living benefits, my fucking word what an atrocious thought.

Well, i'm not sure where you're getting your data, but at least over here a significant majority of immigrants from non-Western countries work, although they are admittedly overrepresented among welfare recipients (partly due to a generally lower life expectancy, language difficulties, and other structural causes). Immigrants from Africa have the lowest level of employment, followed by immigrants from Asia. The explanation is generally that often it is not traditional for women to pursue wage-labour, and so this accounts for a lower overall level of employment, with women more often staying at home. Since the statistics I've looked at doesn't seem to differentiate between economic immigrants and political immigrants (ie. the kind of immigrants usually called refugees), there is probably a fair amount of bias considering that refugees often do not either have right to work, or have considerably less in terms of education, capital, cultural knowledge (particularly language), network, and knowledge of the system in their new country of residence. Many may also suffer from physical or mental illnesses, although I haven't looked explicitly at the statistics regarding health.

And, let's not create a bunch of strawmen here. Pretty much everyone wants immigrants to work, both for their own good and society's, and vice versa, people who might be for a more strict immigration don't have to be raging racists.

EDIT: I understand if this thread isn't for discussing this kind of thing, I won't discuss further if it's inappropriate.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Obviously I can't speak for immigrants going to Europe specifically, in fact, in my country immigrants deserve far better treatment. I guess I was more lashing out at the rabid defense of immigration without regard for the fact that it can actually be abused.

And frankly, the UK living benefits are abused not just by immigrants, but just by people in general, I just really hate it when people act entitled because they're a minority or uneducated(I'm uneducated to a certain degree due to circumstances beyond my control, and I don't ask or beg for handouts, tyvm). And, well, the word that comes to mind is entitled. People feel way too entitled for my liking, guess what, if you didn't build yourself up to something with hard work, you aren't entitled to fucking shit son, and if you act like you ARE, you're probably a prissy "special snowflake" cunt who doesn't deserve the air you breathe, let alone any kind of special treatment. That is the world we live in, get used to it.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Propaganda aside, the world would be pretty fucked.

You mean the propaganda issued by the ultimate in propaganda pumping machines America? Putin is currently on the receiving end of a demonizing campaign, and it's certainly true that everyone should take what they read with a some salt....

But direct quotes and general speech give insight into a person, and frankly, Putin is the only politician who can open his mouth without me seeing and tasting a very vivid image of putrid crap pouring out in a constant despicable stream. He admits things openly and speaks frankly, if all presidents were like that the world would be objectively better. So suck it.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Woah, it seems this anonymous poster touched in the propaganda issue before I mentioned it in the thread itself.

Now, let there be no doubt that there's always a certain amount of vetted propaganda in the news we get, that is sadly almost unavoidable. However, the sheer ballsiness of Russian media is leagues above what most western outlets, however partisan, can muster.

If you've followed Russian politics lately, you'll notice that their propaganda techniques are extremely sophisticated. Channels like Russia Today serve as a slick, English-language outlet that mixes more plausible narratives with tinfoil-hat conspiracy theories, like the airplane crash over Russian secessionist territory in Ukraine being the result of Israel. Somehow.

This is part of the "new propaganda", the occultation of hard facts inbetween talking heads and vague rumour-mongering, whereas in the past states like the Soviet Union or indeed McCarthy Era US just followed a more straightforward line of concealing the truth altogether with a phony official version. The benefit of the new propaganda is that you can honestly said that you've reported honestly (because the facts are in there. Somewhere.) but you've also inundated normal citizens with so many opposing narratives that people get the impression that there's no real knowledge of various events.

It's not the sole domain of Russian media, of course, China is warming up to it, and the anti-science religious conservative lobby in the US have been using it (or something akin to it) for a fairly long time to try and discredit evolution or stratography or conventional cosmology. And leading up to the Iraq war, the US government did something akin to this, with peppering real facts with clearly faulty intelligence that would help them to declare war.

I'm not saying Putin is some kind of evil demon, but russian media politics lately have been becoming less and less liberal, with more and more of it becoming state-controlled, and internet becoming more and more regulated, what with the latest laws regarding personal blogs with over a certain amount of daily hits official news outlets that are subject to government oversight, and other, tangentially related aspects, like the laws that have been designating NGOs in Russia receiving foreign support (private or otherwise) as "foreign agents".
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

New Game by 151匹触手さん 22nd September 2015 13:20 Praise the partial god! (lol)

Oh, that made me chuckle...
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Isn't that completely opposite of your point anyway?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

It's kinda funny that they're lecturing about what it means to be a nice person while giving a neg rep too. :p
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