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The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 43/56 EP = 77/77

Makeda managed to squeeze the life out of one of the Turned but the second and third managed to slip past her while she was dealing with the one. The things were simply too fast. Fortunately Pira managed to hobble herself under the wagon, causing the two former-humans to try and get at her, turning their backs on Makeda. Her mace seemed to be much more effective and she managed to take down the two but not before they managed to get two small strikes in. Just as she finished, she felt a stab of pain and saw that Pira had sunk a knife into her leg.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Just as Makeda let out a good sigh of relief from finishing off the Fallen, she felt a sharp jolt of pain in her leg. "GAH!" She cried out in anger and pain, even as her face blushed a bit, looking down she saw the dagger Pira had jabbed into her leg. She bent down to remove the foreign object before reaching under the wagon to grab the offending woman by her hair, an attempting to drag the woman out and administer some much needed correction. "YOU THANKLESS, COWARDLY, SNEAKY, UNDERHANDED, SLIMEY, POISONING LITTLE BITCH!" She screamed out as she would try rip the troublesome woman out of her hiding place. "I had intended to pay you back for trying to make a slave out of me, but I was at least going to try to show you a good time! Now It's just going to be all about BREAKIN YOU!" She roared the last part as she would deliver a nasty blow to Pira's solar plexus to knock the wind out of her and teach her a lesson for her idea of "gratitude."
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 43/56 EP = 77/77

Pira gave a scream that contained, at one time, terror, rage, and pain. She managed to kick Makeda's hand away, grabbing a potion from the wagon before chugging it and running away. As she ran, the potion did its work, her arm conforming to a more natural angle. Her stride became stronger and she looked like she was about to get away. "Get away from me you freak!" Then she slipped into the mud. She screamed again and failed to get back onto her feet before attempting to crawl away into the jungle.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

As Pira kicked her hand away, and managed to run of before falling on her face in the mud and scrambling off into the jungle, Makeda let out a primal scream of anger, frustration (mental and sexual), stress and exasperation "GRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAHWLLLLL! You stupid CUNT! Those Fallen are the LEAST of your worries in this jungle! There's giant spider women, slimes, demons and all sorts of things just as, if not much more so, nasty, dangerous and freakish as me! And they all will want to eat, dismember, torture, rape and kill you! And in no particular order! All I would do is fuck your tight and probably dry, cold, virgin little pussy! So make things better and easier for the both us and quit this little cat and mouse bullshit! You lost! Your buddies lost! Time to face the consequences like a real woman with what dignity you may have left before some other monster takes that too! Now get your tight,sweet,little ass back over here and let finish this!" She cried out as she marched after Pira in the direction her tracks lead.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 43/56 EP = 77/77

The woman made one last desperate attack. She swung a branch at Makeda's waist. It didn't even make the oni flinch. Pira attempted to get away but Makeda managed to grab her wrist. She had her now.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda grunted as Pira tried to get the drop on her.... Only to burst out laughing as she tried to harm the onis mighty skin with a mere stick, exposing herself. "HA! I couldn't have planned that out any better if I tried!" She mocked Pira as she kicked her dagger away before removing the rest of her weapons and placing them out of her reach. "Now where was I....? Oooh.... Yes, that's right..... Teaching your bitch ass a lesson!" She said in a menacing manner as she got down on top of Pira before sinking her fangs into the woman's shoulder, drawing blood and releasing her aphrodisiac venom into her system. Once the poison was in effect, she restrain Pira before beginning to disrobe her; once she had Pira fully naked before she would position herself over Pira's face and remove the bottom half of her armor and bikini and lower her ass and pussy onto the woman's face. "NOW, eat up my pretty little bottom bitch."

((Grapple and then activate Tonight, You.))
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 43/56 EP = 77/77

"No, get away, GE-" Pira tried to get away from Makeda but she was simply too strong and large. She sounded very angry and was shouting something but as Makeda's venom and succubus powers went to work, the shouting went to cursing went to murmuring. Pira's eyes became glassy and her tongue went from erratic to reluctant to steady. In less than a minute, Pria was limp but her tongue ran along Makeda's pussy, sucking the liquids desperately.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

"MMMRRRWWWL" Makeda purred out as Pira's body and tongue were responding to the venom and she went to work eating her pussy, ingesting her intoxicating bodily fluids. "My pussy juice tastes good, doesn't it? It turns you on taking my fishy, musky scent in; drinking up my sweet nectar. You can't get enough, can you?" She said smirking before beginning to grind her mighty hips and pussy I to Pira's face even harder, her mighty dick waggling in the air. "Dont you worry.... Once I break you in, you'll get all of my sex juices you can handle- and then some.... Now make me cum, make me cum and I'll give you another extra 'reward'..." She said as she would take ahold of Pira's hair and bury the woman's face into her pussy, all but suffocating her.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 56/56 EP = 77/77

Pira's body stiffened when Makeda pushed her in and Pira noticed something interesting: the young woman was pitching a tent. Her redoubled efforts brought Makeda to orgasm within moments. When released, Pira proved to be senseless. She panted with her tongue hanging out, a steady stream of drool trickling from her mouth. Her eyes were completely unfocused. Upon inspection, Makeda found that Pira, like Makeda, was a futanari. However, if she was a male, she would have been undersized. Maybe that explained a few things.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Upon seeing Pira's body, Makeda let out a sigh- not of disappointment, but annoyance- "Why is it always 'Size Envy'? I thought that was mostly a male problem..." She said as she knelt down by the now wiped out futa. "Hmmmm, I wonder if it's really small or only when flaccid?" She as went down to the woman's crotch and effortlessly lifted and spread her legs over her head before inserting her tongue into Pira's cute, tight little rose bud; giving her ass a good tongue lashing. As she would continue to eat out Pira's asshole she would begin stroking her less impressive dick, slowly at first; but then begin increasing speed and strength as Pira would get closer to climax. "Come on now, my cute little dick girl. Show your new mistress how you cum~ Let's see if your load is big despite your size?" She said as she would continue to beat Pira off.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 43/56 EP = 77/77

"N-no..." Makeda's actions caused a reaction. Light flickered back into Pira's eyes and she weakly attempted to get away from Makeda. She didn't have any strength, though, and was unable to do more than twitch. Pira's cock got a bit bigger but not that much. It was extraordinarily hard, though. "No!" Pira orgasmed, sending an unusually large amount of sperm into the air. "G-get aw-away!"
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

"AW!~ What a lovely, luscious fount you have there! In fact, I bet if you actually were to have balls, they'd be rather impressive to complement your lack of girth. You'll do.... You'll do." He said smiling to her self as she got herself up off of Pira, but not before scratching her with her claw and penetrating her pussy with her horn, keeping her subdued as she would hoist the lighter woman up on her shoulder and carrying her back to the wagon. Once there she would take the ropes they used to try to restrain her with and tie Pira up nice, tight and secure in a Shibari fashion, before covering her nude form up in a spare blanket and cloak and setting her in the passenger side and taking the drivers seat. "Now then, Pira...." She purred in her ear as she stroked the side of her face, "You're going to be the first of many slave wives in my future harem. And before you say anything.... Remember, I could have gone about my business and left you to the fallen. Letting you end up like those sorry bastards down there" she pointed to the other two failed slavers, "Now I'm going to need you to direct me to Archeron. And don't get any funny ideas about fighting back or escaping. HYAAA!" She cried out and drove the bridle getting the wagon moving once more.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 43/56 EP = 77/77

Luckily for Makeda, the wagon was full of supplies. A little coaxing made Pira reveal that the slavers had found an the wagon abandoned on the road, probably the previous property of one of the Fallen that littered the area. Not only did it have Makeda's equipment, it also had some of the slaver's equipment, though the rifle had been destroyed in the battle. It also had several doses of various kinds of poison and a number of normal collars. It also had a genuine obedience collar. Unfortunately, the spell enchanting it was damaged and made it unusable at the moment. They had planned on getting it repaired, then using it on Makeda.

Pira, greeted Makeda every day with a new, inventive list of slurs and curses. After a little prodding, she would provide directions but she continued to make them as vague as possible. For the moment, all she would say was that they needed to go back up the road they had traveled on, then head north at the crossroads. It had been three days so far and there had been no crossroads but by the middle of the third day, Makeda found herself at the site of an abandoned settlement.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Every time Pira would open her mouth to let loose a curse or insult Makeda would smack and squeeze her small, firm ass cheeks hard, while simultaneously groping and squeezing her smaller cock to keep the would be slaver in her place. By the third time she had not come to any crossroads, she was beginning to get incredibly fed up with the mouthy little bitch, and when they came up to the abandoned settlement, she fiercely and violently grabbed her captive by the cheeks, squeezing them harshly and lifting her up by her face and hair snarling at her, "Getting me lost in the middle of nowhere won't do you any good as you would be high and dry, butt naked tied up in ropes while some creature or other slavers would come and give you the same fate I have in store for you.... ONLY WORSE! So I suggest you cut the bullshit and try to be COOPERATIVE!" She bellowed in her face before forcing her tongue down Pira's throat and unceremoniously dumping her ass back down in the passenger seat of the wagon before hopping and looking back to her hissing, "Now.... I'm going to take what rope is left and make leash. I'll free your hands but your ankles are staying secured. I think we should check this place out. So stay on guard, but don't get any stupid ideas of attacking me or making a break for it." She finished before getting the rope and securing Pira.

Once She was satisfied with her work, and confident she would be able to keep her prey in check, she would walk slowly down the abandoned road eyeing the buildings lining the sides, scanning the area for any threats. If Pira would start to fight or lag behind she would give the leash a sharp yank to get her to cooperate.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 56/56 EP = 77/77

Pira merely scowled. Maybe she was actually beginning to get wise to the fact that Makeda wasn't going anywhere. She managed to stay close enough to Makeda so that she didn't need to yank it.

The town was deserted... but only recently. She could still smell smoke and she found a small house had been burned to the ground but that was the only sign of arson she found. The ground was oddly firm. The settlement had probably been founded on some kind of solid material, maybe stone or just very compacted dirt. The problem with that was, unlike most of the soil around here, it didn't leave very good tracks.

She could tell, from some of the debris, that there had been some kind of violence that caused a number of people to head towards the center of the place. She found what looked like a well but discovered a climbing rope had been secured to it. Had being the operative word. Someone had almost cut it off and she doubted it would even have taken Pira's weight. Then she heard a growl and felt Pira press up against her.

While she had been inspecting the well, three wolves had managed to surround her. All three were wearing collars and looked well cared for, if vicious. She heard the crack of a whip and a fourth wolf appeared, along with an dark elf. The dark elf had a kind of dazed look to her, even as she grinned. She didn't look all there. But when she pointed her finger, the four wolves began to advance.

Perception 18 + 8 vs 12 + 26 Stealth FAILURE
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

"Damn... It looks like this place was just massacred... Like the citizens were herded over to this well and just slaughtered. It couldn't have been a raid, as only one building has been torched..... Either that or most people were abducted by the damned aliens or got the hell out of dodge, and got lost or eaten by the Fallen...." She said as she examined the well, unfortunately she was brought out of her pondering by a low growl coming from behind her. She had found herself surrounded by wolves, all of which seemed to be controlled by a dark elf who looked like she was just bat shit crazy or really stoned. She couldn't tell which. But probably just nuts, as she seemed to lucid to be drugged and seemed to be working of her own accord. As she felt Pira press herself to her back, she would unclip her mace and hand it to Pira. "It might be a bit heavy, but it's better than going empty handed. I'll keep the mutts busy, you try to deal with the bitch. I'll try to be as quick as I can. She whispered to Pira as she undid her lease and gently shoved the woman to the other side. With that, she would crack her knuckles, and make a charge to the closest wolf.

((Charge the wolfs, Activate Flurry on the first wolf to attack.))
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 56/56 EP = 77/77

Considering she had no weapons, Pira's charge of the crazy dark elf was braze. Er- would have been brave. If she hadn't changed directions at the last moment and disappeared into the village. Apparently she wasn't broken quite yet. The dark elf watched her go for a moment, doing nothing. Then her broken mind finally processed what had happened and she shrieked and chased after Pira. Makeda had other things to handle at the moment, though.

That did not include, however, the first wolf. While wolves generally worked together to make things difficult, and the rest of the wolves would certainly do that, she caught this one alone. She managed to get three strikes in and turn it into furry red paste. Then the wolves were upon her. Her armor managed to protect her from all their attacks but to her horror, she saw the wolves were ripping her armor to pieces. In a few seconds, she'd only have her own hide to protect her and she knew from experience that the fangs of the wolves were perfectly suited to piercing her skin.

11+ 34 - 12 vs 25 SUCCESS
20 + 29 - 12 vs 25 SUCCESS
1 + 34 - 12 vs 25 FAILURE
12 + 29 - 12 vs 25 SUCCESS

1 + 3 + 31= 35
8 + 9 + 29 = 46
9 + 3 + 29 = 41
35 + 46 + 41 = A mess (Also 122)

Wolf Attacks
Wolf 2 1 + 34 + 12 vs 33 SUCCESS
Wolf 3 1 + 34 + 12 vs 33 SUCCESS
Wolf 4 11 + 34 + 12 vs 33 SUCCESS

Wolf Damage
Wolf 2 1 + 3 + 11 + 2 = 14 (-34 AV [Piercing] Armor takes 4 damage)
Wolf 2 7 + 3 + 11 + 2 = 23 (-34 AV [Piercing] Armor takes 7 damage)
Wolf 3 9 + 8 + 11 + 2 = 30 (-34 AV [Piercing] Armor takes 10 damage)
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

"DAMNED HER!" Makeda cursed out loud as she saw Pira turn tail and run as she pummeling one of the wolves. I'm goin to have to really break her in for this! She thought to herself as she watched her armor get wrecked by the wolves. Gods damn these miserable fleabags! She cursed inwardly as she turned to to the nearest of the other three wolves and reared back her free hand and unleashed a vicious swipe with her venomous claws, raking the wolf with jagged scars before turning to another one and preparing to unleash a brutal haymaker to another's Snout with her knuckle dusters, "GAWDS! Just fucking DIE already!"
((Swing at the nearest wolf with Natural Attack and strike at the second nearest one with her knuckle dusters.))
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Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 50/50 EP = 77/77

Makeda's claws rip apart the first wolf and her second attack badly wounds the wolf, causing both of them to run off. In the battle, she realized she didn't remember which way Pira had run off exactly. She heard the crack of a whip, though. The sound echoed, making it difficult to tell which direction it came from but Makeda was fairly sure she knew which way to go.

She saw Pira run into a house just before the whip cracked again. The whip left flames in its wake and the house began to smolder.

Claws 19 + 29 vs 34 Dodge SUCCESS
Damage 22 + 29 = 51
Knuckle Duster 14 + 36 vs 31 Dodge SUCCESS
Damage 8 + 21 = 29
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

FINAL-FUCKING-LY! Makeda thought to herself as she dusted herself off of wolf entrails and dust, before cracking her back and knuckles. She picked up her mace off the ground and headed in the direction of the house she believed Pira had ran off to. "Stupid girl is going to get herself killed. Such a waste. If it comes to it, I'll just take the elf bitch as her replacement. Or if I can manage it, I'll take the elf as my number two. Maybe I'll let her watch I take Pira's tight ass virginity for the little stunt she pulled." She growled and smirked to herself as she made her way to the house she saw Pira and the elf disappeared into. "Hey! ELF BITCH! That's my toy you're playing with! Break her and I'll take it out on your ass!" She cried as she approached the two. If the Elf made like she was goin to attack her she would prepare to unleash a crushing blow to the woman's head with her mace.

((Attack with the mace.))